1 Lesson 3 From Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Reading Selection Vocabulary for Production...

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Lesson 3From Anne Frank: The Diary

of a Young Girl

• Reading Selection

• Vocabulary for Production

• Vocabulary for Recognition

• Idiomatic Expressions


Anne Frank was a fourteen-year-old Jewish* girl when she began writing a diary during World War II.

Reading Selection


The diary covers about two years of Anne’s young life, while she was hiding with her family from the Nazis* in an attic1 in Holland*.

Reading Selection


Saturday, June 20, 1942  

The reason for starting a diary is that I have no real friend.


Since there is no doubt that paper is more patient than man, I want this diary to be my friend, and I shall call my friend Kitty.


Sunday, January 2, 1944Dear Kitty, I read some of my old diaries and saw a letter I wrote about Mummy. I wrote insuch an angry way that I was shocked.


I used to be furious2 with Mummy, and still am sometimes. It’s true that she doesn’t understand me, but I don’tunderstand her either.


The period when I caused Mummy to shed3 tears is over. I have grown wiser and Mummy’s nerves are not so much on edge.


I usually keep my mouth shut if I get annoyed4, and so does she, so we are able toget on much better together. It is better for hard words to be on paper than that Mummy should carry them in her heart.

Yours, Anne


Friday, April 4, 1944Dear Kitty, Anyone who doesn’t write doesn’t knowhow wonderful it is.


I want to go on living even after my death! Therefore I am grateful5 to God for giving me this gift, this possibility of developing myself and of writing, of expressing all that is in me.


I can shake off everything if I write; my sorrows6 disappear, and my courage is reborn. But, and that is the great question, will I ever be able to write anything great, will I ever become a journalist7 or a writer?


I hope so, oh, I hope so very much, for I can recapture8 everything when I write, my thoughts, my ideals9, and my fantasies10. Yours, Anne


Monday, July 14, 1944Dear Kitty,

In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.


I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation11 of confusion, misery12, and death. I see the world gradually beingturned into a wilderness.


I hear the ever-approaching thunder, which will destroy13 us too. I can feel the sufferings of millions.


In the meantime14, I must uphold15 my ideals, for perhaps the time will come when Ishall be able to carry them out.

Yours, Anne


On August 14, 1944, the German secret police discovered the hiding place of Anne and her family.


They were arrested16 and sent to a concentration camp* in Germany, where Anne died just two months before the end of the war.


Vocabulary for Production

1. attic 中解  n. [C] 閣樓

An attic is a convenient place to store things that one no longer uses but does not wish to throw



2. furious英解  very angry中解  adj. 狂怒的

Peter’s wife was furious when she learned that Peter had not been faithful.


fury 中解  n. 狂暴

The full fury of the hurricane was felt across the region.

infuriate 中解  v. 使大怒;觸怒

The speaker infuriated everyone in the audience with his rude remarks.


3. shed 中解  vt. 流下;落下

Trees in North America shed their leaves in the autumn and grow new ones in the spring.


4. annoy 中解  vt. 惹惱;使生氣annoying adj. 惱人的;討厭的annoyance n. 討厭的人、事、物;惱怒

It annoys Herman when someone borrows one of his books to read and then does not return it.


5. grateful 中解  adj. 感謝的;感激的gratefully adv. 感激地gratitude n. 感激之情

I am grateful for all the help you’ve given me.


6. sorrow 中解  n. [C,U] 憂傷;悲痛

Happy people consider that the joys of life far outweigh the sorrows.Laura felt sorrow at the death of her pet dog.

sorrowful 中解  adj. 悲傷的;傷心的

Karen comforted the sorrowful child by holding him in her arms.


7. journalist 中解  n. [C] 新聞記者Some journalists write for newspapers and magazines, while others work in the

broadcast media.

journalism 中解  n. 新聞學;新聞業Students who major in journalism are

usually very good writers.


8. recapture英解  to recall中解  vt. 重溫;使再現

Looking at old photos can help you recapture feelings and experiences you may have forgotten.


9. ideal 中解  n. [C] 理想ideal adj. 理想的;完美的idealize v. 將……理想化

A person with high ideals often dreams of making the world a better place to live in.


10. fantasy 中解  n. [C,U] 空想的產物;幻想A child’s life is full of fantasies because he or

she is not always able to separate the real from the unreal.

The public image of a famous performer like Madonna is more a fantasy figure than a real person like you or me.


fantastic 中解  adj. 想像中的;驚人的The science-fiction movie was full of strange

and fantastic creatures that had never actually existed.

fantasize 中解  v. 幻想

Joshua is always fantasizing about how someday he will become rich and famous.


11. foundation英解  basis  中解  n. [C] 基礎

Education is the foundation of a successful and wonderful life.  


12. misery 中解  n. [U,C] 悲慘;不幸

Sam’s family lived in misery for many months until his father found another job.

Helen’s family suffered many miseries during the time her husband was missing.

miserable   中解  adj. 痛苦的

Kathleen felt miserable for a long time after her boyfriend left her.


13. destroy 中解  vt. 消滅;毀壞destructive adj. 具毀滅性的destruction n. 破壞;毀滅

Many houses in the village were destroyed during the earthquake.  


14. meantime 中解  n. [U] 期間

Joseph hopes to travel to Europe someday. In the meantime, he is studying both French and German.


15. uphold 中解  vt. 維持

A person of good character upholds his or her values and beliefs regardless of the opinions of his or her fellow men.


16. arrest 中解  vt. 逮捕

The suspect was arrested by the police and placed in jail to await his trial.


Vocabulary for Recognition

1. Jewish英解  of the religion known as Judaism中解  adj. 猶太教的

Jew 英解  a person who believes in Judaism中解  n. 猶太教徒


2. Nazi 中解  n. [Always pl.] 德國納粹黨


3. Holland 中解  n. 荷蘭

4. concentration camp 中解  n. [C] 集中營


Idiomatic Expressions

1. on edge英解  nervous中解 緊張不安的

Lilly’s nerves were on edge as she awaited the result of her college entrance examination.


2. get on英解  to cooperate; to get along中解 和睦相處

A person who is able to get on with a variety ofpeople is much more likely to succeed in



3. shake off英解  to free oneself from中解 擺脫

By an act of will, Clark was able to shake off his fear and walk into the room for the job



4. build up英解  to create or develop中解 建立

Sandy built up a strong determination to win the race, which helped carry her through to victory.


5. in the meantime英解  in the period of time between two times

or two events中解 在這段時間裡

The next show is starting in five minutes; in the meantime, here are some magic tricks.


6. carry out英解  to perform; to execute; to do中解 實行

The current government is carrying out its promise to clean up the environment.