16 Simple Daily Actions To Create Happiness Today

Post on 01-Jul-2015

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Happiness is the cumulative effect of all the little choices you make every day. It rises from the simple actions you take. It’s not the elusive giant in the distance. How can you experience more awesomeness and cultivate more happiness right now? Try these 16 simple actions today (yes, they’re so easy you can do these all today).


16 Simple Actions That Will Create Happiness Today

Happiness rises from the small actions you take


It’s not some elusive giant in the distance.

Try these 16 actions today to cultivate more

happiness in your life.

#1 Set a Theme For The Day Setting an intentional theme allows you to be more creative about how your day goes.

#2 Compliment Someone It’ll brighten their day and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

You’re awesome

#3 Compliment Yourself Where does your attention go when you look in the mirror? Today, pick one thing that you LIKE and tell yourself. How You


#4 Laugh It’s easy to get caught up in super serious mode. Crack up and you’ll feel lighter and brighter.

#5 Write A Love Note To A Friend Buy a physical card or 10 and go to town. The gesture of appreciation is instantly mood boosting.

#6 Cook Yourself A Healthy Meal And Yummy. Take time for yourself, get creative, nourish your hot bod, and enjoy.

#7 Take Care Of Something On Your “Later” List How satisfying is this? YOU KNOW.

#8 Do Something New Studies show that even small acts of change reduce negative emotions and increase positive ones.

#9 Buy Yourself Flowers You determine the vibe of your space and how it makes you feel. Fill it with things that make you happy.

#10 Wash Your Dishes Your mind will be relieved of the task and you can bask in the glory of shiny dishes.

#11 Go Outside Stop and smell the roses. Go for a walk. Breathe fresh air. Even five minutes will do wonders.

#12 Treat Yo’ Self You deserve it. Treating yourself will make you feel supported and taken care of.

#13 Say “Thank You” The more gratitude you experience on a regular basis, the happier you’ll feel.

#14 Take A Deep Breath Take on the physical attributes of being calm and happy, your mind will follow.

#15 Drink 8 Glasses of Water Our bodies run optimally when hydrated. The better our bodies feel, the better we feel overall.

#16 End The Day By Thinking About What Went Well

Save tomorrow’s to-dos for tomorrow. Sweet dreams!

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