10 Basics of Blogging SEO by Blog Tyrant (Created by SmartKeywordTool.com)

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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SEO for Idiots: The 10 Basics of Blogging Search Engine Optimization

By Blog Tyrant

Ever wondered how do bloggers get over 100,000 visitors from Google per month?

With these 10 basics of blogging SEO by Blog Tyrant, you will now be able to do the same.

1 Set up your own domain and hosting

Your own domain and hosting would suggest that you are serious about your website, something that would appreciate.

2 Solve problems with original content

Create massively useful content via usage of photography, videos, podcasts, tools and plugins to solve people’s problems.

3 Build relevant backlinks in a natural way

Pay attention to the source and anchor texts because they affect your SEO. Avoid buying backlinks because knows.

4 Make sure your theme is SEO optimised

This helps to give indicators that you are a trustworthy site and helps them find your content.

5 Fix your permalink structure

Make sure that your extension includes the post title.

6 Install a sitemap

Sitemap plugin gives a full map of your posts, pages and archives. The sitemap is then submitted to so that they can index it better.

7 Comment on other blogs

Commenting on other authority blogs not only get you more traffic, exposure, and new relationships, it also counts as backlink.

8 Build your social media profiles big time

is now looking to social media as a signal of an article’s authority and relevance.

9 Use SEO plugins

Install plugins to get some help with your SEO.

10 Read, study and use SEOmoz

Equip yourself with SEO knowledge and absorb ideas about trends, tactics and best practices over time.

With these 10 basics of blogging SEO, it is time to focus on growing your blog.

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