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Message from the CEO ..........................................................................................................................02

Macsteel’s Corporate Social Investments (CSI) Strategic Plan 2017 - 2019 ........................................04

Macsteel’s Corporate Social Investments (CSI) Contribution Summary ................................................10

Socio-Economic Development ...............................................................................................................14

Enterprise and Supplier Development (E&SD).......................................................................................16

Education & Capacity Building ...............................................................................................................22

Health & Wellness ..................................................................................................................................40

Welfare ...................................................................................................................................................72

Macsteel’s Community Involvement Programme ...................................................................................78












With a proud history spanning 113 years, Macsteel Service Centres SA has developed and expanded to be Africa’s leading manufacturer, merchandiser and distributor of steel and value added steel products.

Consisting of eight dynamic Business Units and operating from a strategic network of more than 60 service centres, branches and warehouses, Macsteel supplies the entire sub-Saharan geographic region with the broadest range of carbon steel, stainless steel, speciality steels, aluminium products and value added processes to all industry sectors.

We categorise our Business Units into two broad sectors – Trading and Manufacturing, ensuring the best possible focus on the varied needs of our client base.

Our Group’s Business Units are: • Macsteel Coil Processing • Macsteel Exports • Macsteel Fluid Control • MacsteelRoofing - HarveyRoofingProducts • Macsteel Special Steels • Macsteel Tube & Pipe • Macsteel Trading • Macsteel VRN

At Macsteel, customers are at the centre of our focus. Exceptional levels of personalised service result in us partnering with our clients through the entire steel supply chain.

Macsteel’s extensive stockholding, comprehensive product range and superb infrastructure, combined with our technical competencies and continuous improvement initiatives, enhance our status as the pre-eminent supplier of steel products.

Our dedicated team invites dynamic interaction with all our suppliers, ensuring a healthy respect for product quality, combined with reliable service and competitive prices. Macsteel is an extremely enthusiastic supporter of the ‘Proudly South African principle’ and recognises that transformation is critical to the future success of South Africa, all its citizens and the businesses which operate within the country. We are very proud of the transformation that is taking place within our Group, including skills development, training to improve career opportunities, achieving employee equity targets, and our significant black shareholding.

Service, quality, competitive prices, turn-around time and the ability to assist you with the extensive range of Macsteel products in all geographical areas of South Africa, is what truly sets Macsteel Service Centres apart from the rest.

“We are very proud of the transformation that is taking place within our Company.”

Mike Benfield

MikeBenfiedChief Executive Officer

Message from the CEO


Message from

the CEO


CSI Mission

To actively contribute to the upliftment of disadvantaged communities surrounding our operations and those communities from which we source our labour, through efficient and effective social investment programmes in both the identified priority focus and geographical areas.

Macsteel’sCorporate Social Investment (CSI) Strategic Plan 2017 - 2019


OurCSIStrategyisreflectedin the following framework

Identify Resources

Fund Projects

Develop Economic Initiatives

Capacity Building

Broad Base Sustainable Stakeholder Collaboration

Participation in Local Communities

Creating Shared Value

Our Approach:


Macsteel Corporate Social Investment (CSI) Strategic plan 2017 - 2019

Macsteel has a long history of offering support to community projects for sport development, making donations to community organisations and NGO’s as well as making contributions through other corporate sponsorships.

With the introduction of DTI Codes of Good Practice, new challenges and opportunities have opened, in relation to the way in which CSI is implemented at Macsteel. The move towards sustainability reporting, and the holistic treatment of good citizenship activities, also lends itself to a more integrated approach to CSI. Macsteel intends realigning and refocusing its corporate social investment programme in accordance with these changing factors.


• Corporate Social Investment (CSI) – a company’s contributions to society and community that are extraneous to its regular business activities, whether such investment is monetary, or in the form of other corporate resources or time. While CSI may happen via charitable or philanthropic giving, it increasingly serves as a support to business developmental objectives.

• Enterprise and Supplier Development – a company’s social investment activities, within its suppliers and customers value chain, that aim to support core operations. It is accepted that there is often a strong overlap between enterprise development and CSI activities.

• Sponsorship – a company’s brand-building activities that are undertaken for the sole reason of developing brand loyalty, profile and equity. This is not necessarily aligned to the CSI policy guidelines. While it is accepted that sponsorships can have an element of social benefit associated with them, the principal beneficiary of these activities is the sponsoring brand. Notwithstanding this, it is accepted that there is often an overlap between CSI and sponsorship activities.

• Industry Initiative – a sector-wide initiative that aims to promote that specific industry so that the said industry can enjoy enhanced economic growth.

Macsteel’s C

orporate Social Investment (C

SI) Strategic Plan 2017 - 2019


CSI Strategic Objectives The main objective is to have an impactful CSI strategy for Macsteel that is aligned to:- • The requirements of BBBEE scorecard targets as informed by the DTI Codes of Good Practice • Development needs of society as informed by the local context • Industry relevant initiatives • Corporate reputation

Our Guiding Principles

• A strong desire to move the CSI activities from purely philanthropic arm’s length contributions to ones with more active, participatory involvement.

• Focusing on initiatives that enjoy broad-based stakeholders’ collaboration and are therefore more likely to be sustainable.

• Projects that have a developmental approach that is intended to build capacity in communities with an aim to reduce dependency.

• Funding to benefit a wider community with common objectives and purpose

Macsteel will not directly participate in the following CSI initiatives:

• All projects associated with political organisations • All projects associated with religious organisations

Our Values which must be visibly evident, and felt, in our interactions with our communities and stakeholders:

CSI Vision To be a socially responsible organisation involved in the development and upliftment of communities in the surrounding areas in which the company operates.

CSI MissionTo actively contribute to the upliftment of disadvantaged communities surrounding our operations and those communities from which we source our labour, through efficient and effective social investment programmes in both the identified priority focus and geographical areas.


Macsteel’s Corporate Social Investment Strategic Plan 2017 - 2019 will focus on the following areas.

Integrated Community


Macsteel will, through collaborative and strategic partnership, develop close working relationships with NPO’s

It is envisaged that these NPO’s will be able to facilitate engagement with Macsteel communities in order to develop and implement integrated development plans with stakeholders.

Strategic Focus areas

Economic Development

Educations and Capacity


Health and Wellness

(incl. sport and


WelfareCommunity Involvement Programme


Address pover-ty eradication with contribu-tions that lead to self-sustain-ability, income generation, entrepreneur-ship and skills development

Early Childhood Development (foundation stage preschool to Gr3)

Higher Education

Reduction in risk behaviour (substance abuse)

Family preservation

identified trends from Macsteel’s EAP programme

Social protection

Discretionary grants and donations

Disaster relief

Active responsible corporate citizenship

Positive visible, “felt” brand reputation - also leads to an engaged workforce

Project / Programme

Customers - Usizo

Access to less stringent trade credit

SupplierSMME vendor development & management systems

Access to market opportunities

Teacher Development Programmes

Student Career readiness and access to learning opportunities

Mentorship & coaching to support tertiary students and thereby enabling improved success rates for completion

Substance abuse awareness and recovery care centres

Youth skills development programme

Community sport

Food security

Identified through CIP

Requests from NPO’s - recognise crucial role at the coal-face of communities

Informed by local context

Employee Volunteer programme (EVP)

Macsteel ‘Cares’

Community Involvement Programme/(s)(CIP)

Community based space renewal programme (Usizo customers)

Our approach is to bring together diverse groups and leverage their abilities, interests and resources in order to generate shared value and benefits

Macsteel’s C

orporate Social Investment (C

SI) Strategic Plan 2017 - 2019


The CSI strategic plan - budget alignment to priority focus areas:

The CSI strategic plan - budget alignment to geographical areas:

Y1 - 2017

Geographical Areas Y1 2017


Eastern/Western Cape

Rural incl. KZN




Education & Capacity Building

Health & Wellness

Economic Development

Community Involvement



8% 6%6%


A Successful Year of Social Engagement

Corporate South Africa today is constantly challenged with having to do WELL, together with the expectation of also having to do GOOD. At Macsteel we embrace this and our CSI strategic approach, mission and objectives reinforce how we engage with both Corporate Responsibility and Corporate Citizenship.

In my position as Group Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, it has been heartwarming to be able to spearhead the alignment of our revised strategic plan for 2017, which was proposed and approved in 2016 by Macsteel’s Social and Ethics Committee (SEC).

This has transformed the fundamental way in which we interact and invest in our communities. In the following pages of this report we have endeavored to share the stories that unfolded through Macsteel’s efforts and contributions in 2017.

I am also keenly reminded that, as Corporate Macsteel, we can only do so much - hence the imperative of creating shared value: our strategic collaboration with all stakeholders is of the greatest importance.

I take this opportunity to sincerely express my deep sense of gratitude to each and every person, enterprise and organisation that assisted us in making (in whatever way) a difference to so many of the lives that - together - we touched and impacted.

Kim AllanMacsteel’s Group Corporate Social Responsibility Manager, reviews last year’s activities in this Summary of CSI Contributions 2017.

Macsteel’s C

orporate Social Investment (C

SI) Strategic Plan 2017 - 2019



In 2017, Macsteel’s Corporate Social Investments managed to impact directly on 58 community based non-profit organisations, of which 14 also benefited from our Community Involvement Programmes. We had a further impact on 94 active USIZO Customers in our Enterprise and Supplier Development Programme.

Macsteel’s Corporate Social Investments (CSI) Contribution Summary


Socio Economic


Enterprise Dev.

Supplier Dev. Welfare CIP-Space


Com-munity Involve-

ment Pro-



Capacity Bldg

Health & Wellness

(incl Sport & Recre-ation)

Afrika Tikkun Services 550 000

Amcare - Alberton 72 000 2 000 70 000

Baphumelele 15 000 15 000

Beacon for the Change 10 000 10 000

Black Umbrellas 500 000

Bobbi Bear 15 000 15 000

Buhle Farmers Academy 10 000 10 000

Catch Projects 10 000 10 000

Chaplains Alert 10 000 10 000

Child Welfare Germiston 18 700 18 700

Children of the Dawn Limpopo 32 012 10 000 22 012

Discretionary donations < R10 000

63 249 29 200 11 589 17 460 5 000

Durbanville Care Centre 15 000 15 000

Elkana Childcare 12 000 12 000

Etafeni Day Care Centre 16 877 10 000 6 877

FAMSA Germiston 10 000 10 000

Germiston Rotary Wheelers Cycling Race

100 000 100 000

GRIP Greater Rape Intervention Programme

10 000 10 000



Economic Dev.

Enterprise Dev.

Supplier Dev. Welfare CIP-Space


Communi-ty Involve-

ment Pro-



Capacity Bldg

Health & Wellness

(Incl Sport &


James House Child and Youth Care Centre

10 000 10 000

Khaya Hospice 15 000 15 000

Kids Haven 75 000 75 000

Lesedi Educare Association 10 000 10 000

LETCEE 10 000 10 000

Link - SA Fund 200 000 200 000

Macsteel Cares brand costs 60 722 60 722

Manger Care Centre 10 000 10 000

Mimi - The Happy Foundation 129 152 79 152 50 000

New Beginnings Germiston 10 000 10 000

New BeginningZ Centurion 51 153 10 000 41 153

Nosa Early Learning OVC 10 000 10 000

Ntataise Trust 105 000 105 000

Quadpara Association Gauteng 10 000 10 000

Quadpara Association KZN 15 000 15 000

RADA (Rape Alcohol & Drug Addiction) 10 660 10 660

Reach For a Dream 115 000 115 000

Roundabout Water Solutions 52 978 52 978

SA Guide Dogs 15 000 15 000

SANCA Alcohol & Drug Centre PE 10 000 10 000

Silkworth Recovery & Care Centre

188 018 13 018 25 000 150 000

Macsteel’s C

orporate Social Investment


ontribution Summ




Socio Economic


Enter-prise Dev.

Supplier Dev. Welfare



Com-munity Involve-

ment Pro-



Capacity Bldg

Health & Wellness

(Incl Sport & Recre-ation)

St Anthony’s Education Centre 250 000

St Thomas Home for Children 15 000 15 000

Symphonia partnerships in possibilities

100 000 100 000

Thamsanqa - family restoration service 11 400 11 400

The Elders Voice 15 000 15 000

TREE Training and Resource Early Education

115 500 115 500

Ubuntu 4 All 10 000 10 000

Urban Ruins 207 371 39 474 62 897 105 000

Valoyi 10 000 10 000

Vita Nova Centre Springs 51 024 51 024

WC Firefighters Association 10 000 10 000

Welamlambo Primary School 18 376 18 376

West Park School 32 371 32 371

Usizo PR advertising 40 219

Usizo Khula Guarantee 29 552 62 690

Usizo business cost allocation 1 656 126 5 342 597

R2 143 563 R2 985 678 R5 445 506 R422 600 R237 848 R567 615 R420 500 R495 000

TOTAL R10 574 747

Macsteel exceeded business cost allocations in our focus area for economic development, mainly due to the 48% growth in 2017 in our USIZO Enterprise and Supplier Development Programme. There was an overall 3% underspend on SED allocations and a shift in our Community Involvement Programme, to include not only our Macsteelers’ involvement but that of our USIZO customers by introducing our community based Space Renewal Programme.


CSI Focus Areas Target - Achieved Year End 2017


Health & Wellness

Education & Capacity Building

Community Involvement

CIP Space Renewal


Supplier Development

Enterprise Development

5% 5%

4% 6%

5% 10%


4% 8%

51% 47%

28% 24%

Macsteel’s C

orporate Social Investment (C

SI) Contribution Sum



SED Report 2017

North West

20 00042 012

10 000

31 400328 077

1 270 072

204 131

237 871

We continue to align to our CSI strategic plan 2017 - 2019 which moves to focusing more specifically on Ekurhuleni, as this is where the majority of our operations are based and where we source our labour. We are pleased to report that of the R1.2m spent in Gauteng 86% of this spend was directed to Ekurhuleni.

Actual geographical targets achieved for 2017: We note the increase in rural areas, this being the shift in the Community Involvement Programme to include community based Space Renewal projects.

One such project: In 2017, we identified Roundabout Water Solutions as a beneficiary and their mandate is to provide access to water in water-scarce rural areas. This may be more realistic and in line with information based on local context and the greater identified need.

Macsteel is very pleased to report that 81% of the spend through community involvement activities was aligned with our objective of benefiting current SED beneficiaries from our focus area pillars - namely, Health and Wellness, Education and Capacity Building, and Welfare.

The geographical profile of beneficiaries benefiting from our socio-economic development focus areas reflects NPO’s from all provinces besides the Northern Cape.

4 Socio-Economic Development

Free State Western Cape Eastern Cape

Gauteng Kwa-Zulu Natal Limpopo



SED Geographical Areas Target - Achieved Year-end 2017

Actual achieved Target proposed


Western Cape







Socio-Economic D



5 Enterprise and Supplier Development (E&SD)

Successfully aligning our CSI strategic plan for 2017-2019 to meet the requirements of BBBEE scorecard targets.

Macsteel strives to be an Industry Change Leader, and goes beyond a “tick-box” approach. Our objective is to see our enterprise and supplier development model embrace the motivation for the 2016 revision to the DTI BBBEE codes for best practice. This calls for greater long-term impact development programmes, that can reach a broader base for real empowerment transfer to those who were previously excluded.

Contributions to Usizo Enterprise and Supplier Development Jan - Dec 2017

Budget Costs

E&SD programme management costs

R40 219

R6 243 671

R92 242

R755 052

R3 980 000R7 131 184

E&SD Contributions achieved for BBBEE

score cardPublic Relations costs

Trade Discount costs

Guarantee costs

Macsteel is pleased to report that in 2017 our enterprise and supplier development contributions achieved 15, plus 2 bonus points (full points). These points contributed towards the priority suppler development element of our 2018 BBBEE scorecard.


Most small businesses face major challenges with regard to operating capital. SMMEs and Co-operative enterprises form the backbone of the South African economy, but many – especially start-up enterprises - struggle to gain access to credit in order to stay afloat and grow. Often, the only support is in the form of “arm’s length giving” which provides no sustainable support.

The good news is that Macsteel’s Usizo program, in collaboration with SEFA (Small Enterprise Finance Agency), has developed a sustainable solution that enables small businesses in the steel industry to acquire raw materials for their operations and increase their competitiveness. Usizo offers Macsteel’s small-business customers a Supplier Credit Program that cancels out the limitations that come with lack of access to finance.

The Usizo Supplier Credit Program was established to increase the participation of black-owned SMMEs in the steel sector. The program’s objectives are to supply access to credit so that SMMEs can secure input goods for their businesses and build their credit profile. Furthermore, beneficiaries of the program can acquire access to non-financial support in terms of mentorship and training to enable them to become experts in the steel industry.

In just over two and a half years since the launch of Usizo in 2015, 180 new jobs have been created, 585 jobs were sustained, with over R66 million credit extended to SMMEs in the steel sector.

This is mainly because of the revolving nature of the credit facility and indicates the value that was created by these businesses. These business activities will contribute to tax revenue through VAT and the sustainability of small businesses.

Since the program was established in May 2015, good progress has been made in increasing access to trade credit to SMMEs in the steel sector.

Usizo growth chart May 2015 to December 2017

Total 2017 2016 2015




36 682 022

9 188 9696 243 671

11 780 000

66 280 244

Macsteel’s Usizo Enterprise and Supplier Development Programme promotesactiveparticipationwithimmediatebenefittocustomersin order to create shared, sustainable value.

Enterprise and Supplier Developm

ent (E&SD



Province Number of SMMEs Total credit approved

Gauteng 79 R 7 405 000

North West 8 R 560 000

KwaZulu Natal 18 R 1 445 000

Western Cape 22 R 1 145 000

Eastern Cape 2 R 500 000

Free State 4 R 60 000

Limpopo 11 R 550 000

Mpumalanga 3 R 75 000

Total 147 R 11 780 000

The business profile in the Usizo program reflects participants from all the provinces besides the Northern Cape.

Our ultimate aim is to strengthen the capacity of SMME’s within the steel manufacturing environment to deliver good quality, fabricated products at favourable prices.

Macsteel’s Usizo customers have also made it possible to create, manage and support a unique SMME vendor database of suppliers, of which the majority are from respective manufacturing industries.

The Usizo Customers are generally involved in steel fabrication and often build scaffolding, trailers, mobile kitchens, burglar gates and palisade fencing. Some are also involved in general construction, automobile, air-conditioning, irrigation and mining engineering parts and equipment.

In order to support this database, the aim is to assist Macsteel’s customers in securing vendor opportunities not only within the company supply chain, but also through other public, private and civil organisations.

Furthermore, Macsteel has aligned our corporate social investment strategy to ensure our community based involvement opportunities also include our Usizo customers who are, in turn, contracted to fabricate various funding requests received by worthy charitable community-based organisations.

Macsteel CARESThanks to Macsteel’s participation, the water tank stand in this picture was donated to NW0237 Lekolwane Primary School, North West Province through Roundabout Water Solutions, a non-profit organisation providing much-needed resources to water scarce rural communities.


Our Usizo Customers are invited to participate in various development programmes - with either existing programmes, or Usizo programme-specific initiatives, or with Macsteel’s recognised alliance development partners.

Usizo Network Forums

Various workshops are held annually and enable Macsteel and our alliance partners to engage with our SMME’s. In 2017, Network Forums were held in Johannesburg in June and October, in KZN in October and in Cape Town in March 2017.

The aim for our Usizo network forum workshops:

• To share industry-related knowledge and information• To identify the challenges impacting small businesses• To identify the opportunities available to small businesses• To promote interactions with other key stakeholders and customers of Macsteel

By assuming part of the credit risk, SEFA, who partners our Usizo Supplier Credit Programme, has opened the way for Macsteel to actively engage in development programmes.

SEFA, has enabled Macsteel to get involved and offer valuable economic growth within our steel and manufacturing sector. We share common goals to attain our social investment objectives.

Why did SEFA find it important to assist SMME’s in the steel industry?

SEFA as a Development Finance Institution derives its mandate from government policy. The South African government has adopted a number of policies (Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP), the New Growth Path (NGP), and the National Development Plan (NDP)) to guide South Africa’s development and eradicate poverty, inequality and unemployment. The National Development Plan (NDP) has set targets for the small to medium enterprise (SME) sector: to contribute 90% of employment opportunities, all to be in place by 2030. Government has identified a number of key productive sectors that can be able to produce the necessary jobs needed to grow the economy. The steel sector has been identified as an important sector and serves as a backbone for industrialisation for the South African economy.

Objective: Integrated community development brings together diverse groups and leverages their abilities,interestsandresourcesinordertogeneratesharedvalueandbenefits.

Programme Partner, SEFA (Small Enterprise Finance Agency).

Non-Financial Support for our Usizo Customers

Enterprise and Supplier Developm

ent (E&SD



SEFA’s strategic objective is to increase access and provision of finance to SMMEs through a national footprint, and thereby contribute towards job creation. SMME research studies shows that access to finance remains a key challenge that faces SMMEs. In most cases, the entrepreneurs have indicated a need for finance towards growing their businesses, purchasing of stock and acquiring technology. Therefore, operational capital plays an important role in the life of a business.

SEFA’s Micro Enterprise Suppliers Credit Programme is an initiative by SEFA to encourage suppliers of input goods to provide supplier credit to SMMEs, by indemnifying suppliers against possible default by the SMMEs. Through this programme, SEFA wants to create a new channel of funding for SMMEs, using the private sector or non-traditional SEFA intermediaries. Its objective is to provide and manage the access to cost of appropriate financial products and services. Moreover, it aims to support and strengthen relationships between ‘input goods’ suppliers - which represent a key resource in most of SA small business activity - and informal traders.

Thank you to our Alliance Partners.

The Usizo Supplier Credit Programme has since implementation, established several partners and key stakeholders that strengthen the programme, by facilitating various business development support programmes, some of which have been aligned to our corporate social investment focus areas.

Macsteel wishes to acknowledge your valuable support and contributions: Ekurhuleni Economic Community Development, business incubator Black Umbrellas, base metal business incubator Lepharo and education and skills training centre and job placement centre St Anthony’s.


Thank you, also, to Macsteel’s business units, branches and central support service departments The integration of our Usizo Supplier Credit Programme with Macsteel’s existing core business processors is a key factor for the success and greater long term impact of the programme.

The implementation of Usizo has not been without its own challenges, as identified through annual external evaluations and monitoring reports. As the programme continues to grow, we continue to learn and strengthen in our effectiveness. The implementation of the programme has awakened our sensitivity to meet the needs of emerging, nascent and industrialist small businesses alongside our mainstream multimillion-rand businesses.

We have learnt that the smaller businesses do not necessarily have either the resources or the time to attend classroom-style training. This means that skills transfer needs to be done simultaneously with the output of the work.

For example, in our receivables departments, dedicated attention is given to our Usizo accounts to ensure the smooth collection of outstanding overdue monies. This is a skills transfer learning experience of the best way to deal with cash-flow concerns and maintain a positive credit profile.

Both external and internal sales personnel offer on-site and telephonic technical support to Usizo customers, as well as sales support advice on product. We also welcome the chance to assist with value-add components of the job on hand, i.e. bending, cutting to size or punching. We package and deliver directly to their workshops or even to the premises of their customers.

All in all, in 2017 an equivalent of 461 days of productive time was spent in support of our Usizo Customers, not including the dedicated focus support from Macsteel’s central service departments.

Macsteel continues to engage with the larger community and invite new potential collaborative partners to interface with us and together achieve a holistic eco-system for the support and development of small businesses within the steel, manufacturing and construction sectors.

Skills transfer Macsteel support hours from non central business units







Trading Germiston

VRN Carbon

Trading KZN

VRN Stainless

Trading Cape Town

Fluid Control

Enterprise and Supplier Developm

ent (E&SD



6 Education and Capacity Building


In our attempt to ensure efficient use of resources and meaningful contributions to community upliftment, we further define our involvement in Education and Capacity Building and align with specific development areas.

1. The importance of championing Early Childhood Development (Grade R to Grade 3) – where South African children desperately need to learn to read so that by Grade 4 they can read to learn.

2. The necessity of contributing to a breakdown of the barriers that limit successful access to tertiary programmes and the successful completion of elected studies and career choices.

The graph illustrates a total of R1 883 374 invested into our focus area for Education and Capacity building. This is the combined allocation from both socio-economic and enterprise and supplier development contributions. Furthermore, we also managed to align our Community Involvement, and Space Renewal Programmes, which benefited various schools in our areas.


CIP - Direct Costs

CIP - space renewal

Grants - E&SD

R420 500

R1 300 000R100 537

R62 337


Macsteel was proud to partner with Afrika Tikkun, with its history of outstanding programmes and services to both families and young people.

Afrika Tikkun Services (Pty) Ltd is an Enterprise and Supplier Grant Beneficiary of Macsteel.

Identified as an inspiring empowerment organisation, Afrika Tikkun conducts a programme that caters for Cradle-to-Career development, with the goal of “inspiring young people to dream”.

In 2017, the Afrika Tikkun team worked tirelessly to provide opportunities for 928 young people to access the economy, with their highest placement rate to date.

Of those placed:

50% gained qualifications and knowledge of the working world through learnerships,

37% had real employment opportunities, and

13% entered into work experience / internship positions at companies.

With a 24-year history in under-resourced communities, Afrika Tikkun is ideally suited to bridge the gap between township-based young people who are seeking employment and companies seeking entry level staff.

Afrika Tikkun’s intervention mechanism is dependent on the seamless integration of three operational areas - a national database, a training and development arm, and a recruitment platform.

By building the skills of young people, and recruiting them into entry-level positions, the Afrika Tikkun team is an engine for youth empowerment.

The infographic below illustrates their business model.

Career Guidance

National Database

Candidates are registered and details entered into the database of Afrika Tikkun Services (ATS)

Training & Development

Candidates receive career advice, CV assistance, and interview practice under the guidance of ATS tutors


Candidates are screened and categorised for entry into industry specific placements


Candidates are placed in career opportunities such as internships, learnerships, work experience, or contractual employment

Education and Capacity B



Case Study

Renky is a bright young woman who lives in Alexandra Township. She grew up in Limpopo Tzaneen and passed Matric with exceptional results. After Matric, she moved to Pretoria to study Office Management at TUT. However, she failed one module and lost her bursary. She then went on to work as an Office Clerk until she could find a way to get back into University.

Fortunately, she was able to go back to University and studied Mechanical Engineering for a year until she had to drop out to support her family, and so she moved to Alexandra and found a job at Parmalat.

It was at this time that she heard about Afrika Tikkun and made the brave decision to resign from her job and join the Career Development Programme to further her skills. She completed the course and a month later was recruited by a fibre company called Britelink, through the ATS database.

Within a week of working at Britelink as a scheduler, she was promoted to maintenance. Nothing could stop this bright star as she received another promotion within a few months and now works as a coordinator.

This amazing young woman is the perfect example of someone furthering themselves because they saw why it is important to take a step foward in order to become a success in life. ATS provides that stepping stone and we commend learners like Renky for their hard work and dedication in life.

Macsteel’s involvement

At our Career Readiness Day on 20 and 21 July 2017, Macsteel was assisted by Afrika Tikkun Services who facilitated workshops on career guidance and subject choices as well as presenting a powerful workshop on leadership called, “I’m Possible” for the Grade 9 to 12 participants.


We are passionate about developing young people together with like-minded partners, in innovative and enterprising ways, to impact the economy of South Africa.

Your generous investment in Afrika Tikkun Services is greatly appreciated, along with your support in our vision to build economically empowered young people. Young people like Renky would not have achieved the success she has if it were not for your confidence to invest in us.Thank you, Macsteel, for partnering with us.


Macsteel’s contribution to Early Childhood Development in the Ntataise Project has seen quality programs benefiting numerous under-resourced communities.

Funding for Early Child Development

Early Childhood Development is crucial to establishing a firm educational foundation in very young children.

That is why the Ntataise ECD “Centres of Excellence” Project was launched – to provide essential foundation-phase teaching support to play-schools and other ECD practitioners.

The primary objectives of the programme are: • To mentor ECD practitioners and supervisors, upgrade playrooms and ECD centres, and improve

the quality of children’s learning in pre-schools;

• To encourage the sharing of learning resources, improve ECD practitioner facilitation skills of National Curriculum Framework aligned programmes and create a system of support for ECD sites/centres to ensure quality as well as effective and efficient services;

• To upgrade centres to enable them to obtain the necessary registration with the relevant government departments, entitling them to grants;

• To extend the reach of access to quality ECD programmes for disadvantaged, marginalised children through the implementation of the Hub model; and

• To enrich children’s learning environment by providing a wider variety of learning resources and activities with a particular emphasis on early literacy and numeracy.

In many ways, Macsteel’s support has been a bit like “leading a young child by the hand” – figuratively speaking.

The funding received from Macsteel has enabled Ntataise to provide training, mentoring and support to Early Childhood Development practitioners from the impoverished communities of Welkom, Bothaville, Kroonstad and Steynsrus.

As a result, through Ntataise’s ECD “Centres of Excellence” programme, practitioners have been supported in implementing quality ECD programmes in their playrooms, benefitting young, vulnerable children in their communities and promoting these children’s physical, mental, emotional and cognitive development.

“Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never extinguished.”Nelson Mandela

Education and Capacity B



Macsteel joins hands with Ntataise

Ntataise arranged a visit for Macsteel Volunteers from our Trading Welkom Branch to a pre-school involved in their Centres of Excellence programme.

Macsteel Volunteer Raylene Naidu, making friends at the Makgotso Pre-school in Thabong

The social reach and impact of the Ntataise ECD “Centres of Excellence” programme

The ECD “Centres of Excellence” programme in Welkom, Kroonstad, Steynsrus and Bothaville reached 121 practitioners and 3 025 children in 2017.

The benefits of the programme extend indirectly to the colleagues of practitioners who have attended the course. When changes are introduced by the course-goers in their playschools, the other colleagues are learning more about ECD, as they apply what they have learnt from the demonstration visits that take place at their ECD Centre.

Furthermore, the siblings and caregivers of the children benefit indirectly from the positive effects of the programme, too.

The improved skills, confidence and abilities of the ECD practitioners leads to the provision of quality ECD programmes to young, marginalised children from disadvantaged communities, promoting their mental, physical, emotional and cognitive development and providing them with a sound foundation for life-long learning.


“It is up to us to leave a legacy that is worthy of our children.”Christine Gregoire

Macsteel’s endorsement of Black Umbrellas opened the way for five new start-up companies in 2017.

Black Umbrellas

“Providing rock solid foundations to enable success and to beat the odds of starting and running your own business”

Black Umbrellas is a non-profit company involved in facilitating enterprise and supplier development, primarily in business incubation.

In order to achieve this goal Black Umbrellas operates to source financial and non-financial support from various funders


In 2014, Macsteel generously pledged R5m to support Black Umbrellas over a period of 10 years. At that time, Macsteel’s aim was to put a partnership in place for support of our Usizo Enterprise and Supplier Development programme. It was foreseen that the relationship could align both organisations’ resources to small businesses identified by Macsteel who needed business development support and mentorship. It was also anticipated that Black Umbrellas would also serve as a source of referral to our Usizo programme.

Macsteel’s contribution assisted five start-up businesses during 2017. Quantum Leap Investments; Uvohwethu Communications; Africa Mayibuye; Thasno; and Peace and Happiness were all beneficiaries of the grant.

This enabled them to enter the Black Umbrellas pre-incubation programme, which provides training programmes such as Sales and Marketing, Tenders Training and Boot Camp.

Unfortunately, these businesses are not aligned to our Usizo programme.

Education and Capacity B



Macsteel Cares… and connects

Black Umbrellas is also a referral partner in our Usizo Supplier Credit Programme. It is seen as a key stakeholder that can strengthen the programme by facilitating various development support opportunities to the benefit of new and emerging small businesses.

Criteria – what you need to join Black Umbrellas business incubation services.

• 100% black owned business.• Valid BEE Certificate• Acceptable credit record• Clear criminal record• All shareholders/members/partners committed (in writing) to complying with all of Black Umbrellas

systems and processes.• Involved in the business full time • Committed• For profit• A very clear understanding of the product or service provided• Communication, Confidence, Success• Have demonstrable experience• Intention to create 4 or more jobs in the next three years• Passionate & Enthusiastic


Babe Paley“In all things preserve integrity.”

The Macsteel Usizo partnership with St Anthony’s Education Centre proved to be very successful in 2017.

A Happy Partnership

St Anthony’s Education Centre, also a Macsteel Enterprise and Supplier Development grant beneficiary, is situated in Reiger Park, less than 5 kilometres away from our Head Office.

Being a non-profit organisation, it was purposely selected by Macsteel to support the community as well as meet the need for qualified welders - as identified by our small businesses in Macsteel’s E&SD Programme, Usizo.

A conundrum exists for many of our Usizo small businesses: they employ welders who are not formally qualified. At the same time there is no spare capacity to release the employee(s) to attend training.

In 2016, Macsteel and St Anthony’s initiated a skills development programme that addresses both needs. Formal accredited welding training for the employee and, in his absence, a placement of a recently qualified welder from St Anthony’s is placed with the business to acquire much needed workplace experience.

Usizo customers, Shekinah and Jones Strachan Engineering both provided work experience to beneficiaries of St Anthony’s, Education Centre and personal follow up has been done with these companies. In both cases, the feedback has been very complimentary and encouraging. We believe that more SMME’s can make use of the opportunities offered at St Anthony’s Education Centre.

St Anthony’s Education Centre began in 1966 when its founder, Father Stan Brennan, saw the desperate need for Education in the coloured township of Reiger Park. Today St Anthony’s is a hive of activities, accommodating more than 1 100 leaners a day from all walks of life, especially from the surrounding impoverished communities.

Education and Capacity B



To date, the partnership between Macsteel’s Usizo Programme and St Anthony’s is progressing well. The number of Usizo participants making use of the welding training is as follows:

The participants from Jones Strachan Engineering were under the impression that they were entitled to a stipend which would assist their employees with transport to and from the Centre. This was not the case, so they dropped out of the course.

The programme has made a very positive impact on participants from Shekinah. They are most appreciative of the initiative, and realise the assistance they received from Macsteel and St Anthony’s has enabled them to expand their business. This would have been impossible for them had it not been for the help of the Usizo programme.

Overall, 2017 was a positive year for St Anthony’s Education Centre. Accreditation for the Computer Course was received from the MICT SETA; accreditation was also received for the Electrical Course with EWSETA. This means that all the courses being offered at St Anthony’s are fully accredited with the various Setas.

An electrical sub-station is being erected in Reiger Park opposite St Anthony’s Centre. The company that has been awarded the tender has signed an MOA with the Centre to take on 100 of St Anthony’s unemployed learners, to work on the construction of the sub-station. JP Morgan was also awarded a contract to erect a building in early 2018. They undertook to ensure that the Centre’s trainees would be involved in the project. Accordingly, CVs for Construction, Electrical and Welding trainees have been submitted.

These two projects will have a positive impact on the Centre’s job placement statistics and give much-needed work experience to the trainees.

With regards to the Usizo Programme, the Centre is certain that it will go from strength to strength because it has the support of Macsteel, who are committed to the upliftment of the people of South Africa.

The Centre has stated they are extremely grateful to Macsteel for their support of St Anthony’s Education Centre, not only financially, but in all areas where assistance has been needed.

Course Date Number of Participants SMME

03/04/2017 – 23/06/2017 4 Shekinah

03/07/2017 – 15/09/2017 3 Jones Strachan Engineering

26/09/2017 – 06/12/2017 9 St Anthony’s indigent trainees

26/09/2017 – 06/12/2017 3 Shekinah


“Consistent hard work leads to success.”Dwayne Johnson

Space Renewal: transforming environments project by project

The concept behind Macsteel’s Space Renewal Programme is simple: enlist the know-how of Macsteel Usizo customers in improving facilities for community organisations. It’s a concept with the promise of multiple advantages for everyone involved.

Many community spaces, such as schools and community based orgnaisations, experience problems which hamper the functionality of their facilities. By harnessing the skills of our Usizo steel manufacturing customers, Macsteel is able to bring numerous, varied solutions where functionality or security are involved.

One such centre is Durban’s West Park School, an institution of inclusivity committed to the holistic development of 224 loving and appreciative learners. Despite the challenges these learners face – including autism, Asperger’s syndrome, cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome, epilepsy, severe hyperactivity, ADD, William’s and Tourette’s syndromes – they continue to strive for the very best with courage, perseverance and sheer determination. When their interests are appropriately tapped, the students display immense potential, discipline and highly motivated productivity.

The school is tasked with empowering the learners with both academic and skills training as per the requirements of the National Curriculum, which has been modified and adapted to suit the needs of each individual learner. West Park learners benefit from extra guidance, patience and support, because they possess the potential to emerge as role models who can also make a difference to the nation’s economy, given the opportunity.

Macsteel Service Centres SA teamed up with a valued Usizo customer, Mthembu Steelwork and Trading (Pty) Ltd, in assisting the school with the fabrication of the school stage. Macsteel covered the cost of the stage. The stage is utilised every year at their annual “Christmas under the Stars” fundraising event.

On the evening of Friday 1 December 2017, Macsteel Trading Durban Volunteers attended the “Christmas under the Stars” at West Park School Ground, Malvern, and Mr Mthembu was also present.

Indeed - Macsteel Cares!

Friday 1 December 2017 was an awesome time spent at the West Park Fair. It was heart-warming to see the appreciation on the children’s faces and their excitement serving customers at their stalls. When they noticed the “Macsteel Cares” words on our T-shirts, many parents were thankful.

It certainly was a proud Macsteel moment. I am excitedly looking forward to our future Macsteel Cares projects. Regards


2017 saw Macsteel make a significant difference through our Space Renewal Programme with the enthusiastic support of our Usizo Customers.

Education and Capacity B



Macsteel Service Centres SA donated a set of rugby poles to the South African Rural Ruby Development Programme. We collaborated with our valued Usizo customer, Tuka Maboneng Manufacture who assisted with the fabrication and installation of the rugby poles at Unity Secondary School in Daveyton on the 10th June 2017.

The fabricated rugby poles installed at Unity Secondary School in Daveyton.

Rural Rugby Aid

The South African Rural Rugby Development programme, is a NPO involved in developing rugby in the township around Daveyton and Etwatwa for the past 2 years. The organisation has grown and they now have 54 schools active, playing rugby in the townships of Ekurhuleni. This NPO also works closely with the Sports Education Departments, including that of Ekurhuleni, which provides sports fields for free to schools to play rugby without paying for stadium bookings.

Objectives:• Development of rugby on club level.• Development of coaches, rugby players and management• One team per year to move up to the Valke Kestrel league to participate in an existing playing

structure• Development of rugby fields in the township to have a home field to play on permanently.


Deborah Day“Renewal requires opening yourself up to new ways of thinking and feeling.”

A huge problem which our township schools face is the threat of being targeted for theft - of their already limited resources.

Macsteel collaborates closely with Peermont Education Trust (PET) as they assist us in identifying Space Renewal needs at the schools where they too are involved in the Ekurhuleni areas.

In July 2017, Macsteel Service Centres SA donated the steel for security bars to Ntsikana Primary School in Daveyton and contracted L.F Steel Works for the fabrication and installation of burglar proofing for seven windows and two doors.

A similar project was undertaken in September 2017 at Welamalambo Primary School in Tembisa.

The fabricator was Nugget Steel, another valued Usizo Customer. Burglar proofing for ten windows and a door was fabricated and installed.

Wise words: “Security comes first”. These burglar bars were installed to protect the school’s new library, donated by PET.

A Contribution to Security

Sent: Friday, 04 August 2017 07:41

A BIG thank you to the team at Macsteel and your ED partner. The

library looks beautiful and the trustees are relieved that our newly

donated items will be safe.

Once again thank you to you and your service providers for a job

well done.

This project is most beneficial to the local communities!!



Peermont Education Trust Manager

Welamalambo Primary School Tembisa - September 2017 Fabricator Nugget Steel Works

Usizo Customer - Burglar proofing of 10 windows and 1 door

Education and Capacity B



Macsteel’s vision extended in 2017 through to 2018 to developing a partnership with an educator to strengthen a school’s sustainability and effectiveness.

Partnering for Possibilities

Partners for Possibility have a two-pronged focus:The primary objective is to empower school principals with the skills, knowledge and support they need to lead change at their schools and build a supportive, vibrant, active school community.

The secondary objective is to nurture supportive partnerships:• To establish a cohesive and well-functioning

team of teachers at each school.• To engage parents to take responsibility for

their role as primary educators. • To create a strong sense of partnership

between teachers and parents. • To support community partnerships that

benefit learners.

Macsteel’s participation in the Partners for Possibility Leadership Development and School Principal Support Programme:

Macsteel will be sponsoring a Macsteel business leader and a school principal partnership in the upcoming February 2018 - Learning Circle group.

Macsteel will partner with a Primary School to be recruited by Symphonia: Partners for Possibility, from the Ekurhuleni district. It is foreseen that Macsteel, through this facilitated partnership, will be able to better understand first-hand the challenges that impact on our local schools.

The focus will be strategically aimed at Primary Schools, as this is where we believe the foundation for learning happens. The sustained failure rate and inability of our education departments to close this gap indicates the need for specific, successful intervention.

The present reality:

More than 20 000 schools (80%) in South Africa are categorized as “failing schools,” because the system is failing SA’s children.

A growing body of literature recognises school leadership as the critical factor essential for turning around an education system in crisis. International research shows that the key differences between schools that succeed and schools that fail are the vision, commitment, and leadership skills of the principal, and the extent to which parents and other community members are involved in the school.

That is why Partners for Possibility was started: to address the leadership challenges faced by principals of under-resourced schools.


“An investment in knowledge pays the best dividends.”Benjamin Franklin

Education and Capacity B



In association with Mama’s Alliance, the Training and Resource in Early Education (TREE) benefited significantly from Macsteel’s support in 2017.

Diversity for Leverage

The focus is on the foundations. ECD and early literacy are the foundation upon which all other learning depends.

The focus of this project is to strengthen Early Childhood Development (ECD) practice through developing the capacity of twenty ECD practitioners in Nquthu Municipality in the Umzinyathi district, KZN North. Practitioners were selected through the Department of Social Development in Nqutu.

Twenty practitioners were nominated for the programme.

An integrated community development programme brings together diverse groups to leverage their abilities, interests and resources in order to generate shared value and benefits.

Macsteel recognises the importance of an integrated community development approach in order to achieve community ownership that will, in turn, assure sustainability. For this reason, TREE was identified through our Mama’s Alliance partnership as a suitable project for our focus area, Education and Capacity Building.

It is envisaged that NGO’s such as Mama’s Alliance are able to facilitate engagement with Macsteel communities in order to develop and implement integrated development plans with various stakeholders.


“An investment in knowledge pays the best dividends.”Benjamin Franklin

What Macsteel made possible for TREE in 2017:

Objectives 1. Train 20 Macsteel beneficiaries on two modules of Classroom Practice Workshops – the thematic model of

learning. 2. Equip beneficiaries with equipment and resources to enable effective classroom practice implementation of

ECD sites

It was observed that the training has benefited the practitioners through:1. Interaction with the children, 2. Engagement with the children, 3. Learning that is associated with the real environment through rhyming, 4. Teaching children how to think and not what to think, 5. Listening to children as this teaches them that what they have to say is important.

It was also evident that the practitioners have now started to understand the importance of parents/caregivers being the child’s first teacher, as parental interaction enables a child’s knowledge to grow.

Strengths 1. Through this training 861 children benefitted! 2. Successful site visits, which reinforced the training. 3. Parental interaction in the education of their children.

Challenges 1. Insufficient space in playschools which compromises implementation of practice and activities with the

children. 2. Lack of outdoor equipment

TREE takes this opportunity

to thank Macsteel for all their

support and commitment. Your

contribution has enabled TREE

to reinforce good practice and

quality delivery in Early Childhood


Education and Capacity B



Invested for the Future

The Link-SA Fund for Tertiary Education in South Africa Trust was supported by Macsteel in its endeavours throughout 2017, despite the recognition that this may not align with our new strategic 3-year plan for 2017 - 2019. However, an allocation was made for 2017.

Activities (projects and programmes) for the reporting year included:

• Raising funds for previously disadvantaged students at South African Universities, with money raised locally and in the USA, UK, Switzerland, and Australia.

• Money was then apportioned to students selected by their universities for our assistance. All candidates for our scholarships must first be vetted by the Financial Aid Departments at the universities to ensure that only the most deserving and financially deprived students benefit from our programme.


• 125 students at six major universities throughout South Africa received full or part scholarships from Link-SA Trust.

• Students gaining degrees through our charitable organization enter this country’s health services as professionals, or add their skills to commerce and industry.

• A high proportion of our recipients are studying engineering; also medicine.

• Doctors are always needed at government hospitals, and through our fund-raising efforts and the Trust’s administration, we are able to help the graduates plus the communities they serve.


Rhodes University

Surname Amount of grant (in Rands)

Bhenxa, N 28000Boodhoo, P 28000Mahlangu, NP 28000Nqeno, LK 28000Ngxakeni, A 28000Zabo, S 28000

Pretoria University

Surname Amount of grant (in Rands)

Mushwana, D 50000 (Link SA added R18 000 to the Pretoria student’s fee account from other funds)

Total R 218000


Education and Capacity B


“The most extravagant thing I do these days is play golf.”Brad Renfro




The graph illustrates the effectiveness of Macsteel’s alignment between our Community Involvement Programme and one of our priority focus area - Health and Wellness. The significance of this is its meaningful impact on our own Macsteel human resources. It recognises that our employees are as much a part of our community, as the NPO’s are that we endeavour to support.

Health and Wellness

R52 492

R495 000R360 073


CIP - direct costs

CIP - space-renewal


Macsteel, through our Community Involvement Programme, partnered with Mimi Women in 2017.

Research reports show that girls are missing school during menstruation, because they cannot afford to buy sanitary towels each month. Rather than face the discomfort of going to a school that does not have proper ablution blocks for use during this time, the girls elect to sit at home and go through the cycle using a banana leaf or a piece of tissue - or by just sitting on top of a bucket filled with dirty water. These girls are the reason that Mimi was formed, to bring them knowledge, health and dignity.

“BRINGING DIGNITY TO GIRLS AND WOMEN IN AFRICA”Mimi, formally known as Happy Days, is a proudly South African brand. A locally produced sanitary pad,

it is distributed among historically disadvantaged communities to keep girls in school.

Mimi Girls - embrace your Period

Early in November 2017, Macsteel Service Centre SA together with Silkworth Recovery Care Centre, teamed up with the Happy Days Foundation to take a road show called “Mimi Women” to various local schools.

Aiding Health and Dignity

Health and W




“SHAME: Inadequate Knowledge. Insufficient Care. Poor Quality of Life.”www.helloclue.com

Mimi Women

Mimi Women was formed to help educate young women - who are often still at school - about menstruation and its management so that it does not rob them of dignity or interrupt their studies and daily life.

With the purpose of educational health focusing on feminine hygiene, the partnership visited local schools and taught young ladies from Grades 5, 6 and 7 about female hygiene and sanitary management.

Three Primary Schools in the Germiston area were identified - Laerskool Germiston, Galway Primary School and Ekurhuleni Primary School in Dukathole.

The roadshow’s objective was to reach an audience of girl students between the ages of 10 and 14. The roadshows were dynamically presented and enthusiastically attended, and Macsteel took part in handing out Mimi pads, pink caps and bandanas to 600 students at the three schools.

Happy young faces from Laerskool Germiston

The Mimi Women Community Entrepreneur Programme

“Pads & Cents” - an Enterprise and Development Programme - recruits young women from all walks of life who have one desire: to create a future with infinite possibilities for themselves.

Mimi train them for a 6-month period, equipping them with business skills, financial management knowledge, the fundamental principles of starting a business, how to request funding or support, and putting in place a marketing strategy, among other things.

Macsteel proudly supports Mimi in sponsoring 4 new recruits from our Ekurhuleni areas. They will be due to graduate in 2018: Mitta Sonia Mbatha Thembelile Liza Mntambo Sinenhlanhla Precious Mtetwa Phumelele Hlope The Mimi Women Community Entrepreneur Programme runs over 10 consecutive workshops, giving students time to absorb and entrench the learning principles of all eight of the modules. The programme is presented on an NQF level 2.

Macsteel volunteer Botle Matsaneng with girls from Ekurhuleni Primary School

Health and W



Our Community Involvement Programme facilitated opportunities for Macsteel Volunteers to participate in “Reach For A Dream” activities throughout the year.

Reaching for a Dream

For 28 years the Reach For A Dream Foundation (RFAD), has brought hope, joy and healing to South African children and their families. They face massive emotional, physical and financial strains in the battle against their children’s life-threatening illnesses. RFAD seeks to alleviate the strain that such an illness takes on these families by providing these children with an opportunity to realise their dreams.

Dream Criteria

It all begins with a visit to the child at the place of care, where a doctor verifies the child’s condition.To determine the child’s dream the RFAD team uses play-therapy, which includes role-play and various forms of creative interaction. The team tries to learn as much about the child as possible so as to ensure that dream fulfillment is completely tailored to the child’s preference, personality and interests.

RFAD has a strong core of volunteers who are carefully screened and trained, to maintain a high standard of dream fulfillment. A Dream Co-ordinator in each branch partners with public and private healthcare providers and continuously consults with the child’s family and the child’s medical team to ensure complete synergy.

The assessment done, three dreams are identified. Dream fulfilment depends largely on available funds and resources. If a particular dream is impossible or unsuitable, another dream is selected from the list.


“One’s greatest asset is a heart full of love and a hand willing to help others.”Anonymous

Some of the dreams Macsteel helped make come true...

Little Declan was one child whose dream came true through Macsteel’s care and participation. Sadly, he passed away just a few days after we were able to make his dream party a reality.

On 8 December, Macsteel volunteers participated in a Teddy Bear Hand-out at Thelle Moggerane Hospital’s paediatric ward in Germiston.

A ride in a Macsteel truck made young Keegan’s birthday party truly special.

From: Karen Day

Sent: Monday, 22 January 2018 11:58

To: Kim Allan <Kim.Allan@macsteel.co.za>

Subject: RE: RFAD teddies handout 8 December

Good day Kim,

Thank you - it was a pleasure in volunteering

for the Teddy Bear hand-out.

I felt so grateful to be able to make a

difference in the children’s lives and to see the

smiles on their faces.

It reminds us to be thankful for what we have,

as others are less fortunate than we are.

From Greg Lloyd - Keegan’s party puts life into perspective for me. I realised how blessed we are to have what we have and most important how lucky we are to have our health, family and happiness. It is so heart-warming and encouraging to see people coming together and giving … to make just one family feel some joy. The old saying comes to mind: “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”

Health and W



Queen for a Day. All girls dream of being a queen! The Queen for a Day initiative allows young girls to dress up in pretty clothes, wear a sash and tiara, be pampered and thoroughly spoiled! The girls are motivated to believe in themselves, thus raising their self-esteem and confidence. All the girls are reminded that they are beautiful and special, not only for the day, but for a lifetime!

Our Macsteel Ladies also dressed up and each had a little girl with whom they walked down the fashion ramp. It was a fun-filled day full of glamour and glitz for the children - thanks to the overwhelming love and support from our Macsteel Ladies.

New Developments

So many of our Macsteelers want to get involved, especially in support of our outreach with Reach for a Dream. As a result, this year Macsteel included the Captain Courage and Queen for a Day events which allows for more volunteers to participate.

Captain Courage is an exclusive “boys only” project filled with adventurous activities to reward these children for their bravery. By taking part in courageous activities, the boys are given the chance to show off their fighting spirit. Every Captain Courage event is aimed at exposing the boys to a new environment, but more importantly it’s an opportunity for them to have fun outside of hospital and be like other children who have similar experiences.

It was Macsteel’s first year to participate and our CEOs acted as Captain Courage showing fantastic support in these events. CEOs Werner Petrick, Peter Currie and Stewart Cameron from our Business Units attended, together with Group CFO Mike Benfield (now CEO). We then requested motivations from employees who would like to join the CEOs in an event held at Tree Top Adventures, Fourways on the 4th August.


“Participating with RFAD, you realise our problems are not problems.”Peter Smith, CEO Macsteel Trading

Slipper Day

Slipper Day is a fun initiative that creates awareness for Reach for A Dream, while raising funds to make more dreams a reality for children fighting life-threatening illnesses. The event has received amazing support from corporates, celebrities and the general public. Wimpy, as RFAD’s retail partner, has in recent years helped broaden the “slipper print” to reach even more South Africans and so fulfil more dreams of more children fighting life-threatening illnesses.

To promote awareness of Macsteel’s Social Investment Projects, our employees participated in one of Reach for A Dream’s biggest fund-raising activities, Slipper Day.

Macsteelers responded in their customary enthusiastic and big-hearted way. Branches all over collected their sponsored tickets and came to work wearing slippers (and onesies and gowns!) amid much hooting and laughter.

Some of our Macsteelers on the day...Trading Welkom went all out and enjoyed the free coffee from Wimpy

Trading Port Elizabeth did their bit

A fun competition, introduced in 2016, has us looking for the King and Queen Macsteeler of Slipper Day. Participation gained momentum in 2017. It proved so difficult to judge, from all the pictures sent in, that we added a Prince and Princess award as well!

Queen: Lolly Abrahams (Trading Kimberly)King: Zander Smit (Trading Germiston)Princess: Gail Bekker (Harvey Roofing Brakpan)Prince: Sandy Naidoo (Trading Port Elizabeth)

MCP Slipper Day 2017

Health and W



The Silkworth Recovery Centre provides visible Macsteel presence and sup-port in our immediate communities.

Recovery & Care

Silkworth Recovery and Care centre opened its doors in December 2015, primarily as a non-paying Rehabilitation Centre for substance abuse in Primrose, East Rand, Gauteng.

It was founded by Kevin Maistry, who is himself a Recovered Alcoholic. He has been working with substance abusers for the past 28 years and has a passion to help the still suffering alcoholic / addict to recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body.

SRC was a great discovery for Macsteel as it neighbours our Germiston South Trading Branch. Based at the Methodist Church on Primula Road and with a branch in Dukathole, it is a community based project, operating as a non-profit organisation. The recovery centre offers individuals from all walks of life specialised treatment for alcohol and drug dependency. Having a visible presence in our immediate communities is important to Macsteel.

Macsteel’s aim is to support Silkworth Recovery Centre by creating awareness in the community about it, as it had just moved into new premises in Dukathole informal settlement.

The Recovery Centre would also provide a referral for our Macsteelers to seek support for themselves and their families if needed.

SRC was invited to participate in Macsteel’s Wellness Days from February to June 2017, as a start to introducing the Silkworth Recovery Centre’s services.

How It All Began …

The Silkworth Recovery and Care Centre was a newly founded NGO in December 2015. It started its operations from the Primrose Methodist Church.

Its founder, Kevin Maistry, has been a Recovered Alcoholic for the past 28 years, and has a passion to help the still suffering substance abuser recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body.

Kevin was involved in the Ekhuruleni Employee Wellness program and was then approached by the Ekhuruleni Social Services to open a second Recovery Centre in the Dukathole informal settlement, which was in desperate need of help.

In November 2016, SRC opened its second Recovery and Care Centre in the old Dukathole Clinic. As Kevin and his team worked with the community, greater insights led to SRC establishing a Schools Awareness Programme, as it became clear that there was a desperate need for prevention and awareness around substance abuse – caused by, among other things, lack of knowledge, misunderstanding and ignorance.

Silkworth’sMission Statement

To help substance abusers recover from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body by following the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Programme for their reincorporation into society and restoration back into family and relationships.


“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing. That’s why we recommend it daily.” - Zig Ziglar

Macsteel gets on board …

26 August 2017: Hosting a jumble sale created community awareness and raised much-needed funds.

A collection drive was held, with Macsteelers donating items towards the jumble sale.

A Flyer that was created to enlist support:

Our volunteers on the day lent a helping hand at the jumble sale which started at 8am. All items were sold by 9h30. The community was hungry for the special bargains such as R5 for a pair of shoes.

With Dukathole being a poor community, the amount of items was not the main focus for the day, it was getting the community there and introducing them to SRC and the services available.

SRC is a non-profit community organisation; their newly opened branch in Dukathole needs our HELP!!


By working together to HELP our community members who are at high risk of being exploited and exposed daily to drugs and alcohol.

Our branch Pipes, Fittings and Flanges champions our volunteer relationship with SRC. The branch donates much needed office furniture to the centre and is spearheading the official community launch of the SRC in Dukathole.

Health and W



Always pro-active

Macsteel recognises the need to create awareness in relation to substance abuse amoung our own employees as well. SRC answers the need for access to a rehab programme that is not the the usual, costly 21-day rehab stay. This was an issue that had already been identified through our own employees via Macsteel’s Employee Assistance Programme.

Moving forward…… Silkworth Recovery Centre to provide services to Macsteel branches through the delivery of one-and-a-half hour awareness sessions.

This awareness programme was launched in November 2017, initially to focus on our Western and Eastern Cape priority areas identified as there is very little, to no available support, for referrals. With Kevin’s assistance, further connections in these regions have been made through his network with Alcoholics Anonymous.

As Kevin and his team worked with the community, it became clear that there was a desperate need for prevention and awareness around substance abuse – caused by, among other things, lack of knowledge, misunderstanding and ignorance. These insights led to SRC establishing a Schools Awareness Programme.

In just a short period, Silkworth Recovery and Care Centre have managed to reach and provide much needed recovery services to a total of 10 589 adult and youths.

Statistics 2017

Churches Prevention and Awareness...

Worker Awareness Programs

Support Groups

Recovery and Rehabilitation

Youth Development Program






148 employees participated in awareness sessions of which 12 individual referrals were made to various support groups.

The Intervention Programme uses these key self-assessment pointers:

- Am I a substance abuser? - What is a substance abuser? - I have a substance abuse problem…….where to from here? - There is help: come find out how!


“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Macsteel Cares

Silkworth Recovery and Care Centre received further support from Macsteel’s Community based Space Renewal Programme with our Usizo customers, Mduli Signs being contracted to erect a sign, and Steel 101 to fabricate and install security gates at both Germiston and Dukathole Centres.

From: Carol Lloyd – Macsteel Pipes,

Fittings and Flanges General Manager

Sent: 27 November 2017 09:28 AM

Subject: FW: S.R.C.- Gratitude Dinner

Thank you everyone for attending, along with

your partners. Your support and commitment

to the community is acknowledged and


Kind regards

Carol Lloyd

At the end of SRC’s second year, Macsteel had the pleasure of sponsoring their annual Gratitude Dinner.

Health and W



Macsteel recognises the relevance of our impact, within our immediate communities, and 2017 saw our Corporate Social Investment move toward a more localised approach.

Out of the Ruins…

A mere 5kms away from our Boksburg business sites, this project was identified by Macsteel as an ideal focus for corporate investment. Making a significant contribution to the communities it serves, the Urban Ruins Project is a child care centre with a mission to keep children off the street.

Many of these children are exposed to poor sanitary conditions, malnutrition and inadequate accommodation, as well as rampant drug and alcohol abuse – circumstances which significantly reduce children’s potential for employment when they grow up.

Operating on its own property at 2 Maple Street, Plantation, Boksburg, The Urban Ruins Project caters for children from the high density townships and informal settlements of Comet, Boksburg, Angelo, Rhamaphosa and Reiger Park.

The Centre’s vision is to keep children off the streets by providing a free, safe space for children to play and explore. Its programs aim to protect the rights of children to develop to their full cognitive, emotional, social and physical potential. It also aims to rehabilitate abused, neglected children and youth through play therapy, the development of sports, arts and culture and channel them into recognised sporting codes and clubs.

To this end, the Urban Ruins has five key focus areas: an informal preschool, a child care centre, sports development, a mentorship program and a daily food scheme.

There are approximately 1500 children in the Boksburg Central Area that are impoverished, vulnerable and neglected. These children roam the streets, some not attending school and completely unsupervised. The Urban Ruins Projects NPO has been established in order to take positive steps in this regard.

The Urban Ruins“Free space, Free to play, Free to be”


“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says: I’m possible!” - Audrey Hepburn

Through the support from Macsteel the Urban Ruins was able to sustain and expand on their programmes being offered on a weekly basis including:

1. Daily Urban Bites Feeding Scheme

2. “Reading Is Hot” workshops to improve reading and literacy

3. Informal Pre-school

4. Organic Vegetable Gardening

5. Urban Ruins Active Cycle

6. Gymnastics development club

7. Art and Poetry classes

8. Guitar Lessons

9. Computer Classes

10. “I Want to Be a Somebody” mentorship program

Urban Ruins Active Cycle

One of the programs run by Urban Ruins, this cycling programme aims to teach children how to cycle safely and, at the same time, develop healthy habits.

They have been running the program for two years and in this period have already had many achievements:

• 96 Children have learnt to cycle

• 25 Children participated in 8 races

• 2nd place winner in the U/20 30km race Hazeldean

• 2nd place winner in the school girls’ division Hazeldean

• 2nd and 3rd place in Boys U/12 Springs MTB race

• 6boysparticipatedandfinishedthe94.7TelkomChallenge

The Urban Ruins Project

Urban Ruins has about 100 regular youth attenders that constantly visit the Ruins and participate in the various programmes on a monthly basis.

The project’s informal pre-school caters for a small class of 25 full-time children between the ages of 3 and 6 years. The scheme provides a safe, early learning environment for children whose parents, guardians or older siblings cannot afford to pay for the costly traditional nursery school fees. Their families, if possible, contribute R200 per month. This is, however, not enough and has to be subsidised by the Urban Ruins.

Health and W



Macsteel cares …

… more than just by giving …

We get involved together with our employees and our Usizo Enterprise & Supplier Development programme beneficiaries.

Monday the 3rd of July 2017….. was an exciting day for Urban Ruins and Macsteel

Macsteel was pleased to have been able to link the Urban Ruins Project to our Macsteel Usizo and Space Renewal initiatives, by commissioning one of Macsteel’s Usizo customers, Avavans AD Steel Work CC to kindly provide and refurbish a fabricated Mobile Executive Kitchen – aptly named “Urban Bites”.

The idea is that this mobile kitchen could serve both as a service point for the cooking of food at the Urban Ruins as well as being used on weekends at their various participating sports activities and events as a source of income.


“Where you live should not determine whether you live - or die.”Bono, U2 Song Writer

The “Urban Bites” Project

The official handover took place as a fun day event at the Urban Ruins premises on July 3, 2017. Thirty kilos of boerewors was grilled in the mobile kitchen on the day.

Macsteel Tube, Pipe and Roofing volunteers helped with handing out delicious boerewors rolls to everyone there.

The air was filled with laughter, delicious aromas and song. The children were so happy and grateful. One song in particular, was very moving: “Thank you, Macsteel, for the kitchen.”

Until Macsteel stepped in to sponsor the mobile kitchen, the Centre had no operating kitchen and had to rely completely on donations of prepared food.

It is Macsteel’s aim to not only provide financial assistance, but also get involved and actively participate in the wellness of our communities.

“The highlight of 2017,” says Leigh Hudson Ingle, Chief Operating Officer for Urban Ruins Child Care Centre, “was Macsteel’s donation of a mobile kitchen.”

Excitement and joy evident for everyone involved

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“Urban Excitement!”The Urban Ruins Christmas Tree Party

For the Urban Ruins Christmas Tree Party, Macsteel held a Gift Collection drive ahead of the time. A list was provided with 110 names, along with each child’s interest.

The list was divided among our Germiston and Boksburg branches. Through our Macsteelers’ overwhelming generosity, we managed to collect enough gifts to provide at least two items for each child. It was very special, as each Macsteeler had the name of the child they were giving their gift to.

Christmas 2017


“Poverty is a complicated issue, but feeding a child isn’t.”Jeff Bridges

On the day we had over 20 volunteers from participating branches - Tube, Pipe and Roofing, Trading Germiston South, Pipes, Fittings and Flanges, Special Steels and Head Office.

Our Kitchen Volunteer Team, together with Urban Ruins staff, were remarkable. They cooked, cleaned and served over 100 people.

A letter from The Urban Ruins COO:

Thank you very much for allowing us the opportunity to volunteer for such a worthy cause.

The experience for me was a humbling one, as it was amazing to see how much this meant to the children.

The camaraderie amongst the kids was amazing: to see them cheer for some of their colleagues when they were recognised for their achievements in cycling, gymnastics, leadership and sports.

I believe that as Macsteelers, we should all have an experience like this one, as it makes all “big” problems seem small in comparison to the adversity these children have to deal with, and they just get on with things and appreciate the little things in life.

The Urban Ruins concept of skating or cycling, falling and getting back up again… is a concept that we can all learn from, as it defines success - “Getting up one more time after falling down”.

Thank you so much

Bobby Maciver

A Letter from one of our Macsteeler volunteers:

Dear Kim Allan, and every single person from Macsteel that

participated in our Christmas tree, THANK YOU.

From all of us at the Urban Ruins Project we would like to

thank you for the enormous generosity you have shown us.

Anyone who washes up after a party is welcome anytime.

We wish all at Macsteel a healthy and blessed festive

season, safety in travelling and a prosperous new year.

Kind regards

Leigh Hudson-Ingle

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Macsteel cares about the severely impaired in our society, and is proud to have made a contribution to the smooth running of Vita Nova, a home for the disabled in Springs.

New Life for the Truly Needy in our World

Vita Nova Centre is a residential facility in Springs catering for persons with cerebral palsy, Down’s syndrome and autism, as well as the physically and mentally challenged. Some of the children in the Centre’s care are blind or deaf, or have HIV/AIDS.

Vita Nova means “New Life”. To these unfortunate residents at Vita Nova, the Centre will be the only home they will ever know and so the goal is to make it as homely and as happy as possible.

At present, there are 180 residents at the Centre, ranging in age from just over 1 year to the oldest resident, who was 71 years old in 2017.

Often, patients arrive at the Centre with nothing, and have to be supplied with everything, including toiletries, nappies, bedding and clothing. The Centre staff are dedicated to giving all of the children lots of love and care - something they so desperately need and deserve.

The majority of the younger children are either abandoned or come from disadvantaged areas. All the residents are ineducable, and will never be able to go out and earn a living for themselves. So their need for care, love and assistance is ongoing.

NATIONAL Tekkie Tax Day was on 26 May, with the theme, “Protecting the Vulnerable”.

Macsteel is dedicated to supporting projects that aid those who suffer from some form of disability.

The Tekkie Tax Day is one such important event on the Macsteel Community Involvement calendar. The campaign has grown over the past four years and many charities such as Vita Nova benefit from the day through proceeds collected from the sale of participation stickers and shoelaces.


“Sometimes the most real things are the things you can’t see.”Anonymous

In celebration of Mandela Day, 121 Macsteel volunteers, together with representatives from the Vita Nova Centre and Under His covering, took part in a 2.9km “Walk of Transformation” on Saturday 15 July 2017.

It was a day filled with many fun and colourful activities and we are proud that the day generated in excess of R100 000 for Vita Nova.

Our Macsteelers, assisting the residents from Vita Nova on the walk

Macsteelers everywhere! Macsteel sponsored the face-painting and balloon sculpting stall, which contributed to the proceeds raised on the day

Thank you for doing this. Many people want to do something

special for others, but do not know how to approach it, who

to ask, where to go, what to do. You opened that door for

us. Thank you.I have always been a big Macsteel supporter (through thick

and thin). Whenever Macsteel sponsors, or organises an

event, my heart grows even bigger.Thank you to you and your team, and Macsteel

management.Petro du Plessis

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Macsteel is committed to more than just giving – it’s also about getting actively involved in our Community Involvement Programme, as our support of AMCARE’s social work services shows.

Community Involvement in Action

Based in Alberton, AMCARE was established more than fifteen years ago with the view to providing social support for a variety of needs within the community. It pro-vides assistance and support to victims of domestic violence and helps them through all the different processes to protect themselves and their children. It assists the el-derly and their families with placements at old age homes, while also providing emo-tional support where necessary. The programme also provides community-based care to approximately 400 clients with HIV/AIDS.

These crucial social services are delivered by a team of 32 Expanded Public Works caregivers and three social work staff members. In support of AMCARE, Macsteel has been providing a grant towards HIV/AIDS Care along with a food relief programme.

AMCARE’s HIV/AIDS programme focuses on delivering much-needed services to adults and children alike. Services are rendered to individuals who are infected or affected by HIV/AIDS and who find themselves in vulnerable situations.

AMCARE operates throughout the greater area of Alberton, with a specific focus on the underprivileged areas of Phola Park, Eden Park & extensions, Greenfields and Thokoza.

Community Care Highlights for AMCARE in 2017

• Several donors, including Macsteel, were taken on a township tour and taken to beneficiaries’ humble abodes to experience first-hand the circumstances clients face on a daily basis.

• 250 clients received psychosocial support throughout the year.• 120 “Love Buckets” were distributed to AMCARE clients. The buckets contained all the basic foods items

as well as some luxury items. Macsteel and members of the Alberton Methodist church donated them to AMCARE.

• 100 food parcels from the Department of Social Development are distributed on a monthly basis to needy beneficiaries.

• 9600 loaves of bread were provided to clients in the township.• 1 505 community members were reached though community awareness campaigns.


• Lack of male caregivers, to work with male clients and address sensitive needs.• Increasing number of individuals needing food parcels.• Lack of commitment from parents with children needing to take ARV’s • Increase of number of children defaulting medication.• Clients expect incentives to participate in psychosocial programmes.• Increasing number of teenage pregnancies.


“It seems impossible, until it’s done.”Nelson Mandela

Donating to a worthy cause is a proud tradition at Macsteel – but it’s Macsteelers’ ‘hands-on’ active participation that really makes the difference. In 2017, we ran a “Love Bucket” campaign for AMCARE, and our Macsteel participants made it a worthwhile, eye-opening event, as the feedback from Rosemary Tippetts attests.

Together with AMCARE, Macsteel Coil Processing Volunteers participated in a Township Tour of Phola Park, Eden Park and Greenfields.

The employees of Macsteel Coil Processing collected enough food items during the months of May and June to fill 5 Love Buckets (essential items for a family for a month). Volunteers were then given the opportunity to experience first-hand the impact that giving and kindness can have on our more vulnerable community members.

Facebook note from AMCARE Thank you to Macsteel Coil Processing staff for visiting Amcare today. You arrived to make a difference in the lives of families, and left having done just that. The time, thought and effort that went into packing the food parcels was amazing. it is just this that makes your efforts and contributions so rewarding. In visiting three vulnerable families from Phola Park, Eden Park and Greenfieldshandingoverthedonationoffood‘lovebuckets’,itleftthe staff of Macsteel humbled, aware and motivated. Thank you for visiting Amcare and being witness to the work and

services delivered to clients on a daily basis.

Health and W



Friday 9 June started as a very cold day but although we complain



work we don't always think of those who have it a whole lot worse

than we do.

That day some of my colleagues and I went to Amcare in Alberton

to hear about all the wonderful work they do in the community

with very limited resources. They rely heavily on donations which

is where we as Macsteel Coil Processing employees came in with

five "Love Buckets" of food donations. These buckets

hold a

month's groceries for a family. We then went into Phola Park,


We had to park alongside the road and walk between shacks to

get to the designated families shacks. These shacks which were

put together with tin sheets, plastic and wire were icy cold with


of that morning it was almost inconceivable to think how some

people have to live in the cold of winter with empty stomachs and

the very bare essentials in life.

There was a grandmother looking after her grandchildren who

must have at one time in her life anticipated maybe having her

children look after her, but was now looking after their children.

One very encouraging fact was that the children were at school.

A WOW moment between us ladies was looking at the laundry on

one wash line between the shacks which was pure white … under

the circumstances this was astonishing.



eyes made the whole trip worthwhile … it was a very humbling

experience. We think we have problems in life and obstacles to climb over …

but there is always someone else worse off than what we are.



Coil Processing made a difference in the lives of those who

received our grocery donations.

Kind regards

Rosemary Tippetts

The Love Bucket Collection Drive

The response from Macsteel Coil Processing employees to support the Amcare “Love Bucket” initiative was amazing. It is wonderful to see Macsteelers supporting the community. AMCARE is very well organised and it is really doing a fantastic job for the Alberton area. The Social Workers and Care Givers are so committed and provide a valuable service to their clients. It was a very humbling experience to witness the conditions which some fellow South Africans are exposed to. However, it is also very heart-warming and reassuring to know that there are good people like us Macsteelers, AMCARE and the dedicated Care Givers who are making a valued difference in these people’s lives.Tanya Sly


“How wonderful that nobody need wait a single moment to improve the world.”Anne Frank

Above Macsteel’s HO driver Enias Mtshali, here with AMCARE caregivers from the HIV/aids care and food relief programme. This happened during the Macsteel Coil Processing Business Units township tour and hand out of Love Buckets collected by our employees.

Health and W



Macsteel’s support of Germiston Rotary saw an enthusiastic turn-out of Macsteelers who gave fresh meaning to the term, “generous-hearted”.

Germiston Rotary go by their slogan, “Humanity in Motion – Service above Self” and Macsteel has been pleased to partner them in 2017.

The Germiston City Wheelers put together an extremely successful fundraiser again, with the National Classic Cycle Race sponsored by Carnival City and Macsteel in October 2017.

Steve Cleminon(Rotary convenor) with Macsteel Group CFO Mike Benfield (now CEO) and Germiston South Branch Manager Granville Rolfe

Cycling for Charity


A very special thanks goes to our Macsteel Volunteer Cycle Challenge Committee. They worked tirelessly throughout the entire event, faithfully manning all the watering points over both days.

Each year the Rotary Club hands over a donation to support a community organisation in the work they do. This year’s donation went to the Guide-Dogs Association of South Africa, and Macsteel matched this, by donating an additional R15 000 to the Association.

31 October 2017.

Carnival City Macsteel National Classic Cycle Race We wish to thank Macsteel for the continued support of the cycle race and the very generous sponsorship donation of R100,000.00 for which we are most grateful.By all accounts we had another very successful event again this year. This was achieved in no small measure by the wonderful support that we receive from Macsteel and all of the staff that so generously give of their time to assist and to participate in this annual event. Please convey the appreciation of the Rotary Cub of Germiston as well as the Germiston Wheelers Cycling Club to all your staff who contributed to the success of this important event on the National Cycling Calendar.

We will soon start planning for our next race, which will be held during the last weekend of October – MTB and Trail Run on Saturday the 27th with the Road Race on Sunday the 28th October 2018. We would be most grateful if we can count on your sponsorship and support again for next year.

Yours sincerely

“Re - ‘cycle’ people and make the world a better place!”Anonymous

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Quadriplegics could count on Macsteel to come alongside and partner them and their associations in 2017.

Helping the Most Vulnerable

In 2017, Macsteel got involved with both the QuadPara Association of KZN as well as that of Gauteng.

These were meaningful and memorable times of engagement on the part of our Macsteelers, as can be seen by the many letters of appreciation they sent in after the events.

Macsteel‘s Space Renewal Programme also made a contribution, with Macsteel Durban Trading making a generous donation of steel for balustrades.

Quadriplegics are one of the most vulnerable groups within the disability sector. Those who are discharged to rural communities without any support or guidance structures have little chance of surviving the first year – the only dreams available are often nightmares of pain, isolation, poverty, abuse, and death. The Associations’ outreach, Rural Development, and Rural Capacity Building Programs offer a hand of hope and independence to those who so desperately need it.

The QuadPara Association of KZN is an autonomous Non-Profit Organisation and a Public Benefit Organisation that has been growing since 1993, and is responsible for all its own development, project, and administrative funding.

Their aim is to deliver life changing services to persons with severe mobility impairments in KwaZulu-Natal, by delivering projects that their donors / CSI partners can be proud of.


“It’s not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving.”Mother Theresa

Macsteel Durban Trading’s donation of steel for much needed balustrades at the Ashley Village complex, KZN

On the 17th of May 2017, our Macsteel KZN Branches teamed up with the Quadpara Association of KZN on a Team Building Day at Ashley Village, for 4 hours of community interaction.

We had 22 Macsteel KZN Volunteers who participated on the day. It was an eye-opening experience - exposing our Macsteel Volunteers to the challenges of the disabled.

Dear Macsteel

Thank you for the donation of steel tubing for the balustrades at the new rural capacity

building & care centre and for the ramps at the Association’s Ashley Village facility.




often take a back seat with other essentials having to be sorted, so your assistance is a huge

help to us.

Ashley Village and our training, counselling, and rural capacity building programmes are

essential developments for quadriplegics and paraplegics in the KwaZulu-Natal region as

there are so many who have nowhere to go, or are inadequately cared for.

We are all looking forward to the Macsteel team building day that is planned for the 17th

March – it is a great opportunity to see what we are doing.

Many thanks again – your interest and kind assistance is appreciated by all at the Association.

Yours sincerely,

Cedric Hedgcock


Ashley Village Team Building Event

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Thabani Mhlongo:

Personally, I enjoyed interacting with both my colleagues as well as those at

the home we were visiting. I would suggest and request that we have more

of these yearly. This not only shows us how we as humans take certain

things for granted, it also shows us how others live on the other side of the

fence: we are given a guided tour into their world and when we come out the

other side we have a different outlook on things and life.

I thank you Lynne, Kim and Marcus for making this happen, and for including

me to be part of this initiative - we as Macsteelers are always so busy that

we ourselves do not get know each other on a personal level, as most of our

departments are so divided. We only interact as and when the job requires

but spending time with one another also teaches us about each individual

and where they come from.

Michelle Scorgie:Firstly, I would like to thank you for allowing

me to join the Macsteelers on the teambuilding

event. It was such an amazing day filled

with lots of fun but also a lot of emotion. The

residents of the village were so inspiring and

accommodating, it was amazing to see how

they have taken a hardship and made it into a

positive part of everyday life . The motivational

speaker was also very inspiring he gave me a

lot to think about but what really stood out was

how he gave us the caps not for us but to give

out to the residents laying the foundation for the

giving nature which we all need to incorporate

into our daily lives especially for those less

fortunate then ourselves. Then ending off the

day with some good music accompanied with

another heartwarming story of a man that has

not let his situation bring him down.

It was an Amazing Team Building Experience at Ashley Village - Macsteelers’ testimonials say it all

Michele Venter:

Thank you for affording me the opportunity, I had a

fabulous day, with lots of laughter and good camaraderie.

Loved the Village and the people we met. It was so

inspiring to see how they go about their daily lives with

such positive attitudes.

The motivational talk we received resonated with each

person on a personal level and left you feeling positive

about setting achievable goals.


Busizwe Cele:

I had a great time at the teambuilding, on the 17th March.

Being at the QuadPara organisation was an eye opener as

I got to see how people who are not as able as me are living

normal lives like everybody else. The Team attitude speech

was also insightful. I learned a lot from Brett – he certainly

opened my eyes to a few things and got me to reflect on my

life and the future that I want. And of course, I enjoyed the

music from SA’s own Rodriguez.

All in all, it was a great experience and I thank Macsteel for

affording me the opportunity. I would love to get involved in

this sort of event again.

“One of the key purposes of human development is to educate for life, rather than simply for a well-trained job.” - Anonymous

Iqram Shaikh:

I just want to say that it was an awesome experience to spend time teambuilding at the quad-association. I learnt a lot from how they see and experience life. They have a very positive outlook on life which is very encouraging.

Lynne McMillan:

An experience like this is a reality check for all of us who feel a little overwhelmed at times by our own inadequacies. What a unique and humbling day. Cedric and Frank are absolute gentlemen. Their impeccable hospitality was truly amazing, down to the last detail – nothing was too much trouble.

Pierre’s enthusiasm for keeping us all entertained was enjoyed by all. Brett Ellis left us all wanting to conquer the world and of course, the resident Rodriguez took us down memory lane by entertaining us with the all too familiar Rodriguez tunes. A perfect ending to a memorable day.Thank you to all involved – we arrived in the morning not knowing what to expect, and ended up saying goodbye to the residents of Ashley Village feeling inspired and on an emotional “high”.

Cheryl Ntshele:

The experience was priceless. It was my first time using the electric wheelchair and it was rather difficult - I take my hat off to the people that use it every day.

It was good for us as the Macsteel team to interact in a different environment. We all took a lot from that session. Macsteel really cares.

Health and W



Macsteel Supports Casual Day in Gauteng

We enthusiastically joined this initiative with “Macsteel Supports Casual Day” stickers acquired from the QuadPara Association in Gauteng.

Casual Day, 1st September is Spring Day and as always our Macsteelers dress up in the spirit of spring.

It is also important to understand what Casual Day is really about, and in 2017 two quadriplegic residents from the Remme-Los Independent Living Centre, Primrose, Germiston gave us much more insight.

Together with their caregiver, they came to a Meet-and-Greet with our employees at our Germiston Trading branch and Head Office. They shared with us their deeply touching stories, of how they came to be quadriplegic. Often it’s such a tragic loss. And most often, it happens through accidents or violent crimes.

Our Macsteelers were encouraged to ask questions, because fear is most often based in the unknown, and once people have a better understanding, they are better able to respond and help.

This event also made it clear what challenges we have in being able to accommodate severely disabled persons in wheelchairs in the workplace.

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Total spend on our focus area of welfare during 2017 is R422 600, with an additional spend of R79 845 allocated from our community involvement focus area as they share mutual beneficiaries.

Macsteel believes that the welfare needs of our communities are always present, and endeavours to support the most vulnerable in our society – including the children, the physically and mentally disabled, as well as the aged. And, for that matter, any persons who for whatever reason are unable to support themselves through circumstances not of their own making.

2017 sees a significant shift as to how allocations are firstly identified and then made.

The days of Macsteel trying to support all the charities that approached us through gratitude gesture amounts of less than R5 000 are no longer. We believe supporting less NGO’s with more is far more beneficial in ensuring sustainability.

Our CSI strategic plan for 2017 - 2019 now also serves as a guide when approving funding requests for support. This has seen us adopting an integrated community development approach, in order to create shared value. At the same time, this measure also ensures we identify needs as informed by local context aligned to our identified priority focus areas and within specified geographic locations.

For this we need strategic partners who will help facilitate engagement with Macsteel communities in order to develop and implement integrated development plans with various stakeholders.

With this in mind, in 2017 we identified Mama’s Alliance, a no-charge CSI agency with whom we could partner. Later in the year, we identified key passionate Macsteelers from our coastal regions in Cape Town and Durban, and invited them to form local Community Volunteer Steering Committees, to be inducted and receive the appropriate mandate and support from Macsteel’s Group Corporate Social Responsibility Department. This is an attempt to localise the identifying of potential beneficiaries that can lead to the successful alignment with our community involvement programme. It is foreseen that this will provide opportunities for more Macsteel employees to get involved directly in our immediate communities.

7373Macsteel’s welfare focus area managed to support a total of 36 NGO’s from all provinces besides the Northern Cape, 17 of which were identified through our CSI partnership with Mama’s Alliance.

Macsteel and Mama’s Alliance share a common goal in striving to reach the most disadvantaged of our society. With the collaborative relationship that exists between Macsteel and Mama’s Alliance, we were able to achieve exactly that. The collective effort of the NGOs in the Mama’s Alliance ensures that 33,000 children directly benefit from services provided on a daily basis..

We are proud to share highlights of our involvement with beneficiaries. We continue to seek opportunities and means to impact all the beneficiaries that we support, aligning our giving with active participation that also impacts on them in our community involvement programmes.

Mama’s Alliance


Cape Town


R60 000

R55 000

R84 200

R223 400 R70 042

Discretionary Donations

CIP - direct costs

CIP - space renewal



Haven of Safety

Kids Haven was grateful to receive a substantial grant from Macsteel of R65 000 in December 2017 towards the building of the Kids Haven education annex project which will be completed in 2018.

Using an in-house Bridging School programme, Kids Haven provides a calm and structured learning environment that is best suited to the needs of children who are new to the organization, as well as those with especially challenging behaviour. The Bridging School occupies the middle floor of the Kids Haven Centre / Shelter building in Benoni.

This means that children who are in the Bridging School programme sleep on the top floor, eat in the dining hall on the ground floor and learn on the middle floor, which is an advantage in terms of the security of the children.

But it does mean they never have the opportunity to leave the building, and Kids Haven has recognized that this lack of space is difficult for children who have been used to much more freedom before their entry into the programme.

Macsteel’s hands-on involvement

On the 20th of December 2017, Macsteel went above and beyond when 22 children from Kids Haven, along with two staff members and 9 Macsteel Volunteers were invited to watch a live cricket match at the Wanderers stadium.

Macsteel exceeded all expectations by hosting the children in the Macsteel Company Box, allowing them to watch the match in wonderful comfort and enjoy delicious food. The children received the most beautiful T-shirts and wonderful bulging goody bags.

Kids Haven is a registered Non-Profit Organization and Public Benefit Organization. With an average of 92% Black beneficiaries, the demographic usually reflects around 51% male and 49% female beneficiaries.

Kids Haven’s mission is to reach out to children on the streets, and others in need in the community.

The staff are invested in providing these children with love and shelter in a nurturing, secure environment. Part of the process at Kids Haven includes giving the children guidance, therapy, training and support, to help them be the best they can be and take their rightful place in the community.

Under the umbrella of Mama’s Alliance, Kids Haven were also the recipients of Macsteel’s generous support in 2017, to help provide kids with shelter from the harsh reality of the streets


“I cannot take your pain away, but I will love you through it anyway.”Anna Taylor

Macsteel is successfully aligning to our Space Renewal community involvement programme with the support of our Usizo Enterprise & Supplier Development customers

Etafeni Day Care Centre Trust

Etafeni Day Care Centre Trust is a registered non-profit organization housed in a multi-use facility to deliver a variety of educational and social welfare programmes as well as outreach projects to the under-served communities in Nyanga, Cape Town.

Founded in 2001, Etafeni originally served as a response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic which was rampant (and still continues to be very present) in Nyanga and its surrounding areas. Besides having alarmingly high HIV/AIDS rates, Nyanga is one of South Africa’s most dangerous townships.

Computer lab – 20 computers are now safe and secure, thanks to Macsteel / Usizo

The meeting room is now safe and secure, thanks to Macsteel / Usizo

Macsteel’s kind and generous donation provided additional security protection for five of the Etafeni centre’s offices, including their computer lab. The lab is extensively used, by youth preparing for their future careers, by the high school students when conducting research for school projects and by the younger children for technology lessons. So their computers are exceptionally valuable to the centre as they open up the world to the secluded township of Nyanga. The centre expressed their immense gratitude and appreciation to Macsteel for their practical support in 2017.



Two soccer goal posts and two grand stands were fabricated by our Usizo Customer, Montsheng Magase Construction Pty Ltd, who went the extra mile, getting the goal posts and stands fabricated and delivered. As a result of his participation in our community-based space renewal programme he has been inspired to support other NGO’s in Limpopo in his own capacity.

In supplying these items, Macsteel Service Centres SA donated the steel to Children of the Dawn as well as covering the costs.

Children of the Dawn

Community Care of Rural Orphaned and Vulnerable Children -Mathabatha, Limpopo

Can you imagine being 7 and not eating for four days?Can you imagine being 9 and having to wash your own clothes?Can you imagine being 11 and having to look after your three brothers and sisters?

… This is the ordinary life of an AIDS orphan. This is the life of about 3.6 million South African children.

Two Space Renewal Projects

Macsteel makes a difference through UsizoChildren of the Dawn

Our Space Renewal community involvement programme with the support of our Usizo Enterprise & Supplier Development customers continues to grow


New BeginningZThe baby home is a residential care centre for 30 abandoned, abused, neglected babies and toddlers.

In August 2017, Macsteel donated R10,000 towards the general support of the babies and toddlers in the New BeginningZ Baby Haven and ECD centre in Laudium, Centurion. The baby home is a residential care centre for 30 abandoned, abused, neglected babies and toddlers. Macsteel’s donations have contributed towards the nappies, food, toiletries and milk formula of these children. The ECD centre provides free early education and two meals and snacks to 30 of the most vulnerable children from the Iterileng community from Monday to Friday. The donations from Macsteel were used for monthly groceries to prepare healthy daily meals for the children.

Macsteel went one step further and built a brand-new classroom for the centre. Built by one of Macsteel’s Usizo customers and currently used by the Grade R class in the mornings it provides ample space for individual stimulation and education. In the afternoons the new classroom is used for homework assistance for the foundation group (Grade 1 to 3) and thereafter the teenage support groups, of which there are 64 children. The youth program provides free aftercare homework assistance, team building, sport activities and teenage support groups.

“The donations of Macsteel have made a significant difference in the lives of our children! We would like to take this opportunity to thank your company for your support towards our organisation and children in need!”

Donation: R10,000 and ECD centreImpact: 152 children

Eraldo Banovac“You must never forget social welfare, ethics and honesty.”



Macsteel’s Community Involvement Programme

IntroductionMacsteel has always recognised the importance of being able to play a meaningful role in the upliftment of our communities. Nowhere is it more rewarding than when serving the communities whose lives touch our own in a multitude of ways. To this end, Macsteel has sought opportunities that go far beyond mere “arm’s length giving”. It is Macsteel’s objective to identify, initiate and sustain mechanisms in our society that will promote organic interaction to grow relationship and trust between our corporation and our communities, for the long-term benefit of both.

Macsteel is very pleased to report that 81% of the spend through community involvement activities was aligned with our objective of benefiting current SED beneficiaries from our focus areas namely, Health and Wellness, Education and Capacity Building, and Welfare.

This is a real indication of Macsteel’s commitment to our communities, and a move towards active participation and involvement is evident.

A Reminder of Macsteel’s Corporate Social Investment Mission

• To actively contribute to the upliftment of the disadvantaged communities surrounding our operations, as well as those communities from which we source our labour.

• Toachievethisthroughefficientandeffectivesocialinvestmentprogrammesinboththeidentifiedpriorityfocus areas, and the geographical areas.

Community Involvement Programme

Total Investment 2017

Health and Wellness

Education and Capacity Building


Space Renewal

Direct Costs

R162 874

R79 845

R52 978

R805 464

R412 565

R97 202



The Macsteel Volunteer Programme, “Macsteel Cares”, was launched in November 2015 to facilitate and support employee participation in our Community Involvement Programme (CIP). Since then the programme has grown and continues to strengthen and align with our CSI strategic objectives. Macsteel Cares has become a brand that is consciously identified and embraced - by both our employees, and the communities we interact with.

Macsteel’s long-term vision is to see each and every Macsteeler eventually in a Macsteel Cares Shirt - meaning they have volunteered, and are proud to be associated with the brand.

Amongst our 4000 employees, there are many natural caregivers, pastors and community leaders. The Macsteel Cares programme is our way of encouraging them – our Macsteelers - to partner with us, as a socially responsible organisation, involved in the development and upliftment of the communities surrounding the company’s operations.

Community volunteering has significant advantages for our Macsteelers. Each hands-on encounter is an opportunity to learn about others – their joys, their sorrows, their needs – while making a difference. It also exposes staff to the insecurities that people face, such as job loss and unemployment - which, in turn will enhance empathy.

Outreach of this kind also brings about a greater sense of worthiness in our staff. It is always personally uplifting to be making a significant difference somewhere. And when we engage as part of the Macsteel Cares team, it sparks off a deeper sense of belonging - to our own “caring family”.

We couldn’t do this without our Macsteel Employees……… all our Macsteelers

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The “Macsteel Cares” Initiative


Macsteel is often approached by non-profit organisations (NPO’s) with requests for support through donations of steel products. The funding support requests for product is seen as an ideal opportunity to ‘tweek’ our CSI strategic plan by expanding on our focus area in Community Involvement Programmes.

The purpose is to ensure socio-economic alignment through the migration of our Usizo enterprise development beneficiaries to that of being both enterprise and supplier development beneficiaries of Macsteel’s.

This is achieved by contracting our Usizo enterprise development customer directly to fabricate the required goods for which the steel was requested from the various NPO’s. The additional social value add has been warmly received by so many of our community based non profit organisations.

This similarly, has been expressed by our Usizo customer: being afforded the opportunity as small businesses to be included and actively participate in Macsteel’s social upliftment aims.

As a result, Macsteel has been able to not only create the much needed access to market opportunities for our Usizo Customers but also support needs as identified by our communities.

Macsteel invited a newly identified beneficiary, Roundabout Water Solutions NPO, to present their request for funding support at our Usizo network forum in June 2017. This proved to be an ideal opportunity for many of our SMMEs, who had the capacity to fabricate the material needed for the steel water tank stands which Roundabout Water install together with their unique PlayPumps - Generally on the premises of schools, and only in the rural areas of South Africa which are the most desperate for access to water.

R237 848 of Macsteel’s SED spend was allocated from the 2017 Community Involvement Programme budget to focus on supporting both our NPO beneficiaries and our Usizo enterprise development customers.

CIP Space Renewal

Roundabout Water Solutions - rural


Education and Capacity Building

Health and Wellness

62 337

52 492

52 978

70 042

Community-based Space Renewal - Poised to Become Macsteel’s New Flag-Ship


Innovation, fun and Macsteel Usizo combine to showcase our Community Involvement Programme in support of Roundabout Water Solutions.

Roundabout Water Solutions, who has an agreement with the South African Department of Water Affairs, is raising donor funds to supply rural communities with clean drinking water.

To do this, an innovative concept has been implemented: a sustainable pumping system called a PlayPump that is powered by children at play.

The PlayPump is a unique concept that utilises children’s playful energy to pump water into a water tank for a community, home or school.

Macsteel identified Roundabout Water Solutions as an ideal social cohesion partner for our Usizo migration programme, as their need for water tank stands would be ongoing.

When Roundabout Water Solutions establishes that there is sufficient evidence at a site to utilise a borehole, and they receive the necessary funds, they are able to install yet another PlayPump.

Not only is this a solution to today’s water crisis in South Africa, it also affords Macsteel the opportunity to make a meaningful contribution to this desperate need for access to water.

Background to Roundabout Water Solutions and PlayPumps SA:

In South Africa there are hundreds of schools without a reliable source of clean drinking water. Girls, in particular, have to give up time that should be spent on their education, to collect water.

Rural communities, who have no municipal water, are also forced to collect their water from streams, dams and unreliable water sources. Women and girls have to walk anything up to 5 kms a day to collect water for their households, with no guarantee that the water collected is fit for human consumption.

Water Solutions… Simply Child’s Play

“A bike can take you places a car never will.”Anonymous


2 3





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Prior to the installation of a PlayPump, each borehole is tested. Borehole tests comprise both chemical and bacteriological testing to ensure that the water is fit for human consumption. In addition to this, a “step down test” is conducted to establish the rate at which water can be drawn from the borehole without it running dry.

Test samples are submitted to a qualified geo-hydrologist. Once the water has been certified fit for human consumption, Roundabout Water Solutions provides the recommendations for a specific pump set, to ensure ease of use of the equipment.

Between June and December 2017, Macsteel donated the fabricated material, ready for installation, for four tank stands - two standard and two with advertising boards. The cost of the steel was donated and two of our Usizo enterprise development customers were contracted to fabricate the ready-to-install steel components – namely, MF Projects and Balizeko Engineering.

Macsteel was pleased to see the installation of the first of the tanks allocated in the North West Province (site Installation May 2018)

Often the only piece of playground equipment at a school, the PlayPump provides the children with a constructive and rewarding way to use their energy.

The children enjoy improved health by virtue of a reduction in water borne diseases. This leads to a reduction in the number of cases of diarrhoea.

There is an increase in time spent at school as a consequence of improved health, leading to an improvement in education.

Overall attendance at school increases, as it becomes known that there is a reliable source of clean drinking water.

Improved safety is assured for the girls who don’t have to walk long distances to collect water from rivers, dams or other sources.

There is also the opportunity to educate school children and the surrounding community via the message panels at the top of each PlayPump tank stand.



23 Monmaladi Primary School has 279 learners and eight educators. It is a farm school.

The other farm schools in the area were closed down and so now all the children attend this school. The result is that it is over populated and there are not enough classrooms. Lack of water was always a huge worry and resulted in an unhygienic situation. But the PlayPump has made a huge difference. They are also hoping to start a vegetable garden. The PlayPump is just outside the school, so the community can also use the water.

At Menwe Primary School, near the border with Botswana, there are 487 learners and fifteen educators. They had an electric pump, but it was always breaking and they could not afford to pay for its repair again, as the school is in a very poor area. Without water there is usually chaos at the school: cooks are unable to feed the children, and teachers have to leave the school in a bid to find water, which impacts enormously on their teaching time. The PlayPump is a great help, now.

KayRedfieldJamison“Play is not a luxury. It’s a necessity”

Some grateful feed-back from recipients of PlayPumps, thanks to Macsteel’s caring participation:

At Maheelo Primary there are 256 learners and eight educators. It is in a rural farm area. Their electric pump was broken and they would need R9 000 to have it fixed, which they could not afford. They had found in the past that it often just broke again a few months later. There is no alternative water source, so when the pump broke the kids went hungry - in fact, some of the children left without having eaten at all that day. But no more, because the PlayPump is a great help.1Phakela Primary School has 576 learners and sixteen educators. It is a farm school and the parents are very poor. Their existing pump was broken and the children were often sent home early when there was no water. Staff had to collect water from the high school, which seriously disrupted teaching routines. Since then, the PlayPump is making a huge difference.

Macsteel’s C


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Macsteel Swings For Charity

Active participation is our mantra at Macsteel, and Charity Golf Days are a great opportunity to both reward our employees and raise much-needed funds for many charities.

Being at the coal face of our communities, these charities have so much to teach us. Our Macsteel Golf Days are another way of impacting our employees, by exposing them to community-based NPO’s and learning first-hand about the challenges that these organisations face on a daily basis.

Macsteelers really got into the “swing of things” in support of our Community Involvement Charity Golf Days.

Child Welfare – Germiston, Together Protecting Children

Date: 07 September 2017, Germiston Golf Club. 8 four-ball entries participating from our various BU’s branches and Head Office

The day went well for all our eight Macsteel Teams, and we hope that you all enjoyed the day in support of Child Welfare.

Our Macsteel Head Office ladies team tee-off in support of the day and Hospice reported raising no less than R100 000 towards the hospice’s building project.

Hospice is not a place but a ‘philosophy of care’ for people facing a life-limiting illness. It addresses a patient’s physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs, and also helps support those who love them.

Macsteel sponsored the watering hole at the 18th tee and our volunteers Anna-Marie, Yvonica & Elaine managed to raise a further R6 500 on the day for Child Welfare Germiston

Stepping Stone Hospice, 16 March, Reading Country Club, Alberton


“RADA is an acronym for rape, alcohol, drug and abuse.”

We take positive, meaningful and effective action to combat these addictions and atrocities so that our world can become a better, healthier and safer place in which to prosper.

Annual Charity Golf Day held 7th November 2017, at the Bryanston Country Club

Macsteel’s four-ball entry proudly supported this fundraising initiative.

“The 2017 event was the highlight of the year,” said our Macsteel Volunteer Jenny Mathews, who participated on the day.

One of the big highlights of the day was that we raised R45 000, which is our largest amount to date. We have been running the event for a few years and it was fantastic to see that it is gaining momentum, thanks to the continuous support of people and companies such as Macsteel. It was great to have the event run smoothly, from the golf during the day to dinner and the auction. It really is an all-day event and it was topped off by an amazing performance by Prime Circle.Thank you so much for your support over the years. Kind regardsJames EllisRADA

Macsteel’s C


unity Involvement Program


Words cannot express

how humble and grateful I am to

all the hundreds of Macsteelers (and friends)

throughout our branches who have rallied to

all the events and put a hand up to support our

Community Involvement Programme. Your time,

effort and care have made Macsteel Cares a tangible

reality for many organisations facing huge challenges

in today’s demanding climate.

A special word of thanks from Kim Allan, Group Corporate Social Responsibility Manager: