10 Insights to Build Habit-Forming Products | Nir Eyal

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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Tune in at http://33voic.es/inblr4p Nir Eyal is a writer for TechCrunch, Forbes, Psychology Today, and is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and Fortune 500 companies. He's the author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and has Lectured at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Design School and has sold two technology companies since 2003.


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insights from Nir Eyal

This presentation consists of highlights from the interview with Moe Abdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

Nir EyalNir Eyal is a writer for TechCrunch, Forbes, Psychology Today, and is a frequent speaker at industry confer-ences and Fortune 500 companies. He’s the author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and has Lectured at the Stanford Gradu-ate School of Business and Design School and has sold two technology companies since 2003.



If your business model is built around a habit forming product,

you must design :


If your business model is built around a habit forming product,

you must design :Clever ways to engage your customer


If your business model is built around a habit forming product,

you must design :Strategic ways to grow your user base


If your business model is built around a habit forming product,

you must design :and Consistent revenue generating channels


The framework to build a habit forming product

is anchored in these four steps:


The framework to build a habit forming product

is anchored in these four steps:

The Trigger - What pain is your product solving?


The framework to build a habit forming product

is anchored in these four steps:

The action - What simple action can one take

in anticipation of a potential reward?


The framework to build a habit forming product

is anchored in these four steps:

The reward - What will keep me wanting more?


The framework to build a habit forming product

is anchored in these four steps:

The investment - What will influence me to come back in the future?


The framework to build a habit forming product

is anchored in these four steps:

The Trigger - What pain is your product solving?


It’s wise to prioritize user engagement

ahead of exponential growth,for the former is where you create the craving.


If you don’t get the trigger right,

very little else matters.keep in mind that a negative emotion can be a positive internal trigger.


The enemy to forming new habits is past behavior.

don’t expect to win a customer from a competitor unless you can demonstrate at least a 10x improvement over their product.


As human beings, we’re motivated more by the pursuit than the destination.

Make it simple for me to take the next step

and you’ll keep me engaged.

Think Facebook’s ‘Like.’


If the behavior change you desire in your user isn’t happening,

ask these three questions:


If the behavior change you desire in your user isn’t happening,

ask these three questions:Is the behavior being triggered?


If the behavior change you desire in your user isn’t happening,

ask these three questions:Is the user able to do the behavior?


If the behavior change you desire in your user isn’t happening,

ask these three questions:Is the motivation sufficient?


When you understand that your user is not as motivated

by the reward as she is by the need to alleviate the craving for the reward,you’ll always remember to keep some degree of variability.


The most habit forming products require its users

to make a small investment into the product:

time, data, effort, social capital or money.


“A man who can’t bear to share his habits is a man who needs to quit them.”

- Stephen King on Habits

Is your product that much better that it warrants a change in my behavior?