1 Unit 8 Protecting our Environment Text A Saving Nature, but Only for Man.

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Unit 8 Protecting our EnvironmentUnit 8 Protecting our Environment

Text A Saving Nature,

but Only for Man



1. (L 3) everyone has claims to …

claim: a statement that sth. is true

* make/ have/ deny/ reject/ support a claim

--- They made claims that they couldn’t live up to.


* a claim to do/ be sth.

--- I make no claim to understand the complexity of the situation.

* false/ extravagant/ dubious claims

--- This firm makes false claims about their products.


2. (L.7)distinguish between environmental luxuries and environmental necessities.

distinguish: to recognize and understand the difference between two or more things or people

distinguish sth. from …

distinguish between right and wrong


3.(L.9) things we must have regardless.

regardless: in spite of everything, anyway

carry on/ go on regardless

---- His parents objected to his marriage, but he carried on regardless.

--- He got a lot of criticism, but he just went on ~.

regardless of:


5.(L13) preserving the atmosphere

preserve: to save sth. from being harmed or destroyed

---to plant trees and preserve the existing woodlands


6. (L.14)halting the greenhouse effect

halt: to prevent sth. from continuing (=stop)

--- to halt economic decline

n. bring traffic to a halt/ come to a halt


7. (L20) its possible consequences are far deadlier

consequence: sth. that happens as a result of an action or set of conditions

--- Do you believe poverty is a direct consequence of over population?

as a consequence of sth. of little consequence (not very important)consequent (adj.) consequently (adv.)


8. (L 29) on the grounds of self-preservation on the grounds of/ on .. grounds: for reasons of--- He was not employed on the grounds of his

age.--- The proposal was rejected on environment

al grounds. (on moral/ medical/ legal grounds)have grounds to do sth. (have reason to do)


9. (L 32) to sacrifice in the name of other creatures.

in one’s name/ in the name of sb.

*officially belonging to one or is for one to use. --- The house is in my father’s name.

*as someone else’s official representative

--- I claim this land in the name of the king.


10. (L.34) the public resistance to foreign aid and welfare

resistance: opposition (followed by to)

---There is strong ~ to the plan for a new chemical plant in this area.

welfare: help that is provided for people who have personal or social problems

--- welfare benefit/ services/ programs


11. (L47) the current debate raging over oil drilling

current: occurring in or existing at the present time ( ~ affairs/ economic situation/ advertising campaign)

debate on / about sth. rage: continue with great force, be intense--- Price inflation still rages although the gover

nment has taken some measures.--- Street fighting raged all over the city.


12. (L 48) a bill working its way through Congress

work one’s way to/ through sth.: to achieve sth. gradually by working


work one’s way through school/ college/ university: do a job while you are a student because you need money

--- He had worked his way up to head of department.

--- As my family couldn’t afford my tuition fee, I had to work my way through college.

Others: fight/ shoulder/ elbow/ force… one’s way


13. (L 51) a substantial energy tax

substantial: large in amount, considerable

--- a ~ salary/ breakfast/

--- We have got support from a ~ number of students.


14. a high aesthetic good aesthetic: connected with beauty and the

study of beauty--- a work of great ~ appeal, from an ~ point

of viewaesthetically appealingaesthete: a person who loves and

understand beautiful thingsaesthetics: the study of beauty


15. (L 70) The important distinction …

distinction: difference

clear/ sharp ~

make/ draw a ~ between … and …

--- Is it easy to draw a ~ between popular and serious literature?

--- There is no ~ between courage and bravery.


16. (L73) … choose between his well-being and … nature will have to accommodate.

well-being: a feeling of being comfortable, healthy and happy (e.g.a feeling of ~,

the physical/ emotional/ material/ psychological ~ )

accommodate: to get used to a new situation

Her eyes took a while to ~ to the darkness


17. (L76) bound up together bind/ bind up: tie things firmly together with

cloth or stringIf two people or groups are bound (up)

together , they share a particular experience or situation which causes them to have a relationship.

--- These two countries are bound together by a common history.


18. (L77) the very integrity of man's environment

integrity: the state of being united as one complete thing

(the territory ~ of the country)

the quality of being honest and strong about what you believe to be right (personal/ profession/ moral ~)


19.(L.84) humanistic environmentalism


humanism: the belief that human problems can be solved through science rather than religion

Humanism: the study during the Renaissance of the ideas of the ancient Greeks and Romans


20.(L.85) for nature's sake but for our own. sake: purpose, benefit or well-beingfor one’s sake/ for the sake of sth.--- For God’s sake.--- I’m studying history in its own sake, not b

ecause it will help me get a job.--- She argues for the sake of arguing.--- “art for art’s sake”


Useful ExpressionsUseful Expressions

• 1. 环境意识• 2. 对尼龙的厌恶• 3. 以 --- 的名义• 4. 对环境的奢侈追求• 5. 对环境的必需要求• 6. 运用规则• 7. 基本原理• 8. 理智环境保护论• 9. 遏止温室效应• 10 食物链

• 11. 保护自然• 12. 以 --- 为理由• 13. 对地球感情用事• 14. 与 --- 格格不入• 15. 减少消费• 16. 大气臭氧层• 17. 保护环境• 18. 感情用事的环境保护

论者• 19. 错误的心态• 20. 为了大自然


After-class assignmentAfter-class assignment

• Go over unit 8 of Intergrated Reading;

• Finish the the listening of Listening and Speaking, and the reading of Reading Course and Fast Reading according to the teaching plan.