10 Steps to Get Your Podcast on iTunes New & Noteworthy

Post on 25-Jan-2017

694 views 1 download




10 steps to

by Podcast Pop

The only way toget on iTunes

N&N is throughdoing the work

There are no shortcuts or

paid "launch teams" that

will get you there, but

the following 10 steps

will work:

Lead with passion

Create energetic, passionate and

valuable niche-content with a clear

strategy on who you want to reach and

why you want to reach them.

Let them feel it in yourvoice.

Do the work

Hire an editor or even beef up your audio-

editing skills to make HQ sound that

people will love to hear. If someone

doesn't like how you sound, they WILL


Don't lose downloads oversomething you can directlycontrol!

Ask for support

If you're a heart centered

entrepreneur who has been of

service to your circle for years, then

your close friends and family now

have the opportunity to step up to

the plate and support you with 2

minutes of their time.

Ask for support

again and again

Make phone calls, email your list and

create moments of vulnerability where

you explain how much the iTunes reviews

mean to you and your message.

Be tenacious. Do not stopuntil you get a "NO."

Make it easy for

people to leave


Create a Pretty Link for your

direct iTunes show and

announce on air, send to your

email subscribers, social

channels and any literally

digital link platform you can.

Hold the hands of

those you care


Produce explainer videos in Screenflow

for both desktop & iOS. I can't tell you

how many times I had to walk people

through how to leave a review in iOS

even after sending them screenshots.

Just do it!

Don't waste time

on Android users

Create good

looking podcast art

Share each episode on social

with a clean and professional

looking show art photo w/

guest quote. Use Canva.

Ask other people to


It sounds basic, but don't forget to

ask key influencers in your space to

share your show.

Including your guests!

Be true to your

mission & message

Know why you are doing what you

are doing. Make sure it is coming

from the most genuine and

vulnerable place.

Be real because peoplecan smell bullsh*t.

There isno finish


Happy podcasting!