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1031Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2008, 52, 1031 – 1039 DOI 10.1002/mnfr.200700293


Immunomodulatory effects of curcumin in allergy

Viswanath P. Kurup1 and Christy S. Barrios2

1 Allergy and Immunology Division, Department of Pediatric, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee,WI, USA

2 Infectious Disease Division, Department of Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI,USA

Recent years have witnessed a global increase in allergy and asthma, particularly in developed coun-tries. Attempts to develop effective control measures for allergy and asthma resulted in the explora-tion of alternate medicines including herbal remedies traditionally used in old world countries. Tur-meric is known for its multiple health restoring properties, and has been used in treating several dis-eases including several respiratory disorders. Turmeric is a common spice used in the culinary prepa-rations in South and East Asian countries. The active component of turmeric is curcumin, a polyphe-nolic phytochemical, with anti-inflammatory, antiamyloid, antiseptic, antitumor, and antioxidativeproperties. Curcumin was reported to have antiallergic properties with inhibitory effect on histaminerelease from mast cells. The effectiveness of curcumin in allergy and asthma has been further inves-tigated using a murine model of allergy. The results indicate a marked inhibition of allergic responsein animals treated with curcumin suggesting a major role for curcumin in reducing the allergicresponse. The present review focuses on the results of research aimed to understand the immunomo-dulation induced by curcumin and its associated roles in the amelioration of allergy. These findingsneeded further evaluation, extrapolation, and confirmation before using curcumin for controllingallergy and asthma in humans.

Keywords: Allergy / Curcumin / Hypersensitivities / Immunomodulation / Turmeric /

Received: July 28, 2007; revised: September 14, 2007; accepted: October 16, 2007

1 Introduction

The use of curcumin dates back to the time of Egyptianpharaohs and Indian culture more than 6000 years ago. Themedicinal properties of turmeric have been known for mil-lennia among ancient Indians and its medical propertieshave been written in the Ayurvedic texts where turmericholds a high place as a body's cleanser, and today, modernscience is finding a growing list of disease conditions wherethe active ingredient of turmeric has proven healing proper-ties [1, 2].

Turmeric is a perennial plant cultivated throughout thetropics, especially in India, China, and Indonesia. It is used

in a number of culinary preparations and curcumin givesthe curry its unique flavor and color. Curcumin the majorcomponent of turmeric rhizome is gaining attention for itspositive role in the treatment of a number of ailments. It isan effective antioxidant and has beneficial effects in inhibit-ing tumor growth. Its anti-inflammatory properties havebeen documented, so also its ability to retard some of theprogression of acquire immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS). Turmeric was introduced into the pharmacopoeiasas an indicator for testing the presence of alkalies. The yel-low pigment in curcumin readily dissolves in alcohol toform a deep yellow solution, which turns to reddish-brownin alkalies. Curcumin is often added to food products as acoloring agent and to prevent oxidation-induced spoilage offood products. In addition to its culinary uses, curcumin hasbeen used by traditional medicine for liver disease (particu-larly jaundice), indigestion, urinary tract diseases, bloodpurification, inflamed joints (rheumatoid arthritis), insectbites, dermatological disorders, and as a remedy in athero-sclerosis [3].

The chemical structure of curcumin was determined in1910, but it was only during the mid 1970s and 1980s, the

Correspondence: Dr. Christy S. Barrios, VAMC, Research Service151-I, 5000 W. National Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53295, USAE-mail: cbarrios@mcw.eduFax: +1-414-382-5374

Abbreviations: AIDS, acquired immune deficiency syndrome; CAM,complementary and alternative medicine; CTL, cytotoxic T lympho-cyte; NK, natural killer; NF-kB, nuclear factor kappa B; NO, nitricoxide; OVA, ovalbumin

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V. P. Kurup and C. S. Barrios Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2008, 52, 1031 –1039

potential uses of curcuminoids in medicine have been exten-sively studied. Curcumin is believed to have antioxidant,anti-inflammatory, and anticholesterolemic properties.Herbalists advise the use of turmeric to prevent heart diseaseand cancer, and to treat arthritis, and HIV infection. In Chi-nese traditional medicine, it is used to control hemorrhage,and to treat various diseases such as asthma and coryza. Forcenturies, turmeric has been used as a food additive, a medic-inal agent, and a dye for cosmetics and fabrics. This record ofsafety has been one of the deciding factors that allowed theFood and Agricultural Organization and the World HealthOrganization expert committee on food additives to approvecurcuminoids as natural food coloring agents [4, 5].

2 Allergy and complementary and alternativemedicine (CAM)

The United States National Center for CAM (NCCAM),defines CAM as a group of diverse medical and health caresystems, practices, and products that are not presently con-sidered to be part of conventional medicine (CAM basics.What CAM? Updated 2.2007; http://nccam.nih.gov/health/whatiscam/pdf/D347.pdf).

The historical importance of herbal medicine in the treat-ment of allergy and asthma is astounding, as most majorChinese traditional medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, andmany ancient ethnical medicines used for the treatment ofasthma are of plant origin. The different medical systemshave shown different approaches to the control of diseasesand afflictions. Inspite of the fact that modern medicine hastransformed our understanding of diseases, particularly inthe pathophysiology and innovative efforts in the successfulcontrol of a variety of diseases, a further need for an alter-

nate option is much stronger today than before [6, 7]. One-third or more of all patients with asthma from UK and Aus-tralia resorted to herbal medicine [8].

Turmeric has been used in Asia particularly in ancientIndian medicine for allergy and asthma. In recent years, anumber of studies have established the anti-inflammatory,antiseptic, antitumor, and antioxidant properties of curcu-min. Since turmeric has been shown to have antiasthmaticproperties we studied its effectiveness in allergy modelsdeveloped in mice using either fungal allergen from Asper-gillus fumigatus (results discussed below) or allergenicextract from Hevea braziliensis latex [9]. Our results indicatethat curcumin downregulated Th2 response through decreas-ed recruitment of eosinophils, reduced IgE antibody andcytokine production, and lesser inflammatory responses.

3 Biochemistry of turmeric

Curcuma longa (turmeric) is a member of zingiberaceae,the ginger family, distributed throughout tropical Africa,Asia, and the Americas (Table 1). This family of floweringplants that grows to a height of 3–5 feet consists of aro-matic perennial herbs with horizontal rootstocks or tuber-ous rhizomes. The rhizome is the portion of the plant usedmedicinally; it is usually boiled, cleaned, and dried, yieldinga yellow powder (Fig. 1). In the Ayurvedic medicine, tur-meric is thought to have many medicinal properties andmany in India use it as a readily available antiseptic andantibacterial agent. It is a popular dietary supplement inAsia and is a popular tea in the orient. Recent research hasbeen focused on its antioxidant, hepatoprotective, anti-inflammatory, anticarcinogenic, and antimicrobial proper-ties, in addition to its use in cardiovascular disease and gas-trointestinal disorders [10]. The active constituents of tur-meric are the flavenoid, curcumin, and volatile oils includ-ing tumerone, atlantone, and zingiberone. Other constitu-ents include sugars, proteins, and resins (Table 2). The bestresearched active constituent is the polyphenol curcumin,which comprises 0.3–5.4% of raw turmeric. Curcumin,also known as natural yellow 3, is used as a food color andfood additive (E100). It can exist as keto and enol formsand the former is predominant in solid phase while the enolform is more stable in solution state [11]. Pharmacologi-


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Table 1. Botanical classification of C. longa

Kingdom Plantae

Division MagnoliophytaClass LiliopsidaSubclass ZingiberidaeOrder ZingiberalesFamily ZingiberaceaeGenus CurcumaSpecies C. longa

Figure 1. (A) The whole and (B) ground turmeric rhizomes.

Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2008, 52, 1031 – 1039

cally, curcumin has been found to be safe, has no significanttoxicity reported. Clinical trials in humans indicated nodose-limited toxicity when administered at doses up to10 g/day [12].

4 Antioxidant and anti-inflammatoryproperties of curcumin

Free radicals can originate from environmental chemicalscausing tissue injury, infections, and initiate autoimmuneprocesses. Antioxidants protect the body from damagefrom free radicals. An interesting benefit of turmeric andcurcumin appears to be its significant antioxidant activity.Curcuminoids possess potential radical molecules that pre-vent free radical formation. Curcumin has been shown to beeight times more powerful than vitamin E in preventinglipid peroxidation and that curcuminoids are potent in neu-tralizing free radical molecules [13]. A recent study showedthat the superoxide dismutase and catalase enzyme activ-ities of curcumin prevent oxidative damage of Wistar ratlenses, preventing cataracts when cotreated with selenium[14]. It has been suggested that curcumin has role in reduc-ing oxidative stress by downregulation of nitric oxide (NO)formation, scavenging or neutralizing free radicals, and bybreaking the oxidative chain reaction caused by free radi-cals [15–17].

Inflammation results from a complex series of responsestriggered by the immune system resulting in tissue damage.Inflammation is known to be associated with increased lev-els of lipid peroxides and free radicals, which are generatedby inflamed tissues in the body. Moderate inflammation isnecessary for the healing process, but continuous inflam-mation leads to chronic conditions like arthritis. Curcumi-noids inhibit enzymes which participate in the synthesis ofinflammatory molecules in the body. Curcumin's anti-

inflammatory properties may be attributed to its ability toinhibit proinflammatory arachidonic acid, as well as neutro-phil function during inflammatory process [18, 19], and iscomparable in strength to steroidal and nonsteroidal drugs[18, 20, 21]. Turmeric triggers heat shock stress responseresulting in the expression of Hsp27 and Hsp70, whichstimulate the immune system. Since curcumin is a potentinhibitor of arachidonic acid metabolism, it is suggestedthat the mechanism of the stimulation by curcumin of thestress responses might be similar to that of salicylate, indo-methacin, and nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) [22].

5 Effects of turmeric and curcumin in humandisease

Animal studies involving rats and mice as well as in vitrostudies utilizing human cell lines have demonstrated curcu-min's ability to effectively inhibit carcinogenesis at threestages namely tumor promotion [23], angiogenesis [24, 25],and tumor growth [26]. Studies have suggested that curcu-min has enormous potential in the prevention and therapyof cancer because of its ability to suppress proliferation of awide variety of tumor cells [27, 28]. The anticarcinogeniceffects of curcumin may be in part due to direct antioxidantand free radical scavenging effect or via suppression of sev-eral common mutagens and carcinogens [29–32]. Curcu-min downregulate transcription factors including nuclearfactor kappa B (NF-jB), Egr-1, and AP-1 [33], the expres-sion of significant molecules such as COX2, LOX, NOS,MMP-9, uPA, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), chemokines,cell surface adhesion molecules, cyclin D1, and growth fac-tor receptors such as EGFR and HER2. Curcumin hasshown to inhibit the activity of protein tyrosine kinases,protein serine/threonine kinases, and c-Jun N-terminal kin-ase [34, 35]. Results of currently available data indicate thatoral curcumin in patients with invasive malignancy or pre-invasive lesions of the gastrointestinal tract has beneficialeffects [36, 37].

Turmeric extract may benefit heart disease by decreasingcholesterol levels and other disease risk factors. Protectiveeffect of curcumin against isoprenaline-induced myocardialischemia in rat myocardium has been reported. This effectcould be attributed to its antioxidant properties and inhibi-tory effects of xanthine dehydrogenase/xanthine oxidaseconversion, and its resultant superoxide anion production[38]. Other studies have shown that animals supplementedwith turmeric had lower total cholesterol levels than con-trols [39].

Constituents of C. longa exert several protective effectson the gastrointestinal tract [40, 41]. Sodium curcuminate,was found to inhibit intestinal spasm, and p-tolymethylcar-binol, a turmeric component, was found capable of increas-ing gastrin, secretin, bicarbonate, and pancreatic enzymesecretion [42]. Turmeric has also been shown in rats to


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Table 2. Chemistry of curcumin

Systematic name (1E,6E)-1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione

Other names Polyphenol curcumin; C. I. 75300; natural yellow 3Molecular formula C21H20O6

Molar mass 368.38 g/molAppearance Bright yellow to orange powderTautomeric forms keto


V. P. Kurup and C. S. Barrios Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2008, 52, 1031 –1039

inhibit ulcer formation caused by stress, alcohol, indome-thacin, pyloric ligation, and reserpine. This study demon-strated that turmeric extract significantly increased the gas-tric wall mucus in rats subjected to various gastrointestinalinsults [43]. Ability of curcumin to inhibit Helicobacterpylori, cancer-provoking bacteria, associated with gastricand colon cancer has been reported [41].

Curcumin and its derivatives have been shown to inhibitTat protein secreted by HIV1-infected cells that may encour-age the pathogenesis of AIDS [44]. It has been reported that18 HIV-positive patients who took curcumin daily for 20 wkhad significant increase in CD4+ T cells counts compared tocontrols [45]. Curcumin has shown to inhibit the HIV-1 inte-grase protein and the anti-HIV activity of curcumin may beattributed to the inhibition of integrase [46].

Alzheimer's disease (AD) involves amyloid beta peptide(Abeta) accumulation, oxidative damage, and inflamma-tion. Curcumin has shown potent antiamyloidogenic effects[47] and has role in the destabilization of preformed Abetain the CNS, even though the mechanisms of the inhibitionremains unclear. Curcumin has shown to reduce the accu-mulation of amyloid deposits and reduce the loss of proteinsin the spaces between brain cells in mice [48]. By reducingthe loss of protein in synapses, curcumin may also help tomaintain memory.

6 Immunological effects of curcumin

In recent years considerable attention has been directed tounderstand the immunomodulatory effects of curcumin onthe immune system. It has capabilities to modulate the acti-vation of T cells, B cells, macrophages, neutrophils, naturalkiller (NK) cells, and dendritic cells, downregulate variousproinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, and enhanceantibody responses. The effect of curcumin on the develop-ment of T cell-mediated immunological responses largelyremains unknown. Investigations directed to determine theeffect of curcumin on mitogen/antigen-induced prolifera-tion of splenic lymphocytes, induction of cytotoxic T lym-phocytes (CTLs), lymphokine activated killer (LAK) cells,and the production of cytokines by T lymphocytes and mac-rophages have been carried out in recent years. The resultsshowed that mitogen, IL-2, or alloantigen-induced prolifer-ation of splenic lymphocytes, and development of CTLs issignificantly suppressed at 12.5–30 lmol/L curcumin. Thegeneration of LAK cells at similar concentrations wasshown less sensitive to the suppressive effect of curcumincompared to the generation of antigen specific CTLs [49].Curcumin irreversibly impaired these immune functions.Pretreatment (8 h) with curcumin to lymphoid cells failedto respond to the activation signals [49]. Curcumin alsoirreversibly inhibited the expression/production of IL-2 andIFNc by splenic T lymphocytes and IL-12 and TNFa byperitoneal macrophages. Curcumin downregulated the acti-

vation of the transcription factor NF-jB without affectingthe levels of constitutively expressed NF-jB. The latterresult suggests that curcumin most likely retard cell prolif-eration, cell-mediated cytotoxicity (CMC), and cytokineproduction by inhibiting NF-jB target genes involved inthe induction of these immune responses [49].

The effects of curcumin on mitogen (phytohemaggluti-nin, PHA) stimulated T-cell proliferation, NK cell cytotox-icity, production of cytokines by human peripheral bloodmononuclear cells (PBMCs), and NO production in mousemacrophage cells, RAW-264.7 have been investigated. Theresults indicate that curcumin inhibits PHA-induced T-cellproliferation, IL-2 production, NO generation, and LPS-induced NF-jB but augments NK cell cytotoxicity. Theseresults suggest that curcumin most likely inhibits cell pro-liferation and cytokine production by inhibiting NF-jB tar-get genes involved in the induction of these immune param-eters [50].

Recently it has been shown that curcumin inhibited IL-12 production in macrophages in a dose-dependent manner,leading to the inhibition of Th1 cytokine profile in CD4+ Tcells, suggesting that a variety of known biological effectsof curcumin also include anti-inflammatory activity. Thuscurcumin may have significant implications also in thetreatment of Th1-mediated immunological disorders [51].

The reported beneficial effects of curcumin in arthritis,allergy, asthma, atherosclerosis, heart disease, Alzheimer'sdisease, diabetes, and cancer might be in part due to its abil-ity to modulate the immune system and hence its potentialrole as a therapeutic agent for immune disorders needed fur-ther attention [52].

7 Effect of curcumin in allergy

7.1 General

Recent years have witnessed a marked increase in allergy,particularly in developed countries, although a gradual andless dramatic increase also was noticed in developingnations. In line with the increase in prevalence, concertedefforts also have been directed to develop control measures.However, until now no strategies have been developed toinvestigate a long lasting cure for allergy and asthma, whichstill remains a chronic, life-long and incurable disease. Tur-meric, containing curcumin has been used in Asian coun-tries particularly in ancient Indian medicine for allergy andasthma treatment.

7.2 Animal models of allergy

Curcumin has been investigated in animal models of allergyto understand its role. It has been reported that curcumin isan effective antiallergic in type I and IV in animal modelsof allergy [53]. Curcumin has an inhibitory effect on hista-mine release from rat peritoneal mast cells [54].


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Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2008, 52, 1031 – 1039

The asthmatic property of curcumin has been recentlyinvestigated in a guinea pig model of airway hyperrespon-siveness. The guinea pigs were sensitized with ovalbumin(OVA) to develop characteristic features of asthma, e.g.,allergen-induced airway constriction and airway hyperreac-tivity to histamine. Guinea pigs were treated with curcuminduring sensitization to examine its preventive effect or afterdeveloping impaired airways features to study the therapeu-tic effects. Status of airway constriction and airway hyper-reactivity were determined by measuring specific airwayconductance. Curcumin treatment significantly inhibitsOVA-induced airway constriction and airway hyperreactiv-ity suggesting that curcumin is effective in improving theimpaired airway features in the OVA-sensitized guinea pigs[55].

The antiallergic and antioxidative activities of curcuminand related compounds, such as glycosides, reductants andbis-demethoxy analogs, have currently been investigated bySuzuki et al. [56]. Their results suggest that the hydroxygroups of curcumin play a significant role in exerting boththe antioxidative and antiallergic activities, and that most ofthe compounds develop the antiallergic activities throughmechanisms related to both antioxidative and nonantioxida-tion activities [56].

7.2.1 Latex allergy modelWe have tested curcumin in a murine model of latex allergy[9]. This model demonstrated an enhanced Th2 responserepresented by high serum IgE levels, peripheral blood andlung eosinophilia, Th2 cytokine expression, and lung path-ology. Latex exposed animals when intragastrically (IG)treated with curcumin diminished the Th2 responses with aconcurrent reduction in lung inflammation. Peripheralblood eosinophilia in curcumin-treated mice was signifi-cantly reduced, costimulatory molecule expression (CD80,CD86, and OX40L) on antigen presenting cells wasdecreased, and the expression of MMP-9, OAT, and TSLPgenes was also attenuated [9]. Taken together these resultsindicate that curcumin downregulated Th2 responsethrough reduced eosinophils, IgE antibody responses, cyto-kine, and inflammatory responses. This resulted in the over-all reduction of allergic responses and therefore curcuminmay have potential therapeutic value in controlling allergicresponses resulting from exposure to allergens.

7.2.2 Curcumin in murine model of allergicaspergillosis

Recently our group studied the role of curcumin in anallergy model developed in mice using fungal allergen fromA. fumigatus [57]. Mice were injected intraperitoneally (IP)with 100 lg of Aspergillus antigen in sterile PBS onceevery week for 2 wk. This was followed by intranasal (IN)inoculation of 50 lg of antigen in 30 lL of PBS. IN sensiti-zation was done after lightly anesthetizing the animals withHalothane aerosol and the procedure was repeated every

week for 13 wk. A group of mice was also treated with200 lg of curcumin IG. Controls included both PBS treatedmice (instead of Aspergillus antigen) and PBS and curcu-min treated. The animal study was approved by the VeteransAffairs Animal Care and Use Committee.

Our results showed that total serum IgE demonstratedgradual increase from 2 wk after the exposure to A. fumiga-tus antigens until the end of the experiment. A significantsuppression in the total IgE response (p a 0.03) was shownin mice treated with A. fumigatus and curcumin comparedto Aspergillus antigen exposed mice. The normal controlstreated similarly with curcumin showed no change in thetotal serum, [57] (Fig. 2).

Aspergillus specific IgG1 showed significant increase inthe serum of mice exposed to Aspergillus antigens. The spe-cific antibody was detected 2–3 wk after the initial expo-sure and continued to remain high until the end of theexperiment. There was Aspergillus specific IgG1 detectedin A. fumigatus and curcumin treated mice. IgG2a antibodyagainst Aspergillus showed only a slight increase in bothgroups of mice (data not shown). The eosinophils in A.fumigatus antigen treated mice continued to increase overthe experimental period. This increase started to level offafter 10–11 wk, similar to antibody levels. No demonstra-ble eosinophils were detected in the normal control micetreated with curcumin. However the A. fumigatus and cur-cumin treated mice showed only a slight increase and thisdifference between the groups were statistically significant(Fig. 3).

Antigen-induced spleen cell proliferation was studiedusing a mixture of recombinant A. fumigatus antigens,namely Asp f2, f3, and f4. There were no significant differ-ences between the curcumin treated and untreated groups inthe spleen cell stimulation (data not shown). Cytokineexpression from spleen cells were studied by culturing thecells in complete RPMI medium in the presence ofrecombinant A. fumigatus antigen for 60 h. The superna-


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Figure 2. Total IgE responses (ng/mL) detected in A. fumiga-tus and curcumin treated mice. Data are presented as mean lSEM, and p-values designated as *p a 0.05, **p a 0.001, and***p a 0.0001 versus the PBS controls.

V. P. Kurup and C. S. Barrios Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2008, 52, 1031 –1039

tants were analyzed for IFNc, IL-5, IL-4, IL-13, and IL-10by ELISA. There was no IL-4 detected in any of the cul-tures, while significant amount of IFNc was detected inspleen cells stimulated with A. fumigatus antigen from cur-

cumin treated mice. However, mice challenged only with A.fumigatus showed no significant IFNc production com-pared to control cultures without antigen (Fig. 4A). Therewas no difference in IL-5 levels in the culture supernatantsof the A. fumigatus challenged and A. fumigatus and curcu-min treated mice, although there was a trend toward lowerlevel of IL-5 in the curcumin treated mice (p a 0.16). IL-10levels in the culture supernatants of spleen cells from bothgroups failed to show any difference. The IL-13 levels,although not statistically different in the two groups, therewas a trend toward lower IL-13 production in curcumintreated mice (Fig. 4B).

There was no major difference in the T cell or B cellnumbers in the lungs. However, there was a reduction in thenumbers of NK cell population in the A. fumigatus-curcu-min treated mice compared to mice treat with A. fumigatusalone (data not shown). There was a reduction of CD80 andCD86 expression on B cells from the lungs of mice treatedwith A. fumigatus and curcumin compared to controls andA. fumigatus alone treated mice (Fig. 5). However, on mac-rophages, a reduction of CD86 expression was detected inA. fumigatus curcumin treated mice but not in the CD80expression. It is interesting to note that OX40L expressionwas detected on the B cells of mice treated with curcumin,but not on the macrophages [57].

The histology of the lungs from the different groups ofmice is shown in Fig. 6. Mice sensitized with A. fumigatusantigens showed significant interstitial inflammation withperibronchiolar and perivascular infiltrates. The inflamma-tory cells consisted primarily of small lymphocytes withplasma cells and epitheloid histiocytes. The histologicalexamination showed broncho–alveolar epithelial hyperpla-sia, increased number of goblet cells, enhanced number ofeosinophils, and occasional neutrophils. Minimal perivas-cular edema and moderate perivascular cuffing with infil-tration of eosinophils, neutrophils, and mononuclear cellswere also observed (Figs. 6C–F). The A. fumigatus sensi-


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Figure 3. Peripheral blood eosinophils in mice sensitized withA. fumigatus and treated with curcumin. Data are presentedas mean l SEM, and p-values designated as *p a 0.05, **p a

0.001 versus the PBS controls.

Figure 4. (A) IFNc and (B) IL-13 levels in the supernatants ofcultured spleen cells from mice sensitized with A. fumigatusantigens/treated with curcumin and controls. Data representthe mean l SEM. *p-values were considered to be significant.

Figure 5. Expression of CD86, CD80, and OX40L costimula-tory molecules on B220+ cells from the lungs of sensitized andnonsensitized mice. Lung cells were pooled from mice in eachgroup and analyzed by flow cytometry.

Mol. Nutr. Food Res. 2008, 52, 1031 – 1039

tized mice treated with curcumin showed much fewerlesions and are consistently devoid of any eosinophils,although some mononuclear cells were still seen. There wasless bronchial epithelial hyperplasia and very few goblets inthis group of treated animals (Figs. 6G–I). Normal controlmice and those treated with curcumin alone demonstratedno abnormality (Figs. 6A, B).

The A. fumigatus antigen-induced allergic model showedsignificant allergic response including total serum IgE,Aspergillus specific IgG1, and eosinophils in peripheralblood and lungs. The inflammatory response in the lung,namely, perivascular, peribronchial, and alveolar responsesare significantly evident in antigen exposed mice. However,mice exposed to A. fumigatus and treated with curcuminshowed reduced response in all these features. IgG2a

response, though failed to show any difference among thetwo groups, IgG2b showed an increase in curcumin treatedmice [57].

There was marked difference in the tissue and peripheralblood eosinophils between the two groups, namely A. fumi-gatus exposed mice treated with and without curcumin.

Similarly reduction in total serum IgE levels is an indicatorof reduced Th2 response. Costimulatory molecules such asCD80, CD86, and OX40L, expression on B cells and mac-rophages showed reduced expression in curcumin andA. fumigatus treated mice compared to mice treated withA. fumigatus alone. These costimulatory molecules havemajor role in the expression Th2 cytokines and IgEresponses. The overall immune response in curcumintreated mice showed a decrease may be due to the directeffect of curcumin on various factors of allergic responses.These results highlighted by the overall reduction of Th2response and inflammation suggest the need for furtherstudies [55]. In conclusion, curcumin treatment reduced theinflammatory responses in A. fumigatus exposed mice andconsistently showed lower expression of Th2 cytokines andcostimulatory molecules associated with allergenicresponses [57].

Since no information is currently available on the effec-tiveness of curcumin to allergy caused by other allergens, itwould be valuable to conduct such investigations in thefuture. This might result in elucidating the modulatoryeffects of curcumin in the Th2 response caused by differentallergens such as pollens, dust mites, and indoor molds.

8 Conclusions

In addition of curcumin's popularity as a culinary spice, yel-low dye, and preservative agent, it has been used as an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent with diverse healingbeneficial effects. Today curcumin's established food andculinary demarcation are merging with the modern medi-cine and its cutting edge research and innovations. Theresearch so far led us to consider the positive effectivenessof curcumin in the treatment and prevention of cancer, mul-tiple sclerosis, arthritis, AIDS, and Alzheimer's disease.Curcumin has shown promise also in treating allergy relatedconditions although additional studies are needed to con-firm its role and effectiveness.

We are thankful to Dr. Bryon D. Johnson and Dr. Jordan N.Fink for their interest and cooperation in the research.

The authors have declared no conflict of interest.

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Figure 6. Histology of lungs from normal controls treated withPBS (A, B), A. fumigatus antigen sensitized mice, A. fumiga-tus/P, (C–F), and A. fumigatus antigen sensitized micetreated with curcumin, (G– I) A. fumigatus/cur. A, C, and G:H&E stain 640; D and H inserts: H&E stain 6400; E: PASstain 640; B, F (insert) and I: PAS stain 6400.

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