1 Processes Management 1 Processes 2 Threads 3 IPC problems 4 Processes Scheduling 5 Deadlock.

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Processes Management

1 Processes2 Threads3 IPC problems4 Processes Scheduling5 Deadlock


Processesprocess • Multi-programming system:– Some programs were loaded in main memory, the CPU switch from program to program.– Pseudo-parallelism to contrast with the true hardware parallelism of multiprocessor systems– Multi-processor: true hardware parallelism

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① ②③ ④⑤ ⑥⑦ ⑧

C SourceProgram

C Source Program

User A User B


The Process Model

• process model– (a)Multiprogramming of four programs– (b)Conceptual model of 4 independent, sequential

processes (abstract)– (c)Only one program active at any instant


Processes and program

• Process: A program is executed by CPU for the data sets:

– A key idea here is that a process is an activity of some kind. It has a program, input , output and a state

• Distinguish between process and program – Dynamic and Static (most important)

– Temporarily and Always

Program CPUData

Modern Operating Systems


Students in Class A

Students in Class BProcess


Process Creation

process creation• Principal events that cause process creation:– System initialization

– Execution of a process creation system

– User request to create a new process

– Initiation of a batch job (mainframe)

• Technically, in all these cases, a new process is created by having a existed process execute a process creation system call :

– UNIX:fork,/WIN32: Create Process


Process Termination

process termination• Conditions which terminate processes:

1. Normal exit (voluntary): they have done their work

2. Error exit (voluntary): for example, no file exists

3. Fatal error (involuntary): for example, dividing by zero

4. Killed by another process (involuntary): executes a system call telling OS to do this


Process States

• process states [ ]※※※※※• Possible process states [ ]※※※※※

– running (actually using the CPU at that instant)– blocked (unable to run until some external event

happens)– ready ( run-able; temporarily stopped to let another

process run)



• About scheduler: Lowest layer of process-structured of the

operating system for handling: – Scheduling– Interrupts

Above that layer are sequential processes All the interrupt handling and details of actually starting

and stopping processes are hidden away in what is here called the scheduler


Implementation of processes• Implementation of processes• To implement the process model, the operating

system maintains a table (an array of structures), called the process table, with one entry per process. (some other authors call these entries process control blocks(PCB)) [ ]※※※※

• Interrupt vector– Associated with each I/O device class is a

location (often near the bottom of memory) called interrupt vector

– It contains the address of the interrupt service procedure.


Process table entry

Some of the fields of a typical process table entry


Skeleton of what lowest level of OS does when an interrupt occurs

Skeleton of what lowest level of

OS does when an interrupt occurs


Threads• The thread model• The other concept a process has is a thread of

execution, usually shortened to just thread • Processes are used to group resources together , Threads

are the entries scheduled for execution on the CPU[ ]※※※※※

– What threads add to the process model is to allow multiple executions to take place in the same process environment , to a large degree independent of one another

– The threads share an address space, open files, and other resources.



• About threads:• The term multithreading is also used to describe

the situation of allowing multiple threads in the same process

• When a multithreaded process is run on a single-CPU system, the threads take turns running

• Different threads in a process are not quite as independent as different process

• A thread can be in any one of several states: running, blocked, ready or terminated


Per process items shared by all threads in a process

• Multithreads would be used when two or more threads are actually part of the same job and are actively and closely cooperating with each other.

• Per process items shared by all threads in a process:

– Address space

– Global variables

– Open files

– Child processes

– Pending alarms

– Signals and signal handlers

– Accounting information

– Data structure


Threads• Per thread items private to each thread: – Program counter– Registers– Stack– State• It is important to realize that each thread has its own

stack. Each thread will generally call different procedures and have thus a different execution history, this is why thread needs its own stack

• The transitions between thread states are the same as the transitions between process states

• Library procedure about thread: – Tread_create, thread_exit, thread_yield( give up CPU)



The reason for having threads:– The main reason for having threads is that in many

applications , multiple activities are going on at once

– Second, they do not have any resources attached to them , they are easier to create and destroy than processes

– Third, they can improve performance of the system

– Finally, threads are useful on systems with multiple CPUs, where real parallelism is possible


Examples of using threads

• Examples of using threads• For example, a multithreaded web server:

– Dispatcher thread: dispatch the jobs

– Worker thread: read do the jobs

– Cache: web servers use this fact to improve performance by maintaining a collection of heavily used pages in main memory to eliminate the need to go to disk to get them. Such a collection is called a cache and is used in many other contexts as well

• For example, a word process program


Implement threads in user space• Implement threads in user space • There are two main ways to implement a threads

package: – In user space :the kernel knows nothing about them, as far

as the kernel is concerned, it is managing ordinary single-threaded processes

– In the kernel:the kernel know about and manage the threads

– When threads are managed in user space, each process needs its own private thread table to keep track of the threads in that process

– There is one thread table in the kernel when a threads package managed by the kernel


Advantage of user-level thread

• Advantage of user-level thread:– The first, and most obvious, advantage is that a user-

level threads package can be implemented on an OS that does not support threads

– Thread switching is not in the kernel, so thread scheduling very fast

– Allow each process to have its own customized scheduling algorithm

– Scale better, since kernel threads invariably require some table space and stack space in the kernel, which can be a problem if there are a very large number of threads


Major problem of user-level thread

Major problem of user-level thread:– How blocking system calls are implemented. If a thread

blocks, the process this thread related will be block

– If a thread starts running, no other thread in that process will ever run unless the first thread gives up the CPU. so in a system with multi-CPUs, multi-thread is not useful

– Programmer generally want threads precisely in applications where the threads block often: if a thread blocks, it is difficult to switching to another user-level thread


Implementing threads in the kernel

• Implementing threads in the kernel• Advantage: – Can use the advantage of multi-processors– When a thread blocks, the kernel can run another thread from

the same process– The kernel it self can use multithread to implement• Disadvantage: – All calls that might block a thread are implemented as system

calls ,cost is great– The thread switching in the same process need to trap to the

kernel, much more overhead will be incurred


Inter-process communication• Processes frequently need to communicate with

each other• Three are three issues here: – The first is how one process can pass information

to another– The second has to do with making sure two or

more process do not get into each other’s way when engaging critical activities

– The third concerns proper sequencing when dependencies are present


Race condition

Two processes want to access shared memory at same time


Critical Regions and Race Conditions

race conditions– Race conditions: situations where two or more

processes are reading or writing some shared data and the final result depends on who runs precisely when [ ]※※※※※

– Spooler directory– Printer daemon– Mutual exclusion[ ]※※※– Critical region: is a part of the program where

the memory is accessed.It also call critical section. [ ]※※※※※


Four conditions to provide mutual exclusion

critical regions• Four conditions to provide mutual

exclusion:– No two processes simultaneously in critical region

– No assumptions made about speeds or numbers of CPUs

– No process running outside its critical region may block another process

– No process must wait forever to enter its critical region


Mutual exclusion using critical regions

Mutual exclusion using critical regions


Semaphores• A semaphore could have the value 0, indicating that

no wakeups were saved, or some positive value if one or more wakeups were pending

• A semaphore S can be accessed only through two standard atomic operations: down(P) and up (V)– A semaphore may be initialized to a non-negative value.– The P operation decrements the semaphore value. If the

value becomes negative, then the process executing the P is blocked

– The V operation increments the semaphore values . If the value is not positive, then a process blocked by a P operation is unblocked.

– Down and up are all atomic actions


Semaphores• If the value of semaphore can be negative:

[ ]※※※• down(s):– {

S--;if (s<0) { place this process in s.queue; block this process; }}

• up(s):– {

s++;if (s<=0) { remove a process from s.queue; place the process on ready list; }}


Semaphores Using in critical sectionsemaphore mutex=1;void example(void){ while(TRUE) { down(mutex); critical section(); up(mutex); non-critical section(); }}

Semaphore’s meaning:If s is a semaphore and can be negative:• When s>0, s is number of available resources.• When s<=0, |s| is number of the processes that is waiting

for s in the waiting queue.


The producer-consumer problem using semaphores

The producer-consumer problem using semaphores[ ]※※※※※


The readers/writers problem

There is a data area shared among a number of processes:

– And number of readers may simultaneously read the data.

– Only one writer at a time may write to the data.

– If a writer is writing to the data, no reader may read it.

• Which models access to a database.

• In this solution, the first reader to get access to the database does a down on the semaphore db. Subsequent reader merely increment a counter, rc. As the reader leave, they decrement the counter and the last one out does on the semaphore, allowing a blocked writer, if there is one, to get in


The Readers and Writers Problem

A solution to the readers and writers problem[ ]※※※※※


Scheduling• When a computer is multi-programmed , it frequently has

multiple processes competing for the CPU at the same time:– The part of operating system that makes the choice is called

the scheduler and – the algorithm it uses is called the scheduling algorithmintroduce to scheduling– In addition to picking the right process to run– the scheduler also has worry about making efficient use

of the CPU because process switching is expensive

• Process behavior: [ ]※※※– I/O-bound process: short CPU burst– CPU-bound process: long CPU burst


When to schedule

• when to make scheduling decision: [ ]※※※※• First, when a new process is created, a decision needs to be

made whether to run the parent process or the child process

– Second, a scheduling decision must be made when a process exits

– Third, when a process blocks on I/O , on a semaphore , or for some other reason, another process has to be selected to run.

– Fourth, when an I/O interrupt occurs, a scheduling decision may be made.


Categories of scheduling algorithms

• Two kinds or scheduling ways: [ ]※※※※– A non-preemptive scheduling algorithm picks a process

to run and then just lets it run until it blocks or until it voluntarily releases the CPU

– A preemptive scheduling algorithm picks a process and lets it run for a maximum of some fixed time

• Categories of scheduling algorithms:

– Batch

– Interactive

– Real time


Scheduling algorithm goals• All systems:– Fairness-giving each process a fair share of the CPU– Policy enforcement-seeing that stated policy is carried out– Balance-keeping all parts of the system busy

• Batch systems:[ ]※※※※※– Throughput-maximize jobs per hour– Turnaround time-minimize time between sub-mission and termination– CPU utilization-keep the CPU busy all the time

• Interactive systems: [ ]※※※※– Response time-respond to requests quickly– Proportionally-meet users’ expectations

• Real-time systems: – Meeting deadlines-avoid losing data– Predictability-avoid quality degradation in multimedia systems


Scheduling in batch systems• Scheduling in batch systems [ ]※※※※※• First-come first-served [ ]※※※※– With this algorithm, processes are assigned the CPU in

the order they request it

• Shortest job first [ ]※※※※※– When several equally important jobs are sitting in the

input queue waiting to be started, the scheduler picks the shortest job first

Here we find four jobs A,B,C, and D, with run times of 8,4,4,and 4 minutes. By running them in that order, the turnaround for A is 8 minutes, for B is 12 minutes , for C is 16 minutes and for D is 20 minutes, for an average of 14 ((8+12+16+20)/4) minutes


Scheduling in batch systems

Now let us consider running these four jobs using shortest job first, the turnaround are now 4,8,12,20 minutes , and for an average of 11 minutes

• Shortest remaining time next [ ]※※※※• The scheduler always choose the process whose

remaining run time is the shortest










Scheduling in interactive systems• Scheduling in interactive systems [ ]※※※※ ※– Round-robin scheduling: Each process is assigned a time

interval, called its quantum, which it is allowed to run [ ]※※※※※

– Priority scheduling: Each process is assigned a priority, and the run-able process with the highest priority is allowed to run [ ]※※※※※

To prevent high-priority processes from running indefinitely, the scheduler may decrease the priority of the currently running process at each time tip

Round-robin schedulingB F D G A



Scheduling in real-time systems

Scheduling in real-time systems• Some concepts to be remembered: – Hard real time/Soft real

time/Periodic/Non-periodic– Schedulable: if there are m periodic

events and event i occurs with period Pi and requests Ci seconds of CPU time to handle each event: (C1/P1+C2/P2+…Cm/Pm)<=1


Scheduling summary

Scheduling algorithm property

First-come first-served Non-preempt-able

Shorted job/process first Non-preempt-able

Shorted remaining job next Preempt-able

Robin-bound Preempt-able

Priority scheduling Non-preempt-able


Scheduling summary[ ]※※※※※