10 tools to manage facebook marketing

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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10 Tools to manage Facebook marketing

Facebook is #1 social networking website on the web where you, I and

more than trillions of people interact with their friends, family, and even

make new friends. It is used to share moments, pictures, videos and other

intangible stuff online with each other.

With the time, Facebook has grown into a platform for marketers where

they can market their business, products, and services.

The best tips for marketing is, work where most of the world’s population

hang out, and no doubt Facebook is one of those online venues where

the large portion of online people spend their time.

When you think of Facebook marketing, you must use few good tools to

carry out your marketing strategies in an effective way. Manual work can

be slower and you may not be able to beat the fierce competition going

on in the marketing world thus using social tools is recommended for

better results.

I have made a list of 10Facebook marketing tools that must be in the

arsenal of every marketer:

1. HootSuite

HootSuite is a social media management tool that allows you to manage

your profiles on different social networks.

Managing multiple Facebook profiles, pages, events, and groups, is easier

through HootSuite dashboard. You can put the postings to your FB page,

group, and profile on autopilot by using the scheduling feature. Once you

schedule the posts, they get published at the set timings. Later you can

track the results as well.

It seems to be very handy if you are using more than 2-3 Facebook

profiles because you can add multiple accounts in it and schedule posts

for them. Managing more FB profiles manually can be a tough task thus

it’s a great tool to add into your tool box.

Quick Look at the notable features of HootSuite:

Publisher: This feature allows you to write messages, schedule them to

be posted on your various Facebook profiles, pages and groups.

Analytics: It offers analytics that helps you figure out how your posts and

profiles are performing. You may analyse the reports and take further

actions accordingly to get most out of your marketing efforts.

Messaging: It offers you a private messaging system through which you

can send messages to your teammates. You don’t need to close

HootSuite and go to skype or other chat software for discussing

something with your teammates.

One dashboard for all of your marketing tasks!

Once you start using this amazing tool, you will come to know about even

more features it offers.

2. Post Planner

Post Planner is one of my most favourite tools for Facebook marketing as

it offers few great features that I like.

Few Notable Features of Post Planner:

Targeting: You can target country specific audience to show your posts

only to the relevant people.

Post scheduling: You can schedule posts that get live at the set timing.

Spend 2-3 hours to automate a month’s work. Isn’t it great?

Post link as image: Due to the increasing numbers of hacking and

spamming, most of the people avoid clicking on links therefore Post

Planner offers to post link as image that means you post an image on

which if someone clicks, that particular link opens which you have

attached with the image through this tool.

It is well-known fact that images perform far better than text so this

feature can boost your marketing to a greater level.

Status ideas engine: Post Planner offers ideas engine that generates

status ideas. You can use these to post updates on your Facebook

profiles. It produces interesting status ideas which if you publish, you may

get better engagement.

Trending Content: This feature of Post Planner allows you to find the

trending content over the web. You may post them as your status update

as well.

Many more features are there in the Post Planner’s dashboard so stop

waiting and start using.

3. Sprout Social

Sprout Social is a social media management tool that helps you manage

social media profiles from different social media sites such as LinkedIn,

Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc.

Few Notable Features of Sprout Social:

Scheduling: You can schedule the status updates from its dashboard to

be posted on different profiles at different timings. You can target

audience for your posts as well.

Smart inbox: It offers a smart inbox which brings all the messages from

your social profiles into it so that you get everything at one place which

further improve your productivity.

Track & measure your social performance: It provides post-level insights

and trends to all the team members to track the overall team

performance. The analytics gives you all details as how many likes your

page has gotten, how many likes and shares your particular status update

has gotten, and many more details. You can easily track everything using

a single dashboard.

Assign and manage tasks: You can turn messages into tasks and assign to

your teammates.

Start using it and explore more features.

4. Buffer

Buffer is one more social media management tool with the help of which

you can manage multiple social profiles from different social sites. It can

work as the best Facebook marketing tool as well.

Few Notable features of buffer:

Manage Multiple Facebook account: You can manage multiple Facebook

accounts from its dashboard and you can post on those accounts as well.

It offers to manage Twitter and LinkedIn account as well.

Schedule posts: You can schedule updates to be posted on your various

Facebook profiles and pages. You can also set up your own updating


Insights: It gives insights for every published post that helps you know

how your posts are performing, and on the basis of this you may further

make your strategy.

Many more features you may find when you start using Buffer. So don’t

wait to check it out.

5. Facebook Page Barometer

It is a great tool that answers you to 3 important questions of Facebook


Are you beating Facebook EdgeRank?

Are your pages performing above or below average?

Which metrics require your attention?

Once you know these, you may make your Facebook strategies even

better to get desirable results. You may take the reference of an article

published on thenextweb to know more about Facbook page Barometer.

6. Facebook Timeline Contest

You can boost your Facebook marketing by offering some freebies to

engage your fans. To do that you can run contests on your page and

reward the winner with a cool gift. Quiz contest, photo contest or

sweepstakes can be done using Facebook Timeline Contest tool.

7. Conversation Score

This tool helps you find any Facebook page’s engagement and

performance. You don’t need to authorize your Facebook account to get

the details rather you just need to put the URL of the page.

8. Pagemodo

This tool helps you run contests, design a visual post, create custom

Facebook tabs, even schedule posts, design a cover image and find


9. Perfect Audience

This Facebook marketing tool helps you retarget lost customers across


10. Qwaya

This tool is used to create, optimize and organize Facebook

advertising campaigns. This is a professional tool to get the best



Facebook has become a marketing tool which every social media

marketer is using as the most of the online audience hang out on this

particular website. Manually working with multiple Facebook profiles,

pages and groups might be a difficult task. There are social media

management tools are available to automate your social marketing plan

to provide you the best of your efforts.

I have mentioned few of the best-known tools to carry out Facebook

marketing though there are hundreds of such social tools online.

If you know about more tools then please do share in comments and take

a part in the discussion.

I would like to hear from you on this topic as well. How you do marketing

on Facebook? Are you using any of these tools or any other?