15 Tips to Get Traffic to Your Blog

Post on 30-Mar-2016

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Free 15 Tips to Get Traffic to Your Blog


1. Post articles at least 3 or 4 to your blog per week, but the best is post 1 article everyday. Search engines loves regular updates. You will get targeted traffic from search engines if you post regularly.

2. Submit your blog to Google’s Reader. Google will index your site faster (usually less than 24 hours).

3. Submit your RSS To RSS directories to increase your blog traffic and backlinks.

4. After posting articles use Ping sites such as pingomatic.com or pingoat.com. However, do not too much pinging or your site will be banned.

5. Submit your blog to trusted directories such as Dmoz. It is very good for your SERP. You can find thousands of free directories that you can submit your blog.

6. Submit your new blog to the main search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, AltaVista.


7. Get more backlinks and traffic from RSS feed. Submit your RSS feed to RSS directories like feedagg.com, etc.

8. The easiest way to get blog traffic and for SEO is to comment on other blogs. But you must post quality comment or your comments will be marked as spam.

9. Don’t forget to use track backs. It will increases your link popularity.

10. Submit your new posts to social bookmarking websites such as Reddit, Digg, Technorati. It will boost your traffic and increase your SERP.

11. Join on forums that have same niche with your blog and find problems to solve. Leave your blog link on your post on that forum or create signature on your profile.

12. Create articles and submit to article directories with a link to your blog. It will give you free targeted traffic and also high quality one way backlinks to your blog. Submit your articles to article directories like ezinearticles.com, articlesbase.com, etc.

13. Find a relevant group on Google groups, Yahoo groups, MSN groups or any other group services and find like minded people and talk with them and use your blog URL like it is your name. You can get blog traffic that is very targeted.

14. Add a link to your blog in your e-mail signature block.

15. Communicate with your blog visitors. If they leave a comment reply to it and help them.

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