121614031 kaltura guide for staff

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Kaltura Video Building Block for Blackboard at NUI Galway Overview The Kaltura Video Building Block for Blackboard allows staff to upload, publish, create clips from existing video content, and share video directly from within your Blackboard course. For the initial pilot, staff will be able to manage video within a Blackboard course, with complete control over the storage and permissions for video files. In a later pilot, students will also be able to upload video assignments, where video content will be approved by instructors before being added to a course gallery. Sections in this guide

1. The Course Gallery 2. Adding video content to the Course Gallery 3. Recording directly from your webcam 4. Managing your video content 5. The Course Media widget 6. My media 7. Uploading a video directly to a content area 8. Creating a video clip

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1. The Course Gallery The Course Gallery is a searchable and sortable display of all video content associated with a Blackboard course, and allows instructors to add new video content (upload or record from webcam). You can access the Course Gallery from the Course Tools area in the Control Panel:

By default, video is hidden to students in the Gallery, until the instructor decides to make it visible. This offers a high level of control to Blackboard instructors. If you decide to make an item public in the Gallery, students can see the video via a Course Media widget, which you can add to the course Home Page. (See section 5)

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2. Adding video content to the Course Gallery

To upload video to the Kaltura video platform from your desktop:

1. Go to the Course Gallery (see section 1)

2. Click on “Add Media”

3. The following upload screen should appear:

4. Click on “Browse” and locate the video file or files that you want to upload

5. Click on “Upload”

6. You will see a progress bar indicating that the video is being uploaded.

7. Once the upload is complete, click “Next”

8. You can now add tags and a description, which can be used when searching for a video in the Course Gallery

9. Click on “Next”

10. The video will now be processed, transcoded and optimised for use within Blackboard.

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The video will now appear within the Course Gallery. It may take a few more minutes for the video to process fully. You will see that the newly added video is marked as Hidden, until you decide that it should be available to students within the Course Media widget (see section 5).

Note: you must own the copyright or have the necessary rights for any video content you upload.

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3. Recording directly from your webcam

The Kaltura plug-in allows you to record directly from your webcam. This is useful if you want to elaborate on lecture materials, explain assessment tasks, or give class feedback, for example. To record a video directly from your webcam, first ensure that you have a webcam and microphone.

1. Go to the Course Gallery (see section 1)

2. Click on “Add Media”

3. The following upload screen should appear:

4. Click on “Webcam” in the side menu. You may be asked, the first time, to select your webcam from a drop-down list.

5. You should see a message appearing, asking your permission for Kaltura to access your camera and microphone. Click “Allow”.

6. You will now see a view from your webcam, seeing what is being recorded. When you are ready to begin, click “Record”. When you are finished, click “Stop”.

7. Now click “Next”

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8. You can now add a title, tags and a description, which can be used when searching for a video in the Course Gallery

9. Click on “Next”

10. The video will now be processed, transcoded and optimised for use within Blackboard.

The video will now appear within the Course Gallery. It may take a few more minutes for the video to process fully. You will see that the newly added video is marked as Hidden, until you decide that it should be available to students within the Course Media widget (see section 5).

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4. Managing your video content

You can manage all the video in your course from within the Course Gallery. To change settings for a particular video, click on the thumbnail in the list of videos. This will open the video in the main window, allowing you to play the video and to edit the settings.

Underneath the main video window are the controls to edit video settings.

To change the title, description or tags, just click on the associated [Edit] button, make your changes, and click OK. You can also remove the video from the Course Gallery, though still having it available in My Media (see section 6), or you can delete the video completely, if you are the owner of the video. To make the video visible to students in the course gallery, tick the box to Make this Item Public in Gallery. You can hide it again by un-ticking the box.

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When a video is public, there are further options available.

Feature means that the video will be featured in the Course Media widget on the Home Page of the course (see section 5). Display Embed Code will allow students to copy the embed code of the video and paste them elsewhere, for example on a blog or on a public website. Finally, you can create a clip from the video, if you are the owner of the video. For further details see section 8.

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5. The Course Media widget You can add a Course Media widget to the Home Page of your course, to display video to students. Only video which has been made Public and Featured in the Course Gallery will be visible in the Course Media Widget To add the Course Media widget to your Blackboard Course:

1. On the Home Page of your course, turn “Edit” on.

2. Click on “Add Widget”

3. Find the “Course Media” widget in the list, and click on “Add”

4. Click “OK”

A Course Media box should now appear on the Home Page.

The Course Media box will contain any video that you have chosen to Feature within the course. By clicking on “More...” the user (instructor or student) can access the Course Gallery directly. Students will not see videos that are Hidden in the Course Gallery.

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6. My Media The My Media area is accessed from any Course Gallery. My Media contains the collection of all video that you have added to Blackboard, in any of your courses. My Media also allows you to upload video content and edit it before assigning it to a particular course. To access My Media, go to any Course Gallery and click on the My Media link in the text:

This will open up an area which looks very like a Course Gallery, but lists all of your video content.

You can upload new video content, by clicking on “Add Media”, without assigning it to a particular course. The title, description and tags for each video can be edited as before. You can also create a clip or delete the video completely. Additional options for each video are also available, as follows.

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Appears in: tells you the list of courses with which this video is already associated. To assign it to an additional course, click on “Add to Gallery”. A drop-down list will appear allowing you to select another of your Blackboard courses. To remove a video from a course, click on the red [X] that appears beside the course name. By ticking the Clipping box, you are allowing other course members to create clips from your video.

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7. Uploading a video directly to a content area Videos can also be uploaded or inserted from the Course Gallery directly into a content area within your Blackboard Course. This is used when you want to place a video in context with other teaching resources such as lecture notes, readings, etc. To add a video to a content area:

1. In a content area within your Blackboard course, turn “Edit” on.

2. Go to “Add Interactive Tool” and select “Kaltura Media”

3. The Add Media Content screen will open:

4. Enter the Name of the content item and then click “Add Media” under section 2.

5. The Video Upload screen will appear, allowing you to upload a video (see section 2), record from webcam (see section 3) or select from videos you have already uploaded and that are contained within My Media. Hint: Just click “Search” to find all your video content already uploaded.

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6. Once you have uploaded or selected the video to be added, you will be returned to the Add Media Content Screen

7. The video will appear as a thumbnail in the Text box and you can add text to describe it in the context of the content item

8. Under section 3 (Options) it is recommended that you add the video to the Course Gallery.

9. Finally, you can make the item visible in the content area, track the number of views and select date and time restrictions, as with other Blackboard content items.

10. Click Submit to finish.

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8. Creating a video clip From a Course Gallery or from My Media it is possible to create a clip from a video. Clipping creates a new, shorter video from an existing video, by topping and tailing. It can be used to remove redundant pieces at the beginning and end, or to highlight a short piece from a longer video. Clicking on the “Create Clip” button will open the clipping tool.

Set the new start and end points of the video clip by moving the two ends to the desired points, as indicated above. You can play the video and watch the red bar to identify the exact points. Use the “Preview” button to preview the clip. Edit the Title to give the new, clipped video a meaningful name. It will inherit the tags from the original video. When you are finished, click “Save”. A new video is created and appears in My Media. It will be treated as any other standalone video and can be assigned to Blackboard courses.