14th amendment

Post on 15-Jan-2015

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Supreme Court cases dealing with the 14th amendment


How has the 14th Amendment been interpreted?

Life Before the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments

State of North Carolina v. Mann

Mann is a slave owner in the South who is accused of assaulting his slave

His lawyer argues that the North Carolina Constitution protects property, so as property slaves can be beaten or killed

The case UPHOLDS the Supremacy of the N.C. Constitution by protecting a person’s right to own property

14th Amendment is passed

All people born in the United States are citizens

All citizens have equal protection under the law

Plessy v. Ferguson

Plessy is a light skinned black man (1/8 black)

He was told that he can ride on the train in the white car because all seats on the colored train car were full

People complained on the white car, and he lost his seat

Supreme court ruled that segregation is allowed

The “separate but equal” doctrine is established.

Separate facilities are legal as long as they are equal

Korematsu v. United States (1944)

Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor to damage U.S. Naval fleet

U.S. government fears people of Japanese descent

U.S. government sends all Japanese Americans to internment camps

Harry Truman integrates the U.S. Military

Black units such as the Tuskegee Airman and the 555th Infantry Unit were very successful in WWII

After World War II, President Truman states blacks and whites will serve in the same military unit

Oliver Brown v. Board of Education

Thurgood Marshall a lawyer for the NAACP is asked to sue on behalf of Oliver Brown who wants his daughter to attend the white school by his home

The case overturns the Plessy decision

Schools are integratedSupreme Court decides

that “separate facilities are inherently unequal”

President Eisenhower issues executive order integrated Central High SchoolArkansas, Louisiana,

Georgia, and South Carolina refuse to integrate their schools

President Eisenhower sends 1000 soldiers from the 101st Abn Division to integrate ONE high school

This shows that the federal government is SUPREME to the states

Civil Rights Act of 1964

A public place cannot discriminate based on race, gender, religion, or nationality

Heart of Atlanta Hotel vs United States

The hotel is a private business that wants to choose to its customers

The hotel only wishes to allow white guests at their hotel

The US Supreme Court says it is public and must serve everyone regardless of race

24th amendment is passed

Forbids poll taxesCannot charge a

person a fee to vote

Swann v. Charlotte Mecklenburg

Requires students to be bused from their neighborhood school to other areas of town to integrate schools

Title IX- Equal Opportunity in Education Act

School programs must be open to all students and cannot discriminate based on gender

All sports and scholarships must be equally distributed between boys and girls

Can a boy play volleyball?Can a girl play football?

Regents of California v Bakke

A white guy wants to attend medical school

He is denied admission The school sets aside a certain

amount of slots for minority students

Bakke feels that this is unfair. He is more qualified.

The Supreme Court agrees and states that race can only be one factor considered and that qualifications must be given highest priority

Americans with Disabilities Act

People who are physically or mentally challenged must be given same opportunities as those who are not

Wheel chair accessBrailleHearing impaired on
