12,) jurassic park analyisis

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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12.) Jurassic park Analysis

This opening scene reveals the title of

the film. The word ‘ Jarassic’ implies

something form that period or era.

The not is big and bold and dramatic.

The title then begins to fade when all

that is left is the thinner wording on the

inside. This shows how there is always

a dark side to everything and there is

always something being hidden.

Foreshadowing events yet to come.

The low shot of bushes being rustled implies that

there is something behind them rustling them. We

cannot see anything clearly but only certain areas.

This leaves mystery.

This clip shows someone wearing uniform and a

helmet. This means that they might be in danger of

something and he looks quite frightened and scared.

the name on the helmet is not revealed yet and this

leaves the question of where are they and why?

Here we can see that the people guarding whatever is behind

the trees are armed with heavy artillery. This implies that

whatever it is it must be big and quite dangerous. All the

guards are staring sternly at the tree line, This means they

know what is behind it yet also know that it is a very serious

matter. All the people are staring at the trees

This is the first shot we see of the entire area.

We gain an idea of size and numbers. There is

crate being lifted into a cage, and the armed men

are guarding or protecting whatever is inside.

There is dramatic trumpets playing non -

diagetically in the background.

This low angle shot of the crate reveals the size of it and

implies that whatever is inside is big as well. There is gun

being pointed at it however compared tot he size is quite

worthless. The bright light from behind the crate gives it a

glorified look and makes it seem holy or powerful.

This character here seems to be giving the other people orders

and is wearing a different uniform. This low angled shot make

shim seem superior and stern. The light in the background does

the same for him that it did for the creature in the crate, linking

them on some level.

From this clip we are looking outside the crate from

the perspective of the creature inside it. There is

heavy breathing played diagetically and the camera

is moving constantly, most likely hand held. The man

is standing in front of the other guards to show his


After a struggle and a malfunction in

the equipment a man is attacked by the

creature. He is pulled into the cage

however held by other men. This low

angle shot shows his agony whilst

being attacked.

This extreme closeup of the mans eyes show his shock and

terror at what is at hand. He is scared and half of his face is

blacked. This reveals that this character knows a looter that

he is letting on and has secrets he is not sharing. This relates

to the hidden truth shown by the Title in the beginning if the


The clip of the guards eyes is juxtaposed to this shot of the creatures eyes.

The monster is not yet revealed but by the look of its eyes and skin we can

see that it is reptile based. This links back to the title ‘ Jurassic’ and the idea

of a dinosaur might arise. These tow shots re-enforce the idea of the guard

an the dinosaur having something in common or sharing a quality. Both are

compared to one and other in several scenes.