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Dr. Stan Chester

“Science and the “Sign”

Lesson #2


I. Background on the study of the “SIGN”

1983 – A vision

While praying


The Solar SystemThe size of the sun has been minimalized


A small planet came through our solar system on a 45 degree angle to the plane of the elliptic

The SIGN of the Son of Man


Background on the study of the “SIGN”1983 – A vision

1. Isaiah 2:19 "when he arises to shake terribly the earth.2. Isaiah 13:13 "I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the LORD of hosts,"

3. Isaiah 24:19 " the earth is moved exceedingly."4. Isaiah 24: 20 "The earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard"5. Ezekiel 38:20 "all the men that are upon the face of the earth, shall shake at my presence,”

6. Joel 3:16 "The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem; and the heavens and the

earth shall shake:


I. Background on the study of the “SIGN”1983 – A vision

7. Haggai 2:6 "For thus saith the LORD of hosts; Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the earth, and the sea, and the dry land;"

8. Hebrews 12:26 "but now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven."9. Job 26:11 "The pillars of heaven tremble, and are astonished at His rebuke."

10. Jeremiah 10:10 "But Jehovah is the true God, He is the living God, and an everlasting king: at His wrath the earth shall tremble,"


II. The study

A. August 1984 – Popular Mechanics Magazine – pg. 40

Article: Is sun’s twin gone?


Science and the SIGN: Lesson 2

“Several astrophysicists, working independently, have proposed that our sun once had a twin that either fell apart or was flung out of the solar system into the middle of the Milky Way Galaxy. The twin star wouldn’t be unusual. Most stars have at least one, and often two or three companions.”


Mira Binary


“The scientists from Lawrence Livermore Labs, Lawrence Berkeley Labs, Princeton University and the University of Chicago propose that the twin star passed through a breeding ground for comets near Pluto every 26 million years. The pass caused a shower of comets to hit the earth and wipe out large numbers of prehistoric animals. The star, according to the latest theory, no longer poses a threat to earth.” (1984)


Copernicus crater on the moon – 200 miles across


Psalms 68:8The earth shook, the heavens also dropped at the presence of God: even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of God, the God of Israel.(KJV)


B. San Francisco Chronicle – Monday, January 28, 1985

Article: Death Star; Astronomer traces Earth’s nemesis


“A possible location of Nemesis, the star blamed by scientists for mass extinctions on the earth every 26 million years, has been calculated to be in the constellation Draco, not far from the Little Dipper.”


“The calculation has been made by Dr. Armand H. Delsemme, a Belgian-born astronomer at the University of Toledo in Ohio. He studied the orbits of comets that seem to have been disrupted from normal orbits.”


“Delsemme has assumed that the orbits of the 126 comets least altered by close passage of planets would still show the effects of disruption by passage of a small star or a very large planet through the outer reaches of the solar system.”


Haggai 2:21“Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth;”(KJV)


Time Magazine Cover


C. Time Magazine – May 6, 1985

Cover story: Did comets kill the dinosaurs?

A new theory of extinctions tries to explain what killed the dinosaurs


“Every 26 million years or so, some scientists think, comet barrages hit the earth and spew debris into the air. Sunlight is blocked, temperatures plummet, plants and animals die. Comets may have killed the dinosaurs, and could strike again – in 13 million years. What sends comets earthward? It could be the still undiscovered tenth planet or Nemesis, the

death star.


Nebula Wolf-Rayet Binary

When stars collide


Binary stars are the rule, not the exception as previously theorized


Nemesis Theory


Planet X Theory


It was so similar to what I had seen: A 45 degree angle, except the little planet was orbiting the sun's twin

Since it’s center of gravity is NOT the sun, it crosses the orbits of the sun’s planets at irregular intervals


D. New York Times, Friday October 4, 1985

Article: Findings Back The Idea That A Pall Over Earth Killed The Dinosaurs

by: John Noble Wilford


“Scientists say they have discovered the first direct evidence, 65 million year old soot, that fire once swept the world and contributed to the mass extinction of dinosaurs and many other forms of life.”


“In a report in the journal Science, published today, chemists of the University of Chicago said the “surprisingly large amount” of soot appeared to be worldwide, could have been produced only in flames or hot gases and represented fallout from a dense smoke cloud that must have brought a killing darkness and chill to the world.”


“From the soot residue, found in ancient sediments, the Chicago chemists theorized that the fire storm was ignited by the impact of a huge asteroid or comet.”


Pall killed the Dinosaurs


Meteor crater in Arizona


Isaiah 50:3

“I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make

sackcloth their covering.”(KJV)


Isaiah 50:3“I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering.”




E. Black Holes: The core of stars that have consumed all their lighter elements and then have condensed until their gravity is so multiplied that a light photon passing nearby would be caught and pulled into its gravity well


Black Holes


Book: Black Holes, by Jerry Pournelle

Article: Can’t pass through black holes


Black Hole Theory


Beware Black Holes


IV. Is our sun a binary star?

A. The Hubble Telescope has shown that every star, near enough to earth to check positively, does have at least one companion star circling it


B. Does our sun have a dark twin circling it?

1. Is it a dwarf star that has burned out and become black?

2. Or a companion star that imploded and became a black hole?


Dwarf Stars


C. We know that something is out there

1. An object with enough mass, to cause our sun to move up and down a bit from its galactic plane, as it orbits through the Milky Way Galaxy


C. We know that something is out there


D. Since it causes our sun to move up and down in the galactic plane, then it must circle the sun at an angle to the plane of the elliptic.


1. Also its path would have to be an elongated elliptic, rather than circular because the up and down movement is not uniform


E. Also, we can extrapolate that its distance from the sun is far enough to keep it invisible to earth yet with a mass/distance enough to make the sun bobble up and down


F. Answer: Yes, our sun has a companion star


V. The geological record shows that there were various events in the past that caused the death of whole species.


A. Do these destructions come on a regular basis every 26 million years?

B. Only if you use erroneous Darwinian time


C. Geologists using Darwinian time say that the Grand Canyon was carved out over millions of years

1. In fact, it probably took about two or three weeks



D. Darwinian Geologists point out the various layers in the rock in the Grand Canyon walls and give names to ‘periods’ lasting thousands and millions of years.


1. That this whole concept is in error is shown by a petrified tree near the bottom of the canyon


a. The trunk, limbs and even the twigs are plainly seen, imbedded in the stone


b. The tree is upright and there are four layers of rock, of different colors, between the roots and the top


c. Remember, these layers are supposed to indicate thousands or millions of years,


d. In order for this to be true, that tree stood for a million years as the stone built up to the trunk, then stood another million years or so while rock built up to its lower branches; then stood another million years while the stone built up to its top twigs.


e. And all through these millions of years, the twigs didn’t break off, decay or get eaten by anything, so that at last, after another million years or so, they too were embedded in rock


Some polystrate trees are upside down extending through many layers including layers of coal!Picture from “Bone of Contention” by Silvia Baker


Please Mr. Darwin, give me a break!


2. If you go to Mount St Helens and look at the channel that Spirit Lake cut through the mud and debris when it broke free, you will see trees embedded in the mud in the sides of the channel that look just like the trees imbedded in the rock in the sides of the Grand Canyon


Thousands of layers formed in a few minutes

as the mud flowed down from Mt. St. Helens.


Mt. St Helens


New canyon formed in a few hours by rapid water flow NE of Mt. St. Helens, Wash. USA

This little river did not make this canyon!

65BSCS Biology 1978 ed., p. 320

This little river did not make this canyon either!


3. How long does it take a tree to petrify and turn to stone?


4. When I was a kid in Oregon we found a piece of petrified wood, about 4 inches in diameter and about 6 inches long that had a square nail, used by pioneers, imbedded in it up to the head – about 100 years old


E. More about the Grand Canyon formation in another lesson


F. So what killed the dinosaurs?

1. Something cataclysmic and sudden


2. Their bodies did not lie around until they petrified

3. Predators would have torn the carcasses to bits – not like the articulated skeletal bones that are found


G. Oil pools are the aftermath of carbon based life, animals and plants, being covered over suddenly with tons of earth


1. If there is enough compression, the plants and animals become soft bituminous coal; a bit more compression and you get anthracite, hard coal, even more compression and you get diamonds.


VI. Lets talk about coal and oil

A. There are many places in the world where there are literally mountains of coal


Coal Deposits in the USA


B. Those vast deposits represent billions of tons of what were once living plants and animals

C. Ancient life was far more prolific and rich than life on earth today.


Coal Reserves in the USA


VII. How were plants and animals swept into mountain sized heaps, covered and sealed with earth, to become oil or coal?


A. It didn’t happen gradually, and slowly as theorized by the Darwinians

B. Dead plants and animals, left out on the surface, rot and turn into humus NOT oil or coal


C. Some extraterrestrial object(s) caused these cataclysmic upheavals and deaths more than once in earth’s history


D. Present theories propose that these cycles of destruction occur about every 26 million (Darwinian) years


Dying Line Graph


E. They know that the cause of these destructions had to be from space and so propose comets, meteors, sun’s twin, Planet X or asteroids as the mechanisms


F. I believe that their theories are wrong on four points


1. The destructions are NOT cyclic: they do NOT occur on a regular timed basis

2. There is one object, NOT multiple objects, that is the cause of these destructions

3. The time periods between destructions are NOT 26 million years apart

4. The events are NOT happenstance, but planned by GOD


G. Whenever sin will reach a certain point and there will be a change in GOD’s order of dealing with creation, GOD has preprogrammed the “Sign of the Son of Man” to visit the earth


1. Jesus is that part of the GOD-HEAD that deals with sin

2. Therefore this planetoid that comes by the earth, when sin reaches a certain point and a change in GOD’s order is mandated, is called His Sign


H. There have been five visits of the Sign of the Son of Man in the past- they coincide with when GOD changes His way of dealing with sin


1. When Satan and other spirit beings rebelled against GOD – sin brought chaos into the universe and the earth BECAME without form and void

2. When Adam and Eve sinned – and the earth was cursed

3. When sin peaked in Noah’s day- and GOD destroyed the earth in the Flood 4. When sin needed an eternal remedy, Jesus was born.

5. When Jesus died on the Cross and opened the way to Heaven.


J. There will be two more visits by the Sign

1. When Redemption takes place - at the Rapture

2. When the Day of GOD’s Wrath comes - at Armageddon


End of Lesson Two:

Science and the SIGN