1 Housing Regeneration Schemes Katharine Burchell June 2014.

Post on 27-Dec-2015

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Housing Regeneration Schemes

Katharine BurchellJune 2014



• Council is delivering major housing regeneration schemes across the Borough; Mandale Park, Meadow Rise, Parkfield (Nursery Gardens and West End Gardens), Swainby Road and Victoria

• All at different stages but all being delivered in partnership with private developer partners and/or RP’s and the HCA

• Strong sense of community in all locations and strong support


Mandale Park

• Most advanced scheme

• 10 year anniversary

• Delivered in partnership with Keepmoat and Barratt Homes, Tristar Homes and Isos

• Site assembly complete

• 862 new homes (246 affordable). 780 complete

• Linear Park, football pitches, talented sports person grant, work with schools and local community


New Homes at Mandale Park


Meadow Rise (Hardwick)

• Well advanced• Partners are Keepmoat and Barratt Homes,

Endeavour and Tristar Homes• 760 new homes in total, approx 120 to be built• Not just housing for sale and rent - Aspen Gardens,

Ruskin Court, supported bungalows, Hardwick Green Primary School, cycle links, MUGA


Nursery Gardens and West End Gardens

• Nursery Gardens – nearing completion. Total of 110 homes, building out the final 8 properties. Dunelm and TVHG.


West End Gardens

• Finalising site assembly issues

• TVHG are on site and the 1st foundations are in (Southdale are constructing the properties). 117 new homes

• Mill Lane School involved in street naming project


Swainby Road

• Site Assembly nearing completion

• Approx 174 new homes, to be delivered by Keepmoat Homes – 30 affordable (Tristar Homes)

• Finalising legal docs • Planning application is



Victoria Estate

• Latest housing regeneration scheme• Currently focussing on the assembly of the 1st 2

phases, decant of residents is going well, 254 properties included, closely working with Tristar

• A vibrant and sustainable Victoria residential development is integral to the Councils future vision for Stockton town centre

•  Exploring options for what the residential ‘offer’ will be