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Post on 13-Jan-2016

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“I thought using the Ayatollah's money to support the Nicaraguan resistance was a neat idea.”- Colonel Oliver North

What incident does this quote refer to?

The Iran-Contra Affair

Colonel Oliver North and his lawyer being questioned by Congress

Prohibition makes you want to cry into your beer and denies you the beer to cry into.-Don Marquis

What Constitutional Amendment caused this


18th Amendment

“Our security depends on the Allied Powers winning against aggressors. The Axis Powers intend to destroy democracy, it is anathema ... to them. We cannot provide that aid if the public are against it; therefore, it is our responsibility to persuade the public that aid to the victims of aggression is aid to American security.” - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

What program resulted from this statement?

Don’t understand this passage? Click the button and we’ll look at it


“None of us are nuclear experts, but we know that if there is a melt-down and breach of containment, that's clearly the most odious thing that could happen.” - William Scranton

What event does this quote refer to?

Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island, PA

“You young men who are enrolled in this work are to be congratulated as well. It is my honest conviction that what you are doing in the way of constructive service will bring you, personally and individually, returns the value of which it is difficult to estimate. Physically fit, as demonstrated by the examinations you took before entering the camps, the clean life and hard work in which you are engaged cannot fail to help your physical condition and you should emerge from this experience strong and rugged and ready for reentrance into the ranks of industry better equipped than before.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

What New Deal program is FDR commenting about?

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

The Roaring Twenties

World War II?

What period in US history would best fit?

The Great Depression

The Gilded Age The Roaring Twenties?

What period of American history would best fit?

The Progressive Era

The West decides to create West Germany

out of their occupation zones

The Soviet Union responds by cutting

all road and rail traffic to West Berlin


What resulted from the two events?

The Berlin Airlift

The 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

Young American men are drafted ?

What Constitutional Amendment would most likely result?

The 26th Amendment

Lowered the voting age to 18

US support for the Shah of Iran

The Iranian Revolution ?

What event would have followed in the above sequence?

The US Embassy hostage crisis aka the Iranian

hostage crisis

What event prompted this cartoon?

The 1900 Boxer Rebellion

This cartoon depicts the sentiments of what group in America?


What action taken by the US is this cartoon justifying?

The internment of Japanese-Americans in WWII

To what 1961 event is this cartoon referring to?

The Bay of Pigs

This cartoon is an example of _________ used by newspaper publishers like Pulitzer and Hearst

Yellow Journalism

+ =

Watergate or Resignation

What Constitutional Amendment was passed due to protests such as that pictured here?

The 24th Amendment

The sinking of this ship in 1898 sparked the Spanish-American War

The USS Maine

Their murders sparked the First World War

The Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife

During the Civil Rights movement, this tactic was used to desegregate

restaurants and theaters


Unrestricted submarine warfare

Allied propaganda

Close economic ties

Zimmerman telegram

US entry into WWI

Religious persecution


Political oppression

Forced military service


(Push-Pull factors)

Jim Crow laws



Economic opportunity due to WWI

The Great Migration

Domino Theory


French withdrawal

UN Partition at the 17th Parallel

US involvement in Vietnam

9-11 Terrorist attacks

President Bush’s War on Terror

Persian Gulf War

Weapons of mass destruction

2003 Iraq War

Common Factor


Decade?Elections Who?

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The Tank

The Flamethrower

Poison Gas

Weapons developed to break the stalemate on the Western


Free Texas Longhorns

Large regions of government-owned grasslands


Rising demand in America for beef

Open-Range Ranching

Stock speculation

Laissez-faire policy



The Roaring Twenties

Anarchist bombings

Fear of Communism

Attorney General Mitchell Palmer

Massive arrests and deportations

The First Red Scare


The Pullman Strike

Socialist candidate for President multiple times

Jailed under the WWI Sedition Act

Eugene V. Debs

End of Reconstruction

Congress suspends the coining of Silver

Custer’s Last Stand

The Farmer’s Alliance is founded

The 1870sEnd of Reconstruction = 1877

Congress suspends the coining of Silver = 1873

Custer’s Last Stand = 1876

The Farmer’s Alliance is founded = 1877


The OPEC oil embargo

North Vietnam conquers South Vietnam

Egypt & Israel sign the Camp David Accords

The 1970s

Korean War


Brown v. Board

Cuban Revolution

The 1950s

The New Deal

High Unemployment

The Neutrality Acts

21st Amendment

The 1930s

Iran-Contra Affair

First appearance of AIDS

Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

Space shuttle Challenger explodes

The 1980s

Franklin D. Roosevelt : Yalta

_______________ : Potsdam

Harry Truman

John F. Kennedy : The New Frontier

Woodrow Wilson : _____________

New Freedom

General MacArthur : WWII Army

_________________ : WWII Navy

Admiral Chester Nimitz

Sacco & Vanzetti : Murder and Robbery

Julius & Ethel Rosenberg : ___________________________

Treason / Espionage

General Eisenhower : WWII

___________________ : WWI

General Pershing

R- Herbert Hoover


D- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Election of 1932

R- Richard Nixon


D- Hubert Humphrey

Election of 1968

R- William H. Taft


D- Woodrow Wilson


BM- Theodore Roosevelt

Election of 1912

R- George H. W. Bush


D- William Clinton


Ind- Ross Perot

Election of 1992

R- William McKinley


D- William Jennings Bryan

Election of 1896

Henry Ford

Ford did not invent the assembly line but was the first to use it effectively to mass-produce automobiles which

made them cheaper and more plentiful

Amelia EarhartRecord-breaking female pilot. Attempted to fly

around the globe but disappeared in the Pacific in 1937.

Winston Churchill

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Josef StalinPhoto taken at the Yalta Conference

during WWII

Fidel Castro Communist Leader of Cuba


Nikita KhrushchevLeader of the Soviet Union

Richard Nixon


Henry KissingerNixon’s National Security Advisor and

Secretary of State under President Ford

Court Cases

Amendments Mix






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Battles People

Battle caused Japan to move to the defense for the remainder of

the war

Battle of Midway

Battle was Germany’s last major offensive in the West

during WWII

Battle of the Bulge

America’s toughest and largest battle during WWI

Major battle of the Spanish-American War

Gave fame to TR’s Rough Riders

Battle of San Juan Hill

This battle is considered the turning point in Western Europe

during WWII


The invasion of Normandy, France

This was the major issue in the court case

University of California v. Bakke

Affirmative Action

This court case ensured an integrated classroom

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka

The composition of this jury was ensured by this court case

Norris v. Alabama

This court case allowed this

Plessy v. Ferguson

The “Robin Hood” plan was a media nickname given to legislation enacted by the U.S. state of Texas in 1993 to provide court-mandated equitable

school financing for all school districts in the state

This plan was due to the ruling in this case

Edgewood ISD v. Kirby

Direct election of senators

Repeal of Prohibition

Women’s right to vote

The Income Tax


Moving inauguration date from March to January

Place the amendments in their numbered order

Income Tax = 16th Amendment

Direct Election of Senators = 17th Amendment

Prohibition = 18th Amendment

Women’s Vote = 19th Amendment

Movement of Inauguration = 20th Amendment

Repeal of Prohibition = 21st Amendment

Eliminated Poll Taxes

Lowered Voting Age to 18

Limited a President to Two Terms Giving the District of Columbia Presidential

Electors Designating the Vice President as President

in case of death, resignation, impeachment, or incapacitation

Place the amendments in their numbered order

Two Term Limits = 22nd Amendment

Electors Awarded to D.C. = 23rd Amendment

Eliminated Poll Tax = 24th Amendment

VP to replace President = 25th Amendment

Lowered Voting Age to 18 = 26th Amendment

You cannot be required to testify against yourself and

you cannot be tried twice for the same crime (double


5th Amendment

The three Civil War or Reconstruction Amendments

13th Amendment – freed the slaves

14th amendment – defined citizenship and gave rights of

citizenship to freed blacks

15th Amendment – gave vote to all men

The only amendment that addresses the issue of power

between the states and the federal government

The 10th Amendment

The letter goes on to say in part, “…the massacre lasted six to eight hours…I tell you Ned it was hard to see little children on their knees have their brains beat out by men professing to be civilized. Some tried to escape on the Prairie, but most of them were run down by horsemen …They were all horribly mutilated. One women was cut open and child taken out of her, and scalped…” - Captain Silas Soule

This massacre of Indians by US Army volunteers was given this name

Sand Creek Massacre

"Eventually the road became so crowded we were marched into a clearing. Here, for two hours, we had our first taste of the oriental sun treatment, which drains the stamina and weakens the spirit.

The Japs seated us on the scorching ground, exposed to the full glare of the sun. Many of the Americans and Filipinos had no covering to protect their heads. I was beside a small bush but it cast no shade because the sun was almost directly above us. Many of the men around me were ill.”

What event does this passage recount?

The Bataan Death March

“Corroding waste-disposal drums could be seen breaking up through the grounds of backyards. Trees and gardens were turning black and dying. One entire swimming pool had been popped up from its foundation, afloat now on a small sea of chemicals. Puddles of noxious substances were pointed out to me by the residents. Some of these puddles were in their yards, some were in their basements, others yet were on the school grounds. Everywhere the air had a faint, choking smell. Children returned from play with burns on their hands and faces.” – Eckhardt C. Beck (EPA Administrator, 1977 – 1979)

What event does this passage refer to?

Love Canal, New YorkThe US government eventually evacuated

the population and closed off the neighborhood

“Now look, that damned cowboy is President of the United States!”― Mark Hanna; Remark to Hermann H. Kohlsaat about Theodore Roosevelt, 15 Sept. 1901

What event caused Hanna to make this statement?

The assassination of President McKinley

McKinley’s assassination made his Vice President, Theodore Roosevelt, President

The Republican Party made Roosevelt Vice President because they did not like him and

wanted him out of the picture. Being Vice President at that point in history was equal to

political exile.

“Panning was hard work. The miner first shoveled pay direct into the pan, preferably one that had a flat bottom and tapered sides, about three inches deep and eighteen inches in diameter. Then he submerged the pan into water, rocked it back and forth to get a whirlpool effect, and allowed the lighter dirt, sand, and gravel to wash over the lip until only the heavier gold was left. The process took some time to master, and fifty pans were considered a good day's work."

What type of mining is described in the above passage?

Placer Mining

Washington Conference

Teapot Dome Scandal

The Ohio Gang


Warren G. Harding

Ballinger – Pinchot Controversy

Trust Busting

Dollar Diplomacy

Governor of the Philippines

William Howard Taft

Front Porch Campaign

Spanish-American War

Annexation of Hawaii

Seizure of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines

William McKinley

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

War on Poverty

The Great Society

Medicare & Medicaid

Lyndon B. Johnson

Rags to Riches

Bessemer Process


Gospel of Wealth

Andrew Carnegie

Acronyms Acts Periods in History

Presidents Mix






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The Tennessee Valley AuthoritySeries of dams along the Tennessee River and its tributaries

which were used to generate electric power


Civilian Conservation CorpsProgram that hired young men to work in forests,

national parks, and dams during the Great Depression


Agricultural Adjustment Administration

Restricted production to raise agricultural prices – paid farmers NOT to grow food


General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GATT was an international agreement on trade signed in 1947. In 1995, it was replaced

by the World Trade Organization (WTO)


House Un-American Activities Committee

This committee held hearings on communist influences in America beginning in 1938 and into

the 1970’s. Some government employees were accused as communist spies and many accused Hollywood writers, actors, and producers were


Supported by President Garfield and passed under President Arthur, this law

reformed the US Civil Service

The Pendleton Act

Merit System – hired based on ability not who you are

Opened up Western lands for settlement – gave 160

acres for free

The 1862 Homestead Act

Made it a crime to criticize the government during WWI

The 1917 Sedition Act

Ensured voting rights for all minorities – prohibited literacy


The 1965 Voting Rights Act

This was the first law limiting immigration and targeted a specific group

The 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act

Robber Barons

Social Darwinism

Exploitation of workers and natural resources

Increased leisure time and growth of popular culture

The Gilded Age

Nixon & Kissinger

1972 Visit to China

SALT I treaty with USSR

New trade & cultural links between US and Communist



Berlin Blockade & Airlift

The Arms Race

Korean War

1962 Cuban Missile Crisis


The Cold War

Supply-Side Economics

“Peace through Strength”

Military Build-Up


Iran-Contra Affair

The Reagan Era

Initiative, Referendum, Recall

Temperance Movement



The Progressive Era

Bay of Pigs

Space Race

1962 Missile Crisis

The Peace Corps

President John F. Kennedy

End of Korean War

Federal Highway Act

The Affluent Society

The Rise of Television

President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Federal Reserve Act

Income Tax

Intervention in Mexican Revolution

Fourteen Points

President Woodrow Wilson

He tried to end poverty in America through his “Great

Society” program

He greatly increased the numbers of US soldiers fighting

in Vietnam

He helped push through the Civil Rights Act 1964

President Lyndon Johnson

Camp David Accords


American “Malaise”

Iranian Hostage Crisis

President Jimmy Carter

He developed aviation designs still in use today

He is considered the father of naval aviation

Glenn Curtiss

This movement involved religious organizations such as

churches, the Young Men’s Christian Association (YMCA)

and the Salvation Army advocating and undertaking

social programs for the poor

Social Gospel Movement

These top secret communication intercepts over a period of years

(1943-1980) proved that many Communists did infiltrate

American government & society

The Venona Project

German military and political figures who committed

“crimes against humanity” were put on trial here after


The Nuremberg Trials

Hermann Goering on Trial – Goering was Hitler’s right-hand man for much of WWII

The US government helped finance the building of railroads using these

Land Grants

“Our security depends on the Allied Powers winning against aggressors. The Axis Powers intend to destroy democracy, it is anathema ... to them. We cannot provide that aid if the public are against it; therefore, it is our responsibility to persuade the public that aid to the victims of aggression is aid to American security.” - Franklin Delano Roosevelt

The first thing we do is see who made the statement. In this case it’s President Roosevelt. Roosevelt was president during the great depression and most of WWII.

He talks about the Axis and Allied powers. Those were the two sides fighting in WWII. It is clear that he is NOT a friend of the Axis for they want to destroy democracy.

He wants to help the Allies with aid but the US public is against it (see line 3) because they are isolationist and the US is not in the war yet. He wants to convince the American people that helping the Allies also helps in OUR security.

What the question is asking is what aid program did we put into place to send help (tanks, planes, etc.) to the Allies?