14th Conference on Algebraic Hyperstructures and ...(a) School of Mathematics, Statistics and...

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14th Conference on Algebraic Hyperstructures and


Iasi, June 22-24, 2020

Abstract Book


An Introduction on Topological Krasner Hypervector Spaces


1School of Mathematics,Statistics and Computer Sciences, University of

Tehran,Tehran,Iran, rameri@ut.ac.ir

2,3Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics,Payame Noor University,

Tehran, Iran,m.hamidi@pnu.ac.ir,alisamadifam@gmail.com


Let F be a Krasner hyperfield and V be a hypervector spaces over F , in the sense

of Krasner. In this paper we introduce and study topological hypervector spaces. In

particular, we consider a classes of hypervector spaces such that each its open subsets

is a complete part. Also, we investigate quotient topological hypervector space

induced by a sub-hyperspace of a topological hypervector space over hyperfield and

obtain some basic properties of these spaces.

“Some results on graphs associated to a hypergroupoid”

R. Ameri(a), Z. Nazemashoora(b)

(a) School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science, Collage of Sciences, University of


P.O. Box 14155-6455, Tehran, Iran. rameri@ut.ac.ir (b) Department of Mathematics, Payamnour University

P.O. Box 19395-3697, Tehran, Iran. Nazem@phd.pnu.ac.ir


In this paper, we introduce a graph associated to (hypergroupoid) hypergroup.

Precisely, let (H, ◦) be a hypergroup, we associated to H a graph ΓH = (H, E),

where x is adjacent to y if x and y belongs to a finite hyperproducts in H. In this

regard we investigate the relationship between graph properties of ΓH and algebraic

properties of H.


Soft set theory and hypercompositional algebras


Center for Information Technology and Applied Mathematics,

University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia



Some applications of soft set theory and fuzzy soft set theory (as a generalization of the soft set

theory) in decision making problem were investigated by Maji et al. in [1].

The aim of this manuscript is to apply the concept of (fuzzy) soft set theory in some

hypercompositional structure and specially hyper BCK-algebra. Some notations related to our

hyperstructure are introduced and some examples are provided

An overview of hyper logical algebras

R. A. Borzooei, M. Aaly Kologani

Department of Mathematics, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran

borzooei@sbu.ac.ir, mona4011@gmail.com


Hyper logical algebras were first studied in 2000 by Borzooei et al. They applied the

concept of hyperstructures to one of the logical algebraic structures known as the BCK-

algebra, and intro- duced two generalizations of them called the hyper BCK-algebra and

hyper K-algebra. Then many researchers in this field continued their research and used

hyperstructures on other logical algebras and introduced the concepts of hyper residuated

lattices, hyper BL-algebras, hyper MV-algebras, hyper EQ-algebra, hyper BE-algebras,

hyper equality algebras, hyper hoops and etc. Moreover, they defined some new notions

such as different kinds of hyper ideals, hyper filters and hyper congruence relations on

these structures and studied some properties, the relation among them and the quotient


Now, in this talk, we will review the definitions of all those hyper logical algebras and

investigate relations among them. Then, we will study the filter and ideal theory on these

hyperstructures and introduce the related quotient structures that are made by them.


"Defend yourself from Cybersecurity attacks with

Multi Factor Authentication"

Domenico Chillemi

IBM z Security Executive IT Specialist, Italy, nicochillemi@it.ibm.com


In a very globalized era like the current one we are often required to use

information technology to do a lot of personal activities, like working with our bank

account, booking services through internet, and many others, where we are requested

to provide a user and a password! You understand that this mechanism is subject to

possible frauds and intrusion detection, where hackers can steal your credentials and

considerably damage you!

This short session will show some risks that you might have and how it is often

possible to protect your identity much more strongly through a multi factor

authentication mechanism. You will also see a very quick and nice demo about

accessing a system using this innovative methodology!



Piergiulio Corsini University of Udine, Italy



One gives the most important definitions: Hypergroupoid, Semihypergroup, Hypergroup, Join Space,Chinese Hypergroupoid,Fuzzy Set. One does a brief Hystory, from the beginning (Marty, Dresher and Ore, Prenowitz, Krasner), to the last fifty years (for instance Corsini, Fotea, Cristea), and of the places in Europe, Asia, America, Australia, where hyperstructures flourished. Finally one illustrates some new topics of Applications of hyperstuctures to Fuzzy Sets (some results by Corsini)


"Some open problems in Hypercompositional Algebra"

Irina Cristea

University of Nova Gorica, Slovenia

irina.cristea@ung.si irinacri@yahoo.co.uk


In this note I will focus on some topics in Hypercompositional Algebra that I have studied in

the last two years, in collaboration with colleagues from Czech Republic, Slovenia,

Montenegro, and Iran. They are related to: dependence relations, fuzzy reducibility, m-

idempotent hyperrings, breakable and factorizable semihypergroups, curves on Krasner

hyperrings, the support of a hypermodule. After a brief presentation of each of the above

mentioned topics, I will state some open problems related to them, both from a theoretical and

practical point of view.

Twenty Five Years With Algebraic Hyperstructures

Bijan Davvaz

Department of Mathematics,

Yazd,University, Yazd,Iran


Dedicated to Professors Piergiulio Corsini and Thomas Vougiouklis


I am working in algebraic hyperstructures from 1995. During the last twenty five years, I

studied and developed the theory of algebraic hyperstructures in many direc- tions. In

particular, I tried to find real examples of hyperstructures in nature. The following is a list of

subjects that I worked till the present time

(1) Fundamental relations on hyperstructures, specially Hv-structures.

(2) Fuzzy sets and hyperstructures.

(3) Rough sets and hyperstructures.

(4) Topology and hyperstructures.


(5) Number theory and hyperstructures.

(6) Γ-hyperstructures.

(7) Ordered hyperstructures.

(8) n-ary hypergroups and there extension to hyperrings and hypermodules.

(9) Combinatorial aspects of hyperstructures.

(10) Graph and hypergraph connected to hyperstructures.

(11) Development of polygroup theory.

(12) Hyperlattices.

(13) Hyperdynamical systems.

(14) Soft sets and hyperstructures.

(15) Applications of hyperstructures in physics, chemistry and biology.

(16) Meet plus hyperalgebra.

In this paper, we shall review some items of the above subjects

New Type Of Neutrosophic topological Group

Riad K. Al-Hamido

Department of Mathematics, College of Science, Al-Furat University, Deir-ez-

Zor, Syria. riad-hamido1983@hotmail.com


Neutrosophic topological groups are neutrosophic groups in algebraic sense together with

neutrosophic continuous group operations. In this article, we presented new type of

neutrosophic topological groups with illustrative examples. Finally, Some basic properties of

neutrosophic groups are investigated.




1 Department of Mathematics, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran.


2 Department of Mathematics, Vali-e-Asr University of Rafsanjan, Rafsanjan, Iran.



We have studied a characterization of HX-groups in torsion groups. The notion of HX-

polygroup has been defined for the class of polygroups and proposed some conditions that char-

acterize an HX-polygroup as a polygroup of cosets. Moreover a characterization of HX-

polygroups which are double coset algebra according to Dresher and Ore’s definition is



In this paper, we study the concept of projectivity and injectivity in the categories of

Krasner (m, n)- hypermodules over a Krasner (m, n)-hyperring to generalize the projective

and injective modules over a ring. As the main result, we introduce the concepts of normal

Bearian injectivity and Bearian injectivity as the versions of Bear's critesion in the

categories of Krasner (m, n)-hypermodules.

Finally we find the relation between fundamental functor and normal injective Krasner (m,

n)- hypermodules.


Fixing a Krasner hyperring R, one of the most important and well-behaved class of

Cyclicity in some classes of Hv-groups Paraskevi A. Kamporoudi

Panagathou 44B, Alexandroupolis, 68131, Greece, pkamporoudi@gmail.com

Thomas Vougiouklis

Democritus University of Thrace

Neapoli 14-6, Xanthi 67100, Greece, tvougiou@eled.duth.gr


The study of cyclicity in hyperstructures was started very early, almost from the beginning of

the introduction of a hypergroup by F. Marty in 1934. New concepts appeared in

hyperstructures the main of which are the period of a generator and the single power cyclicity.

These terms have no meaning in the classical structures as groups. We study the cyclicity in

special large classes of Hv-groups.


Milica Kankaras

University of Montenegro, Podgorica



This paper is an overview of the concept of reducibility introduced first by James Jantosciak

for hypergroups, noticing that the elements can play interchangeable roles with respect to the

hyperoperation. The concept has been studied later by Cristea for hypergroups associated


with binary and n-ary relations. In 2019, Cristea and Kankaras investigated the fuzzy

reducibility in hypergroups, extended to the fuzzy case the fundamental relations introduced

by Jantosciak, that are at the basis of the definition of reducibility. The fuzzy reducibility is

considered for the specific types of hypergroups, as complete hypergroups, i.p.s. hypergroups

and non-complete 1-hypergroups, with respect to the grade fuzzy set, defined by Corsini for

studying the fuzzy grades of hypergroups. New results have been recently obtained by

Kankaras and they are related to reducibility and fuzzy reducibility of Corsini hypergroups

and productional hypergroups

On strong-inverse elements Theodora Kaplani

Fotada, 42100 Trikala, Greece, dorakikaplani@gmail.com

Thomas Vougiouklis

Democritus University of Thrace

Neapoli 14-6, Xanthi 67100, Greece, tvougiou@eled.duth.gr


Hyperstructures have applications in mathematics and in other sciences. For this, the largest

class of the hyperstructures, the Hv-structures, is used. They satisfy the weak axioms where the

non-empty intersection replaces equality. The fundamental relations connect, by quotients, the

Hv-structures with the classical ones. Since the number of Hv-structures defined on the same set

is very big, it is important to study special elements. A lot of those special elements are not

appeared in the classical theory therefore, one has to discover their properties from the

beginning. We continuous our study on Hv-structures which have the so called strong inverse


The second minimum/maximum value of the number of cyclic subgroups of

finite p-groups

Mihai-Silviu Lazorec

University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, Romania,



Let C(G) be the poset of cyclic subgroups of a finite group G and let P be the class of p-groups

of order 𝑝𝑛 (n≥ 3). Consider the function α:P → (0, 1] given by α(G)=|C(G)|/|G|. Our aim is

to determine the second minimum value of α, as well as the corresponding minimum points.

Further, since the problem of finding the second maximum value of α was completely solved

for p=2, we focus on the case of odd primes and we outline a result in this regard.


“Hyperstructures on bar of V&V in pieces” Pipina Nikolaidou

Democritus University of Thrace,

Orestiada, 68200, Greece pnikolai@eled.duth.gr


An application of hyperstructure theory on social science is presented. In social sciences when

questionnaires are used, there is a new tool, the bar instead of Likert scale. The bar has been

suggested by Vougiouklis & Vougiouklis in 2008, who have proposed the replacement of Likert

scales, usually used in questionnaires, with bar. This new tool, gives the opportunity to

researchers to elaborate the questionnaires in different ways, depending on the filled

questionnaires and of course on the problem. We study these filled questionnaires using

hyperstructure theory. Moreover, the filled questionnaire procedure has been improved using

computers. The hyperstructure theory is being related with questionnaires and we study the

obtained hyperstructures which are used as an organized device of the problem and we focus

on special problems.



Sanja Jančić Rašović 1

, Irina Cristea 2

, Jelena Dakić 3


Faculty of Science and Mathematicis,University of Montenegro, Podgorica,

Montenegro, sanja.rasovic@ucg.ac.me, jelena.d@ucg.ac.me

2 Centre for Systems and Information Tecnologies, University of Nova Gorica,

Slovenia, irinacri@yahoo.co.uk


In this note themain properties of three classes of hypernear-rings are summarized. The first

part of this paper contains the main results about the hypernear-rings with a defect of

distributivity. The second part is devoted to the class of division hypernear-rings . The third

part contains our results about the general hypernear-rings associated with a hypergroup.


“The class equation in reversible regular hypergroup theory”

Andromeda Sonea and Violeta Fotea

University Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iaşi, Romania,

soneaandromeda@yahoo.com, foteavioleta@gmail.com


We analyze the center and the centralizer of an element in reversible regular hypergroups,

using the complete parts. All these notions are useful to obtain the class equation in this

theory. Also, we establish the form of the class equation for complete hypergroups, i.e. hypergroups for which C(xoy)=xoy for all x,y from H, where C(xoy) represents the complete closure of xoy.

Hyperoperations defined on sets of S-Helix Matrices Souzana Vougiouklis

17 Oikonomou str, Exarheia, Athens 10683, Greece, elsouvou@gmail.com


A hyperproduct on non-square ordinary matrices can be defined by using the, so called, helix-

hyperoperation. Therefore, the helix-hyperoperation (abbreviated hope) is based on a classical

operation and was introduced in order to overcome the non-existing cases. We study the helix-

hyperstructures on the special type of matrices, the S-helix matrices, used in on the small

dimension representations. In this paper, we introduce and focus our study on the class of S-

helix matrices called k-overlap helix matrices. The reason is that their hyper-vector spaces can

represent n-dimensional spaces which have independent both, single valued dimensions and

multivalued dimensions.

From rings to minimal Hv-fields Thomas Vougiouklis

Emeritus Professor

Democritus University of Thrace

Neapoli 14-6, Xanthi 67100, Greece, tvougiou@eled.duth.gr


The class of Hv-structures is the largest class of hyperstructures defined on the same set. For

this reason, they have applications in mathematics and in other sciences, which range from

biology, hadronic physics, leptons, linguistics, sociology, to mention but a few. They satisfy

the weak axioms where the non-empty intersection replaces equality. The fundamental

relations connect, by quotients, the Hv-structures with the classical ones. In order to specify

the appropriate hyperstructure as a model for an application which fulfill a number of


properties, the researcher can start from the basic ones. Thus, the researcher must know the

minimal hyperstructures. Hv-numbers are elements of Hv-field, and they are used in

representation theory. In this presentation we focus on minimal Hv-fields derived from rings.

Hyperstructures in mobile robot path


J. Vyroubalova 1 and M. Novak2


In mobile robotics, path reconstruction is an essential part of the process of robot localization

and mapping. In our presentation we briefly describe already known robotic approach to path

reconstruction, where the key part of this method we investigated from mathematical point of

view and discover the involvement of algebraic hyperstructure in it.

“Some Categorical Aspects of Algebraic hyperstructures”

Reza Ameri

School of Mathematics, Statistic and Computer Science, College of Science,

University of Tehran, P.O. Box 14155-6455, Tehran, Iran

"Some Results on hyperideals of a general hyperring"

Hoda Mohamadi
