100 200 300 400 500 Evidence Finger- prints Hair and Fibers BonesBloodDNA.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500 500

Evidence Finger-prints

Hair and Fibers Bones Blood DNA

Hair, natural fibers and DNA would be analyzed by

this service.

A 100

What is biological services?

A 100

Evidence that cannot be matched to one person is

said to be this.

A 200

What is circumstantial?

A 200

Along with analyzing guns and bullets, this service

might look at knifes, tools or other weapons.

A 300

What is ballistics?

A 300

Not all crime labs would provide this service that

analyzes poisons.

A 400

What is toxicology?

A 400

This test can be given to an adulterer but will not stand

up in court.

A 500

What is a polygraph or lie detector test?

A 500

An example of this type of print might be found in


B 100

What is a plastic print?

B 100

A print found on paper can be developed using this.

B 200

What is iodine or ninhydrin?

B 200

The name of these ridge characteristics.

B 300

What are bifurcations?

B 300

This type of fingerprint is called.

B 400

What is a double loop?

B 400

This type of fingerprint came from the left hand.

B 500

What is a ulnar loop?

B 500

Most human hairs do not contain this layer.

C 100

What is the medulla?

C 100

This individual has the thickest type of hair.

C 200

What is Asian?

C 200

Rayon and polyester are these types of fibers.

C 300

What is synthetic?

C 300

The furry animal this hair came from. Many are

allergic to it.

C 400

What is a cat?

C 400

In this test fibers are put near a flame to determine

their properties.

C 500

What is the burn test?

C 500

This skull belongs to what sex.

D 100

What is female?

D 100

The pelvis of a female has this shaped opening.

D 200

What is round or oval?

D 200

As people age they get these on the ends of their bones.

D 300

What are spikes or growths?

D 300

These individuals have 32 teeth.

D 400

What are adults?

D 400

This bone can be found in the human skeleton.

D 500

What is the humerus?

D 500

Antigens in the blood are found here.

E 100

What is the outside of red blood cells?

E 100

How this blood got here.

E 200

What is low velocity?

E 200

How this blood got here.

E 300

E 300

What is dripped?

The method use to determine if blood is human

or not.

E 400

What is the preciptin test?

E 400

How this blood got here.

E 500

What is flew off the end of a weapon?

E 500

The four bases and their pairs.

F 100

What A-T, C=G?

F 100

The part of the DNA that does not code for proteins.

F 200

What is an intron?

F 200

The function of a restriction enzyme.

F 300

What is cut DNA in a particular place?

F 300

This is a method of copying small amounts of DNA to

make more.

F 400

What is PCR (polymerase chain reaction)?

F 400

The way a VNTR, STR and RFLP compare.

F 500

What are repeating units and different lengths?

F 500

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