11 sales tools to improve your business

Post on 11-Aug-2014

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Discover 11 amazing web tools to improve your sales strategies and grow your business. This is a visual presentation based on Guilherme Junqueira's post called Startup Sales Setup: http://www.guilhermejunqueira.com/setup-de-vendas-para-startups/



Guilherme Junqueira COO ABStartups @gui_junqueira

Amure Pinho CEO Blogo @amurepinho

How many leads, opportunities and leads we lost because we didn’t had enough time, metrics, vision or necessary tools to make it happen?

Startups should focus on customers, product and traction. !

We decided to help sharing the tools that helped us doing that.

Pipedrive30 days trial | Plans start at $ 14,00/monthwww.pipedrive.com

Why we use it


• We need visual metrics • Email Integration • Customization and multiple pipes • Mobile app • Easy integration with other services • Import/Export Feature • Google Agenda Integration (call for example)

• Use Email Drop Box

UnbounceFreemium | Plans start at $ 49,00/monthwww.unbounce.com

Why we use it


• A/B tests made easy • You dont need to be a developer • Perfect for lead generation • Precises landing pages improves your SEO • Adwords cost reduced

• Don’t waste too much time with design. • Focus on conversion and A/B tests

Many ContactsBeta Free | Plans start at $ 0,00/monthwww.manycontacts.com

Why we use it


• Works like magic for mailing building • Good for quick visitors • Integrates with MailChimp

• Segment this leads from the qualified ones.

• Automated response emails works very well

YeswareFreemium | Plans start at $ 5,00/monthwww.yesware.com

Why we use it


• To know if VIPs opened our emails • Email templates for each pipeline stage • Email Reminders • Pipedrive email integration

• Go for the pro version • Track the VIPs

Ecquire14 days trial | Plans start at $ 9,00/monthwww.ecquire.com

Why we use it


• To add leads/vips that came from email • Easily add people to CRM/Mailling • Works with gmail, twitter, linked in • Never lost a contact again • Pipedrive integration


RapportiveFree | Plans start at $ 0,00/monthwww.rapportive.com

Why we use it


• Know your leads before they know you • Interact in social channels if you want • Check his position in company • Integrates with Gmail

• A must have for sales people

MailchimpFree to 5000 email address | Plans start at $ 10,00/monthwww.mailchimp.com

Why we use it


• Free email marketing tool • Fast, easy and intuitive • Integrates with everything • Segments your lists

• All text emails conversion is better

ZapierFreemium | Plans start at $ 15,00/monthwww.zapier.com

Why we use it


• To welcome users automatically • To connect Typeform with Mailchimp • Integrate and automate everything! • Saves a lot of time • Lets you create powerful workflows

• Very easy to get 450 tasks/month for free

QuoteRoller14 days trial | Plans start at $ 9,90/monthwww.quoteroller.com

Why we use it


• Save time with templates • Know your proposal's friction • Adds a professional looking • Pipedrive integration

• Use it if you write more than 5 proposals/month

Blogo14 days trial | Buy from Mac Appstore $ 29,90www.getblogo.com

Why we use it


• Content marketing is king • All you need to start blogging • You don't need to be a pro to blog

• Use the evernote integration • Good for managing multiple blogs

at the same time

QuickSproutFree | Plans start at $ 0,00/monthwww.quicksprout.com

Why we use it


• SEO will help you getting leads • Test your site speed, backlinks, errors • Competidors comparission • Step by step changes

• Start with the easy changes that doesn't require code and then the code ones

• Compare yourself with competidors

Geckoboard30 days trial | Plans start at $ 9,50/monthwww.geckoboard.com

Why we use it


• You just improve what you measure • We share it with stakeholders • Use it to motivate you and your team • Integrate with a lot of services • Very fast deploy

• Use it if you write more than 5 proposals/month

BooksPredictable Revenue http://www.amazon.com/Predictable-Revenue-Business-Practices-Salesforce-com/dp/0984380213 !Spin Selling http://www.amazon.com/SPIN-Selling-Neil-Rackham/dp/0070511136/ !B2B Playbook http://www.amazon.com/The-B2B-Executive-Playbook-Sustainable/dp/157860446X/ !The Challenger Sale http://www.amazon.com/The-Challenger-Sale-Customer-Conversation/dp/1591844355/ !História do Sales Force http://www.amazon.com/Salesforce-com-Secrets-Success-Practices-Profitability/dp/0137140762/

E-BooksSaaS Strategy https://www.dropbox.com/s/195vf3yvyp664yt/Software%20as%20a%20Service%20Pricing%20Strategies.pdf !KPI’s para BizDev’s https://www.dropbox.com/s/2866jg75fshqwhz/kpi-bizdev.pdf !Landing Pages A to Z https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50444098/Landing%20Pages%20de%20A%20a%20Z.pdf !Pitch Workbook https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/50444098/Entrepreneurs%20Pitch%20Workbook.pdf

CoursesFree Sales Course http://close.io/free-sales-course/ !Lean Marketing for Startups https://www.udemy.com/growth-hacking-lean-marketing-for-startups/ !User Acquisition for Startups https://generalassemb.ly/education/growth-hacking-and-user-acquisition-for-startups-online-class !Growth Hacking for Everyone http://thenextweb.com/academy/class/growth-hacking-for-everyone

Blogs to followKissMetrics http://blog.kissmetrics.com/ !Pipedrive http://blog.pipedrive.com/ !Business Balls http://www.businessballs.com !Close.io http://blog.close.io/ !Startup B2B http://startupb2b.com/

Productivity Tools!Email newsletter unsubscribe https://unroll.me/ !Email overload solution http://www.sanebox.com/ !Aprovação de layout/wireframes colaborativo https://redpen.io/ !Tracking de usuários https://www.intercom.io/ !Vender qualquer coisa rápidamente https://gumroad.com/ !
