161103 Bleu Cobalt - Esprit Startup -vUK

Post on 24-Jan-2018

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Strategic Vision

Strategy Execution

Strategic Agiliy

Esprit Startup©

I N N O V A T I O N & P E R F O R M A N C E C A T A L Y S T

Your next innovation is already in your employees head !




ESPRIT STARTUP© by Bleu Cobalt “ImplementstartupagilityinyourcorporateDNA.”

Ideation Incubation Execution Business Model Design

Lean Startup + Agile

Service Design Thinking

Strategy Execution

Pitch & Mobilization


ESPRIT STARTUP© Design Thinking Sessions Value Proposition

•  Unleash your employees creativity potential •  Solve cross-functional issues with innovative solutions •  Acquire new skills through Action-Learning involvement •  Maximize your team’s collective intelligence

Esprit Startup’s DNA components

•  Strategic Vision Design •  Experiment, Fail Early, Learn Fast, Pivot & Adapt Approach •  Gamestorming •  Service Design Thinking •  Co-Design tools & techniques •  Visual thinking & graphic facilitation •  Ideation Powerdeck© : card decks to stimulate creativity •  Lego Serious Play Interaction modeling •  Eye-Opener “Did-you know ?” expertise feedback sequence

Participants Journey

Outputs & Benefits

•  Actionable ideas with strategy execution intent •  Startup mindset combined with new ways of working •  Pre-assessment of resources needs, workload & planning •  Embedded change management & mobilization •  Strong ROI with maximized usage of everybody’s time •  Lasting collaborative innovation dynamics



Project Canvas to secure implementation

ESPRIT STARTUP© Design Thinking Tools Action Learning Powerdecks© to secure new skills

Visual Thinking to understand & evangelize

Strategy Canvas to define your ambition

Lego Serious Play Modeling to explain

Innovation Pitch Canvas to sell your ideas



Our role ? Be your Innovation & Performance Catalyst


They trust us What our clients…




… tell about us :




Bernard Lebelle Founding Partner

Employee Founder

§  Consulting in strategy vision & execution

§  Esprit Startup & Workgroup Session Designer

§  Managing performance & transformation

§  Pitch : “The Steve Jobs” way to convince the audience

§  Facilitation & project acceleration

Consultant, Speaker & Author

20 years of work experience in international environment

Jury for Scientipôle Initiatives startup seeding program

5 best-selling books on professional efficiency skills

published by Editions Eyrolles.

Key competencies Professional background Edhec

Air France UK / Canada


Arthur Andersen

Deloitte BLEU



Books published by Editions Eyrolles

Speaker activity & Publications 15% of our time is spent on R&D activities. Creating new methodologies, writing books & speaking at conference & events.

Webinars & Conferences Facilitation

& Project Com 2.0 Data-

Visualizuation The Art of

Presentation Collaborative

Innovation & Digital Creativity

The Art of Pitching

Les Echos / LinkedIn


Want to catch the next wave ? Let’s meet !

Mobile : bernard.lebelle@bleu-cobalt.fr @blebelle

Bernard Lebelle Founder & Chief Innovation Officer

Bleu Cobalt 106 rue Charles Maréchal

78300 Poissy France
