10 Strategies to Create Harmony in Life_Business

Post on 23-Feb-2017

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10 Strategiesto Create Harmony in YourMarriage, Family & Business“Maintaining harmony in your life is about setting priorities, having non-negotiableboundaries and scheduling everything in your calendar.” – T. Renee’ Smith

Strategy #1 • Shift your relationship with time. Learn how to value and prioritize your time.

Strategy #2• Utilize the 3D System (Do-Delegate-Delete)

Strategy #3• Stop saying yes to everything. No is a complete sentence.

Strategy #4 Strategy #4 • Set priorities and non-negotiable boundaries.

Strategy #5 • Have a “creative brain-dump” to get information out of your head and onto paper.

Strategy #6 • Implement the Magic Power of 3 (select 3 priority tasks to complete each day)

Strategy #7•• Group like tasks together (ex. schedule multiple business meetings in one day, run all errands on one day, perform marketing tasks on one day).

Strategy #8 • Complete your most important tasks first thing in the morning.

Strategy #9• Operate in your gifting and delegate other tasks. 85% of your time should be spent on revenue generating activities.

Strategy #10•• Get organized!!! Clear the clutter in your mind and in your environment.

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