15 reasons to join the Startup Leadership Program

Post on 13-Jan-2015

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15 Reasons to Join

1. You are not alone

You go through the program as a small but high-quality class. You make friends for life with people with the same passion.

2. We evaluate you, not your idea

We have a high bar to entry because we want only the best. Amazing people will do amazing things again and again. The quality of the people here is remarkable. Read their bios and you’ll understand what we mean.

3. The real network is our Fellows

When you get in, you will meet 500 equally amazing people like you in this Program – of whom 200 have already been through it. You'll find co-founders, business partners, experts, advisors and investors here. Yes… We even have Associate VCs in the Program.

4. We’re truly global: 12 chaptersUS (5) / Europe (1) / Asia (6)

You can talk to people, tap into investor networks and move cities, countries and continents. The education may be customized, but it’s all the same amazing Fellows everywhere.

5. We celebrate diversity

Gender. Educational background. Interests. Geography. You’ll be amazed at what insights you’ll gain from others who don’t do what you do. It helps you break the rules.

6. The soft stuff matters

Entrepreneurial leadership is not just about products and term sheets. We bring in impressive people to inspire you, give you lessons for life, teach you how to recognize your leadership skills, negotiate, motivate and sell. Execution matters. But so does the soft stuff.

7. The education is rigorous, cutting edge… and fun

We use cases from our own startups, simulations, gaming and excel models to teach you things that will be burnt into your brain. It is the most relevant, most cutting edge curriculum anywhere, since it is specific to your own company.

8. Strategy Day, Product Day, Customer Day, Investor Day

This unique hands-on time with many practitioners, specialists and Fellows will help you solve problems you face in your own organization.

9. You will completely understand the fundraising process

Our Founders and mentors include VCs. Angels, seed investors and venture capitalists are involved around us. VC Associates are in your class. You’ll learn from them in small, hands-on sessions and then pitch to our network around the world.

10. We give you specific feedback

From evaluating pitches to competitions to explaining why you made less money in a negotiation simulation, we give constructive feedback that will be actionable.

11. You will become more visible

We’ll tell everyone about your startup in meetings and through our website, blog, facebook and twitter.

12. Intranet brings a ton of resources

13. We’ll eat and drink… a lot

14. This is your home

The link never ends. It’s a home for life. And you can be who you are here.

15. It costs little

It costs very little to join. A one-time fee of $150 in China, $400 in the US, GBP 250 in the UK, and Rs 5,000 in India . The cost covers expenses. We’re building something great and doing it for the love of the game – not for the money. You’ll get an education that is worth thousands of dollars.

Meet our Fellows and see what they’re passionate about

Once you join, you’ll own the Program… run it, impact it, change it and continually make it better.