1. Open the file File>open 2. Save a version of this file in shared work File>save as>sharedwork>art...

Post on 17-Jan-2018

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Magic wand -lets you select an area of colour ( the higher the tolerance the wider range of tones selected) Gradient tool- lets you make an area of graduated tone. Paint Bucket- Lets you fill an area with a different colour. Eraser tool- acts like a rubber. Layer Palette-lets you put different parts of the image into different layers. Shows your selected colour. New Layer- creates a new layer TOOLS-there is more than 1 tool in each position Menu Bar Made a mistake? Press Ctrl + Alt + z To go backwards Want to zoom in or out? Press Ctrl + (zoom in) Ctrl – (zoom out) NAME:………………………………………………………………..… NOTES:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… SAVING WORK PHOTOSHOP FILE:keeps layers and allows you to edit work further Jpeg: allows you to put he image into other applications Tiff: allows you to put he image into other applications & keeps areas of transparency


1. Open the file File>open 2. Save a version of this file in shared work File>save as>sharedwork>art (save as YOUR NAME in the groups folder) 3. Click onto the background layer in the LAYERS PALETTE. & then click OK 4. Delete the background using the MAGIC WAND. This is available in the tool box (4th space down) REMEMBER Tolerance =30 Hold SHIFT to select more that one area 5. DESELECT Ctrl + D 6. Create a NEW LAYER in the LAYERS PALETTE 7. Drag LAYER 1 down so that it is below LAYER 0 8. Select the GRADIENT TOOL 9. Click here to change the colour 10. Click onto the image and drag the cursor to create the Gradient background. 11. Select LAYER 0 in the Layer palette 19. Deselect Ctrl + D 20.Repeat steps to change the red area to a different colour. 12. Go to image>adjustments>posterize 13. Change level to Go to Select>color range & then click onto a YELLOW AREA 15.Click OK 16.Go to Edit>fill 17. Select a colour 18. Click OK 21. Save your work. Go to File>save Extension Task Can you create different versions of this image using different colours? Magic wand -lets you select an area of colour ( the higher the tolerance the wider range of tones selected) Gradient tool- lets you make an area of graduated tone. Paint Bucket- Lets you fill an area with a different colour. Eraser tool- acts like a rubber. Layer Palette-lets you put different parts of the image into different layers. Shows your selected colour. New Layer- creates a new layer TOOLS-there is more than 1 tool in each position Menu Bar Made a mistake? Press Ctrl + Alt + z To go backwards Want to zoom in or out? Press Ctrl + (zoom in) Ctrl (zoom out) NAME:.. NOTES: SAVING WORK PHOTOSHOP FILE:keeps layers and allows you to edit work further Jpeg: allows you to put he image into other applications Tiff: allows you to put he image into other applications & keeps areas of transparency 1. Open the file File>open 2. Save a version of this file in shared work File>save as>sharedwork>art (save as YOUR NAME in the groups folder) 3. Click onto the background layer in the LAYERS PALETTE. & then click OK 4. Delete the background using the MAGIC WAND. This is available in the tool box (4th space down) REMEMBER Tolerance =30 Hold SHIFT to select more that one area 5. DESELECT Ctrl + D 6. Create a NEW LAYER in the LAYERS PALETTE 7. Drag LAYER 1 down so that it is below LAYER 0 8. Select the PAINT BUCKET TOOL which is in the same area as the GRADIENT TOOL 9. Change the COLOUR SELECTION 10. Click onto LAYER 1 to fill the area with your chosen colour. 11. Select LAYER 0 in the Layer palette 12. Go to image>adjustments>THRESOLD (This will change the image to black and white) 13. Adjust the sliding bar until you are happy with the balance 14. Select your Magic Wand Tool and click on any white area on the face. Then go to Select >Similar 15. press the delete key on your keyboard. DO NOT deselect your image. 21. Save your work. Go to File>save Extension Task Can you create different versions of this image using different colours? 16. Create a new layer LAYER 2 17. Then drag this layer between LAYER 0 and LAYER 1 18. Select your Paint Brush Tool (change the colour selection) and on LAYER 2 start to colour in your face, shirt etc. Remember CTRL + to zoom in LESSON 3 TASK 1: Complete Starter Worksheet Put your name in the space provided Fill in the blank spaces with the correct names of the tools TASK 2: Complete work from the previous lesson TASK 3: Select your own images and edit them to make them in the style of POP ART This can be places, famous people, objects/products, buildings, emblems etc. it is your choice but they have to be BRITISH POP ART- BRIGHT FLAT COLOUR SIMPLIFIED IMAGES REPEATED IMAGES IN DIFFERENT COLOR PALETTES BLACK OUTLINES INSPIRED BY CARTOONS REMEMBER USE GOOD QUALITY IMAGES BY SELECTING IMAGES WITH A LARGE RESOLUTION Pick images with simple backgrounds Pick images with a background that is a different colour to your object/person etc. .. -lets you select an area of colour ( the higher the tolerance the wider range of tones selected) - lets you make an area of graduated tone. - Lets you fill an area with a different colour. . -acts like a rubber. Layer Palette-lets you put different parts of the image into different layers. Shows your selected colour. .- -creates a new layer TOOLS-there is more than 1 tool in each position Menu Bar Made a mistake? Press Ctrl + Alt + z To go backwards Want to zoom in or out? Press Ctrl + (zoom in) Ctrl (zoom out) NAME:.. NOTES: CTRL+D=deselect SAVING WORK-WHAT FORMAT SHOULD BE USED? PHOTOSHOP FILE:keeps layers and allows you to edit work further Jpeg: allows you to put he image into other applications Tiff: allows you to put he image into other applications & keeps areas of transparency LESSON 3 TASK 1: Complete work from the previous lesson TASK 2: Select your own images and edit them to make them in the style of POP ART This can be places, famous people, objects/products, buildings, emblems etc. it is your choice but they have to be BRITISH TASK 3: SAVE YOUR IMAGES as Jpegs and arrange them into a POWERPOINT SLIDE POP ART- BRIGHT FLAT COLOUR SIMPLIFIED IMAGES REPEATED IMAGES IN DIFFERENT COLOR PALETTES BLACK OUTLINES INSPIRED BY CARTOONS REMEMBER USE GOOD QUALITY IMAGES BY SELECTING IMAGES WITH A LARGE RESOLUTION Pick images with simple backgrounds Pick images with a background that is a different colour to your object/person etc.