1 The Canterbury Tales Prologue Review What is Chaucer's main reason for writing about the...

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

What is Chaucer's main reason for writing about the pilgrimage in the Prologue?

To create a setting for telling stories about Medieval England.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

What was the purpose of the trip?

Take a pilgrimage to Canterbury to visit the shrine of St. Thomas


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

Where do they meet?  Where are they going?

They meet in Southwark (suburb of London) at the Tabard Inn.

They are going to Canterbury.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

In the Prologue, what does the narrator think of the Monk?

His love of comfort and hunting shows that he is selfish.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•What is the Wife’s attitude toward other women in church?

She is proud and demands attention over other women in the church


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

According to the Prologue, how many tales will each pilgrim tell on the journey?

Two on the trip there and two on the return trip back to London.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•How would you describe Chaucer’s tone in the Prologue?

Critical and judgmental


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•Who seems to rally or lead the group?

The Host, Harry Bailey


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•What seems to motivate the Friar the most when attempting to “help others”?

What he can get from them . . . Gifts, money, etc…


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

Which best describes Chaucer's attitude toward the Nun and all her dainty/mannerly behavior?

He takes amusement in observing her . . . Similar to “making fun of” someone.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•What did the Friar base his penance on?

Extortion / bribery – easy penance could be bought with money and / or gifts.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•How does Chaucer describe the Pardoner’s hair and what might that mean?

Like rats’ tails . . . . He’s a rat!


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•What good and bad does Chaucer see in the Franklin?

While he is very generous and giving, he seems a bit obsessed with food.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•What did the Student do with money received from friends?

He’d spend it on books


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•How did he repay them?

He’d pray for them.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•How does Chaucer see the Plowman?

He was a hard-working, virtuous, Christian farmer.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•How does he see the Miller? 

Crude, rude buffoon who steals grain.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•Why does he present the Miller after the Plowman?

He accentuates each character’s personality traits because they are direct opposites.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•What is an odd physical trait about the skipper?

He had a dagger hanging from a lanyard hidden inside his coat.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•Who wore a St. Christopher’s medal?  What does it mean?

Yeoman – patron Saint of travelers . . . . He traveled a lot as an attendant to the Knight (who fought in the Crusades).


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•What law / belief did the doctor practice in diagnosing patient treatments?

Law of the “four humors” – hot/cold & wet/dry


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•Who lived by a strict code of conduct?

Knight – code of chivalry


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•  What was gross about the cook?

He made the best creamy chicken . . . Oh yea, he had a puss-oozing ulcer on his knee . . .

. . . .coincidence?


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•What was the Squire most concerned with?

His looks and impressing the ladies.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•Who was the most honorable church-figure?

Parson . . . Holy-minded, selfless, puts his parishioners first on his priority list.


The Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales Prologue ReviewPrologue Review

•  What was gross physical quality did the Summoner possess?

Carbuncles on his face (puss filled) . . . implied STD (lecherous)