101 design methods mode3 mindset

Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Mode3 Know People



1. Observing everything2. Build empathy3. Immersing in daily life4. Listening openly5. Looking for problem and needs

Observing everything• Observing everything in the context

– Place– People, other people– People say – People do– Inconsistencies– Not in the field, why are they missing

• Good innovators notice not only what’s there, but what’s not there

Observing everything• Observing everything in the context

– Place– People, other people– People say – People do– Inconsistencies– Not in the field, why are they missing

• Good innovators notice not only what’s there, but what’s not there

Inconsistencies• Sony 的 Focus Group ,手提音響做成黑色好?還是黃


Inconsistencies• 美國心理學家 Richard LaPiere  的種族研究實驗,美國

人對華人的種族歧視• 實際走訪美國旅館

– 67 家旅館裡面有 66 家願意接待• 針對走訪過的旅館進行問卷調查

– 46 家成功回收問卷

Inconsistencies• 美國心理學家 Richard LaPiere  的種族研究實驗,美國

人對華人的種族歧視• 實際走訪美國旅館

– 67 家旅館裡面有 66 家願意接待• 針對走訪過的旅館進行問卷調查

– 46 家成功回收問卷


Observing everything• Observing everything in the context

– Place– People – People say – People do– Inconsistencies– Not in the field, why are they missing

• Good innovators notice not only what’s there, but what’s not there


Observing everything• Observing everything in the context

– Place– People – People say – People do– Inconsistencies– Not in the field, why are they missing

• Good innovators notice not only what’s there, but what’s not there


User Activity Environment Interaction Object Note

1 一對 17 歲情侶


區內ㄇ字型公車亭,有遮陽、單行電子看板( 朝馬路 ) 、廣告、兩側有三人座長椅

親密的舉動不斷,營造兩人世界 從長椅的中間開始坐,原本三人的長度兩個人就占滿了



• 補充:可以利用一些既有的框架去幫助觀察– POEMS– AEIOU

• 範例

如何訓練觀察力1. 以人為本 2. 信任直覺 3. 跳脫習慣 4. 維持客觀 5. 保持好奇

6. 運用知識7. 注意脈絡8. 隨機應變9. 善用工具10. 記錄自己

Build empathy

• Empathy from Merriam Webster Dictionary

– the imaginative projection of a subjective state into an object so that the object appears to be infused with it

Build empathy• Share and identify the experience , frustration, and

challenges.• We make deep emotional connection with end user’s

need, We will be in a far better new idea in tune with the customers




Immersing in daily life• Use the ethnographer’s approach to live with and

learn about the behaviors, practices and motivation that from the context in which people will use the tool, artifact, message, and services that you intend to create

• Produce immense valuable insights about people and their need, even about need that remain unmet by our current system

• How customes’ patterns of life are changing and what they will be like in future ,

Listening openly• We should not just prepare and follow a script for

our interaction with research participant• We have to be students, not teachers and avoid

judging people’s behaviors and motivation.• We ought to think of a open-end question, suggest

general solution alternative, and be prepared to hear things

任何有關的資料,相關的 stakeholder ,訪談的技巧就像張三丰一樣都是我們的老師。

我們看張三豐打拳 (獲取有用的資料 ) ,自己練一次招 ( 可能我們會寫出腳本、訪談大綱 )


但我記得專案的目的、範疇 (記得跳舞的框框 )

開打時,快速與使用者建立情緒上的連結 (Build empathy)

開始後就讓使用者帶著我們跳舞 (Listening openly)

Looking for problem and needs

• What’s the problem– What’s not working well– How people facing challenges– How are they working around

• We can extend our thinking to not only look for problem but also to sense unstated needs

• 兩個小故事1. 更快的馬2. 賣鞋子

• 有一個產品經理到了一個孤島,發現大家都沒有穿鞋。

• 他進一步進入這個島,他發現島裡分兩族– 住在海邊,需要涼鞋– 住在內陸沼澤,需要雨鞋

• 進入內陸後,他會面了內陸沼澤的貴族,需要很潮的雨鞋


• 有一個產品經理到了一個孤島,發現大家都沒有穿鞋。

• 他進一步進入這個島,他發現島裡分兩族– 住在海邊,需要涼鞋– 住在內陸沼澤,需要雨鞋

• 進入內陸後,他會面了內陸沼澤的貴族,需要很潮的雨鞋



• 其實當初福特一群人總共有三個人,一起作了使用者研究:

• A聽到大家要更快的馬就走了• 福特與 B 他們都知道,使用者是需要更快的交通方式。

• 但 B 還是去找了更快的馬,只有福特卻開發了汽車


• 其實當初福特一群人總共有三個人,一起作了使用者研究:

• A聽到大家要更快的馬就走了• 福特與 B 他們都知道,使用者是需要更快的交通方式。

• 但 B 還是去找了更快的馬,只有福特卻開發了汽車


理解需求的方式不同改變 or 改善