10 Things you should (not) do in an interview

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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10 things (not) to do in an Interview

1) Dress W(N)isely

2) Smile NiceHave good Eye Contact

3) Always carry your resume along with you. Don’t say that you have it online.

4) Go through the company’s website

Whaaaat?You have a website?

5) Don’t jump into discussions on

money immediately.

Always be open to negotiations.

6) Never backbite about your old firm

7) Ask Sensible Questions

How many Holidays can I take in a year?

8) Be Confident

9) Listen before you speak

10) Don’t try to be over smart

Conceived and Birthed By


Prason is a creative Presenter and an Online social media


Write to him atprason@chronicwriter.com