13203177 pss7

Post on 25-May-2015

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  • 1. 13023177 CHUNG WING HIN 13200798 YUEN HEI YIN 13205196 KAIAROONSUTH CHONTICHA Online Shopping Thursday, October 10, 2013

2. Work Division Task Member Project Content / Background Survey & Data Processing Multimedia PowerPoint Styling Data 3. Presentation Flow Introduction Detail Survey Result + Analysis More information Conclusion 4. RFID RFID = Radio Frequency Identification Electronic labeling and wireless identification of objects using radio frequency Tag carries with its information a serial number Model number Color or any other imaginable data When these tags pass through a field generated by a compatible reader, they transmit this information back to the reader, thereby identifying the object 5. RFID components A basic RFID system consists of these components: A programmable RFID tag/inlay for storing item data; Consisting of an RFID chip for data storage an antenna to facilitate communication with the RFID chip A reader/antenna system to interrogate the RFID inlay Application software and a host computer system 6. RFID Tag The RFID tag consists of an integrated circuit (IC) embedded in a thin film medium. Information stored in the memory of the RFID chip is transmitted by the antenna circuit embedded in the RFID inlay via radio frequencies, to an RFID reader 3 types Passive Semi-passive Active 7. Types of RFID Tags Active Tags Use a battery communicate over distances of several meters Semi-passive Tags Contain built-in batteries to power the chips circuitry, resist interference and circumvent a lack of power from the reader signal due to long distance. They are different from active tags in that they only transmit data at the time a response is received Passive Tags Derive their power from the field generated by the reader without having an active transmitter to transfer the information stored 8. Applications Frequency Appx. Read Range Data Speed Cost of Tags Application Low Frequency (125kHz)