12 3 4 5678 9101112 13141516. 1. How many servings are in 150g of pasta? Half a serving A One...

Post on 06-Jan-2018

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A deck of cards A A clenched fist B A slice of bread C A large steak D 2. How large is a single serving of meat?


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1. How many servings are in 150g of pasta?

2. How large is a single serving of meat?

3. What does a single serving of most cereals look like?

4. What is the ideal size for a dinner plate?

5. Do you know how many calories you consume in a day?

6. Which has the most calories?

7. Kg for Kg, which of these meats has the least fat?

8. How many calories are in a Starbucks cream Frappuccino?

9. Which has more Vitamin A?

10. What is the best source(s) of Vitamin K?

11. How often do you eat sweets?

12. What is the ideal ratio of carbohydrates to protein in an energy bar?

13. What percentage of a runner’s calories should come from protein?

14. It’s ok to eat fast food every day if:

15. Approximately how many calories should an active man/woman eat per day?

16. How much fluid should active people consume each day?