1 Section 3.5 Recursive Algorithms. 2 Sometimes we can reduce solution of problem to solution of...

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Section 3.5

Recursive Algorithms


Recursive Algorithms

• Sometimes we can reduce solution of problem to solution of same problem with set of smaller input values

• When such reduction is possible, solution to original problem can be found with series of reductions, until problem is reduced to case for which solution is known

• Algorithms which take this approach are called recursive algorithms


Example 1: computing an

• Can base algorithm on recursive definition of an:– for n=0, an = 1

– for n>0, an+1 = a(an)

– where a is a non-zero real number and n is a non-negative integer

procedure power(inputs: a, n)if (n=0) then power(a,n) = 1

else power (a,n) = power(a, n-1)


Extending example 1

• The algorithm in example 1 works only for non-negative powers of non-zero a - we can extend the algorithm to work for all powers of any value a, as follows:procedure power (inputs: a, n)

if (a = 0) power(a,n) = 0else if (n = 0) power(a,n) = 1else if (n > 0) power(a,n) = (a * power(a, n-1))else power(a,n) = (1 / rpower(a, -n))


Example 1

int power ( int num, int p){

if (num == 0 )return 0;

if (p ==0)return 1;

if (p < 0)return 1 / power(num, -p);

return num * power(num, p-1);}


Example 2: computing gcd

• The algorithm on the following slide is based on the reduction gcb(a,b) = gcd(b mod a, a) and the condition gcd(0,b) = b where:– a < b– b > 0


Example 2: computing gcd

Procedure gcd (inputs: a, b with a < b)

if (a=0) then gcd(a,b) = b

else gcd(a,b) = gcd(b mod a, a)


Example 2

int gcd (unsigned int smaller, unsigned int larger){

if (larger < smaller){

int tmp = larger;larger = smaller;smaller = tmp;

}if (larger == smaller || smaller == 0)

return larger;return gcd (larger % smaller, smaller);



Linear search revisited

• The linear, or sequential search algorithm was introduced in section 2.1, as follows:– Examine each item in succession to see if it

matches target value– If target found or no elements left to examine,

stop search– If target was found, location = found index;

otherwise, location = 0


Linear search revisited

• In the search for x in the sequence a1 … an, x and ai are compared at the ith step

• If x = ai, the search is finished; otherwise the search problem is reduced by one element, since now the sequence to be searched consists of ai+1 … an

• Looking at the problem this way, a recursive procedure can be developed


Linear search revisited

• Let search(x,y,z) be the procedure that searches for z in the sequence ax … ay

• The procedure begins with the triple (x,y,z), terminating when the first term of the sequence is z or when no terms are left to be searched

• If z is not the first term and additional terms exist, same procedure is carried out but with input of (x+1, y, z), then with (x+2, y, z), etc.


Linear search revisited

Procedure lsearch (x,y,z)

if ax = z then location = x

else if x = y then location = 0 (not found)

else lsearch(x+1, y, z)


Linear search

int lsearch(int index, int len, int target, int array[]){

if (index == len)return len; // not found

if (array[index]==target)return index; // found

return lsearch(index+1, len, target, array);}


Binary search revisited

• The binary search algorithm was also introduced in section 2.1:– Works by splitting list in half, then examining

the half that might contain the target value• if not found, split and examine again

• eventually, set is split down to one element

– If the one element is the target, set location to index of item; otherwise, location = 0


Binary search - recursive version

procedure bsearch (inputs: x,y,z)mid = (x+y)/2

if z = amid then location = mid (found)

else if z < amid and x < mid then

bsearch(x, mid-1, z)

else if z > amid and y > mid then

bsearch (mid+1, y, z)else location = 0 (not found)


Implementation of binary search void BinarySearch(int array[], int first, int size,

int target, bool& found, int& location){

size_t middle; if (size == 0)

found = false; // base caseelse{

middle = first + size / 2;if (target == array[middle]){

location = middle;found = true;



Binary search code continued // target not found at current midpoint -- search appropriate half else if (target < array[middle]) BinarySearch (array, first, size/2, target, found, location); // searches from start of array to index before midpoint

else BinarySearch (array, middle+1, (size-1)/2, target, found, location); // searches from index after midpoint to end of array

} // ends outer else} // ends function


Recursion Vs. Iteration

• A recursive definition expresses the value of a function at a positive integer in terms of its value at smaller integers

• Another approach is to start with the value of the function at 1 and successively apply the recursive definition to find the value at successively larger integers - this method is called iteration


Example 3: finding n!

• Recursive algorithm:int factorial (int n) {

if (n==1) return 1;return n * factorial(n-1);}

• Iterative algorithm:int factorial (int n) {

int x = 1;for (int c = 1; c<= n; c++)

x = c * x ;return x; }


Recursion Vs. Iteration

• Iterative approach often requires much less computation than recursive procedure

• Recursion is best suited to tasks for which there is no obvious iterative solution


Example 4: finding nth term of a sequence

• Devise a recursive algorithm to find the nth term of the sequence defined by:– a0 = 1, a1 = 2

– an = an-1 * an-2 for n=2, 3, 4 …


Example 4

int sequence (int n)


if (n < 2)

return n+1;

return sequence(n-1)*sequence(n-2);



Section 3.5

Recursive Algorithms

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