11 11.414, •.1).44r 11 1L)14,) a • - • ANNOU NI CEM EN TS...

Post on 06-Aug-2020

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+ Mrs. Frank Gibbons was a Streator

. ) passenger Tuesday.

:If 25c can of K. C. baking powder, 20c. Cash Grocery.-Adv.

P. •Sondergaard and family spent y Wednesday in Chicago. • ..• Fred Sodini was a Chicago passen- % ger Wednesday morning.

Nathan Epstein left Sunday for Peoria for a few days' visit.

A Mrs. Geo. Jenkins and two daugh- ters were in Kankakee Tuesday.

••:- A very fine assortment of local post 4; cards at O'Malley's Pharmacy.-Adv. •.:* Wanted-Three rooms unfurnished. 4: with heat. Call 240-W.-Adv. 35-2w

Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ferguson and chil- dren visited relatives in Odell Sunday.

1. For Rent - Furnished rooms for A light housekeeping. Phone 184-W.- S.• Adv. 35-tf : Use Starless F'y Oil for your horses

and cattle. O'Malley's Pharmacy.- Adv.

FOR GIRLS we are showing the WALTON AND PETERS SHOES. They look well, ear well and are sold at right prices.

School Clothes FOR

Boys and Girls We are prepared to supply your needs in Boys and

Girls Wearables at reasonable prices and will appreciate a look when in need of anything in our line.

DRESSES in wool serge, gingham, etc. Sizes 6 to 14. Prices 50e to $3.00

DRESS GOODS We are showing a good assortment of school ginghams and other wash goods, also wool serges, plaids and fancy weaves.

FOR BOYS we carry the WALTON AND SELZ SHOES, button and lace. You will not find a better school or dress shoe for the money.

SL ITS AND TROUSERS we have a good stock of boys' suits in blue serge and fancy, at low prices, value considered; also a complete line of boys' knee trousers at 25e and up.

VAN ENIAN & SONEIRAR11 .."..."....r■ree%••■IM■ •••MVW■atarelINI,■•••■%%.1■111■WW■.4■••■Meat


The Meat You Put Into The Pot whether for soma, pot roast,

stew or what-not, is usually a

cheaper grade of meat. All the

same, it should be as carefully

selected as steaks, roasts and

the higher grades of meat. You

get soup-meat here of as fine a

quality as you get rib-roast. We

won't sell inferior meats. Prices

are all right.

W. R. Drew's Fulton Meat Market ."‘").4‘01."*"1"=" o"..,*"w".11.)"..10).1"••

11■11.414,••••■■•.1).44r 11 1L)14,)•■ ars

0940*-044÷C---:64 -ieC:±C-Ci--i-ei• -ii- -:-..;--:-.-:-•:-••••••••-• • - • •• - * ANNOU NI CEM EN TS ."."."m".". -m ew".".."."•"•"."."••"1"•"4". •m"1"ere'w".".."

Your Afternoon Tea A NewSuit for School, gt Pm' Representative.

hereby announce my candidacy for nomination for Representative for the

Of Course Sixteenth Senatorial District at the Re- publican Primary, September 9th, 1914.

• Your vote and your support will he


rea tly appreciated.-ROBERT H EY • NING, Fairbury, Illinois.

SW) 4 •

DELICATE BLENDS such as we are prepared to sup- ply you fresh from the int- X porters. Ask our customers. k then ask us. We guarantee to Please you.






e s

1 4


1 1








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. . . . . .

will meet ti . requirements of the occasion only on conditions that it is made and served cor- rectly, brewed from one of those

L. Alerritt %vent to Indiana Tues-1

THE first day means much to the lad. So

Start him off right in a brand

new "Bgt-Ever"---the all-

wool suit with the special features. Come in now and see our new fall line of these famous

"Besi-Ev r" Clothes for Boys.


W. A. Chester .1 (t. Nelson went to Kankakee Wed- nesday.

J. F. Gillespie was in Streator on Thursday.

Mrs. M. H. Carty shopped In Nan- k ak ee Tuesday ,

-3 I Marco Grocer

/ I

You will like the bright, stylish fabrics, the nobby new models and above all, their splendid as- surance of satisfactory service.

Prices, $3.00 to $7.50 Also Flats, Caps, Underwear, Shoes, Etc., in our big bay;' de- nartment



I s o

A little girl baby was born to Mr. and Mrs. James Orr Wednesday, Au-

Come Back to the Light Cars

gust 26. Wanted-Waitresses, experienced or

those willing to learn. Livingston I otel.-Adv. 34-2w

Call at the Shafer Hat Shop and in- spect new and latest models in fall millinery.-Adv.

The Kings Heralds will meet this afternoon at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. Roger Mills.

For camp or home use Nyal's Mos- quito lotion assures comfort. O'Mal- . ley's Pharmacy.-Adv.

); miss Celia Thompson and Miss Edna Bannister, of Odell, were Dwight can-

t"• ers Sunday afternoon. • 7.•••::•••:••':•-•:•-•>•:•"•:•-•:• •:• .:":•-•:•...:":•-•:..:•.:.":...:• .:•-•:•-•:•-•:•-•:fl:":":•••:".•:•••■•••:..:..:t. :64 :I.:••■••:•-•:••:•-•:.•:•-•:...:...:....>•:-•:•••:••:• -•:•-•:. E LECTRIC SELF STARTER


5 Passenger, 4 Cylinder (4x5 1-2) $1250

6 Passenger, 4 Cylinder ( 4x5 1-2) $1300

6 Passenger, 6 Cylinder (4 1-4x6) $1950

DWIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO. Not Incorporated Final Clean-up of


All Summer Dresses must be sold regardless of cost or val- ue, whites or colors, sizes 14 yrs. to 20 yrs. Bust 32 to 46.

$4.50 and $4 00 Dresses will be sold for


$7.50 Dresses will he sold for


$6.00 Dresses will be sold for


$3.75 and $3.50 Dresses will be sold for


$2.50 and $2.00 Dresses will be sold for


---Fix it. Not after a while. Do it HOW.

---longer you put it off, worse it will leak.

First thing you know you'll have to be

making an entire roof, instead of putting

on a few shingles.

---and speaking of SHINGLES, how is it

with you?

---can you use some good ones at the right


---see us about it at once.

---we have an especially fine stock of the

best shingles obtainable.

---don't put it off, now is shingle time.

$5.00 Dresses will be sold for


All Children's Dresses at 50 per cent discount. These prices will clean up the entire lot so come early and get the choice styles.

Miller Brothers & Sons EARL N. HAGER ‘10 WSW e LYJLP.M.%1Wier s"." lieueSeflaWW•rmeWswer•Ww"s"="="="S's"./ %

Phone 20

P. Nomenson Ent to Indiana Tilt day.

D rP. L .1. Reynolds was In Streaii


Miss Kate Conway was in Strewi Thursday.

Bruce Goodman was a Chicago pal senger Tuesday.

New fall shoes at Van Eman & dergaard's.-Adv.

Louis Beckman, of Kankakee, Was

in Dwight Tuesday. Thee. Broderick, of Kinsman, anti d

to our town Tuesday. Call on T. Lawler for painting and

paper hanging.-Adv. 2 Mrs. James O'Donnell, of Odell, s8v -ittsi

a Dwight caller Monday. Fred Calza, of Kinsman, attend)

the ball game here Saturday. Gerald and Wm. Hood, of Kankaki

visited friends here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Orr, of Chicaj

visited relatives here over Sunday. Wanted-A good girl to do

work. Apply at O'Brien's Cafe.-Ali Miss Frances Finefield, of Odell, v

a Dwight caller Saturday and SIID11:1

Good school shoes at reasonaiii prices, at Frank Reeb & Sons'.-Ad

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Timm visited the Frank Brown home in Odell SI day.

New line of up-to-date styles in fail millinery • at the Shafer Hat Shop Ad v.

Remember, Auctioneer Bute lives Kempton, IrL Write him for dates Adv.

MT C 0 Bute, the auctioneer fro:!1 Kempton, was in -Dwight on busire Monday.

If you would sell see Frank Smith. No deal too small; no deal Cm) large.-Ad v.

Mrs. John Doyle and son, William Snyder, of Odell, were Dwight call( - Wednesday.

James Huggins sum au acres ill Iowa through the Frank L. Smith agency.-Adv.

Miss Sidney O'Malley is spending several days visiting relatives at Sym- erton this week.

Come in and see the new Red Cross and Plio Shoes at Van Eman & Son- dergaard's.-Adv.

'Mr. Chris Riber and Anthony Ander- sen, of Chicago, were Dwight visitors Sunday and Monday.

Be careful who you employ to sell your sale; but hire Bute and you will make no mistake.-Adv.

Miss Elma Rosendall returned last week Friday from a few weeks' trip to Nebraska and Colorado.

Miss Stella Baker's handsome new residence on Clinton street was wired by Orr Bros. this week.-Adv,

Manning I Thomas purchased 120 acres southeast of Dwight through the Frank L. Smith agency.-Adv.

C E Smith, of Joliet, spent Sunday here. He was formerly employed here by the C. & A. as freight clerk.

Mr, and Mrs. H. W. Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. E H. Sill, of Bloomington. spent the week-end with L G Davis.

'Miss Augusta and Lena Nanning, of Indiana, spent two weeks in the coun- try with Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. v, Connell.

Men's fall style shoes on the new English lasts in patent leather, dark tan, or gun metal, at Frank Reeb & Sons'.-Adv. 34-2w

Mrs. W. M. Stafford, of Tonica, Ill., returned home Monday after having spent home coming week with her

isister, Mrs, G. W. Robinson. Prof. J. H. Meneeley, of Brooklyn.

N, Y., a former superintendent of schools here, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank liaise.

Tuesday morning of next week school will commence and the happy vacation days will be over for our boys and girls until next summer.

Misses Esther and Ruth Ebert re- turned to their home in Ottawa Thurs- day after a visit of nearly three weeks with friends here and in Good- farm.

Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Tritnnell have re- turned from their eastern trip, where they spent three weeks visiting at Washington, D. C., New York City and Philadelphia.

Miss Mary B. Shepherd, vocal teach er, will be in Dwight Wednesday, Sept .

9, to reopen her class and will be pleased to meet all interested in the study of voice.-Adv. 35-2s%

Remember the $8.50 electrical offer made by Orr Bros. expires Sept. 1st Get your contract in today and be on. of the many who have taken advan tage of this offer,-Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rime, of Kent land, Ind., spent home coming week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kime, and also Mrs. Kime's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kruse.

Misses Alice Sherry and Mildred Eyer returned last Sunday from South Bend., Ind., where they spent the week with relatives. Miss Frances Eyer. who also visited there, returned home Thursday.

Mrs. J. Strufe, Mrs. Will Beatty . and Mrs. Ray Seymour left Monday for Mulvane, Nan., where they had been called on . account of the illness or their mother. She passed away, hos, ever, before they arrived.

A man and wife can get a good

home, woman to do general house work for four in family, man to attend furnace, etc.. during winter and other arse work outside to suit himself. This Is

James McCarter and nephew, Rus- sell Revett, spent a few days visiting L. G. Davis and family.

Earl E. Bunting purchased 40 acres southeast of Dwight -through the Frank L. Smith agency.-Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bartholic, of Denver, Col., were guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bartholic.

Comfort, quality and style in every pair of Thompson Bros. new fall styles at Frank Reeb & Sons.'-Adv. 2w

Mrs. Wm. H. Hoffman has been vis- iting her parents and other relatives at Bryant, Wis., the past three weeks.

L. H. Weis, of Reddick, autoed to our town Tuesday in his new Hudson car which he recently purchased in Dwight.

Lost-On W. Chippewa or Chicago St. crocket handbag containing money and other articles. Reward. Call 100- W Adv.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker Button re- turned to their home in Chicago Fri- day of last week after a two weeks', visit spent with relatives.

Estimates on house wiring or the furnishing of fixtures cheerfully fur- nished by Orr Bros. Phone 107-W or call at Park News Depot.-Adv,

Miss Shafer spent Thursday in Chi- cago purchasing millinery goods. She was accompanied by her sister, Miss Anna Shafer, who has been visiting here,

The newest style in ladies footwear is a patent leather button shoe with kidney heel, vesting top, over gaiter cut and recede toe, at Frank Reeb & Sons'.-Adv. 34-2w

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knudtena-2L daughter returned to their home in Milwaukee, Wis., this week after spending a few weeks here with Dwight relatives.

-M. C. Starrett, of Marathon, Iowa, visited friends here during home corn- ing week. He was very much pleased with his old home and we can count him in next time.

.Just received a new and up-to-date I ee of card mounts,, folders and fo- lios; come in and look them over. There is a photographer in your town. I 'jocks' Studio.-Adv.

Mr. D. D. Scott, who has been visit- ing his brother here, returned to his home • in Vandalia last Saturday. He was accompanied by Mrs. W. T. Scott .1 ed Miss Hazel, who will spend a !wok of weeks there.

\tr. Ed. Kirkendall went to Aurora ist Saturday morning, returning

home Sunday afternoon, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Keck and daughter, Ruth, who spent the week here with the latter's parents and other friends.

■ 11.:1. Frank Brubaker left Sunday .,.w York, where she will spend

our weeks visiting relatives and friends of Norwich, Long Island, and her home town Andes. Her daught , r in-law, Mrs. Percy S. Brubaker will 1,1 •ep house in her absence.


It start. Inquire at this oftlee.--Ads A Year's Subscription to This Paper, $1.50 in advar 40"wW I' -0"..41.."=PWlrn iet•PLarid•%.P.e•flealsos"ida•Pi"PJ•L")."."). 10". 011.0LP 4=" % %.),S Wart" ewe. 401.•