10 Best Email Practices

Post on 21-Jul-2015

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10 tips to create better, higher

converting emails and campaigns

Presented by Pinckney Marketing

How to



emails @

Goals for email typically

include open and click

through rate success.

When creating emails, there

are several questions you

should ask yourself to

ensure your messages are

optimized for conversion.

Is this content


Ensure that if you’re sending an

email to someone it’s something

you really believe they need. Your

prospect’s time is valuable and

wasting it by sending them an

offer they’re not interested in or

that is not relevant them will

only frustrate them.

This leads to….

Are my contacts


Whenever possible, use forms and landing

pages to collect prospect information to

make sure you really know them. If some

of them are new business owners and

some are long-time business owners,

which group do you think will benefit from

your email with the subject line, “5 Things

You Should NEVER Do During Your Grand

Opening”? Make sure your contacts feel

like your message was written specifically

for them and their needs.

If you’re emailing them once a quarter, odds

are you’re not emailing them enough. If

you’re emailing them several times a day,

you’re definitely overdoing it. Unless you’re

offering something new, exciting or with a

time limit on it, you definitely don’t need to

over (or under) do it.

Test your engagement rates by sending them

at varying intervals and collect data to see

how they perform.

Do I sound conversational

or like a lecturer?

No one likes to be talked at. People

like to feel as if they’re in a two-way

conversation. While it’s easier to

achieve this through social media,

emails should never EVER just be a

lecture. Consider changing your tone

to be funny, conversational, casual

and more human.

? ??

?What’s the

point of

this email?

Be clear about what you want

your email reader to do. This means two-to-three CTAs, at the most. Don’t throw everything and the kitchen sink into an email.

It's more effective to have one or two offers that are more compelling versus sending six or seven. It will overwhelm the reader and make it difficult for them to make a decision.

Will this display

correctly on a smart

phone or tablet?

Do you read your email or visit

websites on a device other than

your desktop?

Mobile email opens have grown

180% in the last three years and

show no signs of slowing.


As of Nov. 2013, 61% of all

emails were opened on a

smartphone or tablet.

Ensuring that your emails are

mobile-friendly means your

recipients will have the best

possible experience, and will

be more likely to engage with

the content or offers you

present to them.


Are we reviewing your

open and click through

rates (CTRs)?

Analyzing your efforts is one way to ensure that you’re optimizing your emails. Reviewing your open rates helps you to determine which of your subject lines is most effective, as well as what time of day will engage your audience the most.

CTRs will help you gauge what content your audience most engages with (buttons, images, text, video, etc.).

Reviewing these metrics will help you to best optimize your emails for conversion.

This law serves to protect your

database. Compliance with the

CAN-SPAM law is simple enough

and not following it could result in

legal action. For a full explanation

of CAN-SPAM click here.

How engaging is my

preview text?

Preview text is the bit of text that appears

in your browser or email client under the

subject line. In short, it’s a preview of your

email content.

Providing compelling preview text can help

boost open rates if your database feels as

though they can benefit from the content


Similarly, omitting or having weak preview

text can have adverse effects.


Who tested

this email?

Design, Code, Send simply won’t cut it. Ensuring that your email is free of spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors is a critical pre-sending step.

Another is testing your email to ensure your images and other media populate correctly and any links or CTAs included work and direct to the right landing pages.

Additionally, testing to ensure your email is

CAN-SPAM compliant will protect your email from being canned (pun intended) by this law.

Questions? Have any best

practices we missed?

Visit us at www.pinckneymarketing.com

or Tweet to us @PinckneyMkting
