1 Iris Recognition Ying Sun AICIP Group Meeting November 3, 2006.

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Iris Recognition

Ying SunYing Sun

AICIP Group MeetingAICIP Group Meeting

November 3, 2006November 3, 2006



• Introduction of Biometrics

• Methods for Iris Recognition

• Conclusion and Outlook


Biometrics Overview

• Measures human body featuresUniversal, unique, permanent & quantitatively measurable

• Physiological characteristicsFingerprintsFaceDNAHand Geometry/Ear ShapeIris/Retina

• Behavioral characteristicsSignature/gaitkeystrokes / typingVoiceprint

• Example applicationsBanking, airport access, info security, etc.


Advantages of Iris Recognition

• UniquenessHighly rich textureTwins have different iris textureRight eye differs from left eye

• Stability Do not change with ages

Do not suffer from scratches, abrasions, distortions

• NoninvasivenessContactless technique

• High recognition performance


Comparison of biometric techniques


• Verification: One to one matchingIs this person really who they claim to be?

• Identification: One to many matchingWho is this person?

Identification is more difficult!

Verification and Identification


10,000 samples, to identify which one is correct.

Suppose being right on an individual test: 0.9999

To make a correct identification, have to be right on every one of the 10,000 tests.


= 0.37


1.0 – 0.37 = 0.63

63% chance of being wrong!



Database of 1,000Chance of error:

1.0 - 0.99991,000

= 0.09

Database of 10,000Chance of error:

1.0 - 0.999910,000

= 0.63

Database of 100,000Chance of error:

1.0 - 0.9999100,000

= 0.99995

Misidentification increases with the size of database


Need Higher Identification Confidence!

Iris Recognition Would Satisfy this Criteria.

Need Higher Identification Confidence!

Iris Recognition Would Satisfy this Criteria.


Iris Structure


Procedure Employed in Iris Recognition

• Iris localization (Segmentation)

• Feature extraction

• Pattern matching

Focusing on Daugman Method


Iris Localization

• Localize the boundary of an iris from the image• In particular, localize both the pupillary boundary

and the outer (limbus) boundary of the iris. (limbus--the border between the sclera and the iris), both the upper and lower eyelid boundaries

• Desired characteristics of iris localization:

• Sensitive to a wide range of edge contrast

• Robust to irregular borders• Capable of dealing with

variable occlusions


Iris Localization

Image Segmentation

I(x,y): Raw image : Radial Gaussian

*: Convolution

The operator searches over the image domain for the maximum in the partial derivative according to increasing radius r, of the normalized contour integral of I(x,y) along a circular arc ds and center coordinates.

(active contour fitting method)


Feature Extraction

• Image Contains Both Amplitude and Phase

Phase is unaffected by brightness or contrast changes

• Phase Demodulation via 2D Gabor wavelets

• Angle of each phasor quantized to one/four quadrants


Gabor Wavelets

• Gabor Wavelets filter out structures at different scales and orientations

• For each scale and orientation there is a pair of odd and even wavelets

• A scalar product is carried out between the wavelet and the image (just as in the Discrete Fourier Transform)

• The result is a complex number


Phase Demodulation

• The complex number is converted to 2 bits

• The modulus is thrown away because it is sensitive to illumination intensity

• The phase is converted to 2 bits depending on which quadrant it is in


The iris code is a pattern of 1s and 0s (bits).

These bits are compared against a stored bit pattern.

Represent iris texture as a binary vector of 2048 bits


Pattern Matching

bits of no. Total

different bits of No.HD

Hamming distance (HD)

Calculate the percentage of mismatched bits between a pair of iris codes. (0-100%)


Binomial Distribution

• If two codes come from different irises the different bits will be random

• The number of different bits will obey a binomial distribution with mean 0.5


Distributions of true matches versus non matches

Hamming distances of true matches

Hamming distances of false matches

If an iris code differs from a stored pattern by 30% or less it is accepted as an identification


Encoding difference

Probability of the encoding difference between several measurements of the same person Probability of the

encoding difference between different people.


0 TFalse rejectionFalse acceptance

Threshold used to decide acceptance/rejection

22Left eye: HD=0.24; Right eye: HD=0.31

Afghan Girl Identified by Iris Patterns




Summary for Identification

• Two codes come from different iris, HD~0.45

• HD smaller for the same iris

• If the Hamming distance is < 0.33 the chances of the two codes coming from different irises is 1 in 2.9 million

• So far it has been tried out on 2.3 million test without a single error


Future Work

• Anti-spoofing Liveness detection

• Long distance identificationIris on the move

• SurveillanceWSN+Iris Recognition



Gabor Wavelet

The complex carrier takes the form

a complex sinusoidal carrier and a Gaussian envelope

The real and imaginary part: