1 Intro to Info Tech Internet Copyright 2003 by Janson Industries This presentation can be viewed on...

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Intro to Info TechInternet

Copyright 2003 by Janson Industries

This presentation can be viewed on line at: http://web.fscj.edu/Janson/cgs1060/wk03.Internet.ppt

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries2


Define what the Internet is

Learn about browser s/w and Web pages

Navigate the Web

Download from the Web

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries3


What is the Internet?

Are the Internet and the World Wide Web:

The same thing?

Or different? If different, how?

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries4

How does the Web work?Client/Server Structure of the World Wide Web

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries5

How does the Web work? A Web browser is a software

application that runs on the PC to make it work as a Web client

Web servers: computers that store files that are available through the Web

Web pages are stored in files that contain HTML (HyperText Markup Language) instructions, text, images, sound, etc.

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries6

How does the Web work? You need:

Browser (client s/w) MS IE, Firefox, Safari, Chrome

Internet Service Provider (ISP) Cable, Phone, Starbucks

You request a web resource by:

Clicking on a link

Specifying a resource address

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries77

Title Bar Control Buttons


Web Page Area

Status Bar

Address Window

Menu Bar



Tool BarSearch

Favorites Bar

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries8

Navigating the web Use the IE Refresh button to retrieve Web

page from serverBeware Caching!

Use the Stop button to abort a transfer (e.g. you accidentally click a hyperlink )

The browser stores the location of each page you visit during a single session in the history list.

Use the Back and Forward buttons to move through the history list

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries9

Starting IE

Standard Buttons toolbar

Displays favorites, history, add to favorites

Go to home page

Quickly add to favorites bar


Send/save page, look at source code

Internet options, pop up blocker

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries10

Mouse Hyperlink Navigation Click a hyperlink

Text that is a different color and underlined

At new Web page Right-click on the Web page’s

background On the shortcut menu, click Back

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries11

Uniform Resource Locator - URL Each web page/resource has a

unique address called a URL

URL’s can be comprised of:




Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries12

Host Identification Host can be identified by an IP

address or Domain name



Domain name: subsubdomain.subdomain.tld

(ex. www.fccj.org)

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries13

Uniform Resource Locator - URL Path is the directory/subdirectories where

the web page is located on the host

Web page stored in a file with an extension (suffix) of HTML or HTM

File names consist of prefix.suffix (suffix also called extension)

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries14

Non-hyperlink Access

You must specify Protocol, Host, Path, File Name

What are these? Protocol, Host, Path, File Name


Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries 15

Accessing Files on a Website

If you do not specify all 4 parts

you will not see the page/file!!


Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries 16

Accessing files on a website

If you only specify these 3 parts

http://host address/path/

you will only see the index

(home) page

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries17

...and if there is no index.html file in the path you will get Forbidden

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries18

Entering a URL in the Address Bar

Type the URL of the location that you want to go to in the Address bar

Try: Try: www.yahoo.com

Don’t have to enter the protocol anymore – why?

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries19

Entering a URL in the Address Bar

Why doesn’t www.yahoo.com need a path and file name?

If no file name is specified the system looks for a file called index.htm (or html) Try: web.fscj.edu/Janson

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries20

God bless the browser Browser uses the URL address to

create a HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) request and sends the communication over the network

Like addressing an envelope

Network info { TCP/IP info [ HTTP info (URL address) HTTP info ] TCP/IP info} Network info

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries21

For sites you like/need/use often: click Favorites then Add to Favorites

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries22

Click Add or specify your own text and click Add or select a folder and then Add

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries23

Changing the Default Home Page

Click tools on the menu bar and then click Internet Options

In the General pane you can specify the default page as:

the current page

a blank page

another page (by typing the URL of a Web page in the Address text box)

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries24

Initially displays the current home page

To change: type in new address(es), click OK

or click one of the buttons

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries25

Printing a Web Page To print the current Web page:

Click the Print button on the Buttons toolbar to print with the default print settings

Or Click File on the menu bar and then Print

Select the printer you want to use indicate which pages to print the number of copies

Click the OK button

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries26

Controlling the Printing a Web PagePrint Dialog Box: Click File, Print

Select a printer

Control which pages and

number of copies

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries27

Controlling the Printing a Web PagePreferences has multiple tabs

Control Orientation

Other tabs control paper source ,

watermarks etc.

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries28

Controlling the Printing a Web PagePage Setup Dialog Box: Click File, Page Setup



Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries29

Using IE to Save a Web Page Open the Web page in the browser

On the menu bar, click File then Save as

Specify drive and path to save to

Accept or change the default file name prefix But retain the extension .htm or .html

Click the Save button

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries30

Using IE to Save a Web Page Image

Right click the image

Select Save Picture as

Specify: File name (prefix) File type (extension) Location

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries31

Using IE to Save Web Page Text

Select the text by left clicking and dragging around the text

Follow any of the copy and paste methods

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries32

Downloading from WWW Another method to move

information over the Internet

Most browsers provide basic download function

Go to the following URL (notice it is not a web page)


Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries33

Click Save as

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries34

At Save As window specify:Location on Computer File nameFile Type

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries35

Downloading from WWW

Class exercise:

Download the class syllabus document to your thumb drive

Using Computer, verify it's on your thumb drive

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries36

Assignments You will have to download files

for the assignments

Create a folder on the memory stick to hold files (and your work)

Follow the instructions on the inside of the back cover of text to download

Then unzip the files You must specify where the files

are unzipped to

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries37

Plug in memory stick then click Computer

Assignment Data Files

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries38

Double click the correct drive for your flash memory stick to view contents

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries39

Will get a window showing the contents of the disk (If your stick is new, there shouldn’t be anything listed)

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries40

Rename to CGS1060

Click New Folder

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries41

Hit Enter once to save with new name, then double click to go

into/view contents of CGS1060

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries42

Notice the address field shows where you are on the computer

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries43

Specify the ISBN number of the book (9781285418292 on the back of the book) and click Search

Start browser and go to www.cengage.com

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries44

Scroll down and click the Free Materials tab…

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries45

Click Access Now

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries46

Click Data Files

Or if you are having trouble, go directly to this page http://www.cengagebrain.com/cgi-wadsworth/course_product


Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries47

Click the link

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries48

Click Save as

Notice nasty file name

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries49

Specify the location as CGS1060 on the thumb or disk

Change the nasty file name to something more meaningful (e.g. MSOffice.zip – must leave zip as extension)

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries50

When finished, Open Folder (if this window doesn't appear go to Computer and display the CGS1060 folder contents)

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries51

The data files are in a zip (i.e. compressed) file that needs to be unzipped

First create a new folder in CGS1060 called windata then right click the MSOffice.zip file icon and select Extract All… to

start unzipping

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries52

Click New Folder

Specify folder name as Windata

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries53

Right click MSOffice.zip and select Extract All

Change destination to Windata in CGS1060 and click Extract

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries54

There is one new folder in WindataRename it DataFiles

119 files were placed in the windata folderThese are the files that will be used in the Unit tutorials

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries55

Inside that folder are folders for each Unit

For instance, the Word files needed in Unit D are in the Unit D folder

(The first page of each unit lists the files that will be needed)

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries56

These are the files you'll need for Word

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries57

Navigating the Web

Search Engines and Web Directories

Web Directories list websites by categories

Search Engines list based on search criteria you specify

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries58

Clicking on a top level category leads to ...

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries59

Keep drilling down and eventually you get a page listing

... a subcategory listing

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries60

Shows the path through the directories

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries61

Directory vs. Search

Directory can take a while to traverse

What if categories don't really match what you want

For instance, I want to find out info about fabbers

Google directory no help

I searched...

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries62

If you don't find what you want....

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries63

.... use a different search engine

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries64

Search tips Putting in multiple words mean all

must be present But not necessarily on the visible

portion of the page

Most allow you to use ANDs and ORs to make compound criteria monkey donkey orangutan means

monkey AND donkey AND orangutan

Minus sign means page can't have the word monkey AND donkey –orangutan

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries65

Search tips Putting words in double quotes

means that exact phrase has to be present "monkey donkey orangutan"

Instead of searching the entire web specify one website with site monkey donkey site:youtube.com

Most have an Advanced Search fill in the blank form to help

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries66

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries67

Most also have a preference page to control how and what is searched as well as the appearance of the results

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries68

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries69

Problems with the Web Can't believe everything

Anybody can put anything on a page

No "authority" monitors or validates what is put on a page

However, something illegal may get the attention of law enforcement

Poorly designed sites Traditionally, links on left or at top

Lots of images slows page download

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries70

The Web More than just pages available

Audio Music, lectures, books

Can be downloaded or streamed (viewed/listened to live)

Graphics Pictures Animation Video Virtual reality

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries71

The Web E-Commerce:

Biggest innovation to the Web

Not only buy and sell stuff, services too Track shipments, look up grades,

financial planning, etc

Three types B2C - efollet C2C - ebay B2B – electronic data interchange

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries72

The Internet Besides the WWW there's

Email FTP Message boards/news groups

Running discussion on a topic Chat rooms

Live discussion Telephony – Skype IM

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries73

Netiquette General rules for communicating on


CAPS mean your YELLING!

Be careful about sarcasm & humor – often hard to "read"

Read before sending

Emoticons (;-)) and Abbrs (ROFL, AFK) are OK for texting but not email

Copyright 2012 by Janson Industries74

Points to Remember The Web is just one portion of the


A browser enables your computer to surf the Web

Browsers also allow you to download files from the Web

Lots of stuff, other than pages, available on the Internet