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WEEK AT A GLANCE Monday / Lunes (16)

Martin Luther King - Office Closed 7:00pm-MLK, Jr. Interfaith Service-Church

Tuesday / Martes (17) 5:00pm-Eng. Young Adult Choir Practice-Church 7:00pm-Bilingual Perpetual Help Rosary-Chapel

7:00pm-Sp Teen Choir Practice-Church

Wednesday / Miércoles (18) 9:00am-Sp. Morning Prayer-Chapel

2:00pm-SMS Peace Prayer Service-Church 6:30pm-Sp. Weekly Rosary-Church

7:00pm-Sp. Choir Practice (9:00am)-Chapel

Thursday / Jueves (19) 6:00pm-Eng. Choir Practice (5:00pm)-Chapel 7:00pm-Eng. Choir Practice (Ah-men)-Chapel

Friday / Viernes (20) 8:30am-SMS Mass-Church

3:00pm-Altar Servers Training-Church 6:30pm-Sp Choir Practice (Maranatha)-Chapel

7:00pm - Sp. Evening Prayer-Church

Saturday / Sábado (21) 10:00am–Spanish Baptisms-Church

Sunday / Domingo (22) 3:00pm-Spanish Baptisms-Church

A WARM WELCOME TO ALL WHO WORSHIP WITH US Thank you for joining us in prayer and sacrament.

Whether you are long-time residents or newly arrived in the Parish, if you are not registered, please complete the information below and place it in the offertory basket or mail it to the Parish Office.

Name: _______________________________________________________________ Phone: ( ) ______________________ Last Name Husband Wife

Address _____________________________ City _________________ Zip ________ Email: _____________________________ New Parishioner Moving (please remove from parish directory) No Sunday Offertory Envelopes at this time New Phone Number New Address Please send Sunday Offertory envelopes

Daily Masses / Misas Diarias

Saturday/Sábado: 8:30 AM (English) 5:00 PM (Vigil, English) 7:00 PM (Vigil, Español)

Sunday/Domingo: 7:00 AM (English) 9:00 AM (Español) 11:00 AM (English) 1:00 PM (Español) 5:00 PM (English) 7:00 PM (Español)

Infant Baptism / Bautismos

Marriage / Matrimonio Bride & Groom must begin preparation with the priest a minimum of six months prior to intended date of marriage. Los novios deben comunicarse con el padre por lo menos con seis meses de anticipación a la fecha de su celebración.

Reconciliation / Confesiones Saturday 4:00-4:45pm or by appointment. Sábados de 4:00 a 4:45pm ó entre semana con previa cita.

January 15, 2017

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Barbara Zarka, Director of Religious Education

PASTORAL TEAM / EQUIPO PASTORAL Rev. Robert Brocato, Pastor ~ rbrocato@dsj.org Rev. Jose Rubio, Parochial Vicar ~ rubio@dsj.org Rev. Generoso Geronimo ~ ggeronimo@dsj.org Rev. Mr. Pat Allen, Deacon ~ pallen1@dsj.org Rose Barry, Pastoral Associate ~ dbarry@dsj.org Hilda Porcella, Pastoral Associate ~ hporcella@dsj.org Barbara Zarka, Director of Catechetical Ministry ~ bzarka@dsj.org Carlos Barba, Coordinator of Youth & Young Adults ~ cbarba@dsj.org Pamela Greteman, School Principal ~ pgreteman@dsj.org David Cox, Social Concerns ~ davidc@stjosephsgilroy.org Debbie Pelliccione, Office Manager ~ dpelliccione@dsj.org Rebeca Aldaz, Administrative Assistant ~ raldaz@dsj.org Emerita Murillo, Religious Education Secretary ~ emurillo@dsj.org

PARISH OFFICE HOURS / HORAS DE OFICINA Closed Sundays & Mondays ~ Tuesday – Friday, 9:00AM – 7:00PM


Parish Office: 408.847.5151 ~ Fax:408.847.4851 ~ 11 First St. Parish School: 408.842.2827 ~ Fax:408.847.7679 ~ 7900 Church St. Catechetical Ministry Office: 408.847.2652 ~ 7950 Church St. St. Joseph’s Family Center: 408.842.6662 ~ 7950 Church St.

Third Sunday In Ordinary Time January 22, 2017

Isaiah 8:23,-9:3 1 Corinthians 1:10-13, 17

Matthew 4:12-23

January 8, 2017 Goal $ 22,500 Actual $ 24,634 Parish Sacrificial $ 4,448

Mark your Calendars! Mark your calendars! The St. Mary Parish Festival is scheduled for Sunday, August 20, 2017. This is the Sunday following the Feast of Our Lady of the Assumption on August 15th. We will celebrate our shared life of faith, bless a new school year, enjoy great food and entertainment, and raise money for Saint Mary! Please support all the Parish, School and Saint Joseph Family Center representatives who are already planning!

Segundo Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Tercer Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

Enero 22, 2016

Coro De Jóvenes

Próximo ensayo: martes 17 de enero del 2017.

Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, Al llegar la época de adviento a su fin, he reflexionado sobre ser servidora en esta época de dar. ¿Cuál es la mejor forma de servir? ¿Cómo puedo brindar un servicio que sea ejemplo para aquellos a los cuales sirvo en mis ministerios? Para los niños en nuestro programa de formación de fe, los invite a ayudar a los indigentes donándoles calcetines. Verán, en su vida llena de tantas dificultades, los indigentes no tienen el lujo de lavar su ropa y usar ropa limpia diariamente. Algo tan simple como los calcetines, son una prenda importante que necesitamos para proteger nuestros pies. Los protegen del frio, ampollas producidas por los zapatos y les ayudan a mantener sus pies secos. Para un indigente, tener calcetines limpios a diario, no sucede muy a menudo. Así, que los niños cumplieron con éxito. ¡Teníamos tantos calcetines para regalar! La segunda parte de este proyecto de servidor/servicio incluye a los candidatos de RICA. Por cuarto año consecutivo, los candidatos, el equipo y su servidora vamos al Armory y les llevamos un poco de espíritu navideño a los indigentes que buscan refugiarse del frio. ¡Esa noche todos experimentamos servir y ser servido! ¡La generosidad de nuestros candidatos fue sorprendente e increíble! Las personas en el Armory esa noche recibieron de todo, desde sombreros, guantes, bufandas, comidas sencillas y bebidas; hasta calcetines, ponchos para la lluvia y más. ¿Ha terminado la época de dar? ¡NO, aun no! En las lecturas de hoy, tal como en los pasajes del Profeta Isaías, somos llamados a servir. Somos llamados para hacer que todos conozcan a Dios. Somos llamados a alabar y servir a Dios y por medio de la gracia de Dios traemos la salvación a todos por medio de nuestro testimonio. Juan el Bautista, en el evangelio de hoy nos recuerda que siempre debemos profundizar en nuestro conocimiento de Jesús y hacer que otros lo conozcan. Durante el transcurso de nuestra vida, estamos aprendiendo quien es Jesucristo. Somos testimonios de Jesús al ser fieles en lo ordinario y al cumplir con la voluntad de Dios. Se demuestra por la forma en que vivimos nuestra vida cotidianamente. ¡Así que hoy, durante la misa, que puedan mejor comprender y experimentar a Jesús mientras contemplamos el Cordero de Dios!

Barbara Zarka, Directora de Educación Religiosa

¡Marquen sus Calendarios!

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2017

Liturgy 408.847.5151 or dbarry@dsj.org

Confirmation Year 1/ Primer Año de Confirmación

Confirmation Year 2/ Segundo Año de Confirmación

Middle School Ministry Next Middle School Session: Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Grupo de Jóvenes de la Middle School

Next High School Night

Próxima Noche de Jóvenes de la Prepa

Young Adults

(6940 Chestnut St.)

Next Gathering:

Follow us @smpyouth

Often when we sing our Litany of Saints, we include Martin Luther King, Jr. In fact, he is included in the glorious tapestry of the Communion of Saints at the Los Angeles Cathedral, Our Lady of the Angles. Only God, of course, can make a saint (and doesn’t the human have to cooperate?) and sometimes our official church process for recognizing saints lags a little behind the acclamations of the people. One of MLK’s gifts was that of improvisation, especially in his preaching. He was a very Christian and very gifted man, worthy of our recognition, today, his birthday. His incredible I have a dream… speech began as a carefully crafted written speech. Martin knew that the eyes of the world and 100,000 marchers in Washington DC would be on him and he wanted to express the passions of the civil rights movement. Midway through the speech, he looked at the sea of expectant faces and heard Mahalia Jackson (who had heard him preach) behind him whisper, “Tell them about the dream, Martin!” He left his notes and spoke from his heart and soul, guided by the Holy Spirit, just like when he preached. If you have not heard this speech, I highly recommend that you find it and hear it. Martin’s dream, so beautifully expressed, is Jesus’ dream and should be the dream of all of us. That each of God’s children will be seen “not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” What a world this could be!

Interfaith Martin Luther King Prayer Service Monday, January 16th, the South County Interfaith Council hosts a Martin Luther King Day Prayer Service here at Saint Mary’s. Come to the church at 7:00pm to share this moment of faith and fellowship. Hospitality will follow the service.

St. Mary School Office: 408.842.2827 Religious Education: 408.847.2652

Weekend Liturgy Questions/Comments 1/15/17

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2017

Open House

Christmas Toy Drive a Huge Success!



Faith Formation Family Mass

St. Mary Prepares for Catholic Schools Week

Arise…. Arise

Prayers for the Sick Oremos por los Enfermos

Masses for the Week An offering to the work of the Parish has been made in memory of, or on behalf of, these persons who are hereby included in the special prayers of our community at our daily Masses this week.

Jose Maria Medina And Family (A) †

† Jose Andres Hoyos Vasquez †

† †

Catalina Mendoza (A) †

† Maria Garcia Gonzalez (B) †

† Teresa Barros † Manuel Barros †

Serafin J. Castro (A) †

Santos Duyao (A) † Pablo & Jean Yago (A) †

(A) A



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(B) B



Second Sunday in Ordinary Time - January 15, 2017 Altar Server Training

AWAKE! A Day of Renewal With Linda Shubert

Saturday, January 21, 2017 Old City Hall Restaurant

7400 Monterey Rd. 8:15am –1:30pm

Open to Men and Women Cost $15/person + a love

offering A continental breakfast will be

served Sponsored by Gilroy’s Women’s

Chapter of Christians in Commerce

For more information please contact:

Jackie Elardo 408.234.7990 Ruth Mann 408.307.6015


Nametag Weekend and Friendship Sunday