10 things to do after a job interview

Post on 08-Feb-2017

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10 Things to Do After a Job Interview


1. Follow-Up Note

A few days following the interview, send the manager a follow-up note via e-mail or through the postal service.Don’t just thank the manager for his time; instead, reiterate that you are interested in the position, add a few additional points from what you discussed during your interview and thank him for the opportunity.

Useful free ebooks for your job interview:

• http://jobinterview247.com/free-ebook-145-interview-questions-and-answers

• http://jobinterview247.com/free-ebook-top-22-secrets-to-win-every-job-interviews

2. Timeline

After the interview is over, inquire about the timeline. This includes getting a firm or prospective date about when the manager plans to make her decision. By doing so, you create your own base for when to follow-up a few days following the interview.

3. Reflect

If you feel your interview went less than ideal, you must reflect on the experience.Ask yourself what you would have changed in the interview – constructively – to identify what went wrong so that it may be corrected in the future.

4. Follow-Up Again

Check in with the hiring manager periodically to find out the status of his hiring process. Keep the follow-up within the timeframe given to you, but don’t check-in daily or even every other day. Spread out your inquiries and don’t sound aggressive or anxious during them.

5. Desire

After the interview, you have time to reflect about whether the job is right for you. Ask yourself if you are the right fit for the job, if the people and culture of the new job work for you, and, most importantly, if you would be happy working there.Sometimes, interviewees realize the job is not right for them, or that there are better opportunities, once they reflect after an interview.

6. Patience

The hiring process takes longer than you might think. "US News & World Report" points out that hiring for a position has numerous hurdles, such as hiring managers going out of town, scheduling issues and human resources delays. Therefore, be patient during your wait, and don’t assume that just because you haven’t heard anything means you didn’t get the job.

7. Apply for Other Jobs

Don’t stop looking for work while waiting on one interview. No matter how well the interview went, there might be other candidates in the same position. Therefore, continue to send out applications, resume and go to interviews while waiting to hear back about interviews already completed.

8. Move-On

Don’t check your phone frequently or constantly worry about past interviews. After the interview is over, and you have completed your follow-ups, move on mentally. If the employer doesn’t call, you won’t waste time worrying about a position you never had.

9. Explain

You should never make excuses for an error, but you can explain it in a follow-up letter to the employer. If you felt your answers to interview questions were poor or that you left something out, send a professional follow-up letter that explains this to the hiring manager. Only do so if you know the hiring manager made a note of your poor answers. According to "Forbes," giving an explanation on minor things the hiring manager didn’t notice can add attention to errors that might have gone unnoted.

10. Apologize

You might feel your interview was poor, but don’t automatically assume the hiring manager thought the same. According to "Forbes," you should never apologize to a hiring manager if you think your interview went poorly. The only time you should apologize is for a slip-up, such as referring to the hiring manager by the wrong name.

11.Focus more on what you can do for the company, rather than what they can do for you

At the beginning of the job interview process, someone has to assume the role of the seller, and someone has to be the buyer.You're the seller at this early stage of the process.As the interview progresses you will eventually be asked: Do you have any questions for us?It’s a bad idea to say, no, I can’t think of anything. It’s also a bad idea to have a grocery list of interview questions a mile long.Appropriate Job Interview Questions to Ask Your Interviewers• How would you describe a typical day in this position?• In my first 90 days on the job, what’s my first priority?• What is one of the most difficult challenges facing your

department?• Is this a new position, or am I replacing someone?• What’s the company’s strategy for generating new business?• What is your management style like?

12.Bring examples of your work

Use the power of the printed word to your advantage. As an executive recruiter, I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve been called by a hiring manager after an interview, and told how impressed they were with one of my candidates who brought examples of their work.Most job seekers fail to do this in preparing for a job interview. This one job interview tip alone will set you apart from other candidates.Idea: Some job seekers bring a copy of their most recent written evaluation to the interview. Obviously, you should only do this if your evaluation is outstanding.The power of the printed word applies here as well. If you share your strengths with your interviewers, it's duly noted. If one of your bosses said those same things about you...it's gospel.Another great example of your work is any chart or graph that illustrates specifically how you saved the company time or money...or how you made the company money.

13.Don’t bring up salary or benefits during the first interview

The interviewing process is a 2-way street. Just as the company is evaluating you, you are evaluating them.A job change is a big deal and you should know things like how the 401K plan works, how the bonus is figured, what is their vacation policy, and what kind of benefits they provide.However...It is interviewing suicide to ask these questions during the first interview. The appropriate time to ask these questions is after the company has decided to extend you an offer.Once a company has decided that they must have you on their team, then it is timely and appropriate for you to ask these kinds of questions.

14. Thank Interviewer(s) in Person, by Email, and Postal Mail

As you have already seen from previous tips, common courtesy and politeness go far in interviewing; thus, the importance of thanking each person who interviews you should come as no surprise. Start the process while at the interview, thanking each person who interviewed you. Writing thank-you emails and notes shortly after the interview will not get you the job offer, but doing so will certainly give you an edge over any of the other finalists who did not bother to send thank-you's.