1000 Xfm (First Version)

Post on 05-Jul-2018

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  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    9#4. Eels – Mr. E:s Bea/ti/l Bl/es

    9#1. Te "evellers – &at a Bea/ti/l a%

    9#0. Te *arlatans – Ten

    9(9. Te $am – Start

    9(8. Te Gossip – Stan'ing in te &a% o *ontrol

    9(#. R.E.M. – Sin% )app% People

    9((. !asis – Se:s Ele6tri6

    9(,. Stereoponi6s – I &o/l'n:t Believe o/r Ra'io

    9(. eat *a7 or */tie – I &ill ollow o/ into te ar;

    9(2. 3/la Sa;er – )e% /'e

    9(4. Te *emi6al Broters – )e% Bo% )e% Girl

    9(1. Stereo M*:s – *onne6te'

    9(0. Pin; lo%' – *omorta7l% N/m7

    9,9. Te Rolling Stones – Start Me >p

    9,8. Te Smits – Sopliters o te &orl' >nite

    9,#. Te Stone Roses – Begging o/

    9,(. Te *o/rteeners – &at Too; o/ So "ong

    9,,. Bla6; 3i's – I:m Not Gonna Tea6 o/r Bo%rien' )ow to an6e &it


    9,. Bla6; Grape – In te Name o te ater

    9,2. BCDr; – Pla% ea'

    9,4. Te Belove' – Te S/n Rising

    9,1. @s – @ "ie "ess !r'inar%

    9,0. @ir – Se-% Bo%

    99. @erosmit – "ove in an Elevator

    98. Blin;5184 – &at:s M% @ge @gain

    9#. Nirvana – @ll @pologies

    9(. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – Bloo' S/gar Se- Magi;

    9,. Beastie Bo%s – Bo'% Movin:

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


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    91(. Bat or "ases – aniel

    91,. "in;in Par; – Sa'ow o te a%

    91. Be6; – &ere It:s @t

    912. Ba'l% rawn Bo% – Someting to Tal; @7o/t

    914. @lien @nt arm – Movies

    911. Te @ir7orne To-i6 Event – Sometime @ro/n' Mi'nigt

    910. E'itors – Bloo'

    909. Te *emi6al Broters – Blo6; Ro6;in: Beats

    908. >4 – @ll I &ant Is o/

    90#. !asis – @ll @ro/n' te &orl'

    90(. Te &ite Stripes – I6;% T/mp

    90,. Te &on'er St/ – Te SiFe o a *ow

    90. T. Re- – Metal G/r/

    902. Te *arlatans – o/:re So Prett%5&e:re So Prett%

    904. Mani6 Street Prea6ers – o/ Stole te S/n rom M% )eart

    901. Mo7% – &% oes M% )eart eel So Ba'

    900. Te ratellis – &istle or te *oir

    899. Nirvana – Te Man &o Sol' te &orl'

    898. 20 Se6on's to Mars – Te 3ill

    89#. M/se – Sto6;olm S%n'rome

    89(. Stereoponi6s – Step on M% !l' SiFe Nines

    89,. P/lp – "ipgloss

    89. Te Rolling Stones – "et:s Spen' te Nigt Togeter

    892. Pa/l &eller – Into Tomorrow

    894. Te *o/rteeners – *avorting

    891. oves – *at6 te S/n

    890. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – Brea;ing te Girl

    889. E'itors – Bones

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    888. Mani6 Street Prea6ers – o/ "ove >s

    88#. Te !spring – &% on:t o/ Get a $o7

    88(. R.E.M. – Te Great Be%on'

    88,. >4 – Te l%

    88. Te Rolling Stones – Street igting Man

    882. *ol'pla% – Straw7err% Swing

    884. Ra'ioea' – Planet Tele-

    881. Te Stranglers – Pea6es

    880. Pa/l &eller – !/t o te Sin;ing

    8#9. R.E.M. – !range *r/s

    8#8. ranF er'inan' – Te ar; o te MatinHe

    8##. ?ampire ⅇen' – Mansar' Roo 

    8#(. avi' Bowie – So/n' an' ?ision

    8#,. *ol'pla% – Go' P/t a Smile >pon o/r a6e

    8#. Te Smits – Girlrien' in a *oma

    8#2. Te $am – avi' &atts

    8#4. oves – )ere It *omes

    8#1. G/ns N: Roses – "ive an' "et ie

    8#0. $ames – *ome )ome

    8(9. Interpol – Slow )an's

    8(8. Ian Brown – Gol'en GaFe

    8(#. Te )o/se o "ove – Sine !n

    8((. Bi% *l%ro – Man% o )orror

    8(,. @** – )ells Bells

    8(. S;/n; @nansie – )e'onism J$/st Be6a/se o/ eel Goo'K

    8(2. ?iolent emmes – Blister in te S/n

    8(4. Te Streets – Blin'e' 7% te "igts

    8(1. oo igters – Big Me

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    8(0. Te arm – @ll Togeter Now

    8,9. E'itors – @ll Spar;s

    8,8. T. Re- – *il'ren o te Revol/tion

    8,#. Tin "iFF% – &is;e% in te $ar

    8,(. Te% Migt Be Giants – Bir'o/se in o/r So/l

    8,,. Te +/tons – o/ &ill o/ &on:t

    8,. Se' Seven – Going or Gol'

    8,2. Te Seaorses – "ove is te "aw

    8,4. R.E.M. – &at:s te reL/en6% 3ennet

    8,1. Passion Pit – Sleep%ea'

    8,0. Pani6 @t te is6o – I &rite Sins Not Trage'ies

    89. !asis – Te )in'/ Times

    88. all !/t Bo% – an6eA an6e

    8#. Ele6troni6 – Get te Message

    8(. Ele6tri6 Si- – anger )ig ?oltage

    8,. *atatonia – M/l'er an' S6/ll%

    8. *arter te >nstoppa7le Se- Ma6ine – Seri atman

    82. Bl/r – Se:s So )ig

    84. Blo6 Part% – Mer6/r%

    81. @L/al/ng – Strange an' Bea/ti/l

    80. @lien @nt arm – Smoot *riminal

    829. Em7ra6e – @ll o/ Goo' Goo' People

    828. Te *arlatans – *an:t Get !/t o Be'

    82#. Te Ma66a7ees – *an o/ Give It

    82(. oo igters – Brea;o/t

    82,. RaForligt – Ro6; N: Roll "ies

    82. Plain &ite T:s – )e% Tere elila

    822. T. Re- – Get It !n

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    824. Pa/l &eller – rom te loor7oar's >p

    821. )ole – oll Parts

    820. Ba'l% rawn Bo% – isill/sion

    849. Be6; – evil:s )air6/t

    848. &eeFer – )as Pipe

    84#. at P/n; – )ar'erA BetterA asterA Stronger

    84(. avi' Bowie – Gol'en ears

    84,. 3ings o "eon – Manattan

    84. R.E.M. – Man on te Moon

    842. Te Presi'ents o te >nite' States – "/mp

    844. oo igters – "ow

    841. Tal;ing )ea's – Roa' to Nowere

    840. Te !spring – Prett% l% Jor a &ite G/%K

    819. at7o% Slim – Praise o/

    818. Te *ri7s – &e Sare te Same S;ies

    81#. Tena6io/s – Tri7/te

    81(. S/e'e – Tras

    81,. *atatonia – Roa' Rage

    81. RaForligt – Rip It >p

    812. S/pergrass – P/mping on o/r Stereo

    814. Te Ps%6e'eli6 /rs – Prett% in Pin;

    811. Blin' Melon – No Rain

    810. Te *ar'igans – M% avo/rite Game

    809. Blo6 Part% – I Still Remem7er

    808. Te &ite Stripes – )otel or7a

    80#. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – )iger Gro/n'

    80(. Imogen )eap – )i'e an' See;

    80,. Mani6 Street Prea6ers – rom espair to &ere

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    80. Te Big Pin; – ominos

    802. Ian Brown – olpins &ere Mon;e%s

    804. $imm% Eat &orl' – Big *asino

    801. Te Beatles – @ll o/ Nee' Is "ove

    800. $/sti6e – .@.N.*.E.

    #99. 3asa7ian – */tt ! 

    #98. Primal S6ream – *o/ntr% Girl

    #9#. oo igters – Generator

    #9(. at7o% Slim – Gangster Trippin:

    #9,. /n "ovin: *riminals – Te /n "ovin: *riminal

    #9. 20 Se6on's to Mars – rom ester'a%

    #92. Te *emi6al Broters – "et orever Be

    #94. )o/se o Pain – $/mp @ro/n'

    #91. Te Stro;es – $/i6e7o-

    #90. &e @re S6ientists – It:s a )it

    #89. &eeFer – Islan' in te S/n

    #88. 3eane – Is It @n% &on'er

    #8#. &ill% Mason – !-%gen

    #8(. $oan $ett < Te Bla6;earts – I "ove Ro6; n: Roll

    #8,. Te &ite Stripes – I $/st on:t 3now &at to o wit M%sel 

    #8. !6ean *olo/r S6ene – )/n're' Mile )ig *it%

    #82. Te *arlatans – )ow )ig

    #84. Te )ives – Main !en'er

    #81. Te &o – Magi6 B/s

    #80. Igg% Pop – "/st or "ie

    ##9. Bl/r – No istan6e "et to R/n

    ##8. Ra'ioea' – M% Iron "/ng

    ###. RaForligt – St/m7le an' all

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    ##(. Te Ma66a7ees – Pre6io/s Time

    ##,. Be6; – Se-- "aws

    ##. Bi% *l%ro – Sat/r'a% S/pero/se

    ##2. "o/ Ree' – Satellite o "ove

    ##4. !asis – Roll wit It

    ##1. Te &ite Stripes – Te enial Twist

    ##0. Mer6/r% Rev – Te ar; Is Rising

    #(9. Gar7age – St/pi' Girl

    #(8. I'lewil' – o/ )el' te &orl' in o/r @rms

    #(#. Pla6e7o – &ito/t o/ I:m Noting

    #((. RaForligt – &ire to &ire

    #(,. Gran'a''% – Te *r%stal "a;e

    #(. !6ean *olo/r S6ene – Te *ir6le

    #(2. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – S/6; M% 3iss

    #(4. )ar'5i – S/7/r7an 3nigts

    #(1. Elasti6a – St/tter

    #(0. Te Presi'ents o te >nite' States o @meri6a – Pea6es

    #,9. Te *oral – Pass It !n

    #,8. &eeFer – Por; an' Beans

    #,#. Bl/r – !/t o Time

    #,(. R.E.M. – Nigtswimming

    #,,. Te 3na6; – M% Sarona

    #,. Ra'ioea' – $igsaw alling into Pla6e

    #,2. *aesars – $er; It !/t

    #,4. Te "emonea's – It:s a Same @7o/t Ra%

    #,1. )ar'5i – )ar' to Beat

    #,0. Blon'ie – )anging on te Telepone

    #9. Ma-mo Par; – GraOti

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    #8. Starsailor – Goo' So/ls

    ##. 3ate Nas – o/n'ations

    #(. Pla6e7o – or &at It:s &ort

    #,. Te Pani6s – on:t igt It

    #. Te +/tons – on:t Ever Tin; JToo M/6K

    #2. &eeFer – Beverl% )ills

    #4. Tal;ing )ea's – @n' Se &as

    #1. E'itors – @n En' )as a Start

    #0. Te Stranglers – @lwa%s te S/n

    #29. Empire o te S/n – &e @re te People

    #28. 3ings o "eon – &aste' Time

    #2#. "o/ Ree' – &al; on te &il' Si'e

    #2(. S/per /rr% @nimals – Someting or te &ee;en'

    #2,. >4 – N/m7

    #2. RaForligt – Beore I all to Pie6es

    #22. Ba'l% rawn Bo% – !n6e @ro/n' te Blo6;

    #24. "ongpigs – !n an' !n

    #21. I'a Maria – ! M% Go'

    #20. Morrisse% – Te "ast o te amo/s International Pla%7o%s

    #49. Ra'ioea' – Tere Tere

    #48. Eels – Novo6aine or te So/l

    #4#. S/pergrass – "ate in te a%

    #4(. "ostpropets – "ast Train )ome

    #4,. G/ns N: Roses – 3no6;in: on )eaven:s oor

    #4. rien'l% ires – 3iss o "ie

    #42. Te *arlatans – $/st "oo;in:

    #44. Te "i7ertines – I Get @long

    #41. RaForligt – I *an:t Stop Tis eeling I:ve Got

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    #40. 3/la Sa;er – )/s

    #19. Stereoponi6s – )/rr% >p an' &ait

    #18. @** – or Tose @7o/t to Ro6; J&e Sal/te o/K

    #1#. Bi% *l%ro – ol'ing Stars

    #1(. R.E.M. – rive

    #1,. Bran ?an 2000 – rin;ing in ".@.

    #1. Te $am – Beat S/rren'er

    #12. at P/n; – @ro/n' te &orl'

    #14. Ra'ioea' – @n%one *an Pla% G/itar

    #11. ranF er'inan' – &al; @wa%

    #10. RaForligt – ?i6e

    #09. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – >niversall% Spea;ing

    #08. "iam "%n6 – >nite' States o &atever

    #0#. at7o% Slim – Rigt )ereA Rigt Now

    #0(. oo igters – Resolve

    #0,. Gar7age – P/s It

    #0. Te $imi )en'ri- E-perien6e – P/rple )aFe

    #02. oo igters – Ne-t ear

    #04. Mo7% – Nat/ral Bl/es

    #01. >4 – M%sterio/s &a%s

    #00. 20 Se6on's to Mars – 3ings an' =/eens

    (99. @s – 3/ng /

    (98. Mani6 Street Prea6ers – 3evin *arter

    (9#. Te *arlatans – $/st &en o/:re Tin;in: Tings !ver

    (9(. *ol' &ar 3i's – )ang Me >p to r%

    (9,. Te arm – Groov% Train

    (9. Te Ting Tings – Great $

    (92. S/e'e – ilmstar

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    (94. >4 – Even Better Tan Te Real Ting

    (91. Te amne' – Eloise

    (90. Te Streets – r% o/r E%es

    (89. )ot )ot )eat – Ban'ages

    (88. Te &om7ats – Ba6;re at te is6o

    (8#. E6o < te B/nn%men – Te Ba6; o "ove

    (8(. Em7ra6e – @ses

    (8,. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – @ro/n' te &orl'

    (8. Snow Patrol – )ow to Be ea'

    (82. >4 – New ear:s a%

    (84. Te &anna'ies – o/ an' Me Song

    (81. Bla6; Re7el Motor6%6le *l/7 – Sprea' o/r "ove

    (80. Te Rolling Stones – &il' )orses

    (#9. BCDr; – Big Time Sens/alit%

    (#8. Bill% Bragg – @ New Englan'

    (##. Bi% *l%ro – Semi5Mental

    (#(. *ol'pla% – "ie in Te6ni6olor II

    (#,. loren6e an' te Ma6ine – o/:ve Got te "ove

    (#. Te &ite Stripes – o/ on:t 3now &at "ove Is

    (#2. Te */re – "ovesong

    (#4. M/se – >nite' States o E/rasia

    (#1. >4 – Te >norgetta7le ire

    (#0. Te Rolling Stones – T/m7ling i6e

    ((9. Mani6 Street Prea6ers – Ts/nami

    ((8. Te Temper Trap – a'er

    ((#. P/lp – Someting *ange'

    (((. El7ow – Te Bones o o/

    ((,. Te $am – Te Bitterest Pill JI Ever )a' to SwallowK

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    ((. Bi% *l%ro – $/st7o%

    ((2. Beastie Bo%s – S/re Sot

    ((4. avi' Bowie – S/ragette *it%

    ((1. Nirvana – !n a Plain

    ((0. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – !tersi'e

    (,9. "etel' – !pen >p

    (,8. Te *las – $anie $ones

    (,#. Primal S6ream – $ail7ir'

    (,(. BCDr; – It:s ! So =/iet

    (,,. )app% Mon'a%s – )allel/Ca

    (,. Pi-ies – Giganti6

    (,2. Green a% – &el6ome to Para'ise

    (,4. >4 – Elevation

    (,1. Te Stone Roses – Elepant Stone

    (,0. "a'%aw;e – /s; Till awn

    (9. Te Stranglers – /6ess

    (8. oo igters – "earn to l%

    (#. leet o-es – &ite &inter )%mnal

    ((. oves – *a/gt 7% te River

    (,. Empire o te S/n – &al;ing on a ream

    (. Pa/l &eller – Bro;en Stones

    (2. Ele6troni6 – Getting @wa% &it It

    (4. E'itors – Te Ra6ing Rats

    (1. Ba7%7ir' – o/:re Gorgeo/s

    (0. Te Seaorses – Blin'e' 7% te S/n

    (29. an "e Sa6 ?s S6roo7i/s Pip – "etter rom Go' to Man

    (28. *ornersop – Brim/l o @sa

    (2#. *ol'pla% – &arning Sign

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    (2(. Pla6e7o – 40t *ent/r% Bo%

    (2,. Beastie Bo%s – igt or o/r Rigt

    (2. $on "ennon 5 Q9 ream

    (22. Te *o/rteeners – @6r%li6

    (24. @r6a'e ire – No *ars Go

    (21. Te &o – I *an:t E-plain

    (20. Te Ting Tings – S/t >p an' "et Me Go

    (49. GorillaF – 1954000 JSo/l6il' Remi-K

    (48. Te Ra;es – 44 Gran' $o7

    (4#. Te Ma66a7ees – No 3in' &or's

    (4(. $amie T – *alm own earest

    (4,. Tal;ing )ea's – B/rning own te )o/se

    (4. Te Braver% – @n )onest Mista;e

    (42. E6o < te B/nn%men – Bring !n te an6ing )orses

    (44. Smasing P/mp;ins – TonigtA Tonigt

    (41. Spa6e – emale o te Spe6ies

    (40. S/m 1 – at "ip

    (19. 3asa7ian – ast /se

    (18. Mani6 Street Prea6ers – Ever%ting M/st Go

    (1#. 3eane – Ever%7o'%:s *anging

    (1(. Pearl $am – Even low

    (1,. !asis – :o/ 3now &at I Mean

    (1. Blo6 Part% – !ne More *an6e

    (12. Te Stone Roses – !ne "ove

    (14. M6@lmont an' B/tler – es

    (11. Ree – Pla6e o/r )an's

    (10. "e' +eppelin – Goo' Times Ba' Times

    (09. Portisea' – So/r Times

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    (08. &eeFer – >n'one – Te Sweater Song

    (0#. EM – >n7elieva7le

    (0(. M%ster% $ets – Two oors own

    (0,. E'itors – B/llets

    (0. Bi% *l%ro – Te *aptain

    (02. Tin "iFF% – Te Bo%s @re Ba6; in Town

    (04. @s – @ngel Inter6eptor

    (01. RaForligt – )ostage o "ove

    (00. @erosmit an' R/n M* – &al; Tis &a%

    ,99. &eeFer – B/''% )oll%

    ,98. >n'erworl' – Born Slipp%

    ,9#. >4 – S/n'a% Bloo'% S/n'a%

    ,9(. Te !spring – Sel Esteem

    ,9,. Te */re – Pi6t/res o o/

    ,9. Stereoponi6s – Pi6; a Part Tat:s New

    ,92. Te &al;men – Te Rat

    ,94. Elasti6a – "ine >p

    ,91. Te oors – "igt M% ire

    ,90. Te Stranglers – No More )eroes

    ,89. 3ings o "eon – Notion

    ,88. Te R/ts – Ba7%lon:s B/rning

    ,8#. "a'%aw;e – Paris is B/rning

    ,8(. Te Rolling Stones – R/7% T/es'a%

    ,8,. Te 3illers – @ /stlan' air%tale

    ,8. Te Enem% – )a' Eno/g

    ,82. Te oors – Ri'ers on te Storm

    ,84. Te *las – &ite Riot

    ,81. Te Bree'ers – *annon7all

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    9(. $ames – Born o r/stration

    9,. E6o < te B/nn%men – Noting "asts orever

    9. )app% Mon'a%s – 3in;% @ro

    92. I'a Maria – I "i;e o/ So M/6 Better &en o/:re Na;e'

    94. oo igters – M% )ero

    91. Gnarls Bar;le% – *raF%

    90. *ol'pla% – Tal;

    89. Te oors – Brea; !n Tro/g

    88. Bi% *l%ro – &o:s Got a Mat6

    8#. Bl/r – En' o a *ent/r%

    8(. all !/t Bo% – S/garA &e:re Goin own

    8,. @s – ! ea

    8. @ir – @ll I Nee'

    82. @** – )igwa% to )ell

    84. &e @re S6ientists – Te Great Es6ape

    81. >4 – I Still )aven:t o/n' &at I:m "oo;ing or

    80. Te &o – &o @re o/

    #9. Te ?iew – S/perstar Tra'esman

    #8. Blo6 Part% – Two More ears

    ##. Te Smits – )eaven 3nows I:m Misera7le Now

    #(. S/pergrass – S/n )its te S;%

    #,. o'g% – Goo' Eno/g

    #. epe6e Mo'e – Ever%ting *o/nts

    #2. ranF er'inan' – No o/ Girls

    #4. Te &o – I *an See or Miles

    #1. Te 3oo;s – !o "a

    #0. Te 3in;s – @ll a% an' @ll o te Nigt

    (9. oo igters – "ong Roa' to R/in

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    (8. Te *las – Te G/ns o Bri-ton

    (#. !asis – S/n'a% Morning *all

    ((. Te *arlatans – &eir'o

    (,. Te Enem% – &e:ll "ive an' ie in Tese Towns

    (. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – ort/ne a'e'

    (2. Te Beatles – Get Ba6;

    (4. R.E.M. – It:s te En' o te &orl' as &e 3now It J@n' I eel ineK

    (1. Te &ite Stripes – Te )ar'est B/tton to B/tton

    (0. Te @valan6es – Sin6e I "et o/

    ,9. S/pergrass – Ri6ar' III

    ,8. Stereoponi6s – TraO6

    ,#. Te Stro;es – 14,1

    ,(. Pla6e7o – Ever% o/ Ever% Me

    ,,. Te Rolling Stones – o/ *an:t @lwa%s Get &at o/ &ant

    ,. New !r'er – *r%stal

    ,2. avi' Bowie – Te $ean Genie

    ,4. Te Stone Roses – Tis Is Te !ne

    ,1. Ma-mo Par; – Boo;s rom Bo-es

    ,0. Te *las – *omplete *ontrol

    9. Elasti6a – &a;ing >p

    8. Mani6 Street Prea6ers – "a Tristesse /rera JS6ream to a SigK

    #. Te Smits – @s;

    (. Bl/r – *emi6al &orl'

    ,. )ar'5i 5 Tie' >p Too Tigt

    . Te *las – Ban;ro77er

    2. Pla6e7o – Te Bitter En'

    4. 3asa7ian – ?la' te Impaler

    1. Te $imi )en'ri- E-perien6e – ?oo'oo *il' JSligt Ret/rnK

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    0. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – *aliorni6ation

    29. $amie T – Sti6;s n: Stones

    28. Mani6 Street Prea6ers eat/ring Nina Persson – o/r "ove @lone Is Not


    2#. )ar'5i – "iving or te &ee;en'

    2(. 3ings o "eon – Revelr%

    2,. G/ns N: Roses – &el6ome to te $/ngle

    2. Green a% – &arning

    22. GorillaF – @RE

    24. ranF er'inan' – o o/ &ant To

    21. oo igters – !@

    20. Elasti6a – *onne6tion

    49. oves – 3ing'om o R/st

    48. !asis – Go "et It !/t

    4#. avi' Bowie – Te Man &o Sol' Te &orl'

    4(. *SS – "et:s Ma;e "ove an' "isten to eat rom @7ove

    4,. *ol'pla% – ?iolet )ill

    4. Bl/r – or Tomorrow

    42. Blon'ie – @tomi6

    44. Blin;5184 – @ll te Small Tings

    41. @r6a'e ire – Intervention

    40. ea ea eas – +ero

    19. &olmoter – &oman

    18. Te &o – ,.1,

    1#. Te Tear'rop E-plo'es – Rewar'

    1(. Te Stone Roses – "ove Sprea's

    1,. avi' Bowie – +igg% Star'/st

    1. Te Pro'ig% – !men

    12. Te !spring – Te 3i's @ren:t @lrigt

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    14. Te Ma66a7ees – Tootpaste 3isses

    11. Te )ives – )ate to Sa% I Tol' o/ So

    10. Te Gasligt @ntem – Te:,9 So/n'

    09. Te Bl/etones – Sligt Ret/rn

    08. S/pergrass – @lrigt

    0#. Stereoponi6s – )ave a Ni6e a%

    0(. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – B% te &a%

    0,. =/eens o te Stone @ge – Te "ost @rt o 3eepin a Se6ret

    0. Te Rolling Stones – Get ! o M% *lo/'

    02. @r6ti6 Mon;e%s – Te''% Pi6;er

    04. M/se – >n'is6lose' esires

    01. $/sti6e ?s. Simian – &e @re o/r rien's

    00. GomeF – &ippin: Pi66a'ill%

    299. Glasvegas – a''%:s Gone

    298. ranF er'inan' – Mi6ael

    29#. E6o < te B/nn%men – Te */tter

    29(. avi' Bowie – *anges

    29,. Bl/r – To te En'

    29. Blo6 Part% – )/nting or &it6es

    292. Bla6; Re7el Motor6%6le *l/7 – &atever )appene' to M% Ro6; an' Roll

    JP/n; SongK

    294. Bi% *l%ro – Tat Gol'en R/le

    291. @r6ti6 Mon;e%s – *r%ing "igtning

    290. @r6a'e ire – 3eep te *ar R/nning

    289. @** – o/ Soo; Me @ll Nigt "ong

    288. &ite "ies – To "ose M% "ie

    28#. Te &om7ats – 3ill te ire6tor

    28(. Te ?iew – Same $eans

    28,. Te Stro;es – Mo'ern @ge

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    28. Te Smits – Te Bo% &it te Torn in )is Si'e

    282. Smasing P/mp;ins – 19#9

    284. R.E.M. – Ever%7o'% )/rts

    281. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – ani *aliornia

    280. Pearl $am – @live

    2#9. M/se – Invin6i7le

    2#8. !asis – Te So6; o te "igtning

    2##. MGMT – Ele6tri6 eel

    2#(. $osH GonFleF – )eart7eats

    2#,. Iron Mai'en – R/n to te )ills

    2#. 3ings o "eon – 3ing o te Ro'eo

    2#2. G/ns N: Roses – Novem7er Rain

    2#4. at P/n; – !ne More Time

    2#1. *ol'pla% – on:t Pani6

    2#0. Ba7%sam7les – 3illamangiro

    2(9. @s – Gol'nger

    2(8. >4 – ?ertigo

    2(#. Te &om7ats – Moving to New or;

    2((. Te Rolling Stones – Brown S/gar

    2(,. 3ings o "eon – Re' Morning "igt

    2(. Te Pro'ig% – Breate

    2(2. Te laming "ips – o o/ RealiFe

    2(4. Te @/tomati6 – Monster

    2(1. Snow Patrol – Set te ire to te Tir' Bar'

    2(0. P/lp – o o/ Remem7er te irst Time

    2,9. Portisea' – Glor% Bo-

    2,8. Peter BCorn an' $on eat/ring ?i6toria Bergsman – o/ng ol;s

    2,#. 3ings o "eon – o/r 3i6;s

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    2,(. )ot *ip – !ver an' !ver

    2,,. El7ow – New7orn

    2,. oves – Te *e'ar Room

    2,2. epe6e Mo'e – Personal $es/s

    2,4. *ol'pla% – Spies

    2,1. @r6ti6 Mon;e%s – *ornerstone

    2,0. Te &o – S/7stit/te

    29. Te Stro;es – Some'a%

    28. Te Smits – &at ieren6e oes It Ma;e

    2#. Te Ra6onte/rs – Stea'%A @s Se Goes

    2(. Te Pro'ig% – Sma6; M% Bit6 >p

    2,. Te 3illers – Spa6eman

    2. Se' Seven – *asing Rain7ows

    22. Te an'% &arols – Boemian "i;e o/

    24. Te *arlatans – !ne to @noter

    21. S/pergrass – *a/gt 7% te /FF

    20. Smasing P/mp;ins – To'a%

    229. RaForligt – @meri6a

    228. P/lp – Ba7ies

    22#. Pi-ies – Mon;e% Gone to )eaven

    22(. !asis – *ast No Sa'ow

    22,. New !r'er – Regret

    22. "in;in Par; – &at I:ve one

    222. an "e Sa6 ?s S6roo7i/s Pip – To/ Salt @lwa%s 3ill

    224. Bl/r – Tere:s No !ter &a%

    221. Blo6 Part% – Te Pra%er

    220. Te &om7ats – "et:s an6e to $o% ivision

    249. Te ?iew – &aste' "ittle $s

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    248. Te Rolling Stones – $/mpin: $a6; las

    24#. Te 3illers – $enn% &as a rien' o Mine

    24(. >4 – Bea/ti/l a%

    24,. Te 3illers – Bones

    24. Te */re – In Between a%s

    242. R.E.M. – "osing M% Religion

    244. Ra'ioea' – Te Ben's

    241. !asis – "%la

    240. Mans/n – &i'e !pen Spa6e

    219. 3ings o "eon – *armer

    218. 3aiser *ies – Ever%'a% I "ove o/ "ess an' "ess

    21#. $amie T – Seila

    21(. ee'er – $/st te &a% I:m eeling

    21,. aitless – Insomnia

    21. E'itors – Smo;ers !/tsi'e te )ospital oors

    212. avi' Bowie – @ses to @ses

    214. *ol'pla% – In M% Pla6e

    211. Te ?erve – "ove Is Noise

    210. Bla6; Sa77at – Paranoi'

    209. Stereoponi6s – Mr. &riter

    208. Pla6e7o – P/re Morning

    20#. !asis – Tal; Tonigt

    20(. "in;in Par; – N/m7

    20,. "e' +eppelin – Ro6; an' Roll

    20. 3ings o "eon – *aliornia &aiting

    202. $e B/6;le% – )allel/Ca

    204. rien'l% ires – $/mp in te Pool

    201. oo igters – Mon;e% &ren6

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    200. E'itors – Papillon

    499. *ol'pla% – Siver

    498. avi' Bowie – Starman

    49#. ?ampire &ee;en' – @5P/n;

    49(. >4 – &ere Te Streets )ave No Name

    49,. Bl/r – Ten'er

    49. Te &o – Pin7all &iFar'

    492. Te Ting Tings – Tat:s Not M% Name

    494. Te ?erve – Sonnet

    491. Te */re – Te "ove6ats

    490. Te *ri7s – Men:s Nee's

    489. Te *las – Train in ?ain

    488. Pa/l &eller – &il' &oo'

    48#. Te *las – So/l' I Sta% !r So/l' I Go

    48(. Stereoponi6s – $/st "oo;ing

    48,. Snow Patrol – *o6olate

    48. Primal S6ream – Movin: on >p

    482. New !r'er – Temptation

    484. M/se – Sing or @7sol/tion

    481. Massive @tta6; – Tear'rop

    480. 3asa7ian – &ere i' @ll te "ove Go

    4#9. Green a% – )oli'a%

    4#8. loren6e an' te Ma6ine – r/mming Song

    4##. Nirvana – "iti/m

    4#(. avi' Bowie – Spa6e !''it%

    4#,. Bl/r – *oee < T?

    4#. Bi% *l%ro – "iving Is a Pro7lem Be6a/se Ever%ting ies

    4#2. &ite "ies – arewell to airgro/n'

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    4#4. Te ?erve – )istor%

    4#1. Te Beatles – Revol/tion

    4#0. Sig/r RUs – )oppVpolla

    4(9. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – *an:t Stop

    4(8. Primal S6ream – Ro6;s

    4(#. Pi-ies – &ere Is M% Min'

    4((. !asis – )al te &orl' @wa%

    4(,. Marma'/;e /;e – R/77er "over

    4(. "e' +eppelin – Immigrant Song

    4(2. Nirvana – )eart5Sape' Bo-

    4(4. 3asa7ian – Pro6esse' Beats

    4(1. 3aiser *ies – ! M% Go'

    4(0. $ames – Sit own

    4,9. Inspiral *arpets – Tis Is )ow It eels

    4,8. Bl/r – Girls < Bo%s

    4,#. @** – Ba6; in Bla6;

    4,(. Te Stranglers – Gol'en Brown

    4,,. Te "i7ertines – &at a &aster

    4,. Te */re – ri'a% I:m in "ove

    4,2. Te Temper Trap – Sweet isposition

    4,4. S/e'e – @nimal Nitrate

    4,1. Reveren' an' Te Ma;ers – )eav%weigt *ampion o te &orl'

    4,0. Pi-ies – e7aser

    49. Pin; lo%' – @noter Bri6; in te &allA Part II

    48. Nirvana – *ome as o/ @re

    4#. M/se – Map o te Pro7lematiL/e

    4(. Morrisse% – Iris Bloo'A Englis )eart

    4,. Metalli6a – Enter San'man

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    4. 3la-ons – Gol'en S;ans

    42. loren6e an' te Ma6ine – og a%s @re !ver

    44. Blo6 Part% – So )ere &e @re

    41. Te Pro'ig% – irestarter

    40. Te */lt – Se Sells San6t/ar%

    429. Te *las – I o/gt te "aw

    428. Te Beatles – )elter S;elter

    42#. RaForligt – Somewere Else

    42(. Pa/l &eller – Te *angingman

    42,. Mani6 Street Prea6ers – I o/ Tolerate Tis o/r *il'ren &ill Be Ne-t

    42. 3aiser *ies – R/7%

    422. Green a% – 41 G/ns

    424. Bl/r – *o/ntr% )o/se

    421. Blin;5184 – I Miss o/

    420. Te Stro;es – )ar' to E-plain

    449. Te Spe6ials – Too M/6 Too o/ng

    448. Te */re – *lose to Me

    44#. Te Beatles – Tomorrow Never 3nows

    44(. @r6ti6 Mon;e%s – ,0,

    44,. Re' )ot *ili Peppers – >n'er te Bri'ge

    44. M/se – >prising

    442. MotDrea' – @6e o Spa'es

    444. $onn% *as – )/rt

    441. Te $imi )en'ri- E-perien6e – @ll @long te &at6tower

    440. GorillaF – eel Goo' In6.

    419. Te 3illers – Smile "i;e o/ Mean It

    418. Te /t/reea's – )o/n's o "ove

    41#. Te Beatles – *ome Togeter

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    41(. Ra'ioea' – )ig an' r%

    41,. !asis – Morning Glor%

    41. M/mor' < Sons – "ittle "ion Man

    412. "in;in Par; – In Te En'

    414. $ames – "ai'

    411. Interpol – Evil

    410. @r6ti6 Mon;e%s – "eave Beore te "igts *ome !n

    409. !asis – "ittle B% "ittle

    408. >4 – &it or &ito/t o/

    40#. Te Stro;es – Reptilia

    40(. Te */re – @ orest

    40,. Stereoponi6s – Ma%7e Tomorrow

    40. Rage @gainst te Ma6ine – 3illing in te Name

    402. =/eens o te Stone @ge – Go &it Te low

    404. Pa/l &eller – o/ o Someting to Me

    401. !asis – @6L/ies6e

    400. New !r'er – Tr/e ait

    199. Glasvegas – Geral'ine

    198. E'itors – M/ni6

    19#. ea ea eas – Maps

    19(. Te $am – Te Eton RiWes

    19,. Te *las – Ro6; te *as7a

    19. Stereoponi6s – Te Barten'er an' te Tie 

    192. 3asa7ian – Soot te R/nner

    194. RaForligt – Gol'en To/6

    191. P/lp – is6o 4000

    190. )app% Mon'a%s – Step !n

    189. *ol'pla% – Tro/7le

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    1(0. &ite "ies – eat

    1,9. Ra'ioea' – Street Spirit Ja'e !/tK

    1,8. M/se – M/s6le M/se/m

    1,#. loren6e an' te Ma6ine – Ra77it )eart JRaise It >pK

    1,(. B/FF6o6;s – Ever allen in "ove

    1,,. Bl/r – Beetle7/m

    1,. @s – B/rn Ba7% B/rn

    1,2. @r6ti6 Mon;e%s – Brianstorm

    1,4. Te "a:s – Tere Se Goes

    1,1. Te ratellis – *elsea agger

    1,0. Te */re – $/st "i;e )eaven

    19. Ra'ioea' – $/st

    18. Primal S6ream – "oa'e'

    1#. Green a% – Bo/levar' o Bro;en reams

    1(. Bi% *l%ro – Mo/ntains

    1,. @s – Sining "igt

    1. @r6a'e ire – &a;e >p

    12. Te Beatles – I @m te &alr/s

    14. M/se – eeling Goo'

    11. oo igters – Times "i;e Tese

    10. >4 – !ne

    129. $et – @re o/ Gonna Be M% Girl

    128. Green a% – Goo' Ri''an6e JTime o o/r "ieK

    12#. Te 3in;s – "ola

    12(. Te $am – own in te T/7e Station at Mi'nigt

    12,. Ra'ioea' – No S/rprises

    12. !6ean *olo/r S6ene – Te River7oat Song

    122. !asis – &atever

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    10. Ra'ioea' – 3arma Poli6e

    102. ee'er – B/6; Rogers

    104. Se- Pistols – Go' Save te =/een

    101. MGMT – 3i's

    100. 3ings o "eon – Te B/6;et

    099. @tlete – &ires

    098. MGMT – Time to Preten'

    09#. oves – Po/n'ing

    09(. Blo6 Part% – BanL/et

    09,. !asis – Ro6; N: Roll Star

    09. 3eane – Somewere !nl% &e 3now

    092. Te &o – &on:t Get oole' @gain

    094. *ol'pla% – Te S6ientist

    091. Te Smits – Bigmo/t Stri;es @gain

    090. Ma-mo Par; – @ppl% Some Press/re

    089. ee'er – $/st a a%

    088. Te $am – Tat:s Entertainment

    08#. Te Stone Roses – &aterall

    08(. !asis – *igarettes an' @l6ool

    08,. Massive @tta6; – >nnise' S%mpat%

    08. Green a% – @meri6an I'iot

    082. Te Stone Roses – Se Bangs te r/ms

    084. avi' Bowie – )eroes

    081. 3asa7ian – Empire

    080. Mani6 Street Prea6ers – @ esign or "ie

    0#9. 3ings o "eon – >se Some7o'%

    0#8. Te &o – Ba7a !:Rile%

    0##. !asis – Te Masterplan

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    0#(. Blo6 Part% – )eli6opter

    0#,. *ol'pla% – *lo6;s

    0#. Te >n'ertones – Teenage 3i6;s

    0#2. Ra'ioea' – a;e Plasti6 Trees

    0#4. oo igters – Everlong

    0#1. @r6ti6 Mon;e%s – @ *ertain Roman6e

    0#0. 3aiser *ies – I Pre'i6t a Riot

    0(9. Te 3oo;s – Se Moves in )er !wn &a%

    0(8. Te Rolling Stones – Paint ItA Bla6;

    0(#. Te $am – Going >n'ergro/n'

    0((. El7ow – Gro/n's or ivor6e

    0(,. !asis – S/personi6

    0(. oo igters – Te Preten'er

    0(2. !asis – Sli'e @wa%

    0(4. Te Beatles – @ a% in te "ie

    0(1. Te 3illers – Some7o'% Tol' Me

    0(0. 3asa7ian – ire

    0,9. New !r'er – Bl/e Mon'a%

    0,8. Mani6 Street Prea6ers – Motor6%6le Emptiness

    0,#. *ol'pla% – i- o/

    0,(. @r6ti6 Mon;e%s – l/ores6ent @'oles6ent

    0,,. Te $am – Town *alle' Mali6e

    0,. Snow Patrol – R/n

    0,2. oves – Tere Goes te ear

    0,4. Te Rolling Stones – S%mpat% or te evil

    0,1. Te 3illers – &en o/ &ere o/ng

    0,0. Te 3in;s – &aterloo S/nset

    09. Nirvana – Smells "i;e Teen Spirit

  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)


    08. @r6ti6 Mon;e%s – &en Te S/n Goes own

    0#. avi' Bowie – "ie !n Mars

    0(. *ol'pla% – ?iva "a ?i'a

    0,. Te Rolling Stones – Gimme Selter

    0. @r6ti6 Mon;e%s – Mar'% B/m

    02. Te Stone Roses – I &anna Be @'ore'

    04. Te Beatles – )e% $/'e

    01. M/se – Starligt

    00. Ra'ioea' – *reep

    029. P/lp – *ommon People

    028. =/eens o te Stone @ge – No !ne 3nows

    02#. 3asa7ian – ".S.. J"ost So/ls oreverK

    02(. Te Stone Roses – ools Gol'

    02,. Bl/r – Song 4

    02. Te &o – M% Generation

    022. Stereoponi6s – a;ota

    024. Ra'ioea' – Paranoi' @n'roi'

    021. Te Smits – Tis *arming Man

    020. M/se – Time Is R/nning !/t

    049. Te Smits – )ow Soon Is Now

    048. Te *las – "on'on *alling

    04#. Te "i7ertines – Time or )eroes

    04(. 3asa7ian – *l/7 oot

    04,. Te Stro;es – "ast Nite

    04. M/se – S/permassive Bla6; )ole

    042. Te ?erve – Bittersweet S%mpon%

    044. !asis – *ampagne S/pernova

    041. Te Stone Roses – I @m te Res/rre6tion

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  • 8/16/2019 1000 Xfm (First Version)
