1. Have you ever heard an animal talk? No Yes 2. Can an animal shop in a store? No Yes 3. Can people...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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1. Have you ever heard an animal talk?

No Yes

2. Can an animal shop in a store?

No Yes

3. Can people talk to each other?

No Yes

When trying to decide if the characters in a

story are real ask yourself if the animals or people do realistic


1. Is a palace with a frog prince somewhere you can visit?

No Yes

2. Can you go to your friend's house to play?

No Yes

3. Can your family take a summer vacation to Disney World?

No Yes

When trying to decide if the setting in a story

is real ask yourself if it is a place you could really go to.

When we read, it is important for us to

understand the important events in a

story that make up the plot

Did You Know? Almost every story has a problem.This is called the plot. The plot has three parts

A character with the A character tries to solve the problemproblem

The problem is solved