100 Ways to Make Money Online

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    Learn 100 Ways To

    Make Money Online

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  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



    75 you89e een on the internet 5or 'ore than a 5e* hours; you89e likely seen at least onead9ertise'ent teaching you ho* to 'ake thousands o5 dollars a 'inute; *orking 5ro'your under*ear; in the co'5ort o5 your o*n ho'e&

    These ads are so ridiculously popular that i5 you8re like 'ost people; you start douting*hether it really 7< possile to 'ake 'oney online&

    The truth is; it 7< possile& 7t 'ight e hard to 'ake thousands o5 dollars a 'inute 5ro'

    the get+go =or at all>?; ut there are certainly *ays you can 'ake 'oney *orking 5ro'ho'e *ith ease&

    7n this report; 7 a' going to share 100 di55erent *ays in *hich you can create 'oreinco'e& 7 ha9e tried to co9er all types o5 'ethods 5or all di55erent personality and skilltypes; and 7 a' con5ident that you8ll e ale to 5ind at least a 5e* that sound good toyou&

    While so'e o5 the' re@uire 'ore *ork than others; please kno* that you can 'iA and'atch& Bor eAa'ple; 'aye you can do a 5e* hours o5 5oru' 'oderation at 10 an hour5or D0; and then 'ake up the eAtra E0 doing so'ething else& The key is to ha9e 5un

    and do *hate9er you enFoy&

    7 ha9e gi9en an o9er9ie* o5 each idea; and then 5leshed the' all out a little it so youcould get started on *hate9er you like; i''ediately&

    7t is 'y sincere hope that you get a lot out o5 this report; and that you take action andstart 'aking 'oneyG

    Without any 5urther ado; let8s get started& >

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    1&Boru' 4osting:

    One o5 the easiest *ays to 'ake 'oney online; i5 you ha9e a 5lair 5or talking; is y

    5oru' posting&

    . lot o5 *e'asters ha9e started hiring people to post on their 5oru's so that their5oru's look usy and popular& They 5eel that y 'aking their 5oru's look 'orepopular; they *ill e ale to attract 'ore long+ter' 9isitors&

    When you8re posting in 5oru's; all you *ould ha9e to do is initiate ne* threads; orrespond to eAisting ones; and keep con9ersations going& Iou 'ay do this y postinginteresting thoughts; thought+pro9oking con9ersation; or teaching people things&

    . cool perk o5 this Fo is that you get to learn ne* things& .lso; i5 you post in 5oru's

    that you8re already interested in; you asically get paid to ha9e 5un&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a 5oru' poster; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Kro*se through 5reelancing sites such as )lance&co'; uru&co';Odesk&co'; etc&

    J .pply 5or 5oru' posting Fos on those sites

    J espond ack to the uyer on ti'e i5 you are called 5or an inter9ie*

    J .gree on the pay per post and the deadline

    J et the Fo done *ithin the accepted deadline

    Ho* 'uch can 7 'ake out o5 5oru' postingN

    J Bor each 5oru' post you 'ake; the general prices range any*here 5ro'0&10 to 0&0 per post& 75 you ha9e ti'e to de9ote to this during the day andare ale to 'ake et*een P00 to 1000 posts =depending on ho* 'uch your

    Fo is *orth?; then you can earn 100 a day& Iou can also; o5 course; do*hate9er you *ould like per day and then 'iA and 'atch *ith another

    suggestion 5ro' our lists&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    P&Boru' Moderator:

    .s long as 5oru's eAist; 5oru' 'oderators need to eAist&

    This is ecause *e'asters need people to lock negati9e co''ents; 'ake surethings are running s'oothly and 5oru' users are getting their @uestions andco''ents responded to&

    To e a 5oru' 'oderator; you *ould need to 'onitor co''ents posted y users;delete spa'; ans*er @uestions 5ro' users; and reply to user 'essages& Iou *ouldalso encourage threads; add ne* content to the site; and lock co''ents posted ypeople *ho ignore 5oru' rules&

    75 you ha9e an interest in certain 5oru's; this could e 9ery interesting 5or you to do&Qust like *ith 5oru' posting; you also ha9e the potential to learn a lot&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a 5oru' 'oderator; here are so'e steps you can


    J 4ost a pro5ile on 5reelancing sites such as )lance&co'; uru&co'; andOdesk&co'& Rescrie your interests and your le9els o5 eApertise&

    J Look 5or 5oru' 'oderator Fos on the sa'e 5reelancing sites; and apply 5or


    J oogle 5oru' 'oderation Fo openings&

    J 75 there are 5oru's you8re interested in; check *ith the o*ner& . lot o5 peopledon8t post on 5reelancing sites ut rather pre5er to hire people *ho post a lot&

    Ho* 'uch can 7 'ake out o5 'oderating 5oru'sN

    J Repending on your role and eAperience; you can 'ake any*here 5ro' D toP0 an hour&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    D&.rticle *riting:

    75 you are a good *riter; you can earn 'oney y *riting articles 5or people *ith*esites&

    Many *esite o*ners kno* that they need to keep their *esites current and up todate; ut don8t ha9e the ti'e to constantly create ne* content 5or the'& Kecause o5that; they hire people *ho can *rite on their ehal5&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a content *riter; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J 4ost a pro5ile on 5reelancing sites such as )lance&co'; uru&co'; andOdesk&co'& Rescrie your interests and your le9els o5 eApertise&

    J )'ail supportSurnyourtodolist&co' *ith your na'e and include a *ritingsa'ple& We are constantly looking 5or 'ore *riters and *ill gi9e trial *ork toall eligile *riters&

    J Look 5or *riting Fos on the sa'e 5reelancing sites and apply 5or the'&

    J oogle *riter Fo openings&

    J .sk the o*ners o5 *esites that you already like i5 they are looking 5or *riters&

    Ho* 'uch can 7 'ake out o5 *ritingN

    J Content *riting Fos pay any*here 5ro' 1 to 100 ased on the length o5the article and your eApertise& 75 you8re already an eApert on the topic you8re*riting aout; you can o5ten charge a pre'iu'&

    J )9en i5 you are ne* to *riting; you can 'ake up*ards o5 &0 5or each 100*ords on an article&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    U&Keco'e . Klogger:

    75 there8s so'ething you8re passionate aout; you can create a log *here you cantalk aout it&

    This is a 5un *ay to share your passions *hile learning and teaching aout *hatyou8re already eAcited aout&

    7n order to do this *ell; you *ould need to e a good *riter *ith the aility to 'akepeople interested& Iou *ould also need to e ale to post 5airly regularly to a log&

    Klogs can e 'onetiVed in se9eral *ays& Qust so'e *ays are to ha9e co'paniespay you to post their ad9ertise'ents =this is etter 5or logs *ith a lot o5 tra55ic?; or

    put oogle .d

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    &uest Writer:

    We'asters so'eti'es need speci5ic eAperts to create content 5or their *esites&They 'ight not kno* enough aout a speci5ic topic; or *ant to ha9e so'eone else8sinsight&

    75 you8re an eApert in any particular niche; you can 'ake so'e eAcellent 'oney y*riting in and o55ering your *isdo'&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a guest *riter; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Make sure to estalish yoursel5 as an eApert in your niche y 'aking apresence in the *esites and 5oru's in your area o5 interest&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



    4odcasting is si'ilar to logging; only you *ould do it 9ia 9oice instead o5 typing&Iou *ould get the sa'e ene5its and approach it the sa'e *ay =post regularcontent; etc&?\ ut it8s Fust a *ay to suit people *ho *ould rather learn 9ia listening9ersus reading&

    To get started *ith podcasting; you need a headphone; 'icrophone; and so5t*are in*hich to record your audio&

    Iou can earn 'oney *ith podcasting the sa'e *ay you *ould *ith logging 9iaad9ertise'ents; oogle .d

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    E&Online Counselor:

    Many people like to go online 5or counseling instead o5 'eeting people in person&They 5eel that they can e 'ore anony'ous this *ay; and they also ha9e thecon9enience o5 not needing to dri9e any*here&

    75 you ha9e the aility to counsel people e55ecti9ely; this could e a 5un Fo 5or you&Iou do not need to ha9e a special degree; although it *ould o9iously gi9e you acutting edge&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e an online counselor; here are so'e steps you cantake:

    JCreate a *esite that discusses your @uali5ications and ho* you are ale tohelp people& 75 you don8t ha9e a degree or @uali5ications to prescrie anythingto people; let the' kno*&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



    75 you kno* any other second language; then it *ill help you 'ake 'oney y opting5or translation Fos& This is another easy *ay to 'ake use o5 your spare ti'e andcon9ert it into 'oney& )specially i5 you kno* any o5 the languages 5or *hichtranslators are in huge de'and&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a Translator; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Iou can get hired 5or translation Fos through any o5 the 5reelancing sites

    J There are 'any sites *hich pro9ide translation ser9ices eAclusi9ely& Iou can

    su'it your interest and get hired through any o5 those sites as *ell

    J 7denti5y the sites *hich post all the Fos related to translation& et yoursel5registered in those sites

    J Iou can start your o*n site and 'ake people kno* aout the translationser9ices that you are ready to o55er

    Ho* 'uch can 7 get paid 5or translation FosN

    J Iou can get paid anything 5ro' 0&01 per *ord depending on the de'and 5or

    the language& 75 the nu'er o5 translators 5or the language are scarce; thenyou can charge a good rate per *ord

    Click Here: http://guiderightgroup&co'/odaddy

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    .re you interested in acting as an agent or inter'ediaryN Ro you ha9e a knack

    5or usiness and are good in dealing *ith peopleN Then listed elo* are so'e

    ideas that 'ight suit you:

    X&Outsourcing Middle+Man:

    Many co'panies look to hire people in order to help the' eApand their *epresence; to create content 5or their log; or help assist the' *ith other tasks&

    75 you are good at 'anaging people as *ell as 'arketing; you can act as an YagentZ5or so'e outsourcers&

    7denti5y people that can do certain *ork; and then ad9ertise their ser9ices to other

    usinesses& Mark up the price so that you can 'ake a pro5it&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e an outsourcing 'iddle+'an; here are so'e stepsyou can take:

    J Kro*se through 5reelancing sites; 5oru's; and *esites to 5ind people thatyou can hire&

    J Create a *esite *here you lay out the ser9ices your tea' can do; as *ell asprices and turnaround ti'es&


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    10&)'ployee e5erral:

    Many co'panies *ill o55er re5erral onuses 5or people *ho can recruit eAcellent ne*e'ployees 5or their organiVation&

    75 you kno* a lot o5 people or ha9e relationships *ith recruiters; this can e an easy*ay to earn so'e eAtra cash&

    Iou can also 5ind potential prospects 5or co'panies y using the internet&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e an e'ployee re5errer; here are so'e steps you cantake:

    JMore co'panies do ha9e e'ployee re5erral progra's than don8t; *hich'eans you ha9e a lot o5 opportunity to help e'ployees 5ind potential Fos& 75you8re unsure i5 a co'pany o55ers a re5erral progra'; gi9e the' a call andask& Iou 'ay *ant to start *ith your o*n co'pany; i5 you currently ha9e a


    J Bind out i5 the people in your net*ork are looking 5or Fos&

    J o on 5reelancing sites like)lance&co';uru&co'; andOdesk&co'; andcheck out the pro5iles o5 people there& Co''unicate *ith people that soundgood; and see i5 they8d e interested in getting 'ore regular *ork&

    J e5er people to H o5 the co'pany you *ork *ith or other co'pany thatyou8re reco''ending the' 5or& Iou *ill get paid i5 they get hired&

    J Iou can also try to uild up a relationship *ith eAternal recruiters& 75 you cando this; then you can get a list o5 current Fo openings 5ro' the'& This can eincredily lucrati9e&

    Ho* 'uch can 7 'ake out o5 eing an e'ployee re5errerN

    J Konuses are any*here 5ro' 0 to the 10008s o5 dollars& . lot o5 this

    depends on the type o5 position =the stronger the @uali5ications needed; thehigher the re5erral onus? as *ell as the co'pany you8re *orking *ith&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    11&Keco'e a *esite or do'ain roker

    There are a lot o5 people interested in uying people8s sites& They *ould like to uy

    sites so that they can o*n estalished *esites *ithout ha9ing to do the *ork ontheir o*n; or they see pro5it potential on sites; and so on and so 5orth&

    . lot o5 people *ould lo9e to sell their sites; too\ ut don8t kno* ho*&

    .s a *esite roker; you can connect uyers and sellers to each other and take apercentage o5 the sale 5or 'aking the introductions&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a *esite roker; here are so'e steps you cantake:

    JCreate a *esite outlining the asics o5 *hat you do& .s you get uyers andsellers interested; update the *esite *ith *hat uyers are looking 5or and*hat sellers ha9e& Ron8t put seller8s site details on your *esite; other*iseuyers can go around you to ypass your co''ission& Qust put generaldetails&


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    1D&e5erral )Achange 4rogra's:

    There are 'any independent progra''ers *ho take a lot o5 *ork 5ro' clients&

    There are ti'es *hen they ha9e too 'uch *ork to do and can8t take on ne*proFects; and so they ha9e to pass on ne* Fos&

    Iou can create relationships *ith these people in order to take their eAcess *ork;and then either outsource it or do it yoursel5&

    On the other hand; i5 you ha9e too 'uch *ork to handle& you can re5er it to otherpeople and charge the' 5ees 5or your re5erences&

    _o 'atter *hich *ay you decide to do this; you can pro5it&

    7n order 5or you to do a re5erral eAchange; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J et yoursel5 registered in re5erral eAchange 5oru's

    J Bind people that are ale to take last 'inute *ork

    J Bind people that are in your industry and regularly accepting 5reelance *ork

    J Recide on rates that you *ill pay people that gi9e you *ork; and rates you *illcharge 5or outsourcing *ork

    JMake sure to do a great Fo and to only re5er people you trust; so that you cancontinue doing this *ithout *orry o5 hurting your reputation&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'ake out o5 re5erral eAchangeN

    J The pro5its *ill change ased on ho* 'uch you charge 5or re5erring *ork; as*ell as *hat you pay people 5or gi9ing you re5erences& Iou also ha9e toaccount 5or ho* 'uch you charge to do the actual *ork& Iou can easily 'ake100 a day doing this though; once you uild up your partner ase&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    1U&Kuying and selling links:

    7n order to get higher search engine rankings on oogle; a lot o5 people 5eel that

    they need to ha9e a lot o5 acklinks pointing their site&

    Kacklinks are asically links on other people8s *esites pointing to another site&When so'eone links to another person8s *esite; it sho*s oogle that their *esiteis *orth linking to; and so oogle gi9es it pre5erence 5or their search engineplace'ents&

    The higher the search engine place'ent; the 'ore pulicity a usiness gets; so a loto5 people try hard to get 'ore links to their *esites&

    Kecause so 'any people *ant links; you can pro5it on this y acting as an

    inter'ediary et*een people *ho are *illing to sell links and people *ho are *illingto uy the'&

    7n order 5or you to uy and sell links; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Iou can look 5or those *ho *ant to uy or sell links in 5oru's o5 sites *hichtalk aout links =)Aa'ple: http://***&linkadage&co'/?

    J Make yoursel5 a*are o5 the link uying and selling guidelines

    J Market only 9aluale links =links that ha9e high 4age ankon oogle?

    J Iou can also create a *esite ad9ertising your ser9ices&


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    Ro you 5re@uent eKayN Has selling products or Funk occurred in your 'ind

    *hile ro*sing the siteN 75 so; the ideas elo* 'ay suit you&


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    1^&Kuy and

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    P0&Write an eKook on uying and selling techni@ues in eKay:

    75 you decide to do the a5ore'entioned ite's *ith success and are a talented *riter;

    then *hy not *rite an eKook aout using eKay to 'ake a lot o5 'oneyN

    Though 'any people 'ight e a*are o5 eKay asics; they 'ight still uy the ook tolook out 5or ne* *ays& Make the eKook as si'ple and creati9e as possile& . *ellad9ertised ook can sell 5or a long ti'e; and any pro5it you 'ake *ill e pure pro5itas the product *ould e deli9ered digitally and there *ould e no shipping costs&

    7n order 5or you to *rite and sell an eKook; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Once you get 5a'iliar *ith eKay; start *riting an eKook eAplaining ho* to useeKay and 'ake 'oney *ith it

    J Try to keep the ook as si'ple as possile to attract 'ore uyers

    J i9e a catchy title to your eKook

    J .d9ertise it 5or sale in eKay itsel5

    J et the sale done and enFoy the pro5it


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    Ro you ha9e lot o5 spare ti'eN .re you interested in utiliVing it to 'ake

    'oneyN Ro online Fos interest youN 75 so; so'e o5 the ideas listed elo*'ight suit you:

    P1&4articipate in 4aid

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    PD&Take up part+ti'e Rata )ntry Fos:

    . lot o5 co'panies ha9e rando' re@uests 5or di55erent things; such as con9erting

    hard copy data to electronic data&

    75 you ha9e 5antastic keyoarding skills *ith great accuracy; then *hy not 'ake'oney out itN

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a part+ti'e Rata )ntry operator; here are so'esteps you can take:

    J Look out 5or data entry openings in 5reelancing sites such as )lance&co';uru&co'; andOdesk&co'&


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    PU&et hired as `irtual .ssistant:

    7ndi9iduals *ho run their o*n usiness o5ten 5ind it 9ery di55icult to 'anage and

    organiVe things y the'sel9es&

    Ky *orking as a 9irtual assistant; you can help people schedule 'eetings;organiVe day to day acti9ities; ans*er phone calls; etc&; and so on&

    75 you are good at research and organiVing things; then you can opt to get hiredas 9irtual assistant&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a `irtual .ssistant; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Look out 5or 9irtual assistant openings in 5reelancing sites such as

    )lance&co';uru&co'; andOdesk&co'


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    P&4articipate in contests:

    75 you ha9e lot o5 ti'e to spare; then you can start participating in contests

    o55ered y 9arious sites&

    7t8s o9iously likely that you *on8t *in all o5 the contests; ut the 'ore youparticipate; the etter your odds&

    Little things do start earning up and esides 'oney; you can possily *in thingslike 'o9ie tickets; sa'ple products; gi5t coupons; etc&

    Where do 7 look 5or contestsN

    J Kro*se through the net and 'ake a list o5 sites *hich o55er contests

    J et registered in those sites and check 5or ne* contests daily

    J 4articipate in as 'any contests as possile

    J Kro*se through the search engines regularly and look 5or any ne* contests

    What do 7 gain y participating in contestsN

    J Iou can *in cash as *ell as other perks like gi5t cards; coupons; and trips&

    Click Here: http://guiderightgroup&co'/7'nicaMail

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    P[&)diting and 4roo5reading Fos:

    There are ti'es in *hich articles or reports need to e edited and proo5read

    e5ore they8re ready to e pulished online&

    75 you are a nati9e speaker o5 *hate9er language a client needs a docu'entproo5read; or ha9e good co''and o9er that language; then you can pick upediting and proo5reading Fos&

    7n order 5or you to otain editing and proo5reading Fos; here are so'e steps

    you can take:

    J et yoursel5 registered in all the 5reelancing sites such as )lance&co';

    uru&co'; andOdesk&co'

    J et yoursel5 registered to *esites *hich pro9ide editing/proo5 readingser9ices to their custo'ers

    J Check Fo postings daily and apply to ones that you are @uali5ied 5or&

    J et hired and start earning

    Ho* 'uch can 7 'ake out o5 )diting/4roo5reading FosN

    JMany people 9ie* this as a 9ery crucial Fo and *ill pay 5or it& Iou can getpaid per article or y the hour& 75 you go *ith the latter route; eApect at least an hour 5or it; up*ards to aout P0 an hour&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    PE&)'ail .nd 4hone handling:

    This is si'ilar to a 9irtual assistant position; ut doesn8t re@uire 'aking

    appoint'ents or needing any eAtensi9e skills& To do e'ail and phone handling;you *ould 'ostly do things such as cold calling; ans*ering @ueries o9er phoneand handling e'ails&

    Kusiness o*ners generally tend to hire support sta55 to handle these tasks; asthey8re o5ten too usy to do the' the'sel9es&

    This is one o5 the si'ple *ays to earn additional inco'e along *ith your regularinco'e&

    7n order 5or you to otain e'ail and phone handling Fos; here are so'e steps

    you can take:

    J et yoursel5 registered in all the 5reelancing sites like )lance&co';uru&co';andOdesk&co'

    J Check Fo posts to see *hat people are looking 5or and apply 5or the Fos thatde'and your skills

    Ho* 'uch can 7 'ake out o5 )'ail/4hone handling FosN

    JIou can eApect anything 5ro' D to 10 per hour depending on youreAperience and i5 there are any skills you should kno* aout e5orehand =atti'es + 9ery rarely + you 'ight need to kno* aout co'pleA topics?&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    P^&Kro*se the net and get paid:

    7t 'ight sound a it hard to elie9e; ut you can get paid to sur5 the internet&

    75 you install a co'pany8s so5t*are; they *ill o5ten pay you to keep it on *hile youare sur5ing the *e&

    The reason the co'panies do this is so that they can track your acti9ity and5igure out *hat sites their users go to; as *ell as 5igure out ho* to 'arket&

    The do*nside o5 this one is that so'eti'es you8ll start 5inding rando'ad9ertise'ents popping up; so do your due diligence and get a popup locker=can e 5ound 5or 5ree y running a oogle search?&

    7n order 5or you to ro*se the net and get paid; here are so'e steps you cantake:

    J Kro*se through the net and 'ake a list o5 co'panies that pay you to sur5 thenet& Here8s a listing 5ro' Iahoo that gi9es a good a'ount o5 co'panies&

    J Ro*nload and install their tracking so5t*are

    J Kro*se through the net and start earning

    Ho* 'uch do 7 get paidN

    J Co'panies pay you so'ething around 0&0 5or hour you ro*se and payyou so'ething around 0&0 or 0&10 5or e9ery re5erral you pro9ide&

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    PX&Click on ads and get paid:

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    D0&Kro*se through 5reeie sites and get paid:

    There are a lot o5 5reeie sites online that you can sign up to in order to get a loto5 9aluale 5ree ite's&

    While these sites don8t al*ays o55er cash; you can take the 5reeies and sell the'to other people&

    Where do 7 5ind such co'paniesN

    J Kro*se through the net and 'ake a list o5 co'panies that o55er 5reeies& Ioucan also go on 5oru's such as MyCoupons or BatWallet to get ideas5ro' there&


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    DP&a'e Tester:

    a'e testing is si'ilar to so5t*are testing& With this; you *ould play and test out

    ga'es in order to identi5y and possile de5ecrs&

    .s a ga'e tester you *ould need to play the ga'e step y step and should look 5ore9en the s'allest o5 errors; i5 any; and pro9ide a detailed report&

    The co'panies take this 5eedack to enhance their product e5ore launching it to thepulic&

    7n order to eco'e a a'e Tester; it8s ideal 5or you to e a hard core ga'er& Ioushould also kno* ho* to play the ga'es e55ecti9ely to identi5y the ugs in theso5t*are&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a a'e Tester; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Kro*se through the internet and search 5or Ya'e Tester FosZ

    J et yoursel5 registered in 5reelancing sites like )lance&co'; uru&co'; andOdesk&co'; and look 5or such Fos&

    J et yoursel5 registered in ga'ing sites

    J Iou can e9en create your o*n site and list the ser9ices you o55er&

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    DD&Keco'e an .pplication Tester:

    .pplication Testing in9ol9es testing *esites in all the ro*sers and in all operating

    syste's to 'ake sure that an application *ill *ork 5or any possile user&

    .t ti'es; application testers are gi9en 9arious scenarios to test di55erent outco'es=ie Ygo here; then here; then hereZ?&

    Burther changes or enhance'ents *ill e done y a co'pany ased on the testingresults that application testers pro9ide&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a .pplication Tester; here are so'e steps you can


    J Kro*se through the internet and search 5or Y.pplication Testing FosZ

    J et yoursel5 registered in 5reelancing sites like )lance&co'; uru&co'; andOdesk&co'; and look 5or such Fos&


    J et yoursel5 registered in co'panies *hich pro9ide such ser9ices and letthe' kno* that you are interested in taking up such Fos =)Aa'ple:http://***&'indtree&co'/itser9ices/testing/testing&ht'l ?

    J Iou can e9en create your o*n site and list the ser9ices you o55er&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    Ro you ha9e a passion 5or progra''ingN .re you tech sa99yN Can you get

    anything and e9erything done on co'putersN 75 so; you 'ight like so'e o5 the

    ideas elo*:

    DU&Write so5t*are 5or resale; *ith rights:

    75 you are 9ery good at progra''ing; this is a great *ay to earn eAtra cash&

    Kecause there are so 'any *esites and di55erent needs; i5 you can create aprogra' that sol9es a need 5or clients; you can sell it 5or a good a'ount o5 'oney&

    Iou could also o55er resale rights to the progra'; *hich allo*s other people to sell itand collect the co''issions& 75 you do this; you can charge a pre'iu'& This is greati5 you8re not a 5aulous 'arketer ut still *ant to earn a lot o5 'oney&

    7n order 5or you to sell so5t*are; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Birst; understand the general needs o5 the uyer and *rite your so5t*areaccordingly& On

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    D&Resign or uild *esites 5or people:

    75 you are good at HTML; graphics and 4hotoshop; then *e designing 'ight e agreat option 5or you to consider&

    7n order to create *esites; you Fust need so'e creati9ity and kno*ho* o5 ho* touse the tools&

    Iou can o5ten create i'pressi9e *esites using te'plates alone; and people *illgladly pay so that they don8t need to take the ti'e to 5igure out ho* to learn theprogra's&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a *e designer; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Look 5or Fos on sites like)lance&co';uru&co'; andOdesk&co'&

    J Make sure you clearly read o9er all Fo descriptions& Once you8re sure youunderstand *hat a client is looking 5or and 5eel con5ident that you can do it;apply 5or the Fo&

    J Make sure you deli9er in accordance *ith the re@uire'ents

    J Iou can also ad9ertise in *esites or 5oru's; social net*orks; a'ongst5riends; or 9ia other tra55ic 'ethods =you can outsource a lot o5 this to Kurn

    Iour To Ro List i5 you don8t ha9e the ti'e or kno*ho*?&

    Ho* 'uch can 7 charge 5or *e designersN

    J Iou can get paid anything 5ro' 10 or 'ore per hour; or so'eti'es you cancharge per *esite& Wesites o5ten go 5or 100 or 'ore per site; *ith 'oreeing added 5or custo' designs; eAtra pages; and so 5orth&

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    D[&Writing *e co'ponents

    75 you kno* Qa9a and kno* ho* to *rite *e co'ponents; you 'ight *ant to

    take a shot at selling the'&

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    DE&Create an auto'ation so5t*are and charge 5or the ser9ice:

    Many people ha9e egun eco'ing 9ery interested in auto'ation ser9ices or

    so5t*are *here a task can e done 5or the' *ithout ha9ing to do as 'uch'anual *ork&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    D^&Modi5y and create additional 5unctionality to eAisting so5t*are:

    There are ti'es *hen eAisting so5t*are is good; ut could really use certain


    Iou can 'ake these i'pro9e'ents and either sell the' to the co'pany; or sellthe' to users o5 the progra's&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith this; here are so'e steps you can


    J Iou can start your o*n *esite and ad9ertise on the ser9ices o55ered& Ioucan ad9ertise in *esites or 5oru's; social net*orks; a'ongst 5riends; or

    9ia other tra55ic 'ethods =you can outsource a lot o5 this to Kurn Iour ToRo List i5 you don8t ha9e the ti'e or kno*ho*?&

    J Iou can get registered in sites that o55er si'ilar ser9ices

    J Check sites like )lance&co';uru&co'; andOdesk&co'& to see i5 anyoneis asking 5or this&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J This *ill depend on the so5t*are you *ork *ith; ho* 'any 'odi5ications

    you 'ake; and i5 you8re eing paid hourly or per proFect& Iou can eApect10 an hour or 'ore; usually&

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    DX&Create your o*n search engine

    . 5un *ay to earn eAtra 'oney is through creating your o*n search engine& Iou can

    ha9e 5riends and 5a'ily use it; and then start ad9ertising it to other people&

    Iou can also 'ake niche speci5ic search engines *hich *ould e 9ery appealing topeople *ho are passionate aout speci5ic things and *ant all the in5or'ation theycan get&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith a search engine; here are so'e steps

    you can take:

    J7n9ite 5riends; 5a'ily; and ac@uaintances to oth use your search engine andadd content&

    J Iou can also ad9ertise in *esites or 5oru's; social net*orks; a'ongst5riends; or 9ia other tra55ic 'ethods =you can outsource a lot o5 this to KurnIour To Ro List i5 you don8t ha9e the ti'e or kno*ho*?&

    J )nFoy the ad9ertising re9enue

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    JIour re9enue *ill depend on the nu'er o5 ad9ertise'ent clicks and 9isitorsthat co'e to your search engine& Iou can earn any*here 5ro' &01 to U or per click; depending on the niche that you8re *orking in&

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    U0& 4ro9ide ]pti'e 'onitoring ser9ices:

    We'asters generally *ant to 'ake sure that their *esite is *orking as 5re@uently

    as possile& 75 their site goes do*n 5or any reason; they *ant to kno* ho* long it*as do*n and *hy& This is crucial 5or *e'asters as a lot o5 ti'es; their sites aretheir sources o5 inco'e&

    Kecause o5 this; they hire people to 'onitor the upti'e 5or their *esites&

    Iou could use 5ree upti'e 'onitoring so5t*are; put in a *esite8s details; do*nloadthe reports; and pro9ide the' to a *e'aster& )9en though so'e *e'asters kno*aout this so5t*are; they8d still rather hire so'eone to do it 5or the' so they don8tneed to think aout it&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith pro9iding upti'e ser9ices; here areso'e steps you can take:

    J Kro*se through the internet and do*nload a 5ree upti'e 'onitoring so5t*are=)Aa'ple: http://***&internetupti'e'onitor&co'/?

    J et yoursel5 registered in 5reelancing sites like )lance&co'; uru&co'; andOdesk&co'and look 5or upti'e 'onitoring Fos&

    J et hired and generate the report 5ro' the so5t*are 5ro' ti'e to ti'e

    J4ro9ide ti'ely reports to the uyer as agreed

    J et the Fo done and get paid

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J 75 so'eone kno*s aout upti'e 'onitoring; they proaly also kno* aoutthe 5ree so5t*are they could use; so you8re 'ore eing paid 5or sa9ing the'ti'e than anything else& 75 you get a lot o5 clients and charge a 'onthly 5ee +e9en 10 to send a detailed report *eekly + then get D00 clients; you could'ake D;000 *ith Fust that&

    .nother route to go is to eAplain to people *ho don8t kno* aout the so5t*are*hy upti'e 'onitoring is so i'portant; and then sell the'& This should e aneasier sale 5or you&

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    U1&.ns*er technical @uestions 5or a 5ee:

    75 there8s so'ething you8re 9ery strong in; then set up a *esite 5or yoursel5 and

    allo* custo'ers to ask any @uestions they *ant&

    Iou can either charge a 'onthly 5ee or a per+@uestion 5ee; and then reply ack tothe' *ithin a reasonale a'ount o5 ti'e&

    Kecause there are so 'any sites that pro9ide ans*ers 5or 5ree; you *ant to 'akesure that i5 you do this; it8s in so'ething that you ha9e eAtensi9e kno*ledge in andcan really help add 9alue *ith&

    .n eAa'ple o5 a site that does this is )ApertKee&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith ans*ering technical @uestions; here areso'e steps you can take:

    J )stalish yoursel5 as an eApert y *riting articles; creating a log; or e9enpossily an eook&

    J .d9ertise in *esites or 5oru's; social net*orks; a'ongst 5riends; or 9iaother tra55ic 'ethods =you can outsource a lot o5 this to Kurn Iour To Ro Listi5 you don8t ha9e the ti'e or kno*ho*?&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J Iou could charge any*here 5ro' &10 per @uestion to 100 per @uestion;depending on your eApert le9el& Iou 'ight also opt to charge a 'onthly 5ee5or YAZ nu'er o5 @uestions per 'onth; so that you ha9e co'5ortale recurringinco'e co'ing in e9ery 'onth&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    UP&.ssist people in installation o5 applications:

    Many people are not tech sa99y at all& . lot o5 people don8t kno* ho* to do 'uch

    'ore than check their e'ail and ro*se the *e; ut *ant to create a *esite&

    75 you are pretty co'petent at installations; you can easily 'ake 'oney y installingapplications and/or so5t*are to people8s co'puters&

    VVVVThis is also one o5 the si'plest Fos to 'ake 9ery @uick 'oney& _ot e9eryone istech sa99y& Many o5 the' are a*are o5 only the asics o5 internet like ro*sing;e'ail; etc&

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    UD&4ro9ide Boru' Hosting ser9ices:

    75 you kno* ho* to set up a ser9er ase; then you can pro9ide 5oru' hosting


    Ky doing this; you are allo*ing less technically sa99y people to host their 5oru's onyour *esite&

    Iou can easily 5ind 5ree and eAcellent 5oru's to install; such as this one& That scriptallo*s you to host 'ultiple 5oru's on one site&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith 5oru' hosting ser9ices; here are so'esteps you can take:

    JResign a *esite 5or yoursel5&


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    UU&4ro9ide ackup storage ser9ices o55site:

    Risaster reco9ery planning and data reco9ery during disaster is 9ery i'portant 5or

    e9ery co'pany&

    75 you could set up or rent a ser9er o55site and o55er re'ote storage ser9ices 5or aco'pany; then you could 'ake a lot o5 'oney out o5 it&

    .ll you *ould do is host their 5iles so that in the *orst case scenario; they *ouldha9e a ackup&

    The 'ore the storage space you o55er; the 'ore the 'oney you could 'ake&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith ackup storage ser9ices; here are so'esteps you can take:

    J Resign an i'pressi9e *esite 5or yoursel5


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    U&Create te'plates 5or popular logs/5oru's:

    75 you are 9ery creati9e and is good at designing te'plates; then you can design

    i'pressi9e te'plates 5or popular 5oru's or logs and start selling the'&

    75 your designs are appealing; then you can 'ake a lot o5 eAtra 'oney&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a te'plate designer; here are so'e steps youcan take:

    J Resign an i'pressi9e *esite 5or yoursel5

    J ]pload a 5e* sa'ple te'plates in your site

    J.d9ertise in *esites or 5oru's; social net*orks; a'ongst 5riends; or 9iaother tra55ic 'ethods =you can outsource a lot o5 this to Kurn Iour To Ro Listi5 you don8t ha9e the ti'e or kno*ho*?&

    J Iou could also design a niche+speci5ic te'plate and then approach people inthe niche to see i5 they *ould e interested in purchasing your te'plate&

    Ho* 'uch can 7 'ake out o5 such ser9icesN

    J Te'plates usually go 5or any*here 5ro' 10 to 00; depending on the

    co'pleAity o5 each te'plate& 75 you do one+o55; custo'+designed sites; thenyou can charge 'ore&

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    UE&Create an a55iliate *esite:

    75 you don8t *ant to sell products + either *ith dropshipping or ha9ing your o*n

    products + then you could also consider eco'ing an a55iliate&

    .s an a55iliate; you si'ply re5er people to other sites and earn a co''ission e9eryti'e a sale is 'ade&

    Iou can eco'e an a55iliate 5or 'aFor stores like Target; Wal+Mart; or .'aVon; as*ell as 9ery speci5ic niche sites&

    7n order 5or you to ha9e an a55iliate *esite; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Resign a *esite 5or yoursel5 and set up a 9irtual store along *ith pay'ent

    'ethods& Iou can also register as a seller on eKay or .'aVon& .lternati9ely;you could si'ply gi9e re9ie*s o5 products and then link people directly to thepages o5 the products that you are 'entioning&

    J Make sure that you8re signed up on so'e a55iliate sites&

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    U^&Kuild a Rirectory listing:

    Iou can choose any particular topic=s? and uild a @uality directory on it&

    On the directory; you *ould create hyperlinks to all o5 the *esites *ithin *hate9eryour directory is aout&

    Iou can do this 5or 5ree; and then place ad9ertise'ents on your site; or you couldcharge people to e placed on your directory&

    7n order 5or you to ha9e an a55iliate *esite; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Recide on your usiness 'odel and then egin setting up the site& 75 you

    decide to charge people to stay on your directory; 'ake it *orth*hile 5orthe'& Maye you *ant to gi9e the' a 5e* 'onths 5or 5ree as you uild uptra55ic; or gi9e so'e other perk that sho*s the' *hy they should sign up *ithyou&


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    ot a passion or talent 5or so'ethingN 7nterested in con9erting it into 'oneyN

    Then listed elo* are so'e o5 the ideas that 'ight suit you:


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    0&Make 'oney *ith 'is+spellings:

    There are a lot o5 people *ho 'is+spell do'ain na'es *hen they8re looking 5orthings; and get redirected to e'pty pages&

    Iou can uy the 'is+spelled do'ains and redirect the' to the right one =includingyour a55iliate link + see UE 5or 'ore in5o?& Iou *ill get credited *ith a55iliateco''issions 5or doing nothing ut capitaliVing on the 'is+spellings&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith 'is+spellings; here are so'e steps youcan take:

    J Look 5or a55iliate progra's to Foin&

    J ead the a55iliate Ter's O5

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    P&7n9est in stocks:

    This is de5initely one o5 the riskier *ays to 'ake 'oney& Ho*e9er; so'e peopleelie9e Ythe greater the risk; the greater the re*ardZ; so 7 a' including it here&

    Ho*e9er; once you get 5a'iliar *ith it and start 'aking the right decisions; you can'ake a lot o5 'oney out o5 it&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith in9esting in stocks; here are so'e stepsyou can take:

    J .nalyVe properly e5ore you in9est in a co'pany8s stock

    J Ro not keep uying and selling 5ro' one stock to another& 75 you uy goodstock and kno* it 5or sure that the rates *ill increase o9er a period o5 ti'e;don8t e9er sell it unless you ha9e an i''ediate re@uire'ent

    J ]nderstand the ullish and earish trends

    J Take ad9ice 5ro' eAperts in the area i5 re@uired

    J 7n9est s'artly

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J 7t depends on the nu'er and type o5 stocks you hold and the 'arket trends&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    D&7n9est in uying 9aluale *esites:

    Iou can 'ake a lot o5 'oney y identi5ying s'all; 9aluale *esites; and thenuying the'&

    75 you can 'ake e9en a 5e* t*eaks to i'pro9e pro5it and then hold on to the sites 5ora little it o5 ti'e; you can 5lip the sites and 'ake 'ore 'oney than *hen youstarted&

    _ot only can this e lucrati9e; ut it can e really 5un to 5ind out aout ne* nichesand learn ne* things&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith uying and selling *esites; here are

    so'e steps you can take:

    J Iou can uy or sell *esites in sites ***&WesiteKroker&co'orBlippa&

    J Iou can also 5ind sites y ro*sing the net and contacting *esite o*nersdirectly&

    J Make sure to protect yoursel5 y gi9ing o*ners nonco'pete agree'ents andgetting all your paper*ork in order&

    J T*eak the sites 5or 'aAi'u' pro5it

    J beep records o5 sales


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    .re you an eApert in 4hotoshopN Ro you kno* all the tricksN 75 so; so'e o5 the

    ideas elo* 'ight suit you:

    U&Resign and sell T+shirts:

    Create i'pressi9e i'ages; logos; or co'pelling teAt 9ia 4hotoshop& et yourcreations printed on tee shirts and start selling the' online&

    Iou can also 'ake custo' shirts 5or people& Bor eAa'ple; so'e people 'ight *anttheir child or spouse8s picture on a shirt& Iou can use 4hotoshop to do any touchups; and then sell the shirt 5or a pre'iu' price&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith designing and selling shirts; here areso'e steps you can take:

    J Iou can get registered in any o5 the online shopping sites like .'aVon&co';eKay&co' etc to 5ind custo'ers&

    J Tell your 5riends and 5a'ily aout your ne* 9enture&

    J Resign a *esite& .d9ertise in *esites or 5oru's; social net*orks; a'ongst5riends; or 9ia other tra55ic 'ethods =you can outsource a lot o5 this to KurnIour To Ro List i5 you don8t ha9e the ti'e or kno*ho*?&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'ake out o5 itN

    J Iou can sell t shirts 5ro' 10 and up*ards&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    &Resign anners:

    75 you8re an eApert in 4hotoshop or other i'age creation so5t*are; you can design*esite anners 5or di55erent co'panies and *esites&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith designing anners; here are so'e stepsyou can take:


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  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    E&Resign cartoons 5or *esites:

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  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    J [0&Resign *esite security seals

    Many online ro*sers 5eel a lot etter *hen they see security seals on *epages&

    This 'akes the' 5eel as i5 their personal in5or'ation is secure; and is especiallyhelp5ul *hen they need to add their personal or pay'ent in5or'ation into a *esite&

    75 you kno* ho* to design security seals 5or sites that ha9e

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  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    [P&)dit or restore old photos:

    Most people lo9e ha9ing lots o5 pictures in order to preser9e their 'e'ories&

    Ho*e9er; since pictures 5ade a*ay a5ter a long ti'e; there is o5ten a need to restorethe'&

    75 you kno* ho* to use 4hotoshop; you can restore the pictures 5or people and earn@uite a it o5 'oney&

    Iou can also gi9e the photos touch ups; add ackgrounds; or do *hate9er else theclient *ants; 5or eAtra inco'e&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith editing and restoring old photos; here are

    so'e steps you can take:

    J Resign a *esite 5or yoursel5&

    J .d9ertise in *esites or 5oru's; social net*orks; a'ongst 5riends; or 9iaother tra55ic 'ethods =you can outsource a lot o5 this to Kurn Iour To Ro Listi5 you don8t ha9e the ti'e or kno*ho*?&

    J Tell your 5riends and 5a'ily aout your ne* ser9ices&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    Iou can charge any*here 5ro' 10 to 100 per photo&

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    [D&O55er `ideo Montage

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  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    [&Write interesting eKooks and sell the' online:

    .s e9erything goes digital; 'ost people pre5er to read ooks digitally instead o5

    getting hard copies that take up space&

    Create a s'all eKook o5 0+100 pages on any interesting topic and start selling it&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith your eooks; here are so'e steps youcan take:

    J Create a *esite *ith a sales letter&

    J .d9ertise in *esites or 5oru's; social net*orks; a'ongst 5riends; or 9ia

    other tra55ic 'ethods =you can outsource a lot o5 this to Kurn Iour To Ro Listi5 you don8t ha9e the ti'e or kno*ho*?&

    J O55er your ook 5or sale in eKay; .'aVon; etc&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J 7t depends on the topic and length o5 your eKook& Iou can test out di55erentprices 5ro' any*here to to 100 and see *hat sells the est&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    [[&Write eKook 5or others 5or a ser9ice 5ee:

    . lot o5 people hire *riters ecause they *ant eKooks created ut 5eel that they8renot good *riters the'sel9es; or ecause they *ant to sa9e ti'e&

    75 you are a good *riter and 5eel con5ident that you can *rite eKooks on lots o5 topics=keeping in 'ind that you can al*ays do research?; then you can start *riting5or a5ee&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *riting eooks; here are so'e steps you cantake:

    J et yoursel5 registered in 5reelancing sites like )lance&co'; uru&co'; andOdesk&co'

    J.pply 5or eKook *riting Fos& 7nclude *riting sa'ples so people can gaugethe @uality o5 your *ork&

    J et the eKook *ritten as re@uired y the uyer; su'it it ack on ti'e; andget paid&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J Bor eKooks; you can charge et*een P =9ery lo* end? to P per pageased on your eAperience and eApertise&

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    [E&e*rite eKook 5or others 5or a ser9ice 5ee:

    75 you are good at re*riting articles; then you can take up eKook re*riting Fos& Tore*rite an eKook; you need to go through the eAisting content and re*rite it in your

    o*n *ords *ithout distorting its 'eaning& e*riting can e 'uch easier co'paredto original *riting ecause it doesn8t re@uire any research&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *riting eooks; here are so'e steps you cantake:

    J et yoursel5 registered in 5reelancing sites like )lance&co'; uru&co'; andOdesk&co'

    J .pply 5or eKook *riting Fos& 7nclude *riting sa'ples so people can gaugethe @uality o5 your *ork&

    J et the eKook *ritten as re@uired y the uyer; su'it it ack on ti'e; andget paid&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J Bor re*rites; you can charge et*een P to P0 per page ased on youreAperience and eApertise&

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    [X&4ool in e+tutors and o55er tutoring ser9ices:

    Considering the de'and 5or the nu'er o5 e+tutors these days; it *ould e a greatidea to hire a 5e* eApert tutors 5or all the suFects and o55er pro5essional e+tutor

    ser9ices& Ky ha9ing your o*n co'pany; the odds are greater that you8ll 'ake 'ore'oney 9ersus *orking 5or so'eody&

    7n order 5or you to start tutoring ser9ices; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J Hire so'e tutoring eAperts 5or 9arious suFects&

    J Make sure tutors ha9e clear guidelines on the *ay you *ant the' to eha9e&

    J Resign a *esite 5or yoursel5&

    J.d9ertise in *esites or 5oru's; social net*orks; a'ongst 5riends; or 9iaother tra55ic 'ethods =you can outsource a lot o5 this to Kurn Iour To Ro Listi5 you don8t ha9e the ti'e or kno*ho*?&

    J et 5eedack aout the @uality o5 tutor8s teaching 5ro' students and theirparents& Make sure to constantly gauge 5eedack in order to ha9e the estpossile ser9ices&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'ake out o5 tutoring ser9icesN

    J This depends on *hat you charge and ho* 'uch you pay the tutors& 75 you

    charge custo'ers 10 an hour and pay your tutors ; 5or eAa'ple; you*ould e on the lo*er end and 'aking an hour&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    E0&Take up online research *ork:

    With ne* usinesses popping up e9ery day; there is a constant re@uire'ent 5or

    internet research and data collection&

    This sho*s up in 'any *ays& Bor eAa'ple; e5ore so'eone starts a ne* usiness;they generally like to collect so'e asic data aout the usiness: its de'and andsupply; its pro5itaility; areas or countries *here it can run *ell; etc&

    4eople that are looking 5or this are ready to hire so'eone to collect such data andpro9ide a report 5or the'& They *ill use this report to decide i5 they should e9enegin the usiness&

    There are other types o5 research Fos a9ailale as *ell; and this can e a 5un *ay

    to learn aout a lot o5 ne* things&

    The decision to start *ith the usiness or not; depends on the results o5 theresearch& Considering the need 5or the Fo; it is a good idea to take up onlineresearch Fos; i5 you are net sa99y and ha9e lot o5 ti'e to spare&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith online research *ork; here are so'esteps you can take:

    J et yoursel5 registered in 5reelancing sites like )lance&co'; uru&co'; and


    J .pply 5or *e research Fos

    J Ro in+depth research and pro9ide a report as re@uired y the uyer

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'ake out o5 such research FosN

    J 75 you *ork on 5iAed price Fos; you can eApect anything et*een +P00depending on the di55iculty and the depth o5 research re@uired&


    75 you *ork on hourly Fos; you can charge anything et*een D and 0depending on your eAperience&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



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  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    ED&Teleco''uting Fos:

    75 you are interested in *orking 5ro' ho'e; then ro*se through the search enginesand 5ind YTeleco''uting FosZ =)Aa'ple: http://***&tFos&co'/?&

    7denti5y the Fos *hich suit your talent and start applying 5or it& 75 you get hired; start*orking 5ro' ho'e and enFoy the 'oney&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith teleco''uting positions; here are so'esteps you can take:

    J Kro*se through the internet and look 5or YTeleco''uting FosZ

    Jet yoursel5 registered in the sites *hich o55er teleco''uting Fos

    J Check the sites daily to 5ind Fos that pi@ue your interest and apply 5or the'&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J These Fos generally pay any*here 5ro' D to 0 an hour&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



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    E&e5er your 5riends 5or 4aid

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


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  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    E^&et paid to read e'ails:

    There are 'any sites *hich pay you 5or reading e'ails&

    These are nothing ut ad9ertise'ent e'ails 5ro' speci5ic co'panies&

    Iou *ill e re@uired to open those e'ails and click on the ad9ertise'ent linkpro9ided y the co'pany to get paid& The co'pany that pays you get paid yad9ertisers to sho* you their e'ails& The ad9ertisers hope that *hen you click o9er;you8ll *ant to end up uying *hate9er they8re selling&

    .s they share your in5or'ation *ith their ad9ertisers; they are paying a portion o5their ad re9enue *ith you&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney y reading e'ails; here are so'e steps youcan take:

    J oogle Yet paid to read e'ailsZ

    J et registered in one or 'any o5 the sites that go o9er this& =

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    EX&Bind products 5or uyers on eKay:

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    J ^0& )Apert in so'ethingN

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



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  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    ^D&Link Kuilder:

    .s *e eAplained earlier; acklinks are asically links on other people8s *esitespointing to another site& When so'eone links to another person8s *esite; it sho*s

    oogle that their *esite is *orth linking to; and so oogle gi9es it pre5erence 5ortheir search engine place'ents&

    The higher the search engine place'ent; the 'ore pulicity a usiness gets; so a loto5 people try hard to get 'ore links to their *esites&

    There is a *ay to ethically Y'anipulateZ other *esites to gi9ing you links; and i5 youkno* ho* to do that; then you can pro9ide those ser9ices 5or a 5ee&

    7n order 5or you to eco'e a linkuilder; here are so'e steps you can take:

    J et yoursel5 registered in 5reelancing sites such as )lance&co'; uru&co';andOdesk&co'

    J Look 5or link uilding Fos and start applying 5or the'

    J The uyer *ill o5ten supply you *ith places to uild links to& Iou *ould Fust goto those places and 5ollo* *hate9er instructions the uyer gi9es you=so'eti'es you ha9e to create a pro5ile; other ti'es you ha9e to 'ake logco''ents; etc&?

    JOnce you get hired; start uilding @uality links 5or your uyer8s site

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J Iou can 'ake anything et*een P + ^ per hour depending on youreApertise&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    ^U&Bind )Apired Ro'ains

    When so'eone uys a do'ain; they only uy it 5or a certain ti'e + usually 1; P; D; or


    75 they 5orget to rene* their do'ain; or Fust choose not to; the do'ains go into adataase and you can choose to uy the'&

    This is a cool *ay to capitaliVe on sites that already ha9e tra55ic&

    .lso; older do'ains generally get higher pre5erence in oogle; so you can start out*ith a site that has a good search engine ranking&

    Iou can either uild on these sites or 5lip the' to other people 5or 'ore 'oney&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney 5inding eApired do'ains; here are so'e stepsyou can take:

    J Bind an eApired do'ain na'e dataase& One eAa'ple is right here&

    J Kuy do'ains&

    J Recide *hether you *ant to i'pro9e upon the sites; or Fust 5lip the'& 75 youopt to i'pro9e the'; then 'ake your changes& 75 you *ant to 5lip the'; re5erto EE&

    Ho* 'uch can 7 'ake out o5 5inding eApired do'ainsN

    J The a'ount o5 'oney you can 'ake *ould e di55erent in each case& Ioucould ha9e a total loss =total cost: ^&^1 i5 you uy a do'ain 9ia _a'echeap*ith a coupon code?; or you could potentially 'ake into the thousands o5dollars&

    Click Here: http://guiderightgroup&co'/_a'eCheap

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    ^[&Keco'e a Mystery

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    ^E&4ro9ide online ho'e*ork help:

    75 you are an eApert in any suFect; start pro9iding online ho'e*ork help during your

    spare ti'e and 'ake 'oney out o5 it&

    There is constant de'and 5or online tutors *ho can pro9ide ho'e*ork help tostudents&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith online ho'e*ork help; here are so'esteps you can take:

    J Kro*se through the net 5or Yonline ho'e*ork help FosZ and start applying 5orit& =T*o eAa'ples are here and here&?


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    ^^&4lay online ga'es and 'ake 'oney:

    There are sites that *ill pay you real cash 5or the points you ac@uire in di55erentga'es&

    To in9ol9e in serious ga'ing 5or cash; 'ake sure that you ha9e the proper graphicscard; an upgraded C4]; Foystick and *hate9er else 'ay e re@uired 5or the speci5icga'e you *ant to play&

    To kno* 'ore aout playing ga'es 5or 'aking 'oney; please re5er here&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith online ho'e*ork help; here are so'e

    steps you can take:

    J un a oogle search 5or Yearn cash to play ga'esZ& Iou8ll 5ind a 5e* sites;including a'es9ille; and 4layBorMoney&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'ake out o5 such FosN

    J The a'ount you earn *ill depend on the type o5 ga'e you play& Iou usuallyearn a little at a ti'e; ut again; i5 you do this si'ultaneously *ith other'ethods in this ook; it can e a nice *ay to gain relaAation and earn at thesa'e ti'e&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    ^X&Kuild one *esite and sell it to lots o5 people in the niche:

    75 you are good at *esite design; you can design one 'ain te'plate and sell it topeople in the sa'e industry&

    Bor eAa'ple; you can create a te'plate 5or hairdressers; contact all the hairdressersyou kno*; and then gi9e the' the *esite you created&

    .ll you need to do to change up the te'plate is to change the logo; co'pany na'e;icons; etc&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith this; here are so'e steps you can take:

    JResign an i'pressi9e site 5or yoursel5& 7nclude your port5olio and clienttesti'onials&

    J Market your te'plates y ad9ertising it in 9arious sites

    J .d9ertise in *esites or 5oru's; social net*orks; a'ongst 5riends; or 9iaother tra55ic 'ethods =you can outsource a lot o5 this to Kurn Iour To Ro Listi5 you don8t ha9e the ti'e or kno*ho*?&

    J Cold call people in the industry that you *ant to sell *esites to& 4eople *hodon8t ha9e *esites yet *ould e a pri'e 'arket 5or this&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J Iou can reasonaly eApect et*een 0 and P0 5or each *esite youcreate&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    X0&4ay per click .ritrage:

    44C aritrage is *hen you uy ads on oogle .dWords; and then *hen users click

    on the ads; they si'ply see a unch o5 ad9ertise'ents to go to other sites&

    They click on those ad9ertise'ents; and you earn inco'e&

    The di55erence et*een the a'ount you pay to uy the ad9ertise'ent and thea'ount you recei9e per click is the pro5it you 'ake&

    To kno* 'ore aout 44C aritrage; 5eel 5ree to re5er here&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith aritrage ser9ices; here are so'e steps

    you can take:


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    X1&)currency Trading:

    )currency trading is si'ilar to stock trading; and Fust like *ith stock trading; it8s one

    o5 the riskier *ays to earn 'oney + unless you are *ell a*are o5 *hat you are doing&

    Ho*e9er; once you get 5a'iliar *ith it and understand *hen to uy or sellcurrencies; then you can 'ake lot o5 pro5it out o5 it&

    Beel 5ree to read 'orehere5or 'ore in5or'ation&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith ecurrency trading; here are so'e steps

    you can take:

    J .nalyVe the current 'arket e5ore you uy or sell any currency

    J beep *atching the 'arket to uy or sell currencies at the right ti'e

    J Take ad9ice 5ro' eAperts in the area i5 re@uired

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J 7t depends on the currencies you hold and the decisions you 'ake& This canpotentially e 9ery lucrati9e; though o5 course it can also e a 'aFor loss 5oryou&

    Click Here: http://guiderightgroup&co'/Tra55icWa9e

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    XP&)Apert in so'ethingN et paid y eco'ing a guide in aout&co':

    75 you are an eApert in any suFect 'atter; then; you can eco'e one o5 the guidesinaout&co'&

    To eco'e a guide in aout&co'; you need to ro*se through their a9ailale topicsand apply 5or the topics that you are an eApert in&

    Iou *ill ha9e to go through their 5iltering process e5ore getting hired and then i5they choose you as one o5 the guides; you need to undergo their online training&

    Iou can learn 'ore aout this y goinghere&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith .out&co'; here are so'e steps you cantake:

    J .pply here&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'ake y eco'ing an aout&co' guideN


  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    XD&7s your *esite success5ulN Make it a suscription *esite:

    75 you ha9e 'anaged to uild enough tra55ic 5or your site; consider 'aking it asuscription *esite&

    . suscription site is one in *hich people ha9e to pay in order to 9ie* the content onit&

    This *ill only *ork i5 you ha9e a strong 5ollo*er ase since there are 'illions o5 sitesthat ha9e 5ree content; ut it is de5initely so'ething to consider&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith a suscription *esite; here are so'esteps you can take:

    J Choose a niche 5or yoursel5 and start a *esite

    J beep *riting interesting content *ithin the niche you ha9e chosen

    J 4articipate in user 5oru's *hich talks aout your niche

    J Kuild your crediility y pulishing only @uality content

    J beep posting contents on daily asis as long as possile

    JO9er a period o5 ti'e you can uild regular 5ollo*ers 5or your site

    J .5ter that is done; you can con9ert your site into a suscription site and startearning

    Ho* 'uch can 7 'ake out o5 itN

    J Iou can play around *ith the nu'ers; ut e9en or 10 a 'onth adds up9ery @uickly&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    XU&e9ie* *esites 5or a 5ee:

    75 you ha9e a popular *esite *ith lots o5 tra55ic; you can start re9ie*ing sites in yourniche 5or a 5ee&

    . lot o5 people *ould lo9e to le9erage your tra55ic and *ould e 'ore than happy topay you to gi9e the' 'ore eAposure&

    75 you do this; 'ake sure to pro9ide honest and in+depth re9ie*s aout oth thegood aspects and the 5la*s&

    This is also a nice *ay to get products 5or 5ree& :?

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney y re9ie*ing *esites; here are so'e stepsyou can take:

    J 4ost an ad on your *esite saying that you are taking ne* clients 5or re9ie*s&75 your *esite is popular; that alone could e enough&

    J Ro a search on oogle and approach the *esites in your niche& Wesitesthat aren8t high in the search engines 'ight e eager to get 'ore tra55ic; and*esites that already are high 'ay still *ant 'ore& The 'ore o55ers you send;the etter your results& Make sure to 'ention your *esite tra55ic nu'ers i5you decide to send out e'ails&

    Ho* 'uch can 7 'ake out o5 itN

    J This *ill depend on ho* 'uch tra55ic you get and *hat your niche is in& Ioucan charge any*here 5ro' 0 to 00 5or each re9ie* you do&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    X&Consultant ser9ices:

    .s an eAtension to *esite re9ie* ser9ices; once you gain enough eAperience andeApertise in re9ie*ing *esites and logs; you can start an YupgradeZ ser9ice ypro9iding pro5essional reports to *esites& Iou can re9ie* their sites and let the'kno* *hat needs to e 5iAed; *hat has *orked the est 5or other *esites; and *hatyou think can e i'pro9ed upon&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith consultant ser9ices; here are so'e stepsyou can take:

    J 4ost an ad on your *esite saying that you are taking ne* clients 5or re9ie*s&75 your *esite is popular; that alone could e enough&

    J Contact your old clients and let the' kno* you8re o55ering pri9ate re9ie*s thatdon8t ha9e to e posted 5or all o5 the pulic to see&

    J Ro a search on oogle and approach the *esites in your niche& Wesitesthat aren8t high in the search engines 'ight e eager to get 'ore tra55ic; and*esites that already are high 'ay still *ant 'ore& The 'ore o55ers you send;the etter your results& Make sure to 'ention your *esite tra55ic nu'ers i5you decide to send out e'ails&

    Ho* 'uch 'oney can 7 'akeN

    J Iou can charge 5ro' 100 per re9ie* and up*ards&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online


    X[&Write Landing page 5or *esites:

    . landing page is the 5irst page a 9isitor sees *hen they click on a co'pany8s


    These pages are 9ery i'portant to *e'asters since 'ost people decide i5 they8regoing to stay on a *esite *ithin seconds o5 getting there&

    . good landing page needs to look co'pelling; ut also ha9e all the ele'ents thatoogle *ants =key*ord rich and so 5orth? so that it8s picked up y the searchengines and stays high on the search results&

    75 you can create the right co'ination o5 attracti9eness oogle sa99y; you canearn a lot o5 'oney&

    This is actually a lot easier than it sounds&

    7n order 5or you to 'ake 'oney *ith *riting landing pages; here are so'esteps you can take:

    J et yoursel5 registered in 5reelancing sites such as )lance&co'; uru&co';andOdesk&co'

    J Look 5or openings *hich ask 5or

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



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  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online




    7 hope you enFoyed this report& :? We tried to 5ind di55erent *ays o5 'aking 'oney 5orall types o5 people; and 7 sincerely hope that so'e o5 these resonated *ith you&

    e'e'er that you can 'iA and 'atch these 'ethods i5 you *ant&

  • 8/10/2019 100 Ways to Make Money Online



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