10 Bad Things You're Doing With Your Smartphone

Post on 02-Jul-2015

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Interested in finding out how to keep your identity safe? We have compiled a list of things you shouldnt be doing on your smartphone. STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING! In the middle of a phone call or Instagramming your lunch? Hang up, stop posting. The following information is guaranteed to save you a lot of time and money in the long run. We have compiled a list of the top 10 most dangerous things people do with their smartphones and if you don’t want to fall victim of the next big scam we would advise you to read on! No password Recent industry statistics have demonstrated that a whopping 62% of smartphone owners don’t protect their device with a password. Set yourself a password right now if you happen to be in this category and don’t fall into the identity theft trap as a result! Auto sign-in Auto sign in for banking and financial websites is 100% a no-no! 32% of smartphone owners are currently at risk because they have their private passwords saved onto their smartphone. Nude pics For some strange reason after all of the incriminating and damaging viral pics out there, people are still taking, sending and storing nude photos on their smartphone. For all those who ‘trust’ the recipient of their nudey we have news for you - it is extremely likely these will be sent to someone else. For more information go to our recent article - http://www.sproutinc.com.au/script/ext/NewsItemX.asp?ObjectID=C4A02528-D795-4DE0-9F9B-41019D6C3812
