100 200 300 400 500 Before the War During the War After the War US and WWI Vocabulary Misc. Final...

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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100 100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Before the War

During the War After the War

US and WWI Vocabulary Misc.

Final Question

Who is Franz Ferdinand?

A 100

Next in line to lead Austrian Empire

A 100

Who is Gavrilo Princip?

A 200

19 year old Bosnian who Assassinated Franz Ferdinand

A 200

What nation was the Black Hand from and what was

their motivation for assassinating Franz


A 300

Terrorist Organization based in Serbia

Austria had taken over Bosnia, Serbia wanted

Bosnia and feared Austria may come for them next.

A 300

Which nations are in the Triple Entente and the Triple

Alliance before the war?

A 400

Triple Entente = Britain, France, Russia

Triple Alliance = Italy, Germany, Austria

A 400

What 3 terms did Austria send Serbia after the assassination?

A 500

Serbia must accept full responsibility for the assassination,

give Austria the right to police ‘anti-Austrian’ groups within Serbia,

and allow Austria to prosecute the assassins in an Austrian Court

A 500

Which nation is the most aggressive during the early

months of the war?

B 100


B 100

On whose side does Italy enter the war and why is this


B 200

-Triple Entente AKA Allies

-They made a secrete pact with Britain to get land after the war’s end and break their old alliance with Germany

and Austria

B 200

What does it mean to go Over the Top?

B 300

Run from your trench to the next trench over no man’s


B 300

What is the Schlieffen Plan? Is it successful?

B 400

B 400

Germany’s plan to quickly defeat France by going through Belgium


Describe the Russian Revolution and why it is

important to WWI and future world events

B 500

Bolsheviks throw out the Czar and create a communist government

Russia starts fighting a civil war and pulls out of WWI early

Future conflicts such as the cold war / Vietnam etc.

B 500

What are 2 ways in which people attempted to cope with

surviving the war and what question did they struggle


C 100

Various - what was the purpose of the war

C 100

Why did mysticism rise in popularity after WWI?

C 200

People that survived the war felt a deep need to find closure with their dead loved ones, especially those whose bodies were never found.

C 200

What did nations in the League of Nations agree to

when they joined the League? (4)

C 300

• Resolve disputes with diplomacy • if diplomacy fails observe a

waiting period• if you break rules you can be

punished• you agree to fight to preserve the

freedom of the other member nations

C 300

Several small nations came to the Paris Peace conference

Which nations and what did they want?

What happened?

C 400

Indo China – Ho Chi Minh – France out of Indo China

Middle East – Amir Faisal – independence for fighting with Allies

They are ignored

C 400

LIE through this cartoon

C 500


C 500

How did Wilson respond when WWI began?

(2 reasons)

D 100

The US would stay neutral -Many citizens are from

both countries-US would try to mediate

for peace

D 100

What was the Great Migration?

D 200

The movement of African Americans from the south to the

north during the war

D 200

What are 3 reasons why the US entered WWI?

D 300

German U-boatsZimmerman note

Financial ties

D 300

What was the purpose of the Committee on Public

Information – how would you describe how

their activities changed during the war?

D 400

To create materials that would get Americans to volunteer and buy war

bonds (support the war)

Fact based – propaganda

D 400

What were the ideas in Wilson’s Fourteen Points?

D 500

D 500

- Self determination- Fairly settle territory disputes- End conditions that create

future wars (arms race, secret pacts etc.)

- Create a League of nations

Fourteen Points

E 100

Wilson’s plan at the end of the war for how the treaty

should look.

E 100

Espionage Act

E 200

E 200

: it is a crime toTalk about any information that could

interfere with the U.S. armed forces war effort or that supports the success of the

country's enemies. Punishment = a fine of $10,000 and a

prison sentence of 20 years. (STILL in effect)

Sedition Act

E 300

Strengthened the Espionage ActPenalties for anyone that interfered with

the warInsulted the U.S. government, the flag, the

Constitution or the military; protested against the production of necessary war

materials; or spread this information to the public.

(Repealed 1921)

E 300

What 4 things does the treaty of Versailles demand

of Germany?

E 400


• Is Disarmed size of military and navy are capped

• Loses all colonial lands and sections of pre-war territory

• Forced to accept full responsibility for war

• Forced to pay billions of $ in reparations (roughly 37 billion)

E 400

Who is the head of the Food Administration during


E 500

Allowed Congress to create and enforce collection of an

income tax

E 500

What was done to help soldier’s with disfiguring

facial injuries after WWI?

F 100

Early work in prosthetics

F 100

Before the US Entered the war, what type of

propaganda was most prevalent and how did it

impact American support?

F 200

British demonizing Germans

Helped turn American support to Britain

F 200

Describe the Zimmerman Note and Sussex Pledge

F 300

ZN = Germany’s offer to Mexico that if M helped G

defeat US M would get land in the southern US.

SP = Germany agreed to sink ships after a warning

and guaranteeing the safety of the passengers

F 300

How did Serbia respond to Austria after they were given terms after

the assassination of Franz Ferdinand? (3)

F 400

Would accept all terms except allowing Austrian police into Serbia

Asked that outside nations get involved in settling dispute

F 400

What is the meaning of the following quote and what court case does it come from?

“The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting

“Fire!” in a theatre and causing a panic [….] The question in every case is whether the words used are used in such circumstances and are of such a

nature as to create a clear and present danger […] When a nation is at war many things that might be

said in time of peace are such a hindrance to its effort that their utterance will not be endured so long as men fight and that no Court could regard them as protected by any constitutional right.”

F 500

It means that the right to free speech does not entitle you to make false statements or during times of war for you to discuss information or say something that might lead to

a US defeat, Schenck v. United States

F 500

The Final Question Category is:

Cause and Effect

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What are the 5 factors that lead to WWI? (List them)


Describe a historically accurate example of how EACH factor contributed to WWI

-Various answers

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