1. why can’t we uSe BiodegradaBle BagS? why Ban plaStic ...BAG+BYLAW+Brochure.pdf · BYO BAG WOOD...

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the enhanced Single-uSe Bag Bylaw: EvErything you nEEd to know

good queStion!1. why can’t we uSe BiodegradaBle BagS?

Biodegradable bags take a lot of time to decompose if they are dirty or contaminated. this leads to a number of concerns: litter, infrastructure maintenance costs and impacts on animals. they also create a habitat for insects to breed. Also, biodegradable bags are not made from completely natural materials. they contain some chemicals that can leach into the landfill or surrounding environment.

2. why Ban plaStic BagS when we can now recycle them?

the key principle of the bylaw is to reduce the amount of waste we generate. using single-use plastic bags does not support this objective.

3. what are the environmental BenefitS reSulting from the Bylaw?

the number of single-use bags in our community may be reduced by up to 1.8 million the first year (not includ-ing bags that were stockpiled or brought into the com-munity). there is also evidence of significantly less litter throughout the community.

4. what would i do with reuSaBle BagS that i can’t clean or repair?

use them as rags, pet bedding material, wash cloths, etc. 5. will the municipality Be looking for StoreS that violate the Bylaw?

no. its enforcement will be based on inquiries raised by the public.

gEt into thE Byo-Bag haBitkeep your reusable bags where you’ll remember them for your shopping trips – near the door, in your car or at work or school.

For advice on keeping your bags fresh and clean, check out www.woodbuffalo.ab.ca/byobag or health Canada at www.hc-sc.gc.ca.

for more information

Call the hotline at 780-743-7947 or check out the detailed Single-use Bag Bylaw (no. 12/007) at www.woodbuffalo.ab.ca/byobag.

for wood Buffalo reSidentS and BuSineSSeS - effective octoBer 10, 2012

the Single-uSe Bag Bylaw – good for the environment

The Municipality supports a wide range of initiatives encouraging environmentally-friendly practices and reducing the amount of waste sent to the landfill.

In September 2010, the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo adopted a bylaw eliminating the use of single-use shopping bags as a means of reducing the waste and litter in our community.

After a year, the Municipality asked residents and businesses how the bylaw might be enhanced to ensure a better shopping experience for residents as well as a fair and equitable treatment for all retailers.

The amended bylaw addresses issues of public safety and product protection, environmental sustainability, consumer privacy, retailer equality and customer convenience.

Bylaw highlightSacceptaBle reuSaBle containerS

the bylaw encourages the use of products that can be reused many times. it is not intended to ban any product – plastic, paper or cardboard.

Acceptable containers include any bag, box or other container designed to hold 20 pounds (9 kg) without ripping or tearing. the container can be made from:

• cloth or other machine-washable fabric;• durable plastic of a certain thickness (2.25mm);• other durable material, or • thick (e.g. multi-layered) cardboard boxes

designed to be used many times.

Single-uSe containerS

Most retailers cannot use the following single-use bags for holding customers’ purchases: thin plastic or paper bags, door hanger bags, decorative paper or plastic gift bags, biodegradable bags.

acceptaBle uSeS of Single-uSe containerS

1. to protect shoppers’ health and safety, the following businesses can use single-use bags:

• restaurants, including take-out restaurants and drive-in or drive-through fast food services,

• mobile catering companies,• non-profit organizations (i.e. food bank,

homeless shelters or animal shelters).

2. to protect shoppers’ hygiene and privacy, and to protect perishable items, single-use bags can be used to hold:

• loose, bulk goods such as fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains and candy;

• small hardware items such as nails, screws, nuts and bolts;

• prepared foods or bakery goods;• frozen foods, meats or fish;• fresh-cut flowers or potted plants;• laundered or dry-cleaned clothing;• medical prescriptions and over-the-counter

medications;• paraphernalia related to the use of illegal drugs;• undergarments or products of a personal or

adult nature;• products where the purchaser must be an

adult (except lottery or tobacco-related items); and

• dirty, greasy or hazardous materials.

3. the sale of multiple, pre-packaged single-use bags is also accepted.
