12 days of_christma

Post on 19-May-2015

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This is a presentation on the 12 days of christmas


12 days of Christmas

By: Semilore Oladipo

A partridge in a pear tree                                    

A turkey representing a partridge

Two turtle doves

Two turtle doves

Three fernch hens

Three french hens

Four calling birds

Four calling birds

Five golden rings

Five golden rings

Six geese-a-laying

Six geese a laying

Seven swam's-a-swimming 

Seven seams a swimming

Eight maids-a-milking

Eight maids a milking

Nine ladies dancing

Nine ladies dancing

Ten lords-a-leaping

Ten lords a leaping

Eleven pipers piping

Eleven pipers piping

Twelve drummers drumming

Twelve drummers drumming