10 tips to build a great profile on LinkedIn

Post on 07-Nov-2014

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10 Tips to build a

great profile on

Instead, describe your experience and abilities as you would to someone you just met.

And write for the internet and mobile screen, in short blocks of copy with visual or textual signposts.

#1: Don’t cut and paste your CV

Help people remember you by adding a professional looking photo. LinkedIn data shows that profiles with photos are 7X more likely to get an inmail response.


#2: Upload a profile picture

#3: Complete your profile to 100%

Use the profile strength meter on the right of your LinkedIn profile as a guide.

Members with complete profiles will have the advantage of their LinkedIn profile appearing top of google search result


SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) is key. Optimise your profile with keywords related to your work and the opportunities you want.

If you’re looking for a job, think like a recruiter and what they would search for. Look at job descriptions for ideas.

#4: Include Keywords

See that line of text under your name? It’s the first thing others see in your profile, and forms viewers’ first impression.

Key in what you think represents you (personally or professionally. Or if your company’s brand is strong enough, your company and title may be sufficient.

#5: Write a personal tagline

Create a easy-to-type vanity URL so that you can include your LinkedIn profile URL in your email signature namecard

Namecard Email Signature

#6: Create a vanity URL


Use the Summary section to engage readers.

You’ve got 5–10 seconds to capture their attention, make it meaningful. Showcase what you represent and display pride and enthusiasm. Sell yourself!

#7: Sell yourself in the summary section

#8: Make your profile public

Go to settings..Edit your public profile

You can choose which sections are visible to public.

The more sections visible to everyone, the more opportunities you may get.

#9: Add sections to showcase your work

Besides work experience, showcase other cool experiences or projects, such as:

Volunteering workProjectsTest ScoresCourses/CertificationsPatentsPublications etc.PPT slides/videos

This is arguably the most important section as it adds credibility to your professional brand. Ask for meaningful recommendations from people you’ve worked with. Request specifics to showcase your strengths, skills or leadership.

#10: Get recommendations

Start Networking and Gain Opportunities!

A profile is the start to your networking, professional and career opportunities. Leverage it to achieve success!

If you want to find out more about leveraging your LinkedIn profile, feel free to drop me a note. You can find me… on LinkedIn!