10 Things You Should Know Before You Kill Yourself

Post on 22-Jan-2017

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Hello Sir

I guess you’re pretty serious about committing

suicide if you’re searching for it on the internet.

There’s a hell of a lot of information out there but I

wanted to tell you ten things you should know

before you kill yourself.

First of all, I know you are probably a guy. That’s

because 78% of people who take their own lives are

male. There are lots of reasons for that, but the

main one is that you keep everything bottled up

inside you because you’re trying to ‘be there’ for

everyone else. You don’t have to you know.

Talking about how you’re feeling is the bravest

thing a man can ever do. But that’s not why I’m


I’m here to tell you what happens next after you

decide to end your pain.

ONE (1) :

The person who finds your body is probably your

wife or one of your kids. You will have chosen a

method that is violent and the image of your dead

body with the noose, the gun or the plastic bag will

be forever etched on the mind of that person who

finds you.

It will be the last thing she sees before she goes to

sleep and the first image she sees upon waking. It

will flash into her mind at random moments and

leave her completely traumatised. She will forever

associate colours, smells, shapes, and noises with

that moment when her life was fractured into


TWO (2) :

When the police arrive, they will treat your wife as

a suspect. Your death will be deemed as

‘suspicious’ and the house will be cordoned off as a

crime scene. Ambulances, fire-engines and police

cars will line the street. People will crane their

necks to see what is going on.

Your private decision will become the subject of

public speculation. The room where you died will

never be able to be used again. There will be stains

on the chair, on the carpet, on the walls. Most

likely, your family will have to move.

THREE (3) :

Your private life will be raked over by the police

who will go through your wallet, your phone and

your computer looking for someone to blame for

your death. All the while, your wife will be unable

to eat or sleep and her tears will make her beautiful

eyes haunted and lost.

FOUR (4) :

There will be an autopsy to determine how you

died. There will be questions about your

relationship, your job, your finances, your health

and your drug and alcohol consumption. If you’ve

managed to destroy your body in your final act,

your wife will have to formally identify you.

She will no longer remember you as alive and

breathing, she will only remember you lying still,

battered and violated on the cold slab of a


And all the time, the voice in her head will

scream “Why?” That voice never stops.

FIVE (5) :

Your wife won’t be able to work for a long while

and the money will run out. It will take months,

maybe even years for her to get any sort of payout.

And if you haven’t left a will, she will have to

prove to the courts that she is entitled to your

money. Lawyers will ask if there was another

woman, other children, another life. She will have

to prove that she was your wife over and over


SIX (6) :

Your friends and family will find it difficult to

believe that you did this without provocation. They

will search for someone to blame. And that person

will be your wife. They will whisper that she drove

you to it. They will find it hard to be around her.

She will have to survive this thing on her own.

SEVEN (7) :

Your wife will blame herself. No matter what the

circumstances, she will know that she didn’t love

you enough or support you enough to keep you

alive. Her sense of failure will overwhelm her. She

will relive the last days and hours before your death

searching for the moment when she could have

made a difference.

EIGHT (8) :

If they report your death in the papers, the

journalist will be deliberately vague. You will join

the long list of men who have been “found dead”.

They will never print the word suicide, but

everyone will know what happened.

“… Smith was found dead at his home in Los

Angeles. The cause of death has not been

confirmed, but police have said it did not appear

to be suspicious.” ~ BBC News

Even your wife and children will rarely mention the

word suicide when telling your story. They will

fabricate a lie to cover their shame and hurt. Saying

you died of a heart attack is the usual thing.

NINE (9) :

Your son won’t have you around to teach him how

to drive. Your daughter will have no-one to walk

her down the aisle on her wedding day. Your wife

won’t have a safe place to go when her own pain

needs soothing. You will miss out on their lives.

TEN (10) :

This pain of losing you doesn’t heal. It eventually

gets numbed by the challenge of getting on with

life with a part missing, but the thought of you is

always just below the surface.

When you take your life, you take the life of your

wife, your kids, your parents, your siblings and

your friends. There is no choice for them. They

have to live with this burden for the rest of their

lives. No matter what you’ve done, no matter

who you are, no-one will be better off without


I’m not here to tell you what to do with your life.

It’s up to you. All I want to do is tell you what

really happens to those of us left behind.

Sleep on it. Wait until tomorrow. Call someone.


Stay alive. We need you. We love you more than

you’ll ever know.

If you or someone you know may be at risk of

suicide contact

beyondblue 1300 22 46 36, Lifeline 13 11 14

or Salvo Care Line 1300 36 36 22.

Read more edgy, raw stories at



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