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  • 8/22/2019 105+Muscle+Building+Recipes+Book


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  • 8/22/2019 105+Muscle+Building+Recipes+Book


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    105 Muscle-Building Recipes

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    Who doesnt like beef and pig? A lot of people love the taste of big juicy steak and bacon or ham. I personally

    cant get enough of it sometimes. But I only allow myself these tasty morsels once in a while.

    Here are some Steak and Pork Recipes:

    Crockpot Garlic and Pepper Sirloin Strips


    1-2 Pounds Beef Sirloin that you need to cut into strips

    1-2 tbs olive oil. (I prefer extra virgin)

    -1/2 cup chopped onion

    1 bouillon cube

    1 tsp sea salt or regular salt

    1 tsp soy sauce

    1-2 tsp of garlic powder (I love garlic so I always put more)

    - 1 can stewed tomatoes

    1-2 tbs of almond flour

    1-3 large green or red bell peppers chopped up

    Cooking Directions:

    Sprinkle the garlic over the sirloin strips and cook the strips over medium heat in the pan filled with olive oil.

    Once nicely cooked, place them in the Crockpot. From there, dissolve the bouillon cube in hot water and mix in

    the almond flour to thicken it up. Then pour this mixture into the Crockpot. Add in all other ingredients such as

    tomatoes, peppers, soy sauce and salt. Cook this concoction for 2 hours. Not: add the peppers in the last hour

    as they tend to get mushy if they are left in there for a long time.


    Sirloin steak

    cup balsamic vinegar

    cup olive oil

    1 tbs honey Dijon mustard or deli style mustard

    1 tsp chopped basil

    1 garlic clove crushed

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    1 tsp sea salt

    1 tsp black pepper

    Cooking Directions:

    Take all the ingredients besides the steak and mix them together thoroughly. Pour this tasty marinade in the

    bag with the steaks and leave in for a few hours. I prefer to do this over night to let all the flavors really sink

    into the steak. The next day, simply take out your marinated steaks; grill them until your liking.

    Sauted Lime Or Lemon Pork


    1-2 pounds pork tenderloin

    - cup extra virgin olive oil

    cup cup almond flour

    Sea salt and black pepper

    - cup white wine

    - cup of capers soaked in brine

    cup of lemon or lime juice

    Cooking Directions:

    Dust the pork tenderloin with sea salt and black pepper as well as the almond flour. Place the chops into a

    skillet where you had olive oil nice and hot. Cook until each side is brown then take them out of the skillet.

    From there add in the white wine, capers, and lemon or lime juice. Cook for 3-5 minutes then poor over the

    pork chops.


    Boneless pork loin

    Sea salt and black pepper

    4 tbs fresh rosemary

    3 tbs fresh parsley

    2 3 minced garlic cloves

    cup white wine

    cup chicken stock

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    Cooking Directions:

    Preheat your oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Mix the rosemary, parsley, garlic, salt and pepper together in a

    small bowl then rub them on the pork. From there, pour the white wine and chicken stock into a bowl and

    place the pork loin in pan. Pour only half of this mixture on to the pork loin roast. Let that sit in the oven for

    around 15-20 minutes. Then lower the temperature to 350 degrees for around 45 minutes to an hour and pour

    the rest of the mixture over the pork. Cook until done.

    Soy Lemon Chicken


    1 tbs extra virgin olive oil

    1 garlic clove chopped

    1 tsp chili powder

    cup water

    - cup lemon juice

    2 pounds of chicken breasts

    cup low sodium soy sauce

    Cooking Directions:

    Heat the olive oil in a pan on medium heat. Place your chicken breasts into the pan and cook until they are

    golden brown on all side. Put the garlic powder, chili, water, lemon juice and soy sauce in the same pan

    cooking on medium heat. Take the chicken and put it back into the pan cooking for 20 minutes at medium to

    low temperature.

    Herb Butter Chicken


    3-4 pounds of chicken breasts

    Sea salt and black pepper

    1 whole lemon sliced

    1 tbs chopped chives

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    2 tbs chopped dill

    2 tbs chopped rosemary

    1 tbs chopped cilantro

    1 tbs chopped tarragon

    1 stick of smart balance butter

    Cooking Directions:

    Let the butter sit at room temperature so it can get soft. Mix all the herbs in the butter. Preheat the oven for

    375 degrees Fahrenheit. Take the butter and rub it all over the chicken. Cook for around 15-20 minutes and

    then rub the rest of the butter on the chicken. Cook until done.

    Ginger Cilantro Chicken


    4 chicken breasts. No bone

    1 tbs sesame oil

    1 whole lemon squeezed of all juice

    1 tbs chopped ginger

    5 tbs chopped cilantro

    Sea salt and black pepper

    Cooking Directions:

    Mix all the spices and lemon juice together and gently brush over the chicken breasts. Let this mixture soak

    into the chicken over the course of a few hours or overnight. From there, you can just grill the chicken making

    sure not to dry them out or put them in a broiler at 375 degrees.

    Low Carb Chili Chicken Strips


    1-2 pound chicken breast tenderloins

    2-3 tbs chili powder

    - cup parmesan cheese

    Sea salt

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    stick smart balance butter

    3-4 cloves of chopped garlic

    2-3 tbs chopped basil

    Cooking Directions:

    Melt the butter in the pan with basil and garlic over medium heat for 2-3 minutes. From there, add in chili

    powder depending on how hot you like it and stir. Pour the mixture over the chicken strips. Preheat the boiler

    to 375 degrees or you can use a frying pan. Cook until done.

    Broccoli and Sirloin Strips


    1 pound sirloin strips

    2 pounds of broccoli

    Olive oil

    Italian bread crumbs

    Salt and pepper

    Garlic powder

    Cooking Directions:

    Add a pinch of sea salt and black pepper to the sirloin strips. Take the skillet with olive oil and brown the sirloin

    strips. Place to the side. From there, steam your fresh broccoli until they are nice and bright green. Once they

    are, place them in your skillet with olive oil, bread crumbs and garlic powder. Cook until the breadcrumbs are

    sticking to the broccoli. Once they are, add back your sirloin strips for 3-5 minutes constantly stirring.

    Gourmet Chicken Caesar Salad


    6 ounces chicken breasts

    1 medium red capsicum, chopped into strips

    1 clove garlic, crushed

    4-6 medium field mushrooms, finely chopped

    2 slices lean ham, chopped into 1cm x 2cm strips

    4 cups lettuce, washed and chopped

    2 sachets Tony Ferguson Salad Dressing - Caesar flavor

    Cooking Directions:

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    In a medium frying pan, heat olive oil on medium heat. Add the chicken and fry until golden. Next,

    add capsicum, garlic, mushrooms and ham. Season and combine. Cook until mushrooms turn gold

    and ham begins to crisp. Place the lettuce in a large bowl, add the dressing, season and combine.

    Roasted Garlic Eggplant


    1 large eggplant

    3 tbs olive oil

    1 garlic clove chopped

    Sea salt

    3 tbs basil chopped

    3 tbs parsley chopped

    Cooking Directions:

    Slice the eggplant into one inch thick round slices. Sprinkle salt on each slice. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.

    Pour one tablespoon of olive oil on a baking pan. Place eggplant slices on the baking pan. Mix together the rest

    of the olive oil, the chopped up garlic pieces, the chopped up basil, the chopped up parsley, and some black

    pepper. Spoon the mixture on to the top of the eggplant slices. Bake the eggplant slices about 40 to 45 minutes

    until it is soft. Remove eggplant slices and serve.

    Healthy Turkey Meatloaf

    1-2 pounds grounded lean turkey meat

    red bell pepper

    red green pepper

    cup oats

    2 whole eggs

    3 carrots

    2 tbs worcesterchire sauce

    2 tbs sea salt


    Cut up all the ingredients and all them all into the mixture of ground turkey meat, Worcestershire sauce,

    sea salt and whole eggs. Form into a loaf. Pre heat the oven to 350 degrees. Cook until golden brown on

    the top. Should take between 30-40 minutes.

    Chocolate Peanut Butter Milkshake


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    1-2 tbs organic peanut butter

    1-2 scoops chocolate protein powder

    12 ounces of coconut milk

    2 tbs cocoa powder

    2 tbs splenda

    Cooking Directions:

    Place all the ingredients into a blender at the same time. Add ice cubes and blend on high until you get a thick

    consistency. Serve chilled.

    Wilted Spinach Salad


    1 large package of spinach leaves

    6 slices cooked turkey bacon

    3 hard boiled eggs

    2 tbs olive oil (extra virgin)

    2 tbs mustard

    1 tbs lemon juice

    Cooking Directions:

    Place the spinach in a large salad bowl. Chop up the eggs into small pieces. Crumble the bacon into bits. Put

    each in a small separate bowl by the salad. In a saucepan, heat the olive oil, lemon juice and mustard until

    bubbling and warm. Pour the crumbled egg and the chopped up bacon over the spinach. Then, pour the heated

    salad dressing over the spinach and toss the salad, coating the leaves with the dressing.

    Low Carb Hot Chocolate


    Pure cocoa powder


    Coconut milk

    Cooking Directions

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    Simply add 2 tbs of cocoa powder and 2 tbs of Splenda to your mug. Fill to the brim with water. Heat in the

    microwave for 2 minutes or you can use boiling water. Add in coconut milk until you achieve the thick

    consistency that you want. Enjoy.



    12 large mushroom caps. No stems

    1.2 cup low fat cream cheese

    3 piece of cooked turkey bacon

    2 tbs chopped chives

    1 tbs horseradish

    Cooking Directions:

    Let cream cheese soften at room temperature. Crumble bacon into little bits. Mix bacon, chopped chives, and

    horseradish into the cream cheese mixture. Spoon into the mushroom caps. Enjoy.

    Low Carb Chocolate Fudge


    4 oz non fat cream cheese

    tbs vanilla

    2 tbs cocoa powder

    2 tbs smart balance butter

    3 tbs splenda

    cup heavy cream

    Cooking Directions:

    Melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. When the butter is liquid, add the vanilla, cream and the

    cream cheese, stirring frequently until all are melted. Add the Splenda. Turn down the heat, and stir in the

    chocolate powder. Stir all ingredients until thoroughly blended. Remove from heat and pour into a small

    square pan that has been sprayed with non stick spray. Refrigerate until it sets for about four hours. Cut into

    squares and serve.

    My Special Salty Rub Grilled Chicken

    1 Pound Chicken Breasts

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    4 tbs chili powder

    4 tbs garlic

    4 tbs onion powder

    2 tbs sea salt

    2 tbs black pepper

    2 tsp dill

    Simply mix all the ingredients together and rub on to a piece of thawed chicken breasts. Place on the grill and

    serve. Simple, easy, and tasty.

    Low Carb Pumpkin Spice Cake


    2 cups blanched almond flour

    Half-can of pure pumpkin (7 or 8 ounces)

    2 teaspoons baking powder

    Pinch of salt

    1/2 cup (1 stick) Smart Balance butter with omega-3, softened

    4 whole eggs, omega-3 enriched preferred (or Egg Beaters)

    1/3 cup water

    1/2 cup Splenda

    Several whoppin' big dashes of pumpkin pie spice blend (or cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, and


    Pam or spray coconut oil

    Cooking Directions:

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix dry ingredients. Mix wet ingredients. Mix the two together. A hand

    mixer works best here. Pour into a Pam or coconut oil-sprayed baking dish. Toss into the oven for

    about 45 minutes or until an inserted toothpick comes out clean.

    Cream Cheese Frosting


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    1 (4 ounce) package fat-free cream cheese, softened

    1/4 cup (half stick) Smart Balance butter with omega-3, softened

    1 cup Splenda

    Dash of vanilla extract

    Cooking Directions:

    Toss it all in a bowl and put your electric mixer to it. There ya go.

    Chicken Sausage and Bean Stew


    6 ounces fully cooked Italian sausage cut up

    2 dried zucchinis

    1 chopped small onion

    1 can red kidney beans

    1 can diced tomatoes

    8 oz tomato sauce

    cup water

    2 tbs oregano

    2 cups baby spinach

    Cooking Directions:

    Spray a large skillet with Pam spray and put over high heat. Add your sausage, zucchini and onion,

    stirring constantly for 5-6 minutes. Then add the beans, tomatoes, tomato sauce, and spices and bringthe mixture to a boil. Reduce the heat to low/medium and let simmer for 2 minutes. Add your

    spinach, remove the pan from the heat and wait till the spinach wilts. Serve.

    Coconut Milk Chocolate Truffles


    1, 14 oz can coconut milk

    2 tbs coconut oil

    500 grams 65% coco solids Cocoa powder

    Cooking Directions:

    Pour the coconut oil and coconut milk into a saucepan stirring in medium heat. Let the mixture come

    to a boil then remove from heat. Add the chocolate pieces to the mixture until it is melted then

    transfer to a bowl. Let sit in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours until it thicken. Be aware to stir casually the

    mixture throughout the time period. After time has elapsed, remove the bowl and let it sit at room

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    temperature until it reaches clay like consistency. Scoop the mixture out one by one with a small

    spoon and roll into a ball. Feel free to dust cocoa powder or assorted nuts.

    Curried Chicken Patties


    1 pound ground chicken breasts

    cup plain yogurt

    onion chopped

    1 tbs bread crumbs

    1 tbs curry powder

    teaspoon sea salt

    tsp black pepper

    Cooking Directions:

    Simply combine the chicken, yogurt, onion, breadcrumbs, sea salt and curry powder into one large

    bowl. Mix and separate into 4 patties. From here, you can either grill them or cook them in a broiler

    at until the inside of the meat registers 165 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Low Carb Lemon Glazed Orange Loaf


    2 cups almond flour

    2 tsp orange grated zest 1 tsp baking powder

    tsp baking soda

    tsp sea salt

    1 cup Splenda

    cup orange juice

    1/3 cup olive oil

    2 large omega 3 eggs

    2 tsp vanilla extract

    cup Splenda

    1 tsp grated lemon zest 2 tbs lemon juice

    Cooking Directions:

    Preheat the oven at 350 degrees. For the batter, mix the flour, orange zest, baking powder, baking

    soda and salt in a large bowl. Then mix together the 1 cup of Splenda, orange juice, oil, eggs and

    vanilla in a bowl. Then combine both ingredients. Pour into a pan and bake until a toothpick inserted

    into the loaf comes out clean. Bake for 40-45 minutes.

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    To make the glaze, mix together the cup of Splenda, lemon zest, and juice until smooth. Spread the

    glaze over the cake and serve.

    Chicken Meatloaf


    1 ground chicken breasts

    2 chopped stalks of celery

    2 whole eggs

    1 cup breadcrumbs Italian style

    2 tbs fresh chopped dill

    tsp sea salt

    tsp of black pepper

    2 tsp honey Dijon mustard

    Cooking Directions:

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Cook the celery and onion together in a separate pan for about 2

    minutes. Add the onion and celery mixture to a bowl. From there, add the chicken, eggs,

    breadcrumbs, dill, salt, pepper and mustard and mix by hand. Feel free to add ketchup or bar-b-que

    sauce to outside of the loaf before it is cooked. Bake for 60-75 minutes. Serve

    Vegetable Stew


    2 tbs olive oil 1 large chopped onion

    1 tbs peeled ginger

    3 chopped garlic cloves

    1 tbs curry powder

    1 can diced tomatoes

    1 can vegetable broth

    1 eggplant peeled and cut into 1 inch slices

    1 large zucchini peeled and cut into 1 inch slices

    3 large carrots chopped

    tsp sea salt tsp black pepper

    1 can chickpeas, rinsed

    Cooking Directions:

    Heat oil in a non-stick skillet and cook the onion, ginger, and garlic for 3-5 minutes or until softened.

    Then stir in the curry powder. Add the tomatoes and broth then bring the entire mixture to a simmer.

    From there, add the eggplant, zucchini, carrots, salt and pepper and let simmer for around 15-20

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    minutes. Stir occasionally. Stir in the chick peas after 15-20 minutes and let simmer for 5-8 minutes.


    Pork Teriyaki


    1 pound of pork tenderloin

    cup soy sauce

    2 chopped garlic cloves

    1 tbs rice wine vinegar

    1tbs light brown sugar

    1 tbs corn starch

    Cooking Directions:

    In a skillet, cook the pork until its brown on all sides. Then move it to a crock pot. Add the soy sauce,

    garlic, rice wine vinegar, brown sugar, and corn starch into the crock pot. Cook until the pork is

    tender. Go for 6-8 hours low and slow. Serve

    Shrimp Spinach Salad


    Cooked shrimp (10)

    3 cups fresh spinach

    1 large hardboiled egg

    Fresh red peppers Fresh green peppers

    3 large mushrooms

    1 tbs extra virgin olive oil

    2 tbs balsamic vinegar

    Garlic powder

    Sea salt

    Black pepper

    Sesame seeds

    Cut up all the fresh vegetables. Place into one big bowl and mix together. Add spices with the shrimpand enjoy.

    Crockpot Salsa Chicken


    8 ounces chicken breasts

    1 can of salsa

    1 can of chicken broth

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    1 can cream mushroom soup

    Cooking Directions:

    Place the chicken breasts at the bottom of the crock pot. Add your salsa, cream mushroom soup, and

    chicken broth. Set the Crockpot on low for 4-5 hours. Once time is up, shred the chicken and cook for

    another 30 minutes. Once finished, feel free to add any toppings you like such as low fat cheddar

    cheese, non fat sour cream, avocado, or guacamole.

    Low Carb Mamas Meatballs


    1 lb beef (lean)

    1lb pork (lean)

    large onion

    cup parmesan cheese

    3 eggs

    3 cloves garlic

    Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Sea salt

    Cooking Directions:

    First you need to heat the oven to 375 degrees F. From there, cook the onions in a skillet for 4-5

    minutes until they are golden brown. Then transfer the onions to a bowl and toss in the beef, pork,

    eggs, garlic, salt, cheese, and olive oil. Scoop out and make any size meatballs youd like. The largerthe size, the longer they will need to cook for in the oven. Bake until they are golden brown on the

    outside and cooked all the way through.

    Pumpkin Pie


    15 ounce can of pumpkin

    cup Splenda

    1/3 cup egg beaters

    1/3 cup apple sauce 3 tsp vanilla extract

    9 inch whole wheat pie shell

    Pumpkin pie spice


    Cooking Directions:

    Beat the eggs first in medium bowl. Once done, add in all ingredients. Continue to stir until everything

    is nice and mixed together. Add as much cinnamon and pumpkin spice as you like. Pour into the

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    wheat crust pie shell and bake at 375 degrees for 45 minutes. Make sure to check the pie is cooked by

    using a toothpick in the center.

    Moroccan Style Pork Chops


    1lb of your favorite pork chops

    1 tbs extra virgin olive oil

    1 tsp of ground cumin

    1 tsp ground coriander

    3/4 tsp sea salt

    1/8 tsp ground cinnamon

    1/8 tsp ground red pepper

    Cooking Directions:

    Mix together the extra virgin olive oil, coriander, cumin, sea salt, cinnamon and red pepper. Brush the mixture

    on both sides of the pork chops. I like to make sure both sides are nice and coated with a lot of spice. Cook on

    the grill all the way through and enjoy.

    Low Carb Taco Soup


    1lb 93% Lean ground beef

    1/2 cup onion, chopped

    2 cloves garlic, minced

    1 tbs cumin 1 tsp chili powder

    2-10 ounce cans of tomatoes, un-drained (tomatoes with green chilies)

    2 cans beef broth

    1/4 cup heavy cream

    8 oz low fat cream cheese

    Sea salt

    Cooking Directions:

    First brown the beef. Add spices and cook for 5 minutes then add tomatoes, broth and cream. Bring to arolling boil and gradually add the low fat cream cheese, stirring until completely melted and smooth. Season

    with salt to taste.

    Low Carb Beef Stroganoff


    Ground beef 1lb. 93% Lean

    Mushrooms 2 cups

    Cauliflower, frozen, cooked, 2 cup

    Cream of mushroom Soup, 1 can

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    Low fat sour Cream, 1 cup

    Cooking Directions:

    Cook the cauliflower in the microwave. Then brown the beef while the cauliflower is cooking. Once

    the beef is brown, stir in the mushrooms, the cream of mushroom soup and the low fat sour cream.

    Cook until it comes to a slow simmer. Keep it there for 3-5 minutes. Place the cauliflower on a plate

    and spread the beef mixture over it. Enjoy.

    Sugar Free Chocolate Cake


    6 Large Eggs

    Splenda, 12 tsp

    Ross Dark Chocolate Bar, 5 serving

    White Wine, 1 ounce

    Cooking Directions:

    Beat the egg white and leave it aside. Beat egg yolks with the Splenda and the sweet wine. Melt the chocolate

    and let it cool. Add in the egg whites by hand to the yolk mixture. Bake in a 9" spring form, lightly greased and

    sprinkled with almond flour for 35-40 minutes. Make sure to check with a toothpick.

    Spaghetti Squash w/ Marinara Sauce


    1 small spaghetti squash, cooked

    1 lb 93% lean ground beef

    1 can tomato sauce

    1/4 cup onion, chopped

    1 teaspoon minced garlic

    1 teaspoon basil

    1 teaspoon oregano

    Cooking Directions:

    Cut open the squash and remove the seeds. Bake in the oven at 400 degrees F for 40 minutes to an

    hour. From there, brown the beef with the chopped onion and minced garlic in a skillet. When the

    beef is browned, add in your spices and tomato sauce. Let it simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. Once

    finished, place the marinara mixture over the squash which you should split into strands. Enjoy.

    Tasty Tuna with Mustard


    1 can of white tuna

    1 tbs honey Dijon mustard

    1 tsp onion powder

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    Sea salt for taste

    Black pepper for taste

    Cooking Directions:

    Mix all the contents in a small bowl and enjoy. I guarantee you will be amazed at the taste.

    Healthy Jalapeo Poppers



    Low fat sour cream

    Crumbled turkey bacon

    Low fat cheddar cheese

    Low fat sour cream

    Cooking Directions

    Cut the jalapenos in half and take the seeds out. Mix the cream cheese and cooked turkey bacon together. Fill

    the jalapenos with the cream cheese mixture. Put the low fat cheddar cheese on top of each jalapeno half.

    Bake at 375 for 15 minutes. Take them out and put a little low fat sour cream on top of each one if you desire.


    Low Carb Pizza Crust


    3 Cups Shredded Low Fat Mozzarella

    1 Cup Shredded Monterey Jack Cheese

    4 Omega 3 Enriched eggs

    1 tsp Garlic Powder

    1 tsp Basil

    Cooking Directions;

    Bake at 450 degrees until browned to desired crispness. Enjoy. Feel free to add any toppings you would like.

    Mommas Deviled Egg Recipe


    8 boiled eggs

    1/4 cup chopped dill pickles

    2 tbsp light mayo

    1 tbsp deli style mustard

    pepper, dash to taste

    Cooking Directions:

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    Boil the eggs. Let them sit and then peel the shells off. Add eggs to a bowl and take the back of a fork and

    smash up. Add the mustard, chopped dill pickles, mayo. Mix together until nice and creamy. If needed, add

    more mayo and a little more mustard, Add salt and pepper to taste. Enjoy.

    "Grilled" Glazed Tuna Steaks


    1/3 c dry sherry

    1 T gingerroot,Minced

    1 T low sodium soy sauce

    1 t honey

    1 cl garlic,Minced

    1 lb tuna steaks cut into 4


    Combine Sherry, Gingerroot, Soy Sauce, Honey & Garlic in A 1 Cup Glass Measure. Microwave Uncovered At

    High 1 Min. OR Until Mixture Boils. Cool Slightly. Place Tuna in An 11 X 7 X 1 1/2 in. Baking Dish. Pour Marinade

    Over tuna. Cover & Chill 2 Hours. Remove Tuna From Marinade, Reserving Marinade. Preheat Grill Arrange

    Tuna On Grill With Thickest Portions To The outside. Turn Steaks Over & Baste With Marinade.

    Serve Immediately With Warm Marinade.

    Australian Grilled Fish

    Yield: 4 Servings

    4 fish steaks

    1/4 c lime juice

    2 T vegetable oil

    1 t dijon mustard

    2 t fresh ginger root --,Grated

    1/4 t cayenne pepper

    black pepper

    * For the steaks: they should be 8-10 ounces and 1-inch thick each. Use Swordfish, Halibut or Salmon steaks.

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    1. In a bowl, combine the lime juice, 1 tablespoon oil, ginger, cayenne pepper and enough freshly ground black

    pepper to suit your taste. 2. Marinate the fish in the marinade for 45-60 minutes. Turn steaks 2-3 times. 3.

    Have the grill prepared with white coals and brush the cooking grill with the remaining one tablespoon oil. 4.

    Grill the fish, brushing several times with the marinade, until cooked through and opaque in the center. Turn

    fish after about 4-5 minutes. Total grilling time will depend on your grill and the heat of the coals.

    Ayam Panggang Mesanten

    Yield: 4 Servings

    2 lb chicken

    1 t salt

    1 c oil

    1 t shrimp paste, Dried

    4 shallots, chopped

    3 garlic cloves, crushed

    3 chilies, red, fresh

    2 T oil

    2 1/3 c coconut milk

    2 bay leaves

    lemon grass stalk

    1 T juice, lime

    chilies, red, fresh

    Dried shrimp paste is also called terasi. Seed and shred the chilies. Crush lemon grass with side of cleaver. Cut

    chicken in half. Wash and pat dry. Rub with salt and oil. Grill over hot coals about 10-15 minutes each side,

    until done. Slice chicken into bite-sized pieces. Wrap shrimp paste in foil and grill each side over moderate

    heat about 2 minutes. Pound shallots, garlic, chilies, and toasted shrimp paste into a paste. Heat oil in frying

    pan. Add paste and fry on moderate heat, stirring, for about 4-5 minutes, or until dry, do not burn.

    Add coconut milk gradually, stirring after each addition. Add bay leaves and lemon grass. Bring to a boil.

    Simmer 5 minutes to allow flavors to blend.

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    Add lime juice. Stir. Add cooked chicken and reheat in sauce. Garnish with the shredded chilie. Serve with rice

    and Sambal Ulek.

    Bar-B-Q: Smoke-Grilled Salmon

    Yield: 4 Servings

    1 t lime rind, Grated

    1/4 c lime juice

    1 T vegetable oil

    1 t Dijon mustard

    1 pn pepper

    4 salmon steaks,1-inch thick


    1/3 c sesame seed [optl],Toasted

    In shallow dish, combine lime rind and juice, oil, mustard and pepper; add fish, turning to coat. Cover and

    marinate at room temperature for 30 minutes, turning occasionally. Reserving marinade, remove fish; sprinkle

    with sesame seed. Place on greased grill directly over medium heat. Add soaked wood chips. Cover and cook,

    turning and basting with marinade halfway through, for 16-20 minutes or until fish flakes easily when testedwith fork.

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    Baked Chicken Breast with Fresh Basil


    10 boneless skinless chicken breast (about 2 1/2 lbs.)

    3/4 cup lowfat yogurt1/2 chopped fresh basil

    2 teaspoons cornstarch

    1 cup bread crumbs

    2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese

    Arrange chicken in single layer in baking dish. Combine yogurt, basil and cornstarch; mix well and spread over

    chicken. Combine bread crumbs with Parmesan and sprinkle over chicken. (If making in advance, cover and

    refrigerate for up to 6 hours.) Bake chicken in 375 degrees ovenfor 30 minutes or until chicken is no longer

    pink inside.

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    Baked Potato with Spicy Chicken Topping


    4 baking potatoes

    2 tablespoons olive oil

    1/2 cup slivered almonds

    1 cup chopped onions

    1/4 teaspoon garlic powder

    1 lb. boned chicken breast, cut in strips

    2 tablespoons flour

    1 1/4 cup chicken broth

    3 tablespoons lemonjuice

    1 teaspoon cinnamon

    1 teaspoon paprika

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/2 teaspoon Tabasco

    1/2 cup raisins

    Scrub potatoes, dry and prick with fork. Cook. In a large skillet, heat oil and saute almonds until golden

    brown. Add onion and garlic. Saute until tender. Add chicken and cook, stirring, until chicken turns white.

    Sprinkle with flour and mix well. Combine broth, lemon juice, cinnamon, paprika, salt, and Tabasco. Gradually

    add to chicken mixture, stirring constantly, until mixture boils and thickens. Stir in raisins.

    Simmer 3 minutes. Spoon over blossomed potatoes.

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  • 8/22/2019 105+Muscle+Building+Recipes+Book


    Beef Tenderloin with Cabernet Cherry Sauce


    4 small filet mignon steaks (about 1/4 pound each)

    1/2 teaspoon salt 2 garlic cloves, pressed

    1/2 teaspoon cracked pepper or freshly ground pepper

    Cabernet Cherry Sauce:

    1 1/2 cups Cabernet Sauvignon or Burgundy

    3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

    4 whole cloves

    8 whole pepper corns

    1 bay leaf, torn into small pieces 1/2 pound fresh Bing cherries, rinsed Salt

    and pepper for seasoning Optional: 12 teaspoon


    Set oven controls to broil. Line a broiling pan with aluminum foil and place in the oven on the top rack to

    preheat. Trim the steaks of visible fat. Rub the garlic evenly over the steaks and season with salt and cracked

    pepper. Set aside until ready to broil.

    Add the Cabernet and balsamic vinegar to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Tie the cloves, peppercorns, and

    bay leaf in a bundle with a small piece of cheese cloth. Add the bundle to the wine mixture. Allow the

    mixture to reduce to 1/2 cup, about 15 minutes. While the wine is reducing, pit the cherries. Cut the cherries

    into quarters and add to the wine mixture. Cover and cook over mediumhigh heat until the cherries are

    tender, about 10 minutes. Season the sauce with salt and pepper. Add the sugar to balance the flavors, if

    needed. The sauce should have a deep robust flavor but not be too sweet. While the sauce is cooking, broil

    the steaks for 34 minutes per side medium rare. To serve, remove the spice bundle from the sauce. Place

    the steaks on individual plates with the sauce spooned over the top.

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    Black Bean Lasagna


    1 28 ounce jar tomato pasta sauce

    1/2 cup water 2 cans (15 ounce) black beans, rinsed and drained

    1 3/4 cups lowfat ricotta cheese

    1 egg

    12 uncooked lasagna noodles

    2 1/2 cups shredded skim mozzarella cheese

    Preheat oven to 375F. Over low heat, simmer tomato sauce, water, and black beans. Meanwhile, in a small

    bowl, combine ricotta cheese and egg. Set aside. Using a 9 X 13 inch baking dish, place 1 cup of the

    bean/sauce mixture on the bottom of the dish.

    Place 3 pieces ofuncooked lasagna noodles on top of the sauce. Next, spread about 2/3 cup of the ricotta

    mixture over the noodles. Top with 1 cup of the bean/sauce mixture, lastly about 1/2 cup of the mozzarella.

    Repeat two layers of noodles, ricotta, bean/sauce, and mozzarella. Then place on the remaining 3 lasagna

    noodles and pour the remaining bean/sauce mixture over all. Top with remaining mozzarella. Cover with foil

    and bake at 375F for 30 minutes. Remove foil and continue to bake another 15 minutes. Remove from oven

    and let stand for 15 minutes before cutting.

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    Buffalo Chicken Strips


    Blue Cheese Dip:

    2/3 cup nonfat plain yogurt

    2 tablespoons reducedfat mayonnaise

    2 ounces crumbled blue cheese

    3 tablespoons finely chopped scallions

    1/4 teaspoon coarsely ground black pepper

    Chicken Strips and Celery Sticks:

    1 teaspoon vegetable oil

    1/2 pound skinless boneless chicken breasts, cut crosswise into 1/4inch strips

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    2 teaspoons butter

    1 tablespoon Frank's original hot sauce

    5 celery stalks, cut into 3inch sticks

    In a small bowl, whisk together the yogurt, mayonnaise and blue cheese. Stir in the scallions and pepper and

    set aside while preparing the chicken. Cover and refrigerate.

    Heat the oil in a large, preferably nonstick skillet. Season the chicken with thesalt. Cook the chicken over

    mediumhigh heat, stirring frequently, until lightly browned and cooked through, 3 to 4 minutes. Remove the

    skillet from the heat. Add the butter and hot sauce to the pan and swirl until the butter barely melts and thesauce coats the chicken. Serve the chicken and celery sticks along with the blue cheese dip. Provide

    toothpicks for spearing the chicken and dipping it in the sauce.

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    ChileCheese Chowder


    2 bacon slices

    1 cup chopped carrot

    1 cup chopped, seeded, poblano chiles

    1 cup chopped onion

    2 tablespoons minced, seeded jalapeno peppers

    1/2 teaspoon ground cumin

    3 cloves garlic, minced

    2 (16 oz.) cans fatfree chicken broth

    5 cups diced, peeled, baking potato

    1/2 teaspoon salt

    1/3 cup flour

    2 1/2 cups 1% milk

    3/4 cup shredded Monterey Jack cheese

    1/2 cup shredded reducedfat sharp cheddar cheese

    2/3 cup sliced green onions

    In a dutch oven, cook bacon until crisp. Reserve 1 tablespoon drippings in pan, removebacon and set it aside.

    To the pan add carrots, chiles, onion, jalapeno, cumin, and garlic.Saute until browned. Stir in broth and

    scrape bottom of pan to release browned bits. Add potatoes and salt, cover, and simmerfor 25 minutes.

    Whisk together flour and milk, add to potato mixture while stirring and cook over medium heat until

    thickened stirring often (about 10 minutes). Remove from heat, stirin cheeses until melted. Serve in bowls

    topped with crumbled bacon and sliced greenonions.

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    Chili Dip


    1 15ounce Hormel Turkey With Beans, 99% FatFree Chili

    1 8 oz. package fatfree cream cheese 1 cup reduced fat shredded sharp cheddar cheese

    Allow the cream cheese to soften completely to room temperature. Spread the cream cheese on the bottom

    of a shallow casserole type dish. Next, evenly spread the chili over the cream cheese. Lastly, sprinkle the

    shredded cheese over the chili. Bake at 350F for 20 to 25 minutes or until heatedthrough. Serve hot with

    baked tortilla chips.

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    Chipotle Turkey Chili


    Olive oil cooking spray

    1 medium onion, diced 4 garlic cloves, minced

    12 tablespoons chili powder

    2 15ounce cans tomato sauce

    23 cups turkey, diced

    2 15ounce cans red kidney beans

    12 chipotle chilies, finely diced

    Salt and pepper for seasoning

    Garnish: Grated cheddar cheese and sliced green onions

    Lightly oil a large saucepan with cooking spray. Heat for a few minutes over mediumhigh heat. Add theonions, garlic and chili powder. Cook while stirring for about 5 minutes. Add the tomato sauce and bring to

    a boil. Add the turkey, kidney beans, and chipotle chilies. Heat through and season to taste with salt and

    pepper. Serve garnished with grated cheddar cheese and green onions.

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    Chutney Chicken Salad


    2 cups diced cooked chicken

    1/4 cup mango chutney 1 small golden delicious or gala apple, cored and finely diced

    1/4 cup finely diced celery

    1/4 cup finely diced red onion

    1/4 1/3 cup lowfat mayonnaise

    Salt and pepper for seasoning

    Mix all ingredients together. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Use as a sandwich filling or serve on top of

    a bed ofgreens.

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    Colorful Chicken Stew


    1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts, cubed

    1 (14 1/2 oz.) can Italian diced tomatoes, undrained 2 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into 1/2inch cubes

    5 medium carrots, chopped

    3 celery ribs, chopped

    1 large onion, chopped

    1 medium green bell pepper, chopped

    2 (4 oz.) cans mushroom stems and pieces, drained

    2 lowsodium chicken bouillon cubes

    Artificial Sweetener equal to 2 tsp. sugar

    1 tsp. chili powder

    1/4 teaspoon pepper 1 tablespoon cornstarch

    2 cup cold water

    In a 5quart crockpot, combine the first 12 ingredients. In a small bowl, combine cornstarch and water until

    smooth. Stir into chicken mixture. Cover and cook on LOW for 8 to 10 hours or until vegetables are tender.

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    Crab Imperial


    1 lb. Crab meat, cooked (imitation can be used)

    1/2 cup pimento, chopped

    1/2 cup celery, chopped fine

    2 slices bread, low cal, crustless

    2 egg whites, beaten

    1 cup low fat yogurt

    dash of Worchestershire sauce

    1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper

    1 teaspoon dry mustard

    1/4 teaspoon salt

    Juice of 1/2 lemon Paprika

    Combine the crab meat, pimento, and celery in a mixing bowl. Crumble the slices of bread and add to themixture. Gently add the egg white, yogurt, Worchestershire sauce, cayenne, mustard, salt, and lemon juice.

    Place in a sprayed casserole dish.Top with a sprinkle of paprika. Bake at 400F for 15 to 20 minutes, until


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    Crockpot Tostada


    3/4 pound ground turkey

    1 eggplant, cubed 1 cup fresh or canned salsa

    1 (6oz) can tomato paste

    1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley

    1 tablespoon chili powder

    1 teaspoon ground cumin

    1 teaspoon dried oregano

    1 (10oz) pkg. frozen corn, thawed

    1/2 cup plain lowfat yogurt

    2 cups shredded lettuce

    1/2 cup sliced ripe olives 1/2 cup low fat shredded cheese

    4 pita rounds, halved, toasted

    Combine turkey, eggplant, salsa, tomato paste, parsley, chili powder, cumin, oregano and corn in

    slowcooker. Cover and cook on low 5 to 6 hours. Stir with a fork to break up large chunks of turkey.

    Spoon about 3/4 cup cooked turkey mixture on each pita half. Top with yogurt, lettuce, olives andcheese.

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    Spicy CucumberAvocado Soup


    1/2 firmripe California avocado

    1 1/2 pounds cucumbers, cut into 1/2inch pieces 1 (8oz) container plain lowfat yogurt (1 cup)

    3 tablespoons chopped fresh chives

    1 teaspoon fresh limejuice

    1 teaspoon salt, or to taste

    1/2 teaspoon chopped fresh jalapeno chile with seeds

    1 cup small ice cubes

    Garnish: diced avocado and chopped chives

    Peel and pit avocado. Blend all ingredients in a blender until very smooth, about 1 minute.

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    Curried Cauliflower


    1 whole medium onion, chopped

    3 garlic cloves, minced

    1/21 serrano chile, seeds removed and finely chopped

    2 teaspoons curry powder

    1 pound ripe roma tomatoes, seeded and chopped or 1 can (14 1/2ounces) chopped tomatoes in


    1 medium cauliflower, rinsed and cut into even size florets salt and

    freshly ground black pepper for seasoning

    1/2 cup chopped cilantro

    Grease the bottom of large saucepan with nonstick spray. Heat the pan over moderatelyhigh heat for a few

    minutes. Add the onions and cook for 34 minutes stirring frequently. Add the garlic, serrano chile, and curry

    powder. Cook for a minute longer. Add the tomatoes and cauliflower. Stir to combine and blend the

    seasonings. Cover, reduce heat, and simmer for 1520 minutes until the cauliflower is very tender. Season

    with salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with chopped cilantro.

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    Finger Lakes Chicken


    2/3 cup fatfree mayonnaise 1 tablespoon salt

    1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

    1 1/2 teaspoons poultry seasoning

    1 cup distilled white vinegar

    4 boneless chicken breasts

    In a shallow glass bowl combine the mayonnaise, salt, pepper, poultry seasoning and vinegar. Mix together.

    Reserve 1/4 of the sauce for basting. Pierce chicken pieces with a fork and add to remaining sauce, tossing to

    coat. Cover and refrigerate for 2 to 4 hours to marinate. Lightly oil grill and preheat to medium high. Remove

    chicken pieces from sauce/marinade and grill for 6 to 8 minutes on each side or until chicken is nolonger

    pink and juices run clear. Baste with reserved sauce while grilling.

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    Garden Burger


    2 Tbs. bulgur wheat

    1 pound mushrooms, halved or quartered 1 cup diced onion

    1/2 cup rolled oats

    2/3 cup cooked brown rice

    1/2 cup shredded lowfat mozzarella cheese

    2 Tbs. shredded lowfat cheddar cheese

    2 Tbs. lowfat cottage cheese

    1/2 tsp. salt

    1/2 tsp. garlic powder

    dash ofpepper

    2 Tbs. cornstarch olive oil cooking spray

    1/4 cup boiling water

    1/2 cup water

    Add the boiling water to the bulgur wheat in a small bowl and let sit for aboutan hour. The wheat will swell

    to about double in size. Steam the quartered mushrooms for about ten minutes or until tender. Remove and

    steam onions for about ten minutes or until they become translucent. Keep these two ingredients separated

    and set them aside. Add 1/2 cup water to theoats and let them soak for about ten minutes. Drain any excess

    water from the bulgur wheat and oats, then combine the grains with the mushrooms, rice, cheeses and

    spices in a food processor and pulse four or five times until ingredients are chopped fine but not pureed.

    Pour the mixture in a bowl and add the steamed onion and cornstarch, blending well.

    Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Spray a large skillet with olive oil cooking spray and place it over mediumlow

    heat. Measure a 1/2 cup of the patty mixture at a time into the pan and shape with a spoon into a 3" round

    patty that is about 1/2" thick. Cook for two to four minutes per sideor until light brown on the surface. When

    all of the patties have been browned, arrange them on a lightly sprayed baking sheet and bake them for 20 to

    25 minutes in the oven. Be sure to turn them over halfway through the cooking time. Patties may be frozen

    once they havecooled.

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    Greek Burgers


    2 garlic cloves, minced

    3 tablespoons fresh mint, chopped 11/2 cups non/lowfat yogurt

    11/2 pounds ground turkey, lean

    21/4 teaspoons feta cheese, crumbled

    6 pita bread loaves, cut in half

    11/2 tomatoes, sliced

    11/2 red onions, sliced

    fresh ground black pepper, to taste

    Combine garlic and mint in a small bowl and mash. Add yogurt, mix, and set aside. Combine turkey and feta

    cheese in a mixing bowl. Form into 8 patties and sprinkle with pepper. Broil 510 minutes per side or untilturkey is cooked through. Serve in pita bread with tomatoes, onions and yogurt sauce.

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    Smoked Eggplant and Yogurt


    1 medium eggplant, peeled and chopped

    1/2 cup lightly salted water

    1 1/2 cups plain regular or lowfat yogurt

    1 small bunch green onions, diced

    1/2 bunch cilantro, diced

    1 teaspoon ground black pepper salt


    1/4 teaspoon paprika

    1 piece charcoal

    1 5x5 inch piece aluminum foil

    1 tablespoon margarine or shortening

    In a pot over medium heat, add the eggplant and water; cook until tender and the water evaporates. Mash

    the eggplant so no large chunks remain. Allow to coolcompletely. In a large bowl, add the yogurt, mashed

    eggplant, green onions, cilantro, pepper and salt; mix well. To smoke the salad, heat the charcoal over open

    flame until gray and reddish in color. Place the piece of foil in the eggplant salad (make room in the center for

    the foil). Place the hot charcoal on the piece offoil in the bowl. Add the margarine on top of the charcoal and

    cover salad bowl immediately. Allow to smoke for 10 minutes; remove charcoal. Chill the salad in the

    refrigerator and garnish with fresh chopped cilantro and a sprinkle ofpaprika.

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    Stuffed Mushrooms


    18 large mushrooms

    1 tablespoon olive oil 1/4 cup onion, minced

    1 clove garlic, minced

    1/4 cup walnuts, finely chopped

    1 shredded wheat biscuit, crushed

    1 tablespoon Parmesan cheese, grated pepper


    1/2 teaspoon paprika

    1/8 teaspoon basil

    1/8 teaspoon parsley

    1/8 teaspoon oregano

    Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Clean mushrooms and wipe dry. Remove stems and chop fine. Heat oil in a

    skillet over medium high heat and saute chopped mushroom stems, onions, garlic and walnuts until onion is

    tender. Remove from heat. Stir in shredded wheat, cheese, basil, parsley, oregano, and pepper. Stuff

    mushroomcaps, packing mixture firmly. Arrange mushrooms in a shallow baking dish and sprinkle tops with

    paprika. Bake 20 to 25 minutes or until mushrooms are tender.

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    Zucchini Stuffed Chicken


    2 tablespoons margarine

    2 medium zucchini, shredded

    3 slices ofbread

    1 egg white

    1 teaspoon butter oil

    1/2 cup shredded low fat Swiss cheese

    4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts

    1/4 teaspoon garlic salt

    dash ofpepper

    dash ofpaprika

    Melt margarine in a skillet and saute zucchini several minutes over mediumhigh heat. Tear the bread into

    pieces and add to zucchini, along with egg white, butter oil,and cheese. Stir well and remove from heat.

    Season chicken breasts with spices. Put chicken breasts in casserole sprayed with cooking spray. Spread

    stuffing over all four. Cover casserole and bake at 400F for approximately 1 hour or until chicken is tender. Or

    microwave for approximately 20 minutes at 60%, turning after 10 minutes.

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    Broiled Or Grilled Fish W/ Black-Bean Salsa

    Yield: 4 Servings

    15-16oz. can black beans

    oranges, peeled, chopped

    tomato, seeded, chopped

    1/2 c cilantro, fresh, chopped

    jalapeno pepper, lg, minced

    1 1/2 T lime juice, fresh

    1 T olive oil

    avocado, peeled, chopped

    6oz. red snapper fillets

    olive oil

    lime juice, fresh

    cilantro, chopped

    Combine first 7 ingredients in medium bowl (jalapeno should be seeded, but not deveined. Black Beans should

    be drained and rinsed).Season salsa to taste with salt and pepper. (can be prepared 1 day ahead. cover and

    refrigerate.). Mix chopped avocado into salsa. Cover and refrigerate

    Preheat grill. Brush fish with oil; sprinkle with fresh lime juice, salt and pepper. Broil or grill until just cooked

    through (about 9 minutes per inch of thickness if broiling). Transfer fish to plates. Sprinkle with chopped fresh

    cilantro. Serve fish with salsa.

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    Lemon Berry Smoothie

    What You Need:

    1 (6 oz) container low fat lemon yogurt

    1 (20 oz) can crushed pineapple in its own juice, drained

    1 (16 oz) can blackberries in lite syrup, drained

    1 C ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Place the yogurt in the blender.

    Add the drained pineapple and blackberries.

    Place the ice cubes on top.

    Blend until smooth.

    Any type of fruit yogurt will work with this recipe. Try different kinds to which see ones your family enjoy the


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    Love That Fruit Smoothie

    What You Need:

    1 Bart let pear, peeled, cored and cut into small chunks

    C seedless grapes

    1 banana, cut into small chunks

    2 tsp. honey

    C cranberry juice

    6 ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Place the pears, grapes, banana and honey into the blender.

    Puree until very smooth.

    Add the cranberry juice and pulse 2 or 3 times until mixed together.

    Add the ice and blend until mixture begins to thicken.

    Kids love this smoothie. The fruit mixed with honey gives it a slightly sweet taste that appeals to children. If

    your children dont enjoy cranberry juice experiment with their favorite juices until you find just the right onefor them.

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    Peach and Almond O J

    What You Need:

    1 C orange juice

    1 C frozen peaches

    1 frozen banana, cut into small chunks

    2 TBSP toasted slivered almonds

    How to Make It:

    Pour the juice into the blender.

    Carefully add the peaches and banana.

    Add the almonds.

    Blend until smooth.

    Pecans also work well in this smoothie. For a little different taste, use pineapple juice in place of the orange


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    Energize Me Smoothie

    What You Need:

    C crushed pineapple, drained

    1 apricot, chopped

    4 strawberries, trimmed and chopped

    1 banana, chopped

    1 C water

    1 TBSP powdered skim milk

    1 TBSP protein powder

    1 tsp. flax oil seed

    How to Make It:

    Place all the fruit into the blender.

    Blend just slightly to combine.

    Add the water, powdered milk, powdered protein and flax oil seed.

    Blend until smooth.

    The protein powder and flax oil seed add to making this smoothie a healthy drink. They are optional if you

    prefer to leave them out.

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    An Eskimos Favorite

    What You Need:

    1 frozen peach

    10 frozen blueberries

    1 (6 oz) container frozen low fat vanilla yogurt

    C skim milk

    TBSP pecans, crushed

    tsp. salt

    tsp. vanilla

    How to Make It:

    Place the peach and blueberries into the blender.

    Add the yogurt and pulse a couple of times to combine.

    Add the milk, pecans and vanilla.

    Sprinkle in the salt.

    Blend until just smooth.

    Because the fruit is frozen this drink is great on a warm day. The salt is optional if you prefer to leave it out.

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  • 8/22/2019 105+Muscle+Building+Recipes+Book


    Nothing but Fruit

    What You Need:

    1 C orange juice

    1 C papaya, peeled and diced

    C cantaloupe, peeled and diced

    C mango, peeled and diced

    2 apricots, pitted and diced

    How to Make It:

    Pour the orange juice into the blender.

    Add the papaya, cantaloupe, mango and apricots.

    On medium speed puree mixture for 1 minute.

    If you like fruit youll like this smoothie. This is one way to ensure you get the recommended amount of fruit

    in a daily diet.

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    A Great American Smoothie

    What You Need:

    1 C vanilla ice cream

    C applesauce

    1 tsp. lemon juice

    tsp. apple pie spice

    2 ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Place the ice cream in the blender.

    Add the applesauce, lemon juice, apple pie spice and the ice cubes.

    Blend until the mixture become creamy.

    Serve immediately.

    This is a great drink for kids in the summertime. The ice cream, applesauce and apple pie spice makes this

    drink taste just like Moms homemade apple pie.

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    Color Me Up

    What You Need:

    2 C vanilla ice cream

    2 C apple cider

    2 TBSP honey

    tsp. ground cinnamon

    tsp. nutmeg

    Food coloring

    How to Make It:

    Put the ice cream in the blender.

    Add the apple cider, hone, cinnamon and nutmeg.

    Blend until smooth.

    Add any color of food coloring you desire.

    Blend in short spurts until drink has reached the desired color.

    Serve immediately.

    The idea of changing the color gives them an added bit of excitement to a childs drink. It can also be great for

    something special on a holiday morning such as red for Valentines Day, green for St. Patricks Day or even

    orange for Halloween.

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    No Need for Pancakes Smoothie

    What You Need:

    1 banana, cut into chunks

    4 strawberries, stemmed and cut into chunks

    8 oz. milk

    1 TBSP almond butter

    2 tsp. maple syrup

    How to Make It:

    Place the banana and strawberry chunks into the blender.

    Slowly pour in the milk.

    Add the almond butter and maple syrup.

    Blend until very smooth.

    Some mornings there is just no time to make those beloved pancakes. Give the kids one of these and they will

    enjoy it just as much. Try other types of fruit for a little change.

    Blue Sky Smoothie

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    What You Need:

    C orange juice

    C frozen blueberries

    C canned peaches, chopped

    1 (6 oz) container vanilla yogurt, frozen

    1 ice cream scoop orange sherbet

    2 TBSP honey

    1 C ice, crushed

    How to Make It:

    Pour the orange juice into the blender.

    Add the blueberries, peaches, yogurt and sherbet.

    With a rubber spatula fold in the honey and ice.

    Cover blender and blend until smooth.

    This also tastes great with pineapple sherbet and pineapple juice. The honey gives it a slightly sweet taste so

    use unsweetened pineapple juice when making it this way.

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    Pick Me up Smoothie

    What You Need:

    2 bananas, peeled and cut in chunks

    2 peaches, peeled, pitted and cut in chunks

    1 (8 oz) can crushed pineapple, drained

    1 C milk

    How to Make It:

    Place all the ingredients into the blender in the order they are listed.

    Blend until mixture is smooth.

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    Hippity Hoppity Smoothies

    What You Need:

    1 C orange juice

    C milk

    1 pint pineapple sherbet

    2 (6 oz) cartons pina colada yogurt

    2 bananas cut in chunks

    1 tsp. vanilla extract

    1 C whip topping, divided

    2 drops red food coloring

    Black string licorice

    How to Make It:

    Pour the orange juice and milk into the blender.

    Carefully add the sherbet, yogurt and bananas.

    Add the vanilla extract.

    Blend until very smooth.

    Pour into glasses.

    Place 2/3 C of the whipped topping into a plastic baggie.

    Cut one corner of the bag to make a small hole.

    Carefully create a small circle on top of the smoothie.

    Place the other 1/3 of the whip topping in another plastic bag.

    Add the food color and gently mix until the topping has turned slightly pink.

    Cut the corner of the bag and make the eyes, nose and the ears for the rabbit.

    Cut the licorice strings to make the whiskers for each rabbit.

    Place the whiskers on the rabbit face upward toward the edge of the glass.

    Serve immediately.

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    I Need Chocolate Smoothie

    What You Need:

    1 C chocolate milk

    1 C chocolate ice cream

    1 Three Musketeers candy bar, cut into small chunks

    How to Make It:

    Place all the ingredients into the blender.

    Blend on medium speed until smooth.

    Serve immediately and enjoy.

    If you crave chocolate this is the smoothie for you. Any type of candy bar will work so use your favorite for a

    great afternoon treat. Oh yea kids love it too.

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    Melon Berry Smoothie

    What You Need:

    of a cantaloupe, peeled, seeded and chunked

    1 C fresh raspberries

    C yogurt

    1 TBSP sugar

    How to Make It:

    Place the cantaloupe and raspberries in the blender.

    Gently fold in the yogurt.

    Sprinkle with the sugar.

    Blend until smooth.

    Using a flavored yogurt will change the taste of your smoothie. Experiment with different flavors to find the

    right taste for you. If you are using a flavored yogurt adjust the sugar for your taste.

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    Sweet and Sour

    What You Need:

    C pineapple juice

    C grapefruit juice

    4 strawberries, stemmed and cut into pieces

    1 banana, peeled and cut into pieces

    How to Make It:

    Pour both juices into the blender.

    Add the strawberry and banana pieces.

    Blend until mixture is smooth and as thick as you like.

    If the mixture isnt as thin as you would like add a little more pineapple, grapefruit juice or both. Continue to

    blend until the mixture is to your liking.

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    Cheesecake in a Glass

    What You Need:

    1 egg

    1 (4 oz) pkg. cream cheese softened and chunked

    C milk

    1 tsp. almond extract

    2 C vanilla ice cream, slightly softened

    1 C cherry jam

    1 C sweet cherries, pitted and slightly frozen

    How to Make It:

    Carefully break the egg into the blender.

    Blend for 10 seconds.

    Place the cream cheese chunks, the milk and the almond extract into the blender.

    Blend on medium speed until very smooth.

    Place the ice cream, jam and cherries into the blender.

    Blend until creamy.

    This tastes just like cherry cheesecake. If you dont like cherries try strawberries with vanilla extract.

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    Cherry Blossom

    What You Need:

    2 C cherries, sweet or tart and frozen

    1 banana, peeled and cut into pieces

    1 C cherry juice

    Maraschino cherries

    How to Make It:

    Place the frozen cherries, the banana pieces and the juice into the blender.

    Blend until smooth.

    Pour into glasses and top with the maraschino cherries.

    Sweet cherries make this drink quite a sweet delight. Tart cherries take away some of the sweetness but they

    still make a delightful drink.

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    Peppermint Stick

    What You Need:

    4 ice cream scoops peppermint chocolate chip ice cream

    1 C milk

    2 drops peppermint extract

    How to Make It:

    Place the ice cream in the blender.

    Pour in the milk.

    Add the drops of extract.

    Cover and blend until smooth and creamy.

    If you cant find peppermint chocolate chip ice cream use plain peppermint ice cream. By adding about of a

    bag of semi sweet chocolate chips you can achieve the same taste.

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    How Now Brown Cow

    What You Need:

    C chocolate ice cream

    2 TBSP chocolate ice cream topping

    C brewed coffee, cooled to room temperature

    C club soda

    How to Make It:

    Place the ice cream in the blender.

    Add the topping and coffee.

    Blend until mixture is smooth.

    Remove the cover and add the club soda.

    Stir with a rubber spatula just until the club soda is mixed in.

    Serve immediately.

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    If you are watching what you eat, but would still like a nice treat, try using a low fat ice cream with a sugar free

    topping to make this scrumptious delight. PB and Banana Chocolate Smoothie

    What You Need:

    1 C chocolate milk, very cold

    1 banana, peeled and cut into pieces

    2 TBSP creamy peanut butter

    2 ice cubes, crushed

    How to Make It:

    Place the milk into the blender.

    Add the banana and peanut butter.

    Carefully place the crushed ice into the blender.

    Blend until smooth.

    Drink immediately.

    By leaving out the banana you can have a Reese cup smoothie. Kids enjoy both types of this drink and will beasking for it over and over again.

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    Its all About the Juice

    What You Need:

    C orange juice

    C pineapple juice

    C grapefruit juice

    C lime juice

    4 TBSP low fat plain yogurt

    1 C ice

    How to Make It:

    Pour all four juices into the blender.

    Add the yogurt and ice.

    Blend until smooth.

    If the drink is too thick for you add some extra juice of your choice. Add one tsp. at a time blending after each

    addition to reach the desired consistency.

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    You Could Have Had a Smoothie

    What You Need:

    2 C vegetable juice

    C carrot juice

    1 tsp. hot sauce

    1 tsp. lemon juice

    4 spinach leaves

    1 tsp. parsley flakes

    12 ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Pour the vegetable juice and carrot juice into the blender.

    Add the hot sauce and lemon juice

    Place the spinach leaves into the juices.

    Sprinkle in the parsley.

    Carefully add the ice cubes.

    Blend until mixture is creamy.

    If you like thicker smoothies, dont blend for too long. Blending breaks down the ingredients. Chop the

    spinach to help blend them faster.

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    Its Summer Again Smoothie

    What You Need:

    1 nectarine, pitted and chopped

    1 (6 oz) container peach yogurt frozen

    C Pine-Orange-Guava juice

    C lemonade

    2 tsp. sugar

    How to Make It:

    Place the nectarine and peach yogurt into the blender

    Add the juice and lemonade.

    Sprinkle in the sugar.

    Blend on high until smooth.

    If you are watching what you eat or cannot have sugar replace the lemonade with a sugar free type and use 1

    packet of sweetener in place of the sugar.

    Berry Custard Smoothie

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    What You Need:

    3 eggs

    C sugar

    tsp. salt

    3 C milk

    1 C cream

    tsp. vanilla extract

    Assorted berries

    How to Make It:

    Place the eggs in a mixing bowl and beat just until mixed together.

    Add the sugar and salt.

    Gently stir in the milk and cream.

    Place mixture in a saucepan over low heat.

    Cook, stirring continuously, until mixture is thick enough to coat the spoon.

    Remove and stir in the vanilla.

    Refrigerate until cold.

    Remove and beat with an electric mixture until blended together well.

    Place in glasses and top with the assorted berries before serving.

    Because the mixture sets up like custard you must use the electric mixer before serving. This will ensure the

    mixture is more of a drinkable consistency.

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    Tutti-Fruiti Smoothie

    What You Need:

    1 (8 oz) can fruit cocktail, untrained and chilled

    1 C milk

    C nonfat milk powder

    tsp. vanilla

    C ice cubes

    2 dashes cinnamon

    How to Make It:

    Place the fruit cocktail juice and all in the blender.

    Pour in the milk.

    Add the milk powder and vanilla.

    Blend on low until just combined.

    Add the ice cubes and blend until smooth.

    Add the cinnamon as a garnish just before serving.

    This is a child favorite. The juice from the fruit cocktail makes this a sweet drink that appeals to children

    especially when its warm outside.

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    The Greener Side of Fruit Smoothie

    What You Need:

    2 C honeydew melon, cut into pieces

    2 kiwi, peeled and cut into pieces

    1 green apple, peeled, cored and cut into pieces

    1 TBSP lime juice

    4 TBSP sugar

    1 C ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Place all the fruit pieces into the blender.

    Add the lime juice and blend 30 seconds to combine.

    Sprinkle in the sugar and add the ice cubes.

    Continue blending until mixture becomes very smooth.

    If you prefer a more tangy bite leave out the sugar or add just a little at a time to reach the desired sweetness.

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    Lemon Surprise

    What You Need:

    1 C watermelon, seeded and cut into chunks

    1 C lemon sherbet

    1 TBSP lemon juice

    10 ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Place the watermelon chunks into the blender.

    Add the frozen sherbet and lemon juice.

    Place the ice cubes on top.

    Cover and blend until smooth.

    This is a special treat on a hot summers day. Even with the lemon kids enjoy this drink. If you want a little

    change of pace try lime sherbet and lime juice instead.

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    Chocolate Marshmallow Smoothie Supreme

    What You Need:

    1 C vanilla ice cream

    C cold milk

    2 TBSP chocolate syrup

    2 TBSP marshmallow topping

    1 TBSP malted milk powder

    C crunchy peanut butter

    How to Make It:

    Place the ice cream and milk into the blender.

    Pulse a couple of times to just slightly blend.

    Add the chocolate syrup, marshmallow topping and malted milk powder.

    With a rubber spatula add the peanut butter.

    Blend until just smooth.

    This tastes just like an old fashion malt with a little extra. To make it extra special add some whip topping with

    a maraschino cherry on top.

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    A Real Peach of a Smoothie

    What You Need:

    C evaporated milk

    1 C peach yogurt

    C peach sorbet

    1 C peaches, frozen and cut into chunks

    tsp. cinnamon

    How to Make It:

    Put the yogurt and evaporated milk together in the blender.

    Blend until just combined.

    Add the sorbet and peaches.

    Blend until smooth and creamy.

    Sprinkle the cinnamon on top just before serving.

    If you arent fond of cinnamon as a garnish add it to the mixture with the sorbet and peaches and blend well.

    For a little sweeter kick combine the cinnamon with a little sugar and sprinkle on the top before serving.

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    Apples and Oatmeal Breakfast Smoothie

    What You Need:

    2 C low fat milk

    1 apple, peeled, cored and diced

    C raisins

    C instant oatmeal

    1 TBSP creamy peanut butter

    How to Make It:

    Place the milk, apple pieces and raisins into the blender.

    Add the oats and place the peanut butter on top.

    Cover and blend well.

    This makes a great breakfast drink for children. It tastes like an old fashion oatmeal cookie with a touch of

    peanut butter. The raisins are optional.

    Soda Pop Smoothie

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    What You Need:

    C grape soda

    2 C vanilla ice cream

    1 tsp. vanilla extract

    10 ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Pour the grape soda into the blender.

    Add the ice cream and vanilla extract.

    Place the ice cubes on top.

    Blend until smooth.

    If to thick add some milk a little at a time to reach the consistency you are looking for. This is also great with

    orange soda, red cream soda or even a creamy root beer in place of the grape soda.

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    Relax Me Smoothie

    What You Need:

    8 herbal lemon tea bags

    2 C boiling water

    1 pint raspberry sherbet

    2 C pineapple juice

    How to Make It:

    Pour the boiling water over the tea bags.

    Cover and allow to set 5 minutes.

    Remove the tea bags and place the tea in the refrigerator to cool.

    Place the sherbet and juice in the blender.

    Add the tea.

    Blend until smooth.

    This smoothie is very relaxing. Try it on a stress filled day to unwind and help you enjoy the rest of the day.

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    Lets Get Going Smoothie

    What You Need:

    C milk

    C almonds

    1 banana, peeled and sliced

    1 TBSP honey

    2 TBSP vanilla yogurt

    1/8 tsp. vanilla extract

    Pinch of nutmeg

    4 ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Pour the milk into the blender.

    Add the almonds, banana, honey, yogurt and extract.

    Sprinkle in the nutmeg.

    Add the ice cubes.

    Blend on high until frothy.

    This is a great get me started in the morning smoothie. Replace the banana with a peach and the vanilla

    extract with almond extract to make a slightly different taste. If you arent partial to nutmeg try cinnamon


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    I Want Smore of That

    What You Need:

    C marshmallow cream

    C chocolate syrup

    1 C milk

    2 C ice

    2 graham crackers, crumbled

    How to Make It:

    Place the marshmallow cream and chocolate into the blender.

    Pour in the milk.

    Add the ice cubes and sprinkle the cracker crumbs over the top.

    Blend on high until smooth.

    To make this an even more special treat top with a few colored mini marshmallows and some miniature

    chocolate chips.

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    A Real Eye Opener

    What You Need:

    1 C strong brewed coffee, cold

    1 banana, peeled and sliced

    1 (6 oz) container vanilla yogurt

    2 tsp. sugar

    4 ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Pour the coffee into the blender.

    Add the banana and the yogurt.

    Sprinkle in the sugar.

    Add the ice cubes.

    Blend on high until smooth.

    Try this smoothie if you having a sluggish day. It will open your eyes and get you going. For a special treat try

    using a flavored coffee such as hazelnut or vanilla.

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    Carmel Apple Smoothie

    What You Need:

    C Carmel ice cream topping

    1/8 C chocolate syrup

    1 apple, peeled, cored and diced

    C milk

    1 tsp. cinnamon

    8 ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Place the ice cream topping and syrup into the blender.

    Add the apples.

    Pour in the milk.

    Sprinkle with the cinnamon.

    Add the ice cubes to the top.

    Blend until creamy.

    Experiment with the syrups to find just the right taste. Using a tart apple will make this drink less sweet due to

    the natural juices in the apple.

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    Jammin Smoothie

    What You Need:

    1 C vanilla yogurt

    1 banana, peeled and sliced

    2 TBSP strawberry jam

    1 TBSP honey

    How to Make It:

    Place the yogurt into the blender.

    Add the banana and strawberry jam.

    Pour in the honey.

    Blend mixture on high for about 30 seconds.

    Mixture should be frothy when ready to serve.

    Any type of yogurt and jam will work in this smoothie. Find your favorite and enjoy.

    Sweet Potato Pie Smoothie

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    What You Need:

    2 sweet potatoes, cooked and cooled

    1 banana, peeled and sliced

    2 (8 oz) containers vanilla yogurt

    1 C milk

    1 tsp. sugar

    10 ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Put the sweet potatoes and bananas in the blender.

    Add the yogurt.

    Pour in the milk.

    Add the sugar.

    Place the ice cubes on top.

    Blend until very smooth.

    If you want this to taste just like Moms candied sweet potatoes use brown sugar instead of white sugar.

    Adjust the amount to tsp. and enjoy.

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    Thanksgiving in Summer Smoothie

    What You Need:

    1 banana, peeled and sliced

    C pumpkin

    1 C milk

    tsp. pumpkin pie spice

    2 TBSP maple syrup

    4 ice cubes

    How to Make It:

    Place the banana and the pumpkin together in the blender.

    Pour in the milk.

    Add the pie spice and maple syrup.

    Place the ice cubes on top.

    Cover and blend on high until smooth.

    Everybody likes pumpkin pie. Why wait until Thanksgiving to have that special treat. Top with a little whipped

    topping and youll get that warm Thanksgiving feeling from head to toe.