10 Ways to Go Green

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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“Going green” sounds easy enough. But when it comes to California communities, the diversity of options and available strategies can get a little overwhelming. Your community association management company can help. An excellent management company is adept at developing sustainable, planet-friendly strategies that help your community accomplish the twin objectives of saving money and saving the planet. Read the full article at https://www.fsresidential.com/california/news-and-events/articles/ten-ways-to-go-green



“Going green” isn’t as easy as it sounds, but it’s a very rewarding endeavor. By developing sustainable, planet-friendly strategies you can also save money while you’re saving the planet.

Waste Reduction

More than just recycling, waste reduction starts with purchasing fewer items and choosing what you purchase more wisely.

• Choose products without wasteful packaging • Buy items that are less toxic• Check out the EPA’s WasteWise program, at



PAY AS YOU THROWThere is an EPA-sponsored program where homeowners pay per can/bag of trash instead of paying a flat fee for garbage service.


Beyond reducing and recycling, explore ways to reuse items.

• Use glasses and mugs instead of disposable cups• Donate used equipment • Encourage residents to use reusable grocery bags • Visit use-less-stuff.com and redo.org for more practical ideas


Water Efficiency

Check your community’s water usage records to see how your water use trends over time. How does your community rate?

For a good water efficiency plan:

• Install water-smart faucets, showerheads and toilets

• Repair leaks• Replace turf with drought-tolerant plants• Check irrigation systems monthly• Replace old or faulty spray heads


The averagehousehold uses


Light the Way4

Replace regular lighting with compact fluorescent lamps (CFL’s) to reduce energy use.

BRIGHT IDEA! On average, replacing five old-fashioned bulbs with CFLs could save upwards of $100 annually.

Harness Daylight

Reduce the amount of electricity use in your offices and homes:

• Place workstations near windows, reducing the need for artificial light

• Have cleaning crews come during the day to take advantage of natural light

• Promote a habit of turning off the lights as you leave a room


DAYSWITCHInstall a photo sensor like DaySwitch to control your lights automatically.

Energy Star

Washing machines, dishwashers, refrigerators and air conditioners with Energy Star ratings will perform more efficiently.

Visit energystar.gov for a full list of Energy Star-rated appliances.



Small household appliances should be unplugged when you’re not using them.

Did you know?

• A laptop computer draws up to 80% less power than a desktop

• Using a microwave instead of the oven saves energy

• A microwave is not only faster, but it reduces carbon dioxide emissions – about one pound for every meal!


• Homes lose significant efficiency through the attic

• Install insulation without covering vents• “Knee walls” require additional

insulation too • Insulate around your water heater to

maximize efficiency


Adjust Water Heaters to 120 Degrees

At this heat, you can reduce carbon emissions by




Think Outside the Power Company

Pursuing sources of alternative energy can yield considerable savings. A renewable source such as solar can be a welcomed addition to your energy mix. Make sure that the initial capital output is offset by enough savings over time, and that the installation of any equipment doesn’t violate your community standards.


Going green is good for your community – and for the planet. For more information on how your community association management company can help, contact FirstService Residential, North America’s leading property management company.