13th july (monday) ,2015 daily global rice e newsletter by riceplus magazine

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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July 13 , 2015 Vol 5 ,Issue VII

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The Union of Small and Medium Enterprises (UNISAME) urged federal commerce minister

Engineer Khurram Dastagir to ensure the trade policy is well aligned and comprehensive to

include and promote barter trade, currency swaps, border trade and measures to curb increasing

transaction cost.President UNISAME Zulfikar Thaver invited the attention of the federal minister

to the proposals submitted by UNISAME through the Small and Medium Enterprises

Development Authority (SMEDA) and reminded him of the importance of the ministry's best

consideration for the proposals from the majority sector.

Thaver pointed out that the ministry of commerce ( MINCOM) cannot afford to ignore the barter

trade in view of the changing global practices and the crisis being faced by the commodities

market. Many industries of rice, wheat, maize,spices, food processing and cotton ginning have

closed down due to the global commodities crisis. MINCOM also needs to facilitate third

country trading whereby Pakistani entrepreneurs could secure orders of goods manufactured by

other countries and sell them to their customers in another country. The entrepreneurs need the

facility of switching the bill of lading and opening back to back letter of credit. There is no

gateway facility for e-Commerce and the opening of merchant account and its maintenance is

very high in Pakistan as only very few banks are offering this facility in Pakistan.

Secondly the MINCOM needs to work hard on the currency swap agreements with the

neighbouring friendly countries to promote handsome trade.Thirdly the MINCOM needs to

facilitate the border trade to puncture the benefits of smuggling.Fourthly the transaction cost has

become unaffordable due to the advising, discounting and negotiation charges of banks and

documentation charges of shipping companies. Even the courier charges are beyond

comprehension.Fifthly the role of the Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TDAP) and the Trading

Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) must be revisited and reinforced on modern lines. The TDAP

needs to set up the SME export house with complete infrastructure to promote the export of

wares of the sector.

UNISAME had earlier recommended to MINCOM to make doing business easy and implement

the one window operation in letter and spirit. Needless to say the overseas Pakistanis and foreign

investors are looking forward to incentives and tax exemptions for innovative and import

substitution industries besides agro based industries.Now that the law and order situation has

improved and the government is endeavouring to improve the energy supplies with alternate

energy especially the solar programme, the investors are inclined to invest in Pakistan to set up

industries and effort must be made to facilitate them.

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Farmers threaten to launch protest drive

Kisan Ittehad wants TCP to procure cotton, rice.—Online/File

LAHORE: Pakistan Kisan Ittehad has threatened to “storm Lahore, hold a big protest rally and

stage a sit-in in front of the Punjab Assembly,” if the government does not reign in cost of

production or announce support price of cotton and rice.Talking to newsmen on Saturday, its

President Khalid Khokhar demanded that the Trading Corporation of Pakistan (TCP) procure

both the crops at officially declared price and it must purchase at least four to five million bales

of cotton and around one million ton rice.

Khokhar insisted that the ever-increasing cost of production had destroyed economy of farmers,

pushing millions more below the poverty line. “The farmers of cotton, rice and cane, on average,

are losing around Rs75,000 per acre every year because of gap between cost of production and

price of sale,” he claimed.He said: “The cotton production costs farmers around Rs3,235 per

maund, whereas it fetches only Rs2,200 per 40 kilo. Similarly, the gap between investment and

income in case of paddy is around Rs700 per maund. The cane is sold at Rs180 per maund

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against its cost of production of Rs202 per 40-kg. The cumulative loss of these crops turned out

to be Rs74,800 if calculated at yield of 26 maunds for cotton, 35 maunds for rice and 750

maunds for cane. Even these yield figures are higher than national average, and only better

farmers touch them. Even this higher figure does not reduce the quantum of loss.”


Kisan Ittehad wants TCP to procure cotton, rice


Because of these high losses, the farmers are left with no option but to either press the

government for action or resort to protest, he said, adding: “The government can still retrieve the

situation by abolishing general sales tax on inputs and straightaway bring the cost of production

down by 17pc.”Secondly, Khokhar said, the government should design the subsidy package in a

way that the entire farming community benefits from them, instead of a selected few. Thirdly, for

immediate relief to farmers, it must induct TCP into procurement of cotton and rice so that

market sentiment could be stabilised on the higher side. Unless, the government takes these steps

to save farmers and farming in the country, the growers would be pressed hard for agitation.

The situation is turning dire for the farming community, as shown by the figures above. For how

long the government expects farmers to lose money on farming, he wondered.One should not

forget that all three crops are so-called cash crops, which are supposed to sustain life for farmers

and also enable them to invest in food crop. With cash crops turning into a loss-making effort,

the food crops are bound to suffer and generate bigger social crisis in the country by threatening

food security, he said.The farmers leader warned the PML-N that if growers continue losing

money on every crop, it should get ready for different results of the local bodies elections, which

it plans to hold this September.

The farmers have been taking to the streets regularly. It is time for the government to come up

with a rescue package for farmers. Otherwise, the farmers are determined to take out even bigger

protest rallies after Eid, he warned.Published in Dawn, July 12th,


NFA-XI appeals for calm on fake rice reports

July 13, 2015 PIA 11-Joey Sem G. Dalumpines

DAVAO CITY, July 13 (PIA) Authorities in the grains sector appealed to the public that there is

no cause for alarm on reports about fake rice.Dianne Silva, regional manager of the National

Food Authority said there is no need to panic since nothing is still conclusive on the laboratory

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checks on rice complained to be fake.“So far only the rice complained about as fake showed a

contaminant while other samples showed negative result,” she said.

Silva said a special investigation task force formed by the police to look into the problem failed

to see questionable rice in the market.She said even the Chinese rice retailers denied selling fake

rice in the market citing that fake rice is more expensive to produce than the natural rice.Silva

said eight laboratory tests were performed by the Food Development Center of the NFA national

office on two batches of suspected fake rice samples from the complainant.

“Since samples were cooked, there was no difference b letween the suspected fake rice and the

NFA rice based on microscopic analysis. In terms of appearance, the fake rice is more chalky

white while the NFA rice is creamy white. Both samples were positive for starch based on

iodine test,” she said.Silva said based on the test for contaminants, the NFA rice had none while

the complained rice contained dibutel thalate, a chemical used for binding plastic packaging.She

said investigators are looking into the food handling which might have contaminated the rice

complained as being fake.Pablo Gonzales Jr., president of the Grains Retailers Confederation in

Davao Region urged rice retailers to report questionable rice to authorities.

He questioned the motive of spreading the rumor about the fake amid the abundance in the

supply of rice in the region given its low price.I urge retailers to sell only your own stocks to the

market,” Gonzales said. (PIA 11-Joey Sem G. Dalumpines)

: http://news.pia.gov.ph/article/view/2381436754140/nfa-xi-appeals-for-calm-on-fake-rice-


Japan, U.S. resume working-level TPP talks

July 09, 2015

Jiji PressTOKYO (Jiji Press) — Japanese and U.S. government officials resumed their talks

related to Trans-Pacific Partnership multilateral free trade negotiations in Tokyo on Thursday,

seeking breakthroughs on differences over “sensitive” rice and auto parts trade.Tokyo and

Washington will hold the working-level talks through Friday, ahead of the upcoming ministerial

meeting of the 12 TPP-negotiating countries.The 12 countries, including Japan and the United

States, aim to reach a broad agreement at the four-day ministerial meeting in Hawaii from July


A focal point of the resumed Japan-U.S. talks is whether the two major economies can find

common ground on the issues of Japan’s import quota for U.S. rice and U.S. tariff abolition for

Japanese auto parts, sources familiar with the situation said.Hiroshi Oe, Japan’s acting chief TPP

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negotiator, is taking charge of negotiations on agricultural trade and Takeo Mori, economic

diplomacy ambassador, on auto parts trade.

The U.S. team is headed by Acting Deputy U.S. Trade Representative Wendy Cutler.Oe told

reporters Thursday morning that he wants to help the TPP ministers strike a deal by successfully

concluding the working-level talks with the United States.Japan has proposed to set up a special

quota for importing U.S. rice for direct human consumption instead of keeping tariffs on the

staple food for Japanese people, but the two sides have yet to agree on the quota’s size.Tokyo

aims to limit U.S. rice imports to 50,000 tons a year, but Washington demands a larger amount,

the sources said.In the auto parts field, the two countries have been at odds over the scope and

speed of tariff elimination by the United States.

Pool photo/The Yomiuri Shimbun

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Hiroshi Oe, Japan’s acting chief TPP negotiator, right, shakes hands with U.S. Acting Deputy

Trade Representative Wendy Cutler at the Foreign Affairs Ministry in Tokyo on Thursday



Rice traders call for rotten rice auction


THE NATION July 13, 2015 1:00 am

RICE traders have urged the government to rush to hold an auction for 1.29 million tonnes of

rotten rice from its stockpiles while demand in the market is high during the drought."Instead of

opening bidding for biogas or ethanol production, rotten rice could be produced as feedmeal. The

government should urgently release its rice in the meantime to clear out stocks," a rice trading

source said last week.The government should allow general bidders, not just bidders for biogas

or ethanol production, as many industries also want rotten rice.

If the government opens bidding to general traders, it should get a better price than by selling to

just biogas or ethanol producers.Rotten rice or Grade C rice should be trading at Bt4-Bt5 a

kilogram. If the government only sold the rice for biogas production, the price could be

bargained down to only Bt1-Bt2 a kilo.The government should not be overly concerned that rice

traders will mix rotten rice with rice for consumption, since they are also worried about their

rice's quality and would not risk destroying their brand and company image, the source

added.Manut Kijprasert, president of the Thai Rice Mill Association, said the drought has driven

up demand for rice, so it is a good time for the government to accelerate the release of rice.The

price has kept on going up during the past month since the drought hit, he said.According to the

association, as of Friday, white paddy rice was quoted at Bt8,200 a tonne and jasmine rice (Thai

Hom Mali rice) at Bt13,000-Bt15,000 a tonne.

The export price of 5-per-cent white rice has climbed to $390 a tonne from $381 a tonne in one

week, and of Thai Hom Mali rice from $1,037 a tonne to $1,046 a tonne

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Drought and China’s rice deal send paddy price up by

1,000 baht/tonne BY EDITORON 2015-07-13THAILAND

Drought and China’s rice deal send paddy price up by 1,000 baht/tonne

BANGKOK: — Drought and rice export commitment with China have driven the price of

paddy by about 1,000 baht per tonne, said Mr Manas Kitprasert, president of Thai Rice

Millers Association, on Monday.

He explained that drought has damaged many rice farmland and was expected to substantially

cut main-crop paddy production. The cutback in production plus the commitment to deliver one

million tonnes of milled rice to China under government-to-government deals have driven up the

price of paddy to an average of 1,000 baht per tonne. Latest paddy prices in the rice market are

as follows: 8,200-8,700 baht per tonne for white rice with 15 percent humidity compared to

about 7,000 baht/tonne about three weeks ago; 12,500 baht per tonne of 5% white rice compared

to 11,000-11,500 baht/tonne; 13,000-15,000 baht per tonne of Hom Mali; 13,000 baht/tonne of

Hom Pathum rice.Export (FOB) prices are as follows: US$1,046 per tonne of Hom Mali rice; 5%

white rice, US$390 per tonne; 100% parboiled rice, US$399.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/drought-and-chinas-rice-deal-send-paddy-price-up-by-1000-bahttonne

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India's rice exports may drop by 20% in 2016: FAO

By PTI | 13 Jul, 2015, 07.58PM IST By PTI | 13 Jul, 2015, 07.58PM IST

India, the world's biggest rice producer after

China, is estimated to export about 10 million

tonnes of rice this year, same at last year's

level, as per the industry data.NEW DELHI:

India's rice exports may decline by 20 per cent

in 2016 due to tight supplies and growing

domestic demand, according to the UN body

FAO. India, the world's biggest rice producer

after China, is estimated to export about 10

million tonnes of rice this year, same at last

year's level, as per the industry data.

"All exporters are expected to step up their rice deliveries in 2016, except India, where a

tightening of supplies and growing domestic requirements are foreseen to result in a 20 per cent

contraction in rice shipment," Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said in its latest report

on world crop prospects. Lower exports in India are expected to be offset by increased exports

from Thailand and Vietnam. India is expected to harvest 103.5 million tonnes of rice in 2015, it

said. Global rice output is estimated to be lower at 499.3 million tonnes this year, while world

trade in rice in 2016 is pegged at 42.1 million tonnes, it added. FAO also said that global rice

prices have been on decline for last ten months and much of the fall has been witnessed in

aromatic rice.

Rice prices have softened in India, Vietnam, Thailand as well as in the America. For instance,

the export price of Thai rice fell to $385 per tonne in June from $419 per tonne in the year-ago

period, it added. According to the FAO, world crop prospects look positive this year despite

continuing apprehensions over El Nino. But those global price trends and favourable prospects

for world cereal production mask localised hotspots of food insecurity, the report also cautioned.

"Some 34 countries worldwide, including 28 in Africa -- many hosting large numbers of refugees

-- are in need of external assistance for food," it said.



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18% growth in rice trading volume

Tehran, July 11, IRNA - During the week ending up to 9th July, while Iran Mercantile

Exchange was the host for trading of 267 KT of various commodities worth more than 148

million USD in spot market, the rice group experienced 18% growth in volume of

trading.According to the report from IME international affairs and PR, during this week

in agricultural trading floor, 5,780 MT of sugar, 100 MT of maize as well as 1,130 MT of

rice were traded.

Moreover, in Domestic and Export metals and minerals trading floor of IME, 55 KT of products

worth more than 46 million USD were traded. In this trading floor, 48 KT of steel sections, 4,530

MT of copper, 100 MT of Molybdenum Concentrate, 1,520 MT of Aluminums as well as 200

MT of coke were traded by customers.Also, in Domestic and Export oil and petrochemical

trading floor of IME, 206 KT of different commodities with the total value of 96 million USD

were sold. Also, 74 KT of bitumen, 28 KT of polymer products, 78 KT of VB, 8 KT of lube-cut,

15 KT of chemical products, 740 MT of insulation, 2,560 MT of sulfur and 40 MT of argon were

traded in this trading floor.


Rain damages 30k kilos rice in FCI godowns (AIREA - All

India Rice Exporters Association)

Posted, 2015-07-13

(Source: AIREA - All India Rice Exporters Association) BARASAT: A huge quantity of rice stored

in FCI (Food Corporation of India) godowns in North 24-Parganas Bongaon was damaged after water

entered the godowns following heavy rainfall on...



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Monsoon depression brings rain to East, N-W India



Thursday’s low-pressure area over Gangetic West Bengal flared up to become a rare land-based

depression and was located above north Chhattisgarh and adjoining Jharkhand on Friday

evening.It helped drive the monsoon to a peak over east India and parts of northwest India. It

also breathed fresh life into the offshore trough along Kerala and Karnataka, bringing rain there

as well.

Interactive rain India Met Department said that the depression might weaken by Saturday, but the US Climate

Prediction Centre stated that it would continue to produce rain over east and adjoining northwest

for a few days more.There is also the possibility of interaction of the system with an incoming

western disturbance, which was parked over north Pakistan and adjoining Jammu and Kashmir

on Friday.Already south-westerly flows from the Arabian Sea and easterlies from the Bay of

Bengal are running into each other over the eastern flanks of northwest India, along the hills and

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plains.Very heavy rain has been reported from Jammu & Kasmhir, Himachal Pradesh, east

Madhya Pradesh, Gangetic West Bengal, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh and coastal Karnataka

overnight on Friday morning.

Even more forecast The Met has forecast very to heavy rainfall for the next four days across north-east India, east

India and adjoining north-west India and along the west coast.This would come about under the

overall influence of west Pacific typhoon Chan-hom bracing to home in over east China as also

twin-typhoon Nangka, which is still raging in the open west Pacific Ocean.The European Centre

for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts depicts how Nangka would take over from Chan-hom and

pull monsoon flows across the Arabian Sea, the Bay of Bengal and South China Sea.



Rain damages 30k kilos rice in FCI godowns

AIREA - All India Rice Exporters Association

13/07/2015 | News release

BARASAT: A huge quantity of rice stored in FCI (Food Corporation of India) godowns in North

24-Parganas Bongaon was damaged after water entered the godowns following heavy rainfall on

Thursday night. The district officials came to know about it only after an inspection on

Saturday.According to sources, nearly 300 quintals (30,000 kgs) rice worth rupees several lakhs

were completely damaged. "The damaged rice, kept in 600 sacks, could not be distributed among

the ration dealers. The sacks, which are still intact, will be sent back to the dealers. We have

discussed the matter with the state food minister," a senior district official said, adding that the

godowns are being emptied on an emergency basis.State food minister Jyotipriya Mallick,

though, said that "the damaged rice can be used as cattle food". He also asked his officials to

immediately clear the water from the godowns.

On Sunday, five fire engines were pressed into service to drain the water out of the godowns .

Locals have blamed the callousness of the administration for the loss."Officials are aware of the

situation. This is a regular phenomenon in Bongaon in monsoon. Besides, areas surrounded by

rivers like Ichamati, Raimangal and Vidyadhari are also flooded. There is no drainage system in

the areas that house the godowns . Officials know about this but still stock rice in these

godowns," said Sukumar Mondal, a resident of Bongaon. Locals also apprehended that the

damage can trigger a crisis of rice in the ration shops. In 1970, four godowns were set up by the

state food department in the Bongaon station area for storing rice. Thursday's rain damaged rice

in two of the godowns.

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The food minister also visited the godowns on Saturday. But, he was in a damage-control mode

on Sunday. "The damaged rice will be sent back to traders from whom it was purchased. The

traders can sell it as cattle food," Mallick said.The minister also blamed the Left Front

government for poor condition of the FCI godowns. "These were built during the Left regime

without any planning. During the construction of the godowns, no drainage system was

developed," he alleged.

Source : http://bit.ly/1CzqhvH



Iraq launches a tender to provide it with 30 thousand tons of


The Iraqi Ministry of Trade announced on Sunday launching a tender for processing 30,000 tons

of rice to cover the requirements of the ration card from American - Uruguay - Argentine and

Indian origins according to the specifications approved by the General Company for Grain


The ministry said in a statement that offers will continue till 21 of this month on condition that

the presentations to be accompanied by an initial insurances BIDBOND by a guaranteed bank or

a certified check for the General Company for Grain Trade in the Ministry as well as other

documents.The statement called those wishing to participate in the tender to review contracts

department in the ministry to buy the requirements and specifications in exchange of paying of

five hundred thousand dinars for each tender to be non-refundable to submit bids not later than

twelve o'clock at noon of Wednesday on the 15th of current month.



Venezuela will stop buying Guyana rice amid escalating

border dispute

Venezuela has decided to stop buying much of Guyana's rice crop amid an escalating border

dispute between the two neighboring countries, the Guyanese finance minister said. The

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administration of president Nicolas Maduro has in the past four years purchased about 40% of

Guyana's rice production, about 200,000 tons, paying for it with oil that amounts to about half of

Guyana's daily supply needs.

Finance Minister Winston Jordan said Venezuelan officials

informed him during a visit to Caracas that they will be

acquiring rice from other suppliers, including Suriname, by the

end of the year.“It will be a significant blow to us,” said Peter

DeGroot, president of the Rice Millers Association.The

exchange of rice for oil was done under the Petrocaribe

program, a Venezuelan initiative that provides fuel at

generous financial terms to Caribbean and Central American countries. Guyana remains a

member of Petrocaribe and will continue to buy oil from Venezuela, Jordan said.Jordan said

Venezuela did not disclose the reason for its decision, but the long-running border dispute has

been heating up following the recent disclosure of a major oil discovery off Guyana in waters

that Venezuela also claims. President Maduro last week announced he was recalling his

ambassador in Guyana for consultations and would review relations between the countries.

Venezuela has long refused to recognize a boundary drawn in 1899

and it claims about two-thirds of Guyana's territory as its own.

Venezuela published a new map in May that expanded its maritime

territory to essentially leave

Guyana landlocked.Guyana

Prime Minister Moses

Nagamootoo said the

timing of the rice

announcement made it at least appear that it is connected

to the border fight.“It will have to be considered whether

Venezuela's position of the non-renewal of the

Petrocaribe barter agreement is indeed an act of economic

sanction against Guyana,” he said in a statement.

President David Granger told Parliament that Guyana does not have the military capacity to

challenge Venezuela and his government would seek an international judicial settlement over the

border issue.“Guyana has never used aggression against any state,” said Granger, a retired army

general. “In as much as we are a peace loving state we will not allow our territorial integrity to

be violated and threatened.”

Images|: Finance minister Jordan said Venezuelan officials informed him that they will be

acquiring rice from other suppliers, including Suriname, by the end of the year.

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Guyana Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo said the timing of the rice announcement made it at

least appear that it is connected to the border fight.

President Granger said Guyana does not have the military capacity to challenge Venezuela and

his government would seek an international judicial settlement



Cost to grow rice falls 30% spurred by free trade pact

PrintPrint EmailEmail BookmarkBookmark SaveSave to my profile Comments3 Comments - last on

Jul 13 at 1:56 PM

Santo Domingo.- The cost to grow rice has fallen by 30% on

half of local production in the last three years, as the result of

a process that will ensure the sector's competitiveness when

the tariff of CAFTA free trade pact is lifted. Agriculture

Bank (Bagricola) administrator Carlos Segura said that when

producer was using 20 pounds of seed per 630 per square

meter on average, now uses only six pounds, by eliminating

tillage, soil leveling and by planting in bulk, “considerably

reducing production costs.”He stressed the improved equipment used to prepare soil throughout

the production process, saving 27 pesos per sack of rice.

He said Bagricola finances, promotes and develops rice production with loans to the subsector.

“In recent years this institution formalized RD$976.8 million in loans to rice farmers, or 58.5%

compared with those targeting other agricultural items, and the funding allowed to cover a

surface of more than 72,000 hectares of the grain.”



APEDA India News

International Benchmark Price Price on: 10-07-2015

Product Benchmark Indicators Name Price

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1 Turkish No. 2 whole pitted, CIF UK (USD/t) 5975

2 Turkish No. 4 whole pitted, CIF UK (USD/t) 5375

3 Turkish size 8, CIF UK (USD/t) 4375


1 Australian 5 Crown, CIF UK (USD/t) 2966

2 South African Orange River, CIF UK (USD/t) 2600

3 Turkish No 9 standard, FOB Izmir (USD/t) 2250

White Sugar

1 CZCE White Sugar Futures (USD/t) 825

2 Kenya Mumias white sugar, EXW (USD/t) 690

3 Pakistani refined sugar, EXW Akbari Mandi (USD/t) 624

Source:agra-net For more info

Market Watch Commodity-wise, Market-wise Daily Price on 11-07-2015

Domestic Prices Unit Price : Rs per Qty

Product Market Center Variety Min Price Max Price


1 Amreli (Gujarat) Other 1125 2300

2 Theni (Tamil Nadu) Other 2650 3300

3 Kalyan (Maharashtra) Other 1600 1800


1 Dehgam (Gujarat) Other 1150 1250

2 Dhing (Assam) Other 1350 1450

3 Theni (Tamil Nadu) Other 1380 1480


1 Bonai (Orissa) Other 2000 3000

2 Zira (Punjab) Other 2300 2700

3 Manjeri (Kerala) Other 3300 3500


1 Surat (Gujarat) Other 1000 3000

2 Gumla (Jharkhand) Other 2000 2200

3 Manjeri (Kerala) Other 1100 1400

Source:agra-net For more info

Egg Rs per 100 No

Price on 11-07-2015

Product Market Center Price

1 Pune 330

2 Chittoor 343

3 Nagapur 285

Source: e2necc.com

Other International Prices Unit Price : US$ per package

Price on 10-07-2015

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Product Market Center Origin Variety Low High

Onions Dry Package: 50 lb sacks

1 Atlanta Mexico Yellow 23 24

2 Baltimore California Yellow 26 26

3 Detroit Texas Yellow 21 22

Cauliflower Package: cartons film wrapped

1 Atlanta California White 19 19.75

2 Baltimore Mexico White 15 15

3 Detroit Michigan White 13 15

Grapes Package: 18 lb containers bagged

1 Atlanta Mexico Red Globe 23.50 24.75

2 Baltimore Mexico Red Globe 22 24

3 Miami Mexico Red Globe 26 27


U.S. Rice Advertising in Ghana Takes Off


Amidst an influx of cheap food

imports from Asia and other origins,

the USA Rice-led Global Based

Initiative (GBI) here began a rollout

of large format billboards and radio

spot advertising in three major cities

to raise awareness and create demand

for participating U.S. food products:

rice, poultry, and peanuts.

The billboard and radio campaign, planned over a six-month period in Accra, Kumasi, and

Takoradi, complements other ongoing activities among artisanal foodservice providers within the

major economic hub known as the "Golden Triangle".The family bond is extremely important to

Ghanaian consumers, and the GBI's generic billboard messages play on this and create a linkage

between family and the strong attributes of U.S. food products: healthy, nutritious, and delicious.

The radio component of the campaign follows the creative concepts of the billboards, further

leveraging industry messaging. The ads are in English and Twi, (the most dominant local

language spoken by 78% of the population).Billboard and radio are the strongest channels for

awareness creation and demand stimulation in Ghana because road transport accounts for more

than ninety percent of commuting within cities, and FM radio is pervasive in Ghana.

Contact: Eszter Somogyi 011-49-40-4503-8667

www.riceplusmagazine.blogspot.com www.ricepluss.com

18 For Advertisment in Newsletter & Blog Advertisment Contact: mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com

USA Rice Federation

Crop Progress: 2015 Crop 30 Percent Headed

WASHINGTON, DC -- Thirty percent of the nation's 2015 rice acreage is headed, according to today's U.S.

Department of Agriculture's Crop Progress Report.

Rice Headed, Selected States

Week Ending

State July 12,


July 5,


July 12,





Arkansas 13 14 18 15

California 8 16 17 2

Louisiana 70 66 75 63

Mississippi 24 25 32 31

Missouri 11 12 22 5

Texas 46 43 54 52

Six States 23 25 30 22

CME Group/Closing Rough Rice Futures

CME Group (Preliminary): Closing Rough Rice Futures for July 13

Month Price Net Change

July 2015 $10.705 - $0.150

September 2015 $10.935 - $0.150

November 2015 $11.210 - $0.145

January 2016 $11.475 - $0.145

March 2016 $11.635 - $0.145

May 2016 $11.815 - $0.135

July 2016 $11.815 - $0.135

www.riceplusmagazine.blogspot.com www.ricepluss.com

19 For Advertisment in Newsletter & Blog Advertisment Contact: mujahid.riceplus@gmail.com

USA Rice Federation

Rice annual exports to fall short of target

13 Jul 2015 at 12:31 WRITER: REUTERS

The Thai rice export association lowered its annual target from 10 million to 9.5 million tonnes

on Monday, due to a slowdown in the global economy and fears that drought in Thailand could

slash output for the year.Chukiat Opaswong, honorary president of the Thai Rice Exporters

Association, said Thailand would face a tougher export market due to a global slowdown in trade

and fluctuating exchange rates.He added that concerns over the drought on Thailand's rice

production have boosted export prices and could drive buyers to Thailand's competitors.

The wet or monsoon season is under way, but Thailand is contending with drought conditions in

six out of 67 provinces, according to the National Disaster Warning Centre, and water rationing

is taking place in almost a third of the country.Farmers in Thailand, the world's second-biggest

exporter of the grain after India, are growing increasingly desperate and in some provinces are

fighting over precious water.Mr Chukiat said Thailand exported 4.3 million tonnes of rice as of

June 20.

"In the first half of the year we thought we could export 4.5 million tonnes but by June 20 we

were at 4.3 million tonnes," Mr Chukiat told Reuters."We are still waiting for the full first half

figures but our target for the year was 10 million tonnes and if you take several factors into

consideration we expect it to be lower," he said.As a result of the drought, the Thai government

has lowered its forecast for this year's main rice crop by more than 2 million tonnes, according to

a report this month by the Office of Agricultural Economics.That has driven up demand on

domestic markets, enabling the government to sell 1.15 million tonnes at its latest tender, a

bigger volume than in other recent offerings.Buying has picked up from African countries who

fear prices will go up soon because of drought and lower output, said one Bangkok-based

trader."The African market remains an important market for Thailand especially rice and

parboiled rice," said Mr Chukiat.
