1515 david toohey syncrophi systems ltd nhc 2015

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Syncrophi Systems Ltd

Safety, Quality and Productivity in Hospital Patient Care

Confidential www.syncrophi.com May ‘15


Worldwide push to invest in the eHospitalUS $30Bn on HITECH (EHR)

NHS England £600m investment in Ward systemsIreland HIQA advises €50m for eObservations


Why?Safety: US Senate says Healthcare is 3rd leading cause of death

Productivity:US needs 1,000,000 more nurses by 2022

Compliance:Care protocols more complex than ever before

Data Management:Must be Searchable, accessible, auditable, complete.

What’s happening right now?USA:Obamacare (HITECH Act) $28Bn for EHR +

NHS England: £500m ‘Safer Hospitals Safer Wards’£100m ‘Nursing Technology Fund’

- massively oversubscribed by the hospitals

- eObservation is the top priority in England

….and here at home?HIQA published a HTA in March ‘15

“The use of IT for Early Warning and Clinical Handover Systems”

Findings: Potential to save 800,000 bed-days per annumPotential to improve efficiency of processesPotential to enhance patient safetyBut: “minimal current investment” in these systems

Syncrophi’s KEWS product family:

• Designed and manufactured in Galway (under ISO13485 QMS)• Fully approved for sale to hospitals throughout the EU• CE-marked Class IIb medical device• Software complies with Med Device S/W Standard (EN62304)• HL-7 compliant for ease of integration with HIS, PAS etc• Wireless ambulatory vital-sign monitoring• Offers three options:

1) Continuous wireless vital-sign monitoring for patients-of-concern2) Continuous monitoring integrated with Early Warning Systems3) Electronic Early Warning Systems

Our solutionsKEWS100 ‘wireless vital-sign monitoring’offers a safer option for ‘patients-of-concern’(Heartrate, Respiration, Blood Pressure, Oximetry, Location)

KEWS200 ‘paperless, wireless eObs and monitoring’80% time-saving, 80% fewer chances of human error,and benefit of continuous Early Warning Score

KEWS300 ‘paperless, wireless eObservations’ faster, more accurate, archived, auditable hardware-agnostic

User experience

Galway Clinic (certified HIMSS EMRAM Level 6)

Using KEWS100 wireless monitors 24/7 in post-op since late 2013

Just completed a 3-week ‘paperless NEWS’ trial with our KEWS200 system

Fully integrated within their MediTech HIS


41 Px discharged last week. 100% complete records in HIS.

Major time saving for Senior Ward Sister - all patients status at-a-glance- ease of rostering and ward management

Exceptionally high engagement by nursing staff - timeliness, completeness, accuracy of NEWS- interpretation, intervention and escalation

26 Clinical Consultants already using the system - patient rounds, remote assessment, clin override.

“With KEWS integrating into our Electronic Medical Record, the track and trigger of NEWS informs our clinicians in decisions to improve patient outcomes and reduce errors"Jackie Kirrane, Clinical Informatics Leader

“Introducing the KEWS system on Freyer Unit has increased awareness of the NEWS, resulting in timely interventions, therefore providing safer patient care” Niamh Laffey, Senior Ward Sister

KEWS300 eObservations

• Certified CE-marked Software• Swipe and Drag’n’Drop User Interface • Nurse-Patient Group • Consultant Override • Fully configured wireless roll-stand option • Multiple client formats• Can use existing native hardware • Touchscreen Screen-cleaning feature • HL7 compliant • Scalable from a single ward to the entire hospital

KEWS200 Total Ward Care

Additional benefits:

• Accurate Patient Location • Continuous Vital-sign Monitoring option• Continuous, real-time EWS estimate• 80% less time to do a NEWS record • Eliminates 82% of opportunities for human



In the context of the eHealth strategy, the trend towards the eHospital and the recommendations in the HIQA HTA:

The KEWS product family is fully approved and available to Irish hospitals right now…..with the potential to deliver real benefits inSafety, Productivity, Compliance and Data Mgt.