1 unit-wikispace

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Kura Wikispace

What is this?

An online space that was born out of a need to....

enable all kaiako to access PD (reporting back docs) at their leisure, off any platform, anywhere, anyhow, anytime!

enable all kaiako to view each others weekly Mahi Kainga and gauge where their own leveling was placed

enable all kaiako to view each others weekly PWaea and share knowledge and information with each other

This space has grown exponentially and is now a great

resource repository with all staff as contributors

What is my role?

manage and oversee this online learning environment on behalf of the kura

upload weekly - MKainga & PWaea

create and maintain the uniformity of each page

add content to 24 of the 32 pages that have been created and set up for specific purposes

alert staff to any new content that has been uploaded

model good online community practice

connect kaiako with this space

What PD is involved?

staff meetings/TOD to showcase this online learning forum

lunchtime club PD sessions

emails to alert to any activity in this space

PDC’s has a section devoted to kaiako reflection on this area

Thursday Flash alerts

Intended outcomes

kaiako will be participants and contributors into this online space

content will be user-driven

pages in the wiki will have been sanctioned by kaiako

uniformity will be maintained

the wiki will evolve in to a functioning space as kaiako become more connected with this

digital citizenship learning will unfold as kaiako learn how to navigate in this space, manipulate the material and own the content

Succession planning

as kaiako become more and more comfortable with learning and communicating online, succession will be all users in the space and this keynote presentation being on-shared

Looking ahead / Recommendations

time to be created to archive material from 2009

go through the wiki and critique, update the content in each page

T3 & T4: continue to add relevant content, maintain alerts, TL’s to be add in ‘managing’ their page in to their briefs - as key drivers, keep to the forefront, PD

2012: strategic plan to be tabled around improved participation and contribution in this area

consider a kura blog being added in to this space

Updates in T4/2011

• each week - PWaea and MKainga continue to be uploaded for on-sharing of learning

• each whare has uploaded their HoM T3 review and T4 strategic plan

• request from a school in California to utilise our HoM posters

• in 2012 and beyond - kaiako nominate a page they will take responsibility for. (Initially in a supported environment until they are ready to address individually